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Liver Health

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Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Study finds 4 big benefits of intermittent fasting

Time-restricted eating is a type of intermittent fasting. It’s an eating plan where you restrict consuming your calories or food to a specific window of time each day. You might eat during an hour 8 hour period and fast for 16 (a chunk of that when you sleep). It’s not for everyone, but these four big health benefits might inspire you to give it a try…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

More proof coffee is a liver-protecting beverage

Few people need a healthy reason to drink coffee. After all, it’s hands down the most popular beverage worldwide. But studies have been piling up for years about how it can improve health. And it’s looking like, as far as the health of your liver goes, coffee has definite superpowers…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Hops compounds may fight fatty liver

While heavy drinking can lead to liver disease, a quarter of the people in the United States today have a dangerous liver condition that has nothing to do with alcohol. But there may be hope to defeating this condition from an unlikely source — hops.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

How cocoa lessens the risk of fatty liver

A fatty liver increases risk for liver damage, liver cancer, liver failure and even death. But there may be a surprisingly pleasant way to halt the progression of fatty liver and improve the health of this vital organ.

Carolyn Gretton

One ‘must-have’ for a healthy liver and healthy living

Poor diet and lack of activity can lead to a lot of health problems, including non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. The traditional way to treat fatty liver has been through significant weight loss. But researchers are finding that you may not need to lose as much weight to keep your liver healthy if you do this…

Joyce Hollman

Sneaky added sugars double your liver’s fat production

Trying to avoid fat in your diet isn’t easy. But avoiding hidden sugars is next to impossible. Here’s some incentive: A surprisingly small amount of sugar daily can cause your body to go into fat production overdrive and steer you into diabetes or fatty liver disease.


Joyce Hollman

The liver link to coronary artery disease

Your liver health is a big deal. But your heart health ends up in the spotlight more often. Considering the role the liver has been found to play in coronary artery disease, that maybe chanigng…

Carolyn Gretton

Curcumin: The spice that wards off liver damage

Curcumin, a compound found in the spice turmeric, is well-known as a powerful anti-inflammatory that’s shown promise in relieving several diseases, including cancers of the stomach, blood and lungs. As if these benefits weren’t enough, the spice may also help protect the health of another vital organ.

Joyce Hollman

Longevity gas: The smelly secret to living longer

People focus on avoiding gas. But inside the body, one gas in particular acts as a vital chemical messenger, one that we’re now finding can offer smelly protection against life-threatening illnesses and even boost longevity. But the wrong foods are cheating you of it.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

‘Banned’ chemical in everyday products fast-tracks fatty liver disease

In 2016, it was banned from soaps and body washes. But despite the evidence of the harm it does, the FDA has yet to force its removal from other types of household products. Not only can it absorb through your skin, it accelerates fatty liver disease. Here’s what you need to know…

Joyce Hollman

The supplement that guards against non-alcoholic fatty liver disease

Too few of us give our liver the credit and care it deserves. In 2018 there were nearly 3 million liver-related deaths. Roughly half were due to nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, the most common chronic liver disease, for which there is no treatment. That may be about to change, thanks to a simple amino acid. […]

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The Chinese proverb that’s helping researchers lower liver cancer

While we tend to hear a lot about cancer of the lungs, breasts and colon, liver cancer tends to be ignored — kept as kind of a dirty little secret. Yet, deaths from the cancer are skyrocketing. But there is good news. A brand-new study has found a simple way to keep your liver healthy and decrease your risk of liver cancer dramatically. And it has to do with how much you eat.