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Dr. Mark Wiley

Three spices for natural pain relief

We tend to think more in terms of nutritional supplements for health than we do food, let alone the herbs and spices we use to flavor our favorite dishes. And we think even less of food as a pain reliever. Yet, some flavor profiles play a major role in pain relief. Here are the best…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The gene mutation that proves the pain isn’t ‘all in your head’

If you live with a chronic pain condition like fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis or TMJ, you know how difficult it can be to get relief. Worse, even, is getting your doctor to listen to you without thinking he believes the pain is all in your head. But researchers now have proof where this pain comes from…

Jenny Smiechowski

The painful post-cancer side effect no one talks about

Overcoming cancer is a major triumph. It’s like climbing Mount Everest or swimming across the Pacific Ocean. Nothing else you do in life will ever compare, because you faced death head on and beat it. But here’s the thing… Chronic pain is one of the most common but least talked about side effects of cancer.

Joyce Hollman

6 fragrant pain relievers and how to use them to feel better

If you’re someone who lives with pain, you’re probably always looking for effective ways to control it. But most pain medicines aren’t always safe. What if you could find something that would relieve your pain gently and safely, relax you and offer other health benefits at the same time?

Jenny Smiechowski

Is your back pain a sign of Ankylosing Spondylitis?

Everyone deals with back pain from time to time. Sometimes it’s caused by too much sitting, too much standing or too much lifting. But what if your back pain is ankylosing spondylitis, a condition you may have seen in headlines and wondered, “what is that?”

Jenny Smiechowski

How yoga relieves rheumatoid arthritis symptoms and boosts remission

When your joints are painful, swollen and inflamed from a rheumatoid arthritis attack the last thing you feel like doing is putting pressure on them. But as counterintuitive as it sounds, there’s one activity that when you have RA, could be your ticket to symptom relief and even remission…


Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Using a smartphone app for fewer migraines

A new study by researchers at NYU School of Medicine is offering new hope to migraine sufferers. And what’s really amazing is that it’s not a pill. It’s not a shot. It’s not anything you have to see your doctor for to get a prescription or even a referral. It’s just a simple app you can use on your smartphone.

Joyce Hollman

The drug-free pain therapy of the future is here

If you suffer from pain that won’t go away, you’ve probably tried everything to get relief. If only you could trick your body into not feeling the pain, right? Well, a new “brain hack” holds bright promise for being able to distract our brains so completely that pain isn’t even an issue…

Joyce Hollman

10 tips on the number one way to beat arthritis pain and stiffness

Arthritis is a leading cause of disability. If the joints of your fingers, hips, and knees become painful, stiff and inflamed, it can be hard just to get out of bed in the morning. And without a concerted effort to fight back against the pain, a person’s quality of life can go quickly downhill. But there are ways to fight back…

Joyce Hollman

How to heat things up to cool down pain with capsaicin

Capsaicin is a natural compound found in spicy peppers. It has no nutritional value on its own but is well known for its pain-killing power — and at least a handful of other proven benefits including reduced stroke and heart attack risk, lower cholesterol, and dousing chronic inflammation. Here’s how to put it to work…

Jenny Smiechowski

How to know if fibromyalgia is behind your fatigue and pain

Fibromyalgia has been one of the most difficult conditions to diagnose. Doctors could only guess based on symptoms and by ruling out other possible causes. But that may soon be coming to an end. Luckily, researchers just uncovered a simple way to diagnose fibromyalgia with more certainty…

Jenny Smiechowski

Treating this common eye condition might cure your migraines

Now, the exact cause of migraines is still a mystery. But all these eye-related symptoms make you wonder… Is the answer to migraines in the eye? It could be. In fact, a new study shows that migraines are closely connected to one eye condition in particular…