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Carolyn Gretton

Dementia-free longevity in half a tablespoon a day

Olive oil is an elixir for life. Studies show it decreases risks for numerous ailments that make for an early grave, like heart problems. But research reveals its greatest gift may be helping us avoid this common scourge of aging…

Joyce Hollman

The Japanese secret to avoid brain shrinkage

One factor related to cognitive decline is brain shrinkage, also known as brain atrophy. As brain size decreases, connections between brains cells are lost and that leads to problems with thinking skills, memory and even performing daily activities, But a Japanese diet may keep your brain plump and sharp…

Joyce Hollman

Don’t let ‘fear of flying’ anxiety ruin your summer

Fear of flying can ruin a vacation you’ve planned for ages, or make you a wreck if you fly for business. It doesn’t have to be that way — not if you try these tried-and-true techniques, tips, apps and supplements that can help you fly away from your feelings of anxiety…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

The weird warning your feet send about your blood vessels

Feet get cold, sore and tired. It’s par for the course, right — or is it? Your feet are surprisingly responsive to what’s going on in your body. One serious signal spells danger for your heart and blood vessels. Here’s how to recognize your feet are flashing a warning light that requires attention…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The surprising risk from reusable water bottles

Reusable water bottles are much more than a fad. They help us keep up with hydration efforts and that convenience promotes a healthy lifestyle. But if we’re not careful about how we use them, they can lead to sickness instead of wellness real fast…

Carolyn Gretton

The diet that crosses the blood-brain barrier

One diet keeps coming to the top of every list. It’s loaded with nutrients so powerful they’re studied for their potential to fight disease. Now there’s undeniable proof they cross the blood-brain barrier to feed your brain exactly what it needs to guard against decline…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

The dangerous side of Low T: Serious heart health risks

While low T is often thought of as a bedroom problem, the truth is men who live with low levels of the male hormone, testosterone, face much more serious risks. In fact, a review of 11 studies indicates Low T is associated with higher risk of cardiovascular disease that can end a man’s life…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

What works to keep fatty liver inflammation from progressing

Fatty liver has become far too common a health risk, and it’s one that keeps on giving because it can progress to liver cancer with just a few steps in between. The key is stamping out the inflammation before that happens…

Joyce Hollman

The hidden sweetener tied to IBS, sepsis and insulin resistance

Artificial sweeteners have a sordid past. Each time a new one is introduced, usually years later we see the detrimental effects. The newest kid on the block is no different: IBS, sepsis and insulin resistance, and you may never know you’re ingesting it…

Dr. Elizabeth Klodas MD, FACC

What is borderline cholesterol, and what should I do about it?

If you’ve been told your total cholesterol is “borderline high,” you’re not alone. That’s a common scenario for about 85 million Americans. But what does that mean exactly? And should you be worried? The doctor says that depends on several factors…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Optimizing vitamin D gets personal

Vitamin D has a long and enviable list of ways to maintain good health. But there’s a catch: If you’re not getting enough, its preventive benefits are beyond your reach. Research into ongoing deficiencies reveals the complexities of why you may have to get personal to maintain optimal levels.

Carolyn Gretton

Scientists find how to control body’s fat-burning switch

Certain types of body fat are better than others. White fat isn’t one of them. Accounting for most of the body’s fat, it amounts to stored calories that if not burned, keep adding up. But brown fat ramps up metabolism and controlling it is in our reach…

Carolyn Gretton

A little exercise goes a long way to ease depression

Exercise has proven itself as effective as medication at relieving depression symptoms and risk. But being depressed makes it hard to be motivated enough to commit to a regular routine. Fortunately, to benefit, it doesn’t take as much as you might think.

