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Jenny Smiechowski

The painful reason not to fill an opioid prescription from your dentist

There are obvious problems with prescribing opioids for tooth pain. The biggest being the potential for addiction and side effects. But beyond these problems with opioids in dentistry, there’s a very surprising one that proves it’s not worth any of these risks…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Proven relief for low back pain that doesn’t require a prescription

Low back pain is sadly all too common, something I saw first-hand in my chiropractic practice. If you haven’t experienced it yet, you may be surprised to learn that about 80 percent of adults in the United States will experience lower back pain at some point. So don’t wait to arm yourself with safe and effective ways to treat it…

Jenny Smiechowski

The real reason statins cause muscle pain

If you’ve never taken statins, you might be thinking, what’s the big deal about a little muscle pain? But if you’ve experienced it, you know statin-related muscle pain can get pretty serious… But the bigger question here is why the heck are statin drugs so hard on your muscles? Researchers may have finally figured out an answer…

Jenny Smiechowski

Are ‘swiss cheese bones’ behind your low back pain?

About 80 percent of people deal with low back pain, and most of the time, it’s not caused by a strain or injury. A new study from researchers at John Hopkins Medicine may have finally figured out what’s behind our aching backs…

Joyce Hollman

Two things that will help ease your back pain and sleep problems

This may seem obvious, but chronic back pain can wreak havoc on your ability to get a good night’s sleep. Many people turn to both pain medication and sleeping pills. But taking sleep and pain medications together can be a recipe for disaster. Boston Medical Center found two things that work…

Joyce Hollman

Seeking volunteers to control chronic pain

Chronic pain can bring depression and a feeling of hopelessness. It can even cause changes in your brain that can lead to cognitive decline. So the connection between pain and your brain go hand in hand. What if those pain centers of the brain could be deactivated? Would you volunteer to see how it works?


Joyce Hollman

5 amazing health secrets of olive leaf extract

The health promoting benefits don’t stop with the oil that comes from this tasty fruit of the olive tree. In fact, the leaf of the olive tree contains a wealth of powerful health agents that lower blood pressure, improve heart health, and even lower the risk of cancer.

Jenny Smiechowski

The DIY low-back pain therapy way to a better back in 6 weeks

It’s a moment most of us dread… You bend down to put on a sock, pick up a bar of soap, pet your dog, get into a yoga pose and — youch! — your lower back spasms. Suddenly, you can’t stand up straight. So, you’re out of commission for days, again! What can you do to find real relief from low back pain?

Joyce Hollman

A safer way to shut down your brain’s ‘pain network’

Living with chronic pain can turn your world upside down. I’ve been there. That’s why I’m excited about some hopeful news for anyone living with depression, pain, or both. Science has uncovered something that may offer a way out of pain and depression, without the risk of becoming addicted to the cure.

Jenny Smiechowski

Why cannabis is a better pain reliever than aspirin

Whatever you think about cannabis, there’s no denying it’s a promising pain reliever — especially in a world where our only options are OTC pain relievers that increase the odds of internal bleeding and insanely-addictive opioids. So why are more people popping aspirin or opioids than cannabis products for their pain?

Joyce Hollman

The best juice for pain relief, better sleep and sharper thinking

Nothing says summer to me like a handful of dark, sweet cherries. You just can’t get them any other time of year as good as they are in the summer months. But the cherries I’m going to tell you about are bright red, not dark purple. And they’re anything but sweet. But year-round they may be your best cure-all…

Dr. Michael Cutler

4 big ways NSAID pain relievers can hurt your body

You know nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs by the names Motrin, Advil, and Aleve, etc. These are typically the first choice to control inflammation and pain. They seem harmless enough. Why else would the FDA make them available over the counter? But there are a few safety concerns, including newer warnings…