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Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The longevity debate: To run or not to run

There have been questions about whether running long distances is good for your health or not. Some data shows it could induce a heart attack but some says it lowers risk of death in general. If you’re on the edge, the longevity debate may settle it for you…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

When alcohol sets women up for heart disease

Far too many women still believe dangerous myths when it comes to heart disease, like it being an issue that mainly impacts men. The truth is it’s the #1 killer of women in the U.S. And your personal risk can be far higher depending on your drinking habits…

Joyce Hollman

The drink that encourages bone growth and blocks bone loss

A Chinese medicinal herb has been shown to not only block bone loss, but encourage bone growth. That’s great news for anyone with osteoporosis. Even better, the active compound responsible for that phenomenal bone support is also found in coffee beans…

Carolyn Gretton

The RA patients with the highest risk of heart trouble

It’s known that rheumatoid arthritis carries a higher risk for heart trouble. But researchers are finding it can vary, and hope personalized treatments that tackle the effects of oxidative stress, sky-high inflammation and out-of-control immune cells can take that threat down…

Joyce Hollman

How to stack the odds against bad genes by 62%

If you’ve inherited a genetic predisposition that could shorten your lifespan, it may feel like the cards are just not in your favor. You might think “game over.” But is it really? A first ever study compared genetics to lifestyle and the findings might blow you away…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

How car seats increase your exposure to carcinogens

A car wreck is the worst we might expect when climbing into a car. But safety features have been designed that could limit injury. However, thanks to outdated federal standards, every single moment we spend in our vehicle means breathing in known carcinogens…

Dr. Elizabeth Klodas MD, FACC

Prostate problems: Too common to ignore

There isn’t enough confirmed evidence about the precise blend of influences, including genetic, environmental and dietary, that lead to prostate issues. This uncertainty means there’s no simple way to avoid these problems. But the connection between prostate and heart health is a place to start…

Carolyn Gretton

The simple blood test that could detect stroke risk

Stroke often hits with no warning. And your doctor may not even know you have an elevated risk for stroke until you’ve had one. Luckily, researchers may have found a way to detect stroke risk with a simple blood test…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

3 amazing benefits of summer’s best heart-healthy vegetable

If you didn’t know, there’s a vegetable you need to take advantage of right now on your next visit to the farmer’s market. It’s the one that provides huge amounts of 8 important nutrients, a compound that lowers blood pressure and one that fights disease-causing inflammation…

Joyce Hollman

The fast health benefits of taking the stairs

Not everyone has the knees to take the stairs. But if you’re able to, you should know it’s the answer to two types of exercise in one and can turn back several factors that add up to metabolic syndrome, heart attack and stroke in just a matter of weeks…

Carolyn Gretton

The 2 worst ultraprocessed foods you should ditch now

Ultraprocessed foods have been associated with bad health and early death. But avoiding them has seemed an impossible task, til now. A 30-year study reveals a starting point: Remove the two worst offenders shown to have the strongest impact on your health…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

The weird warning your feet send about your blood vessels

Feet get cold, sore and tired. It’s par for the course, right — or is it? Your feet are surprisingly responsive to what’s going on in your body. One serious signal spells danger for your heart and blood vessels. Here’s how to recognize your feet are flashing a warning light that requires attention…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The new stroke risk? Being 65 or younger

Most of us think stroke is something that happens when you’re old. Not anymore. Not only can a stroke occur at any age, the numbers game shows more people under 65 are having strokes than ever before. Here’s why stroke rates are rising so dramatically in younger people…

Joyce Hollman

The most effective strategy against heart disease and cancer

Diet is directly tied to health or disease. That’s why it has been and may always be a topic of research. But when a study comes out every week on this diet or that, how do you quantify it all? Analyze 20 years of studies and the disease-free diet comes to the top…

Joyce Hollman

Kombucha: The bacterial boost your metabolism needs

You may have heard of kombucha, but not jumped on board the hype. Well, if you’re looking to reduce fat, lower triglycerides and lose weight, kombucha can get you there by boosting the bacteria your body needs to ramp up your metabolism.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Exercise renews the brain’s plaque-fighting cells

We’ve read the research that exercise can boost cognition and prevent brain shrinkage, among other benefits. But what can it do against that scourge of aging marked by those nasty brain plaques? It gives back the fighting power of a youthful brain to eat them away…

Carolyn Gretton

The growing blood clot concern over low-calorie sweeteners

The average American consumes almost 19 teaspoons of added sugar a day. And that’s tied to more than 45 serious health problems. No wonder many of us turn to low-calorie sweeteners, like xylitol. But practicing moderation may be safer than risking blood clots…

