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Joyce Hollman

Thinking about injections for knee pain? Read this first

The pain of knee osteoarthritis affects more than 14 million Americans who often seek relief from their well-meaning doctors. But one remedy that’s proven quite lucrative for pharmaceuticals is proving nothing but ineffective and risky for patients…

Joyce Hollman

The best way to avoid knee pain says science

The pain of knee osteoarthritis can be excruciating, and the stiffness can really slow you down. For many people, the solution is a total knee replacement. But science is stacking up for a simple way to slow damage and reduce your pain risk by 40 percent…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

8 great supplements for calming rheumatoid arthritis

Living with RA can get a little easier when you use supplements to naturally reduce inflammation and swelling, relieve pain, improve your overall health and combat the side effects of those prescription drugs. Here are the great eight…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Don’t combine ibuprofen with these common hypertension drugs

If you take prescription blood pressure medication, you may know these drugs don’t come without risks, this time from a surprising source: If you’re used to popping ibuprofen for pain you need to know it’s a dangerous mix with certain classes of blood pressure drugs.

Joyce Hollman

Nerve pain: The latest symptom of long COVID

Following the pandemic, the effects of long COVID are slowly coming to light. Almost daily, new symptoms and conditions are revealing their strange connection to SARS-CoV-2. Not too surprising, the latest has also been linked to diabetes and the shingles virus…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The pain-relieving power of nostalgia

Opioids are proof that modern medicine has a long way to go in the battle against pain. Thank goodness there are natural ways to decrease pain levels, including the ones you can find down memory lane…


Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Common medications that make fighting any virus harder

Just because millions may take a specific type of medication daily, it doesn’t mean it’s risk-free. And what we’re learning in the aftermath of the pandemic has put some very common medications in the spotlight. It’s important information no matter what virus you may have to fight…

Joyce Hollman

Common painkillers can put you in the sodium ‘danger zone’

They plop. They fizz. And what a relief they bring. But the reason those fizzy pain relievers dissolve so well is the sodium they contain. Surely, it’s not that much, right? It’s enough to raise risks for stroke and heart attack even if you don’t have high blood pressure.

Jenny Smiechowski

Hurting? Swap your NSAID for this vitamin

Arthritis, menstrual cramps, fibromyalgia, back pain — you’ve probably dealt with one or more of these forms of chronic pain in your lifetime. And maybe you’re still trying to rein in your chronic pain… even after you’ve tried everything medicine has to offer…

Joyce Hollman

Chronic pain: How the Keto diet can help

A ketogenic diet is a diet that’s very low in carbohydrates. Most people go on a ketogenic diet to lose weight. But research has established other benefits of the diet, including the potential to relieve pain. The reason may surprise you…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

3 rules to overcome chronic pain from a Survivor champion

Chronic pain is a fact of life for over 20 percent of adults. And if you’re part of that one in five, you know just how much of an impact that pain can have on your ability to work, play and simply enjoy your life. But what if you could learn to “reframe your pain” to better manage it? Pain science says it works.

Carolyn Gretton

‘Altered metabolites’ could be causing your migraines

Researchers have identified a connection between a genetic link and altered metabolites that appears to increase susceptibility to migraine. Good news is, to correct these metabolites and hopefully cut down on the painful condition, they’re looking at diet and a particular supplement that’s already shown major promise…