Joyce Hollman

Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s Prevention found in coffee grounds

Caffeic acid is a component of coffee, and a growing body of research indicates it may be responsible for many of the health benefits on coffee’s growing list. The biggest are due to its unique ability to cross the blood-brain barrier that make it a powerful preventive measure…

Carolyn Gretton

A glitch in the brain’s barrier reduces Alzheimer’s odds by 71%

People who carry the APOEe4 gene have a significantly higher risk of Alzheimer’s. But it’s been a mystery why some carriers don’t develop disease. The secret lies in the blood-brain barrier, and a discovery that may finally open up a route for real protection…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The lasting damage anger does to your blood vessels

Emotions like anger, sadness and anxiety have long been associated with heart attack. We often imagine one big event that pushes our emotions over the edge and sends us to the ER. But it’s the short bursts of anger you should be worried about unless you’ve already got some protection…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The popular condiment linked to stomach cancer

Sodium is an essential nutrient the body needs — but only in small amounts. The problem is in the typical American diet, there’s no shortage of it, and it doesn’t just raise your blood pressure. It may be the missing link that explains why stomach cancer rates are on the rise.

Joyce Hollman

Why sleep trouble can lead to blood sugar trouble

While you’re asleep, restorative processes take place. If your sleep is interrupted so are these important processes. That’s just one link between sleep trouble and blood sugar trouble research has identified, even when following a healthy diet…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The strange cancer risk we share with our pets

Cancer doesn’t only strike humans. It can steal away the lives of our pets. In fact, one in three dogs will develop cancer in their lifetime. Research is revealing a strange factor that can make it more likely your dog will be one of the statistics — it’s a risk our pets share with us…

Margaret Cantwell

2 servings a day drops pounds, inches, BMI and disease risk

What if adding two specific foods to your day could not only help you drop pounds, lose inches and significantly lower your body mass index, but also rescue everything that’s wrong with your health? It sounds too good to be true, but these are the facts…

Carolyn Gretton

Drink away the risk of age-related muscle loss

Research is learning more about the cellular hallmarks of aging — those that happen at a level we don’t see, but can sneak up and pull the rug out from under your feet. One of those is sarcopenia which can leave you frail and dependant, unless you drink a daily dose of trigonelline…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Should you be concerned about bird flu?

We’re hearing more about bird flu lately. The virus known for infecting poultry has jumped to cows, goats and even pets. Some experts also believe human transmission may be underreported. So, many of us are rightfully asking the question, “How concerned should I be?”

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Seniors beware: Loneliness is a fast track to frailty

Loneliness is something we’ve all experienced at one time or another. Maybe a friend moves away, a loved one passes away or a co-worker leaves and your lunch buddy is now gone. For seniors, however, loneliness isn’t always short-lived. And we’ve learned it contributes to a deadly cycle…

Carolyn Gretton

An unexpected effect of chronic pain: Brain aging

Chronic musculoskeletal pain can impact your muscles, bones, joints and ligaments. It can be unrelenting, and research shows a surprising connection between this type of pain, inflammation and brain aging. An essential fatty acid may attack all three…

Joyce Hollman

How smokers can live longer at any age

If you’ve been a lifelong smoker, you might question whether it’s even worth the trouble to give up the habit now. A fifteen-year-long study found how to quit so you can live nearly as long as someone who has never picked up a cigarette in their life…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

3 supplements that stop unsightly bruising

If you’re tired of those deep purple and red splotches that happen with the slightest bump and make your skin look beat up and older than it should, there is an answer… and, it’s easier than you might think.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The chemical connection between diet, diabetes and cancer

A study aiming to understand what factors elevate risk in families susceptible to cancer ended up discovering a deeper mechanism linking an essential “energy consumption pathway” to cancer development. Here’s how it works and what activates it…

Joyce Hollman

Heart-healthy benefits of exercise start in the brain

Everyone knows exercise benefits the heart. And we assume it’s because our heart muscle gets stronger and blood pressure, cholesterol and weight get lower. But there’s a key step that happens before that — and it starts in your brain…

Carolyn Gretton

8 proven benefits you only get from extra-virgin olive oil

After decades of research proving the many health benefits of olive oil, we’ve gotten the message. But it may be a little cloudy. To lower risk of heart and cognitive problems, cancer and risk of death with a spoonful a day or two, only one olive oil stands out…

Joyce Hollman

Vitamin B12’s impact on multiple sclerosis treatment

Multiple sclerosis is an autoimmune disease that current treatments can only slow. But a missing link between B12 signaling and MS has the potential to fight neuroinflammation and neurodegeneration, not only for MS but also for Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s…

