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Dr. Elizabeth Klodas MD, FACC

Can You Slow Down Alzheimer’s by Taking Care of Your Heart?

Alzheimer’s disease and heart disease are two of the most significant health challenges we face today — and top the list of conditions my patients want to avoid. But what if these two seemingly separate conditions were more connected than we ever thought?

Carolyn Gretton

The metabolism-busting secret in olives rivals those new weight-loss drugs

The race is on to find safe, inexpensive alternatives to weight loss drugs like Ozempic, Wegovy and Mounjaro, like this naturally derived compound that melts the weight and may work better than two medications commonly used to treat diabetes.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The Alzheimer’s-diabetes connection that may be hard to escape

There’s no doubt diabetes and Alzheimer’s are intertwined. That’s why some experts labeled Alzheimer’s as type 3 diabetes. Finally, the mechanism behind the connection has revealed why people with diabetes may have a harder time escaping the buildup of amyloid plaques…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

The one change that lowers BP and improves heart and kidney health

High blood pressure can do more than heart damage. It can weaken blood vessels, limit blood flow and dramatically reduce kidney function. This causes a fluid backup that can raise blood pressure even more. One change can fix that…

Joyce Hollman

When your urine test finds heavy metals and heart trouble

Scientists are drilling down into the serious heart threat heavy metals present to our health, and it’s not pretty. Nor is how easily we are exposed. If you have any doubt how ubiquitous these toxins are, just see what a urine test can reveal…

Carolyn Gretton

Glaucoma joins growing list of statin side effects

Statins are prescribed to millions of people to lower cholesterol. However, the drugs are not without downsides, including pain and heightened risks for diabetes and dementia. And now, there’s evidence they may lead to a sight-stealing condition…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The supplement that trumps a genetic risk for high cholesterol

Thanks to genetics, even diet and exercise may not lower high cholesterol. And since many people ditch medication, researchers seek alternatives. After a study with 400,000 people, they’ve hit on one that’s effective even when it starts with your genes.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The ‘youth protein’ that age-proofs your vision

As age goes up, the more likely we are to experience vision loss due to age-related changes in the retina, the light-sensitive tissue at the back of your eye. But what if it was possible to age-proof our eyes with the help of a protein that keeps them young in the same way collagen helps age-proof our joints?

Carolyn Gretton

Alcohol and longevity: Does it help or hurt your lifespan

Some studies show alcohol is great for your health, in moderation. Others point out some definite risks. But the anecdotal evidence linking red wine, the drink of centenarians, to a long healthy life is extensive. When the research was revisited, though, the conclusion was sobering.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

10 serious reasons to rethink lash extensions

Eyelash extensions are a popular, non-surgical way to improve on what Mother Nature didn’t give you or takes back when menopause nears. Just like hair, eyelashes thin, become brittle and lose their upward curve. But before heading to the salon, you need to weigh some serious risks…

Dr. Elizabeth Klodas MD, FACC

The not-so-sweet stroke danger of two popular sweeteners

Low-calorie or no-calorie substitutes are often recommended, especially for people with cardiometabolic diseases such as obesity and diabetes. But more evidence about an increasing stroke and heart attack risk may have experts singing a different tune…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The seed that takes out disease-causing cells

Traditional seeds are making a comeback as people turn to options like quinoa, amaranth, buckwheat and black cumin to avoid gluten, but benefits don’t end there. One such seed used in a medicinal Chinese liquor has been found to kickstart a process that helps rid disease-causing cells associated with Alzheimer’s and alcoholic liver disease…

Joyce Hollman

The vitamin that helps cancer-fighting bacteria thrive

Gut bacteria doesn’t just keep your gut healthy, it helps you avoid sickness and disease. One type in particular is showing great promise in not only shrinking cancerous tumors, but eradicating them. And a simple vitamin can help it thrive in your gut…

Carolyn Gretton

Microplastics: From your gut to your kidneys, liver and brain

The dangers that microplastics present is no longer speculation. They’re in artery-clogging plaques and may cross the blood-brain barrier. Now it appears the gut may be an open door to how they wreak even more havoc on the human body…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

6 supplements that put the brakes on late-stage AMD

Age-related macular degeneration will strike around one in three of us by age 75. With no cure, slowing progession has been the best hope, except for those already in late AMD, the vision-threatening stage. But a second look at a group of supplements says otherwise…

