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Liver Health

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Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The Chinese proverb that’s helping researchers lower liver cancer

While we tend to hear a lot about cancer of the lungs, breasts and colon, liver cancer tends to be ignored — kept as kind of a dirty little secret. Yet, deaths from the cancer are skyrocketing. But there is good news. A brand-new study has found a simple way to keep your liver healthy and decrease your risk of liver cancer dramatically. And it has to do with how much you eat.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

What you should know about non-stick pans and their ‘best by’ date

The debate about whether non-stick pans are safe or not has been ongoing for two decades now. While manufacturers will tell us they pose no health risks, researchers have sounded warnings about serious toxins directly linked to disease. Here are several factors that could influence how much of those toxins are leaching from your pans to your food.

Joyce Hollman

How not to get breast cancer from your salad

In 1972, the United States banned the use of the pesticide DDT. But other endocrine-disrupting pesticides have taken its place and are still in use. Luckily, there are ways to protect yourself from exposure to these endocrine-disrupting chemicals that cause breast cancer.

Jenny Smiechowski

How to keep fructose from setting off a chain reaction that leads to liver disease

Eating a lot of sugar and refined grains is hard on your liver. But one type of sugar seems particularly harmful where your liver is concerned — fructose. It triggers a chain of events that leads to non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, which can then lead to liver damage, liver cancer or even liver failure.

Jenny Smiechowski

Why menopause may put you at risk for liver damage

There’s a common misconception that liver disease only threatens people who drink a lot of alcohol or take a lot of medications. But nonalcoholic fatty liver disease can strike anyone and lead to liver damage, liver cancer, liver failure and even death. Unfortunately, one group of women may be extra vulnerable to this dangerous liver disease…

Jenny Smiechowski

What can we do about the microplastics found growing in our fruits and vegetables?

In case you haven’t heard, microplastics are taking over the planet. Scientists are finding them in every nook and cranny of the earth. And it’s kind of scary since microplastics contain BPA, phthalates and other toxins proven to harm human health…


Jenny Smiechowski

Never take this over-the-counter pain killer if you’re deficient in selenium

You’ve probably taken Tylenol many times in your life. Most of us have… whether it was to relieve a headache, reduce fever or tame a toothache. But unfortunately, like many over-the-counter pain relievers, it comes with serious risks, especially if you’re low in this essential mineral.

Joyce Hollman

How to save a fatty liver before it’s too late

Left untreated, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease can progress to cirrhosis, liver failure and liver cancer. At this point, a liver transplant may be the only way to save a life. That’s why we’re so excited to learn about a new study on how to prevent this silent liver disease that’s attacking more than 100 million Americans.

Joyce Hollman

6 reasons you shouldn’t ignore swollen feet

Putting your feet up at the end of a long day comes naturally. But what if your feet, ankles and legs are swollen and painful? More than an annoyance, this could be a sign of a much more serious condition. Here are a few to check out…

Jenny Smiechowski

9 hand sanitizer brands that contain a life-threatening toxin

Most of us are using a lot of hand sanitizer these days… even if we don’t normally touch the stuff. And we should continue to do so whenever a sink and soap aren’t an option since keeping your hands clean is one of the most effective ways to avoid coronavirus. Just make sure the hand sanitizer you’re using doesn’t contain this incredibly toxic ingredient…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

Love your liver for a healthier heart

Have you ever heard about the heart-health liver link? Scientists have known for a while that poor liver health can lead to a diseased heart but weren’t sure exactly why. Now they know… and if you want to keep your heart pumping strong, you’ve got to love your liver…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The ‘hangover supplement’ with powerful liver protection

I like a glass a wine now and then, but I’m finding my body doesn’t tolerate it as well as it did in my younger days. Luckily, a study has found an herbal remedy may work like a natural hangover drug to not only significantly reduce acute alcohol-related symptoms but protect the liver.