Carolyn Gretton

The leisure-time activity that sabotages a man’s sex life

A lot of things can impact a man’s ability to achieve an erection, including age and health. But there’s another factor that you may not have considered — and it involves an increasingly popular activity common among young and old alike…

Joyce Hollman

When dementia starts with your liver

When is dementia, not dementia? When it’s a liver disease that attacks the brain and leaves surprisingly similar symptoms in its wake. Good news? When this liver condition attacks your brain you can fight it with laxatives and medication…

Carolyn Gretton

When stroke triples the risk of dementia

The idea of suffering a stroke is a scary one. And what makes it even scarier are the potential long-term consequences. Researchers have known a link exists between stroke and higher dementia risk, but now they know that risk triples in a surprisingly short period of time…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The diet that ‘detoxes’ diabetic kidney danger

For many people dealing with type 2 diabetes, kidney problems will crop up. Diabetes injures the kidneys, keeping them from cleaning the blood properly. But if you can eliminate one food compound you’ve likely never heard of, you might stop that threat in its tracks…

Carolyn Gretton

The spice that works like medicine for acid reflux

If you haven’t heard, proton pump inhibitors come with some alarming side effects. If only there were a risk-free natural remedy that could provide the relief you desperately need. You’re in luck! Researchers tested one they say is just as effective for acid reflux…

Joyce Hollman

The one food that fights both cancer and stroke

Researchers conducted a series of tests on compounds commonly found in plants to see which, if any, might have a stronger tendency to prevent deadly blood clots. It just so happens the winner also has powerful anti-cancer clout too…

Joyce Hollman

The salt that doesn’t raise your blood pressure

If you’re a candidate for high blood pressure, you’ve surely been advised to lay off the salt. But what if I told you that you could, well, have your salt and eat it, too? That’s right — there’s another kind of salt out there, and though you may have to search for it, it’s well worth the reward…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Green cleaning’s not-so-green harmful chemical link

When it comes to living healthy in a polluted world, most of us will go out of our way. That may mean choosing organic produce or grass-fed beef. But when it comes to green cleaning, it looks like most of us are paying a premium for a false sense of security.

Virginia Tims-Lawson

Women’s Health Alert: Rapid ovary aging, menopause and heart disease

The menopausal transition usually begins between 45 and 55. But a growing threat has been connected to rapid ovary aging as much as 10 years before a woman’s last period. Speeding up the biological clock is one thing, but harsher menopause symptoms and a higher risk for heart disease is another…

Joyce Hollman

The health and relationship benefits of a sleep divorce

A sleep divorce may not sound like a good thing. But sleeping separately could be great for your relationship. Here’s what experts say about the pros and cons and how to approach it so it’s a successful strategy for you, your partner, your relationship and your health.

Carolyn Gretton

The ‘cluster condition’ that raises kidney cancer risk almost 5 times

Most of us know that metabolic syndrome encompasses several conditions and is sort of a stern warning to get your “house” in order or face the serious threat of heart disease. But the worse metabolic syndrome gets, the worse your cancer risk gets too…

Carolyn Gretton

Microplastic discovered in artery-clogging plaques

Plaque buildup clogs arteries and can lead to stroke and heart attack. This nasty mixture consists of fatty substances, cholesterol, cellular waste, calcium and fibrin. But a shocking new ingredient seen in surgically removed plaques may make them even more dangerous.

Joyce Hollman

Remove microplastics from water in your own kitchen

Microplastics are inescapable. They invade pretty much every system in the body and ferry other toxins in. But when they’re in our food and water what can we do? Reduce them by 90 percent right in your kitchen, no special equipment needed…

Joyce Hollman

The underrated benefits of stretching that rival strenuous exercise

Most people stretch to warm up cold muscles before they jump into some heavy-duty exercise. But what if stretching IS exercise? Check mark! And even better: what if it reduces arterial stiffness at the same time it reduces stiffness in your body, and helps you live longer?

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The statin that more than doubles dementia risk

Statins are commonly prescribed to lower cholesterol. Almost half of all Americans over the age of 75 are taking them. But while it may seem like a no-brainer to take a medication your doctor says will reduce your risk of heart attack or stroke, it could actually be your brain you’re risking…

Joyce Hollman

Daily blueberry powder changed brains in just 6 months

The particular phytochemical compounds blueberries contain, known as anthocyanins, have been shown to decrease dementia risk and increase blood flow to the brain. But you can imagine how excited researchers were to see changes in just 6 months — and they weren’t even fresh berries!