Joyce Hollman

Boost your cancer-killing white blood cells in 30 minutes

The immune system’s first line of defense is white blood cells that fight infection and disease, including cancer. But some white blood cells support cancer growth. If you’ve got 30 minutes, you can increase the good guys and take down the bad ones…

Carolyn Gretton

The breakfast food that mimics how Ozempic, Wegovy and Mounjaro work

Weight loss drugs like Wegovy work, but they come with some serious baggage. Fortunately, researchers looking to mimic these drugs have found a natural solution: a fat-reducing fiber in a popular breakfast food…

Joyce Hollman

The 8-week diet proven to slow aging

Making a diet change is a big commitment. But there’s one diet that appears to confer substantial anti-aging benefits, even when followed for just a matter of weeks. This may be the nudge you need to give it a try and slow your rate of aging in the process…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Fat burning ‘default’ switch?

What’s the difference in white, brown and beige fat cells? Beige cells burn energy (calories) and your body can be coaxed to produce them throughout your lifetime. Even better, scientists say a switch could turn hard-to-get-rid-of white fat cells to beige for a fat-burning metabolism…

Joyce Hollman

Accelerated aging: the downside of sugar you can slow

Over the years I’ve shared sugar’s unsweet impact, from heart disease to aggressive tumors. The fact it cuts life short is no surprise. But the discovery that it can undermine our healthiest efforts makes understanding how it hurts us all the more compelling…

Carolyn Gretton

What facial exercise can and can’t do for these signs of aging

Even with a positive attitude about aging, many of us struggle with the signs we see in the mirror and the desire to put our best face forward. Botox and fillers work, but they’re invasive, costly and temporary. What about those face exercises you’ve been hearing so much about?

Dr. Elizabeth Klodas MD, FACC

The effects of probiotics on cholesterol levels

Probiotics have been linked to various health benefits, including enhanced immune function, reduced inflammation, and most notably, improved gastrointestinal health. But beyond gut health what can they do for your heart health? Let’s start with cholesterol…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

Feel like your body fell apart after 40? Here’s why

If you’ve ever felt like your body is breaking down all at once, you’re not wrong. Researchers have found the aging process isn’t that gradual. We’re hit particularly hard during two specific times in our lives. Here’s when and a tip on avoiding the worst of it…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The berry that improved heart and blood vessel function in 30 days

When Hippocrates said let food be thy medicine, he must have had berries in mind. They’re full of uniquely beneficial compounds, wrapped in delicious little packages. If you don’t eat them daily, you’re missing out on a fast path to heart and blood vessel health…

Joyce Hollman

Orange peel extract: Natural heart disease prevention

People with higher levels of TMAO in their blood may have more than twice the risk of heart attack, stroke, or other serious cardiovascular problems. And when we eat a juicy orange, we’re throwing away the part that can inhibit this dangerous enzyme…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

These 5 changes could eliminate half of all cancers

The American Cancer Society says up to 50 percent of all cancer cases in the United States could be completely eliminated. No, they haven’t developed a cure, but have identified five changes they say are vital for cancer prevention, and they have the backup to prove it…

Carolyn Gretton

3 foods to take down blood sugar, blood pressure and weight

Few of us eat the recommended eight to 10 daily servings of fruits and vegetables, and it’s bringing our health down as a nation. Easy fix. Focus on just three: one you can drink and the other two only require one serving a day…

Joyce Hollman

Stopping ‘recurring loop of infection’ can end chronic UTI

Want to make a woman cringe? Just mention urinary tract infection. For the really unfortunate, UTIs can become a chronic problem, recurring over and over. Finally, they’ve figured out why that happens: Doctors have only been treating one body part responsible for harboring the virulent bacteria…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

7 GI conditions linked with brain aneurysm

Research into the gut-brain axis, the signaling pathway between the gastrointestinal tract and central nervous system, has uncovered connections never before known. The latest is especially concerning. If you have a GI condition, know your elevated risk for brain aneurysm…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Olive oil: The easy antidote for a high-fat diet

We all know that eating greasy, high fat foods, like burgers with fries and a milk shake, aren’t good for us and can lead to health problems, like fatty liver disease. But, what if you could enjoy these foods and still remain healthy?