Carolyn Gretton

11 unusual signs of chronic inflammation

Chronic inflammation can cause all kinds of problems. But how do you know you have it? As a diagnosis, it can be hard to detect, which is why we’re giving you 11 of the more unusual signs that it could be wreaking havoc inside your body right now…

Joyce Hollman

Perk of a heart-healthy lifestyle: Slower aging

We have no control over the passage of time. But we do have a lot of control over our physiological age. That means we have a lot of say over our health as we age. In fact, if you’re already taking care of your heart, you may have already slowed your rate of aging…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

5 symptoms prove chronic fatigue syndrome is ‘biological’

People with chronic fatigue syndrome have battled not only their condition but also skepticism that the condition could be psychosomatic. A landmark study that started eight years ago has compelling evidence that nothing could be further from the truth…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

Medicating against your circadian rhythm can be toxic

Most of us don’t think about what time it is when we take medication. Sure, you may have one or two your doctors suggest taking at a certain time of day. But if a headache hits, you probably pop a pain releiver without a second thought. That could be toxic and bad for you and your liver…

Carolyn Gretton

The syndrome that quadruples the risk of diabetic neuropathy

More than 50 percent of the half a billion people with diabetes suffer from a nerve condition that can cause pain and numbness. And most of them aren’t even aware they have it, the threats it poses or about the syndrome that quadruples their risk for it…

Joyce Hollman

What we can learn from the man beating Alzheimer’s

This is the true story of a 55-year-old man whose fate seemed to be sealed, When it came to genetics and dementia, he’d drawn the short straw: two copies of the APOE4 gene. But he didn’t take it sitting down. Today, his brain tells a different story, one that can belong to any of us…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Why high fat adds up to high Alzheimer’s risk

Studies have connected a diet high in saturated fats with Alzheimer’s. But how these fats harm the brain hasn’t been clear. Now researchers reveal three distinct ways a high-fat diet can damage the brain in a short amount of time. But we wouldn’t tell you this if there wasn’t a way around it…

Carolyn Gretton

Microplastics are building up in blood clots

Research into the impact of microplastics on our health is still in its early days. But so far, the evidence is alarming, including the presence of microplastics in arterial plaques. Now researchers are finding microplastic blood clots deep inside the body…

Joyce Hollman

Genetic study dives into restless leg syndrome

For years, restless leg syndrome has puzzled the medical community. It’s not an autoimmune condition, but is a symptom of many. It disrupts sleep and carries a higher risk of death, heart problems and diabetes. For answers, international researchers have turned to genetics…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

4 factors that weigh heavy on breast cancer risk and death

Fat cells release hormones that, especially in postmenopausal women, can fuel breast cancer. But additional factors have been found to significantly stack the odds, whether weight is a factor or not. The good news is you can do simple diagnostics at home to identify these risks and turn them around…

Joyce Hollman

A vicious cycle: diabetes, heart and kidney disease

Diabetes, heart disease and kidney disease overlap so much that the American Heart Association has coined a new syndrome to describe people with two or more of these diseases. Here’s how to know if you’re at risk, and what to do about it…

Carolyn Gretton

6 ways to make your fresh produce last longer

It’s important to eat fresh fruits and veggies as part of a healthy diet. And right now, it abounds. But keeping that produce from quickly going bad once you get it home is a challenge. Here are some tips to make it a whole lot easier…

Joyce Hollman

Study confirms an IBS treatment better than medicine

Traditional medications for IBS can produce side effects including heartburn, diarrhea, gas and abdominal pain — the very symptoms they’re meant to eliminate. Research has confirmed a treatment that works better with none of those side effects…

Joyce Hollman

4 tips for protecting your heart from menopause

Menopause is a time of life that many women dread. It is fraught not only with major changes but also health challenges. For women who have completed this journey, heart disease is the #1 killer. That needs to change…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

How beer can beat back a common stroke syndrome

I don’t know about you, but I’ve never thought of drinking beer as a healthy habit. But there’s no denying it contains a powerful compound that just might be the answer to a dangerous metabolic condition affecting one-third of Americans…

Joyce Hollman

4 symptoms of a blood clot you should never ignore

Clotting of the blood is a normal bodily function. When things go as planned, blood clots any time there is an injury to a blood vessel. Sometimes, though, the process goes off the rails and dangerous complications can occur. Here’s how to know the signs, and how to minimize your chances of a deadly blood clot…

Jenny Smiechowski

What dark chocolate does to your eyesight in just 2 hours

Carrots are full of antioxidants that support healthy vision. So are citrus fruits, cruciferous vegetables and plenty of other plant-based foods. But what if you’re in the mood for something a bit more decadent, delicious and fast-acting? Well, this should be a pleasant surprise…