Virginia Tims-Lawson

Why this ‘male medication’ could make Alzheimer’s less likely

Since the little blue pill’s debut, it’s been full of surprises, especially considering its special bedroom effects were not why it was originally developed. Now it’s getting some attention for what it can do above the belt, and how it could make Alzheimer’s less likely…

Joyce Hollman

The most critical habit for keeping Alzheimer’s symptoms at bay

An “amyloid cascade” starts with an abnormal increase of β-amyloid protein in the brain, which triggers tau tangles. Memory and cognition can start to falter and, ultimately, Alzheimer’s can set in. But even with these brain changes, one thing can keep symptoms at bay…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The red fruit that lowered blood pressure like medication

Like a lot of fruit, often the most nutritional and health-promoting parts are the parts we throw away. When it comes to this unique red fruit, the same is true. But considering it lowered blood pressure as well as a prescription medicine, it warrants learning how to eat the most effective parts…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

Move over high blood pressure: There’s a new ‘silent killer’

Hypertension has long been the silent killer, damaging blood vessels without obvious symptoms until heart disease develops. However, experts are warning about a new silent killer, just as pervasive and sneaky, making up 60 percent of the average American adult’s diet…

Carolyn Gretton

Real or artificial: The sweet drinks linked to AFib

Sugar may taste sweet. But its health impacts are anything but. And artificial sweeteners have lots of problems of their own. The best advice? Unless you want to risk AFib and stroke, quench your thirst, not your sweet tooth…

Carolyn Gretton

What Kundalini yoga does for those at high risk for Alzheimer’s

One out of nine Americans over 65 has Alzheimer’s. The odds of becoming that ‘one’ grow with every risk factor you may have. Some risk factors can be managed, while others can’t be changed: Almost two-thirds of Americans living with Alzheimer’s are women.

Joyce Hollman

The ‘other change’ behind menopausal weight gain and disease risk

If you’re post-menopausal, you’ve experienced a lot of change, but one’s recently been identified that helps explain why weight gain and higher risk for metabolic disease are among them. The loss of those hormones impacts a certain organ more than anyone thought…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Move over fish and krill oil: Is this the omega-3 for you?

The fact that fish oil is packed with heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids is no secret. Because it’s got its drawbacks, we can also reach for krill oil. But hold on to your hat… there’s a third contender in the ring. Is this what you’ve been waiting for to transform your health?

Joyce Hollman

From kidney disease to heart disease: How much salt matters

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of death for people with Chronic kidney disease (CKD). And CKD can raise the risk of CVD significantly. They often occur together and share many of the same risk factors — and one popular spice…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The one fruit moms-to-be and older adults need

What do moms-to-be and seniors have in common? These two groups may seem worlds apart but they have one very important issue in common: special nutritional requirements that can make or break their health. One fruit can help them both thrive…

Carolyn Gretton

Lose fat exercising just two days a week

For optimal health and weight, experts say we have to get anywhere from 75 to 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous exercise a week. But who has time for that much exercise? That’s why scientists have been exploring whether it’s truly necessary to get that much…

Joyce Hollman

The diet linked to cancer, heart disease and 30 other conditions

It’s no surprise a steady diet of the wrong foods packs on pounds, raises blood pressure and blood sugar and ruins good health. But when you come face to face with facts from 45 studies that include 30+ conditions and cancer, time to look at what we’re eating…

Easy Health Options Staff

FDA Alert Concerning Cinnamon: Check your spice rack for lead-tainted brands

The FDA has issued an official alert concerning certain ground cinnamon products due to the presence of elevated levels of lead. We’re sharing the six brands you need to check for and dispose of, as well as a link to their full statement concerning the scope of the problem.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The down-the-road dangers of heart attack

Experts say quick emergency treatment is why seven in ten people now survive a heart attack. But the road they face post-heart attack won’t be an easy one. It’s the beginning of working even harder to secure their health, and why anyone should try that much harder to avoid a first attack…