Carolyn Gretton

Tick bite? Take this first step to avoid disease transmission

In spite of taking all the precautions, you’ve found a tick has invaded your personal space. And you know that blood-fattened bug could be one of three known for transmitting serious disease, from Lyme to Rocky Mountain spotted fever. Here’s your first step to reduce your chances of getting sick…

Carolyn Gretton

The heart attack that happens when coronary arteries are clear

For women, heart attack symptoms differ from men. But the differences don’t end there. A heart attack is usually caused by a blockage in one of the main coronary arteries. But a type of heart attack can occur when those arteries are crystal clear, and it’s becoming more common in women…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The tea that takes down gum disease-causing bacteria

If there’s one thing you should know about gum disease it’s this: it’s not just a “mouth” problem. It’s linked to weight gain, heart problems, brain shrinkage and even loss of longevity. Avoiding it may be just a few cups away with the right tea…

Margaret Cantwell

The best nutrients to fight the #1 source of premature aging

The sun is responsible for about 90 percent of skin aging by damaging key proteins responsible for keeping it firm and smooth: collagen and elastin. You can fight back from the inside out with nutrients research says add a second layer of protection against photoaging.

Joyce Hollman

Keto: From metabolic disorders to mental health

The keto diet is very restrictive. But for people with serious metabolic disorders, it can turn health around. The key is changing the fuel your body uses to energize itself. And research is showing that fuel may have special benefits for the body’s most energy-hungry organ, the brain.

Carolyn Gretton

The urine test that could save more men from a prostate biopsy

Cancer screenings can help catch disease in its earliest stages. For men though, it’s a process fraught with anxiety. PSA screenings are often inaccurate and lead to unnecessary biopsies that can cause harm. With metastatic cases on the rise, men can finally breath a sigh of relief…

Carolyn Gretton

3 factors that age your brain’s weak spot the fastest

Our brains have a “weak spot.” It begins to show degeneration earlier than other areas of the brain. In other words, it ages faster. The good news is research narrowed a long list of factors that affect this weak spot down to three that age it the fastest so you can avoid them…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Blood pressure drugs tied to surprising fracture risk

As our age goes up, so can our risk for fractures. And it’s a risk not to be taken lightly: Fractures have been linked to early death for both men and women, especially in those of us over 65. Not long ago we shared the threat long-term use of blood pressure drugs can pose to our kidneys. Now I need to share another…

Carolyn Gretton

Dementia-free longevity in half a tablespoon a day

Olive oil is an elixir for life. Studies show it decreases risks for numerous ailments that make for an early grave, like heart problems. But research reveals its greatest gift may be helping us avoid this common scourge of aging…

Joyce Hollman

The Japanese secret to avoid brain shrinkage

One factor related to cognitive decline is brain shrinkage, also known as brain atrophy. As brain size decreases, connections between brains cells are lost and that leads to problems with thinking skills, memory and even performing daily activities, But a Japanese diet may keep your brain plump and sharp…

Joyce Hollman

Don’t let ‘fear of flying’ anxiety ruin your summer

Fear of flying can ruin a vacation you’ve planned for ages, or make you a wreck if you fly for business. It doesn’t have to be that way — not if you try these tried-and-true techniques, tips, apps and supplements that can help you fly away from your feelings of anxiety…

Carolyn Gretton

Get a whiff of this to put a stop to cognitive decline

There’s an interesting connection between some neurodegenerative ailments, like Alzheimer’s and Parkison’s: the loss of smell. Knowing scent-detecting nerves trigger certain brain responses, research tested a whiff of a scent that may halt cognitive decline…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The surprising risk from reusable water bottles

Reusable water bottles are much more than a fad. They help us keep up with hydration efforts and that convenience promotes a healthy lifestyle. But if we’re not careful about how we use them, they can lead to sickness instead of wellness real fast…

Carolyn Gretton

The diet that crosses the blood-brain barrier

One diet keeps coming to the top of every list. It’s loaded with nutrients so powerful they’re studied for their potential to fight disease. Now there’s undeniable proof they cross the blood-brain barrier to feed your brain exactly what it needs to guard against decline…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

The dangerous side of Low T: Serious heart health risks

While low T is often thought of as a bedroom problem, the truth is men who live with low levels of the male hormone, testosterone, face much more serious risks. In fact, a review of 11 studies indicates Low T is associated with higher risk of cardiovascular disease that can end a man’s life…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