Carolyn Gretton

5 micronutrients Alzheimer’s brains are missing

With Alzheimer’s on the rise, experts are exploring every angle to slow the disease’s progression. Drugs have been disappointing, but nutrition is another story. Researchers just identified five key nutrients found in normal brains, but missing in brains affected by Alzheimer’s…

Joyce Hollman

It’s official: Cranberries keep urinary tract infections away

Centuries ago, Native Americans valued cranberries for bladder health. And like me, you probably grew up with a mom who suggested cranberry juice to avoid UTIs. But science scoffed at this anecdotal evidence, chalking it up to an old wives’ tale. That is, until now…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

The superfood enzyme that ‘dissolves’ sinus pain and pressure

Superfoods get their reputation because they’re nutrient dense and do for your body what it normally takes a variety of other foods (in copious amounts) to do. Or because they contain that “one amazing” ingredient, like the natural answer for your sinus problems…

Margaret Cantwell

Does setting the clock back make you blue?

Setting the clocks back means fewer hours of sunlight for the coming months. That’s not a big deal for everyone. But if your mood plummets as the days grow shorter and darker, you might need help lifting the winter blues…

Joyce Hollman

The real reason fiber keeps disease away

The fact that fiber is essential to gut health is no surprise. But the role our gut plays in many other aspects of our health is coming to light in tons of research. Now we have a big clue as to why: hidden compounds that keep disease at bay…

Carolyn Gretton

The dark side of daily aspirin use

Millions of Americans are taking aspirin daily to prevent cardiovascular disease based on a decades-old recommendation, and many are doing it without their doctor’s supervision. Health experts have recently revised this advisory due to a dangerous side effect that outweighs its benefits…

William Davis

Nitric oxide: The pathway to better blood vessels, blood pressure and blood flow

Have you heard of nitric oxide? It’s a key biological signaling molecule in the cardiovascular system so important, its discovery earned a Nobel Prize. It helped make a little blue pill famous, but what it can do for blood pressure, blood flow and blood vessels is where NO truly shines…

Joyce Hollman

5 ways cinnamon can keep you slim and healthy

There are so many ways to enjoy the taste of cinnamon: tea, coffee, baking, casseroles. In fact, almost any food group can be enhanced by this stimulating flavor. Consider adding it into your cooking and baking, but to reap its amazing health benefits, all cinnamon is not created equally…

Jenny Smiechowski

This common virus more than doubles Alzheimer’s risk

Some viruses don’t go away when your symptoms do. They stick around silently for years and can put you at risk for serious diseases in the future. And now research shows a group of common viruses may double your risk of Alzheimer’s…

Joyce Hollman

Recipe for recovery: The science in chicken soup

Is chicken soup the best recovery for a cold? A lot of cultures worldwide swear by it and have for thousands of years. Here’s the science behind how chicken soup, done right, can speed up your recovery from colds and flu this winter…

Carolyn Gretton

Is your ‘true age’ increasing your stroke and dementia risk?

Most of us don’t worry about health problems till we’re older, when disease risks can skyrocket. But If your body’s biological age is older than your birth certificate shows, you can face higher stroke and dementia risks much sooner…

Joyce Hollman

Early-onset cancers jump 80 percent: Lower your odds

Cancer has been considered a disease of aging. But the fastest-growing group of cancer victims doesn’t fit that stereotype. Fortunately, identifying the culprits is the first step to lowering odds that have jumped significantly in the last 30 years…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

3 ways diabetes shortens lifespan up to 14 years

Diabetes can strike at anytime. And whether you’re diagnosed at 30 or 50, a countdown begins that can steal up to 14 years of your life. Researchers identified the three most common ways diabetes leads to an early grave…

Jenny Smiechowski

Cottage cheese: 3 big benefits of this old-school superfood

I love cottage cheese, even though it’s fallen out of fashion. I eat it often, and you should too, because the benefits of this retro superfood still hold strong several decades later. Here’s what eating a hefty bowl of cottage cheese every day can do for you…

Carolyn Gretton

The Wegovy plateau you should know about

Wegovy and other GLP-1 agonists, hailed as miracle drugs, have helped people drop pounds like nobody’s business. But a new consequence no one’s talking about is how these drugs work until they just don’t anymore, and the weight isn’t the only thing that comes back…

Craig Cooper

10 ways to lower your PSA levels

An elevated PSA can be an early indication of prostatitis, an enlarged prostate, or prostate cancer. However, an elevated PSA can also be associated with situations that don’t directly involve the prostate…

Jenny Smiechowski

5 health issues that cause muscle cramps

It’s not always easy to get to the bottom of mysterious muscle cramps. But if you pay attention to the signs you can most likely narrow it down to one of six common causes of cramping.

Joyce Hollman

Menopause: Why some women have it worse

Menopause is hard enough. The hot flashes and night sweats can make life miