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Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Lower zinc levels tied to higher risk of death from COVID-19

You may remember an email that went viral at the beginning of the pandemic that was supposedly written by a pathologist. In it, he suggested zinc lozenges could effectively block the coronavirus. Looking at what researchers found months later in those infected by COVID-19, kiss any skepticism goodbye.

Joyce Hollman

Mood got you down? Get your fiber up

Dietary fiber binds with cholesterol, lowers blood sugar and speeds the removal of toxic waste from your body. It can also help you say goodbye to that funky blue mood.

Joyce Hollman

Why sleep apnea can set you up for a severe COVID-19 infection

Sleep apnea is a progressive condition that causes a person to stop breathing during sleep, often multiple times a night. It’s linked to hypertension, stroke and heart failure. Now, researchers believe sleep apnea increases vulnerability for a serious COVID-19 infection partly because of how it affects blood oxygen levels…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Living with muscle pain? Look at what you’re eating

You pull yourself out of bed in the morning and your back aches. You head into the kitchen to get breakfast and notice that your neck and shoulders are tense and your hamstrings tight and painful. Every movement hurts. And you think, “Today, I’ve got to stretch.” But you may be surprised to learn that what you’re eating could be causing your muscle pain.

William Davis

Science looks to beetroot to fight root of diseases like Alzheimer’s and MS

When inflammation goes unchecked for too long, the nervous system becomes damaged and can lead to diseases like Alzheimer’s or multiple sclerosis. That’s just one example of why inflammation is often called the root of all disease. But researchers have found a peptide in the beetroot that could make all that a thing of the past…

Carolyn Gretton

How walnuts help curb the most destructive process in your body

Walnuts are known to have numerous health benefits, many of which involve the heart — I’ve lost count of how many I mention in this one post! And now, the largest and longest study to date exploring the benefits of walnuts has discovered how they can help protect you from one of the most destructive processes in the human body…


Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

How your immune system and inflammation can lead to heart attack

It’s been long understood that when you have a heart attack, it’s because somehow blood flow to your heart has become cut off, either due to a blockage or a narrowing of your coronary arteries. Blood clots can detach and float off to block those arteries. But finding immune cells are the mechanism behind those clots came as a surprise to researchers recently…

Carolyn Gretton

The cell in your body that may cause COVID-19 blood clotting

SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, attacks the body in a number of ways. One of the most insidious is the way it causes blood clots in the arteries, veins and microscopic blood vessels. Researchers are now pointing to a process in the body that could be causing these clots to form…

Joyce Hollman

Rheumatoid arthritis and cancer: a tangled web

Rheumatoid arthritis and cancer often go hand in hand, but they present conflicts in terms of treatment. RA drugs suppress the immune system, while cancer drugs work to make the immune response stronger. Some cancer drugs make RA worse, and some RA drugs may cause cancer. It’s a tangled web to maneuver to know what’s best for you.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Avoid stroke and heart attack by avoiding these foods

Each year, heart disease and stroke kill more people in the U.S. than all cancers, lower respiratory diseases and cases of influenza and pneumonia combined. But you don’t have to become a statistic. Thanks to a new study, there’s now an easy cheat sheet so that you can know what foods to avoid to keep your heart healthy.

Joyce Hollman

COVID-19 may predict a silent wave of Parkinson’s disease

What do Parkinson’s and COVID-19 have in common? Besides the loss of smell, researchers have made a connection between COVID and increased risk of developing Parkinson’s disease. It’s happened in a few patients already. Frightening, yes, but it may lead to effective treatment.

Joyce Hollman

9 ways to save your brain from disease-causing particles

Research has proven that small particles breathed in from polluted air are connected to Alzheimer’s. Now we’ve learned they can lead to Parkinson’s and motor neuron disease. This brain damage starts at an astoundingly early age because with every breath, aluminum, iron and titanium may build up in your brain…