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Carolyn Gretton

Why diabetics have higher risk of severe lung infections

People with diabetes are at higher risk of developing serious lung infections following a respiratory infection. Diabetes can weaken the immune system, but its specific effects on the lungs have been unclear, until now. What research has found may signal a way to dial it back…

Joyce Hollman

The prebiotic hack that curbs your appetite

We’ve long known about the gut-brain connection and how the gut’s influence extends far beyond, well, the gut. But can the gut be optimized so it influences the brain to help us make better food choices? Recent research points to a solid yes…

Joyce Hollman

This Japanese spice turns up the heat on brain power

There are many foods that are good for your brain. But a new study adds one to the list that can improve your memory within weeks. Not many people can handle its heat though… but no worries, it comes in supplement form, too.

Carolyn Gretton

Keto: The diet that combats polycystic kidney disease

The ketogenic diet has proven great for weight loss and blood sugar control, but not so great for the kidneys. Or so investigators thought, until they took a closer look at the impact of keto on a specific type of kidney disease….

Carolyn Gretton

Brushing twice daily may keep respiratory illness away

Dentists advise toothbrushing twice a day to reduce the risk of tooth decay and gum disease. Those are good enough reasons for practicing good oral hygiene. But it turns out toothbrushing may cut down on at least one serious respiratory disease…

Carolyn Gretton

How nutmeg could lead to a longer lifespan

We’ve all heard the saying “the spice of life.” And nutrition research has proven several spices are exactly that. Spices have been found to improve specific conditions and improve health in general. Now one such spice has given up its secret for healthy aging…

Joyce Hollman

The bedtime activity for better blood flow and heart health

It’s a big job for the heart to keep your circulatory system working. And as we get older it can get harder to support the healthy blood flow every inch of our body needs. But there’s a way to pump that up so to speak, even when you hit the sheets…

Carolyn Gretton

Why only some of us get a brain boost from cocoa

Flavanols have a great reputation for heart and brain health. Cocoa is a source that’s been shown to be a real brain booster in some studies, but not so much in others. Researchers dug to the bottom of these mixed results, and found something interesting about cocoa and who benefits the most…

Joyce Hollman

Vitamin B12’s impact on multiple sclerosis treatment

Multiple sclerosis is an autoimmune disease that current treatments can only slow. But a missing link between B12 signaling and MS has the potential to fight neuroinflammation and neurodegeneration, not only for MS but also for Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s…

Joyce Hollman

The cruciferous compound that keeps fatty liver from advancing

Many people with fatty liver disease live a fairly normal life. But almost a third go on to develop an advanced form of liver disease, and experts have not understood why, until they made the connection to a key protective mechanism…

Carolyn Gretton

Mitochondria may hold secret to Parkinson’s diagnosis and treatment

Parkinson’s disease affects millions. Yet there is no single test to diagnose it, so years may pass before the standard treatment starts. But a revelation about mitochondrial involvement could lead not only to a definitive blood test but new treatment as well…

Joyce Hollman

When heart disease can spell dementia later in life

Most of us think that heart disease is a condition of old age. It happens to people in their 60s and 70s. But this is a fallacy. It can strike much earlier than most of us realize. And the earlier it does, the higher the risk of dementia down the road…

Carolyn Gretton

The seed that could help prevent breast cancer

Seeds, arguably the smallest part of any plant, often contain the most powerful nutrition, and some exert particular influence on the gut, where their benefits are elevated even more. In fact, one seed and its action in the gut could play a key role in preventing a disease women dread…

Amanda Wilks

6 Anti-aging superfoods that will make you feel younger

Take into account just how important a factor food can be when it comes to aging. Stuffing yourself full of foods with added sugars and bad fats can be almost as destructive as hours sedentary on the couch. If you want good health to feel and look better, try these…

Margaret Cantwell

10 best ways to blast inflammation from your body

Autoimmune problems that arise when your immune system attacks your own organs may afflict as many as 50 million Americans. However, making certain dietary changes may bring a measure of relief and offer protection against this widespread health issue…

Joyce Hollman

Newer cholesterol drugs linked to reduced lung function

Statins have been controversial almost from the get go. After years of use, the list of side effects has grown along with the number of Americans diagnosed with heart disease, despite the drugs. Enter a new class of cholesterol drug, but is it the same old story?

