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Jenny Smiechowski

What pain does to your brain

The causes of chronic pain are many. But regardless of what’s causing your pain, one thing is for certain, it not only makes you miserable and prevents you from living life, it’s setting you up for one of the most devastating age-related brain diseases around…

Beverly Burmeier

15+ nutrients or foods that stop pain

Nothing brings a person into a doctor’s office faster than pain. Sure, you can try over-the-counter pills, too. Problem is, you could easily have troubling side effects, even if the medication is effective. Rather than risk additional health issues, why not try…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

7 natural helpers to help you ‘go’

If you live with constipation, you already know the pain, bloating and straining. What you may not know is that constipation is a real danger to your health. The best way to overcome chronic constipation is to provide safe, natural support for your colon.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Best at-home physical therapy for your back pain

If you’re like a lot of people with chronic low back pain who would like an easier and possibly less expensive alternative to feeling better, you’re in luck. Recent research has shown that something you can do at home is just as effective for achieving relief as physical therapy.

Dr. Mark Wiley

4 simple neck stretches for tension release

Neck tension can creep up on you and if you’re really unlucky, can lead to headache and migraine pain when that tension makes it way up the base of your head. And most of the time you’re not even aware it’s happening until it hurts. Why?

Dr. Mark Wiley

14 posture hacks to ease aches and pains

Chronic pain can destroy your wellbeing. Even low-level aches and pains can derail your mood. Sometimes injury is to blame, but commonly it’s our own bad habits, starting with posture…


Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

#1 natural knee pain remedy

Anyone who has experienced knee pain knows it is far more than just a functional issue… but luckily there is one powerful protein that can provide significant relief from your knee pain and even strengthen the joint itself.

Dr. Mark Wiley

Avoid ‘heart attack in a bottle’

TV commercials tell you when things hurt to reach for a bottle of aspirin, ibuprofen or naproxen for relief. Yet there’s a constant stream of clinical studies indicating that could set you up for a big pain in the heart.

Dr. Michael Cutler

13+ natural ways to ease leg cramps

Leg cramps, no matter the cause, are painful, annoying and sleep-disturbing. You can decrease your chances of experiencing leg cramps by modifying physical activity, but if you find yourself writhing in “Charley horse agony” often, you might need to dig deeper…

Dr. Mark Wiley

The easy way to get rid of a pain in the neck

Many of us suffer from neck pain and there are many reasons why… Chronic pain often stems from stress and poor posture habits. Sudden pain, stiffness and strain means you may be overdoing it. Whatever the cause, these easy, painless movements can bring relief…

Dr. Mark Wiley

Cobra pose for low back relief

Low back pain is a common complaint. And with good reason: We spend too much of our time seated. Cobra pose is terrific for not only stretching the lower back, but for relieving tension and strengthening the back at the same time…

Debra Atkinson

You, yoga and avoiding shoulder injury

Many people assume yoga is all about relaxing and little about fitness. That may be why yoga injuries are on the rise. So it’s all the more important to get the basics down…