What works to keep fatty liver inflammation from progressing

Fatty liver has become far too common a health risk, and it’s one that keeps on giving because it can progress to liver cancer with just a few steps in between. The key is stamping out the inflammation before that happens…

Joyce Hollman

The hidden sweetener tied to IBS, sepsis and insulin resistance

Artificial sweeteners have a sordid past. Each time a new one is introduced, usually years later we see the detrimental effects. The newest kid on the block is no different: IBS, sepsis and insulin resistance, and you may never know you’re ingesting it…

Dr. Elizabeth Klodas MD, FACC

What is borderline cholesterol, and what should I do about it?

If you’ve been told your total cholesterol is “borderline high,” you’re not alone. That’s a common scenario for about 85 million Americans. But what does that mean exactly? And should you be worried? The doctor says that depends on several factors…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Optimizing vitamin D gets personal

Vitamin D has a long and enviable list of ways to maintain good health. But there’s a catch: If you’re not getting enough, its preventive benefits are beyond your reach. Research into ongoing deficiencies reveals the complexities of why you may have to get personal to maintain optimal levels.

Carolyn Gretton

Scientists find how to control body’s fat-burning switch

Certain types of body fat are better than others. White fat isn’t one of them. Accounting for most of the body’s fat, it amounts to stored calories that if not burned, keep adding up. But brown fat ramps up metabolism and controlling it is in our reach…

Carolyn Gretton

3 ingredients that stop hot flashes, start weight loss in menopause

Menopause is not fun. Hot flashes, night sweats, weight gain… it all adds up to a really unpleasant time. But researchers have identified three key elements that can relieve the worst symptoms, and know exactly why they work…

Carolyn Gretton

A little exercise goes a long way to ease depression

Exercise has proven itself as effective as medication at relieving depression symptoms and risk. But being depressed makes it hard to be motivated enough to commit to a regular routine. Fortunately, to benefit, it doesn’t take as much as you might think.

Joyce Hollman

Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s Prevention found in coffee grounds

Caffeic acid is a component of coffee, and a growing body of research indicates it may be responsible for many of the health benefits on coffee’s growing list. The biggest are due to its unique ability to cross the blood-brain barrier that make it a powerful preventive measure…

Carolyn Gretton

A glitch in the brain’s barrier reduces Alzheimer’s odds by 71%

People who carry the APOEe4 gene have a significantly higher risk of Alzheimer’s. But it’s been a mystery why some carriers don’t develop disease. The secret lies in the blood-brain barrier, and a discovery that may finally open up a route for real protection…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The lasting damage anger does to your blood vessels

Emotions like anger, sadness and anxiety have long been associated with heart attack. We often imagine one big event that pushes our emotions over the edge and sends us to the ER. But it’s the short bursts of anger you should be worried about unless you’ve already got some protection…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The popular condiment linked to stomach cancer

Sodium is an essential nutrient the body needs — but only in small amounts. The problem is in the typical American diet, there’s no shortage of it, and it doesn’t just raise your blood pressure. It may be the missing link that explains why stomach cancer rates are on the rise.

Joyce Hollman

Why sleep trouble can lead to blood sugar trouble

While you’re asleep, restorative processes take place. If your sleep is interrupted so are these important processes. That’s just one link between sleep trouble and blood sugar trouble research has identified, even when following a healthy diet…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The strange cancer risk we share with our pets

Cancer doesn’t only strike humans. It can steal away the lives of our pets. In fact, one in three dogs will develop cancer in their lifetime. Research is revealing a strange factor that can make it more likely your dog will be one of the statistics — it’s a risk our pets share with us…

Margaret Cantwell

2 servings a day drops pounds, inches, BMI and disease risk

What if adding two specific foods to your day could not only help you drop pounds, lose inches and significantly lower your body mass index, but also rescue everything that’s wrong with your health? It sounds too good to be true, but these are the facts…

Carolyn Gretton

Drink away the risk of age-related muscle loss

Research is learning more about the cellular hallmarks of aging — those that happen at a level we don’t see, but can sneak up and pull the rug out from under your feet. One of those is sarcopenia which can leave you frail and dependant, unless you drink a daily dose of trigonelline…