Carolyn Gretton

Dropping one teaspoon of salt lowers blood pressure like medication

Fewer than 1 in 5 of the more than 1 billion people worldwide with high blood pressure has it under adequate control. Doctors usually recommend a combination of medication and lifestyle tweaks to bring it down. But it turns out one teaspoon of salt could have an impact as powerful as medication…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Key player in kidney disease identified (and a supplement that helps)

37 million Americans live with chronic kidney disease. If you have diabetes or hypertension, you’re at high risk of joining them. Luckily, a new treatment, and better yet, preventative, is on the horizon. Even better, it’s available right now without prescription…

Joyce Hollman

How calorie restriction changes your body to slow aging

In early 2023, a first-of-its-kind study proved calorie restriction can indeed slow the pace of aging, not just in mice, but in humans. A second look showed how: It led to genetic changes that prevented a common aging condition that normally develops in older people…

Joyce Hollman

Kidney disease and cluster conditions lead to dangerous heart syndrome

You’ve likely heard of metabolic syndrome by now, even if you don’t have the condition. But if you do and start to have kidney problems, you’re at high risk for a major new heart syndrome affecting one-third of adults across the country…

Joyce Hollman

Probiotics: The new prevention strategy for colorectal cancer

Over the years, the benefits of probiotics have begun to stack up. And after significant advances in probiotic research, experts have a message for us: the gut microbiome cannot be neglected when treating or preventing colorectal cancer.

Carolyn Gretton

The surprising deficiency that could raise diabetes risk

If you find yourself perpetually shortchanged on sleep, it can do a lot worse than make you cranky and foggy. it can raise your risk of heart disease and diabetes, And if you’re a woman who has trouble sleeping, research shows you could be at greater risk for poor cardiometabolic health…

Joyce Hollman

Scans revealed how to slow immune system aging

A tiny organ that’s often ignored is the key to helping keep colds and flu away and your immune system balanced to avoid autoimmune disease. But it’s also connected to immune system aging. Here’s how to keep yours youthful…

Joyce Hollman

If walking is good for you, is running better?

Running and walking each have their advantages in terms of fitness and impact on conditions that can impact long-term health. But is one better than the other? It really depends on your individual goals and one especially important factor…

Carolyn Gretton

The connection between deep belly fat and Alzheimer’s

Belly fat signals much more than weight gain. It can hide a ticking time bomb deep in your abdomen known as visceral fat. This type of fat has already been linked to diabetes, heart disease and stroke — and now the most feared condition of aging…

Joyce Hollman

Deep sleep holds clues to cause of tinnitus

A person with tinnitus constantly hears phantom sounds like ringing and humming. While not life-threatening, tinnitus makes life difficult, and often leads to anxiety and depression. Scientists have begun to connect what happens in the brain during sleep with this condition…

Joyce Hollman

Daily blueberry powder changed brains in just 6 months

The particular phytochemical compounds blueberries contain, known as anthocyanins, have been shown to decrease dementia risk and increase blood flow to the brain. But you can imagine how excited researchers were to see changes in just 6 months — and they weren’t even fresh berries!

Carolyn Gretton

The vegetable that lowered blood pressure 36 percent

What you eat can make a huge difference in your blood pressure. Too much (or too little) salt and skimping on fiber can send your blood pressure soaring. But if you’re looking to lower your risk, there’s one food you should consider adding to your daily diet…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

If malfunctioning mitochondria kick off aging, what’s the ‘fix’?

Mitochondria are bean-shaped structures that provide the energy our cells need to function. When they malfunction and age, so do we. Is there a fix? The Buck Institute for Research on Aging made a discovery that puts them hot on the trail…

Joyce Hollman

How cell phones assault male health and manhood

Mobile phones, cell phones, smartphones. What we call them has changed but the fact that they emit electromagnetic radiation hasn’t. Neither has scientific curiosity about how these devices we hold so near impact our hormonal health…

Carolyn Gretton

Beware of this lesser-known cause of cancer deaths

There are a lot of secondary conditions that can come with cancer. And the most dangerous is a result of surgeries, chemotherapy and dead cancer cells. It’s important to be aware of the increased risk of blood clots and know the signs. Even better, avoid it in the first place…

Joyce Hollman

An extra coffee a day helps keep the weight away

On average, women over 50 gain a pound and a half a year. If you’re not paying attention, that can creep up on you fast, literally. Could coffee help? It already has many researched benefits, so it’s no wonder we’re taking a close look at how it affects weight…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Nitric oxide successfully treats viral lung injury

Respiratory failure due to COVID-19 pneumonia can lead to critically low oxygen levels, ventilator tubes and poor prognosis, both short and long term. But heading into cold, flu and COVID season this year, researchers found an effective treatment that battles these lung injuries…

Joyce Hollman

Popular OTC decongestants found to be ineffective

With cold and flu season approaching, you need to hear an ugly truth: That decongestant you’re depending on to relieve that all-to-familiar sinus pain and pressure may not be all you think it is, so says the FDA. But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered.

Joyce Hollman

Why women who struggle to sleep risk high blood pressure

Are you a woman who struggles to sleep enough hours a night? Do you have trouble staying asleep? Diabetes and Alzheimer’s could be in your future. But the increased risk of high blood pressure caused by poor sleep may be a more immediate problem…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The products releasing hundreds of chemicals into your home

A clean home doesn’t just make you feel good. It can help you stay healthy. But the cleaning products most of us use are proven to emit hundreds of hazardous chemicals, even known carcinogens. Does “green” cleaning help? With one exception…

Joyce Hollman

Parkinson’s: The gut-brain link grows stronger

Parkinson’s disease is a neurological disease. Or is it? Research is showing that it may all begin with an immune system attack that likely starts in an organ far from the brain. That means a cure might be in our near future…

Carolyn Gretton

Stressed or depressed? Your Alzheimer’s risk may be 4 times higher

Stress can do a number on our bodies — including our brains. It can even affect our ability to form memories. But does that mean stress can cause dementia? Researchers set out to answer that question, and it’s concerning…

Joyce Hollman

Zinc link to diabetes may lead to new therapies

Increasing zinc intake improves blood glucose control in people with prediabetes or type 2 diabetes. And now that research has clarified this link, a potential new therapy target may do that and more, including reducing the fatty liver disease that tags along with blood sugar trouble…

Carolyn Gretton

The hazard that increases stroke risk in just five days

Air pollution is practically impossible to escape. Everything around us, both indoors and out, is constantly generating gases and particles that end up in the air and our bodies. But there’s an urgent reason to counter your exposure now…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

A novel way to make your cake a superfood

Cake might not be the healthiest choice for those of us looking to slim our waistlines or battle back diabetes and blood pressure problems. But what if there was a way to bake a cake with superfood benefits?

Joyce Hollman

Another major study confirms: Multivitamins slow cognitive decline

Clinical trials have already shown multivitamins can help reduce cognitive decline. Now findings not only confirm they can improve memory performance by years, but why people with heart problems should be especially excited about this research…

Carolyn Gretton

Snacks that come with a license to cheat

You might think that if you eat healthy otherwise, splurging on a few snacks a day balances out. It depends. Choose wisely and you’ll carry less fat compared not only to those who snack on the wrong stuff, but also compared to those who don’t snack at all…

Carolyn Gretton

What receding gums signal about this shrinking organ

The exact cause of Alzheimer’s disease is elusive. But studies that find an association with certain conditions or practices, provide clues for prevention. The more we learn about what causes brain shrinkage, the more we can adopt habits to keep a healthy plump brain as long as possible…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

3 ways an unhealthy gut worsens arthritis and joint pain

More and more health problems are being linked to an unhealthy gut, from Parkinson’s to Alzheimer’s and heart disease. But osteoarthritis and worsening joint pain? You’ll be a believer when they detail how fixing your gut may be the truest way to find lasting relief.

Jenny Smiechowski

6 ways to reignite your youthful energy

You used to run mini-marathons in the morning, work a full-time job, catch a late show with friends and still have energy to spare. But now you need to take a nap after grocery shopping and doing a load of laundry. What happened?

Joyce Hollman

Centuries-old ginger extract suppressed cancer cell growth

Ginger’s soothing digestive effects are well known. But a centuries-old ginger extract, popular in Indonesia as a medicininal drink, may actually hold a valuable secret: The key to stopping the spread of cancer cells…

Carolyn Gretton

The 50-step-a-day activity that slashes heart disease risk

Having trouble getting in 10,000 steps a day? I have good news: Many studies show that much may be overkill. The magic number for better heart health may be much, much lower — as long as you’re getting them this way…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

3 factors that dramatically increase women’s blood clot risk

There are blood clot risks that both men and women face that can change everything in an instant. But every woman should be aware of the intersection of three factors that, for them, can ramp that danger anywhere from double to eight times the risk.

Jenny Smiechowski

Does the sea hold the solution to your food allergies?

In this day and age, it seems like nearly everyone has some type of food allergy — gluten, dairy, soy, wheat, peanuts, shellfish, tree nuts. Chances are you’re avoiding one (if not more) of these allergens.

Joyce Hollman

Joint supplement ingredient fights MS better than approved therapy

Multiple sclerosis is a debilitating autoimmune disease that attacks the central nervous system. As more people are diagnosed, the current therapy isn’t cutting it. But research into a common supplement ingredient shows it may be possible to restore function in some patients…

Carolyn Gretton

Yoga: Heart protective enough even for heart failure

Yoga has many proven benefits. But what if your heart is failing? Research has shown a short course of yoga to be helpful in receiving some heart failure symptoms. But what you really want to know is whether it can help your heart function over the long term…

Carolyn Gretton

7 things happy people do that reduce depression by 57%

The factors influencing depression are very complex. But researchers keep digging into why some experience it more than others and they’ve discovered seven things that, if you follow, could take depression down, even if genetics is a factor…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

Blood pressure management: Why winter can derail it

Winter is coming, and it’s not just bringing colder temps. If you’ve managed to get your blood pressure under control despite all the factors working against you, I’ll bet you never imagined the weather could throw a big kink into your readings…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Study finds exercise has ‘mind-blowing’ effect on genetic cancer risk

Study after study has already proven exercise to be one of the most valuable weapons in the battle against cancer. But what about people who are genetically predisposed and carry much greater odds? To quote one researcher, it was mind-blowing…

Joyce Hollman

Why late nights lead to blood sugar trouble

Can avoiding diabetes really be as simple as switching from a night owl to a morning person? The science says the difference can be substantial. But if your circadian rhythm or job makes that hard, you’re not doomed…

Jedha Dening

5 reasons you need more folate over 50

The health problems certainly seem to stack-up on us as we age… And one reason is because of changes in the body that affect nutrient absorption. In mature adults, more commonly known deficiencies include vitamin D and B12. But folate is one nutrient that’s equally important and often forgotten. Here are 5 ways it can help you age better…

Joyce Hollman

How a fat-burning hormone could keep Alzheimer’s away

Alzheimer’s is a devastating disease for which there still isn’t an effective treatment. Experts say the newest drugs carry risks far higher than any noticeable benefit. Wouldn’t it be nice to have another way to slow Alzheimer’s, one much less likely to cause a brain bleed that may already be supporting your health?

Carolyn Gretton

The supplement that may soon fight tooth decay

Dental caries, or tooth decay, is one of the oldest and most common diseases known to man. Yes, it’s a disease and its damage goes far beyond your mouth. So we brush and floss and try to avoid the sugar that kicks it off. But a powerful phytonutrient just may make caring for our teeth easier…

Carolyn Gretton

How fitness influences Afib and stroke risk

The most dangerous outcome of atrial fibrillation is stroke. People with this heart rhythm disorder have five times the stroke risk of their peers. How can you avoid being one of the 40 million worldwide with Afib? Research says a low level of fitness should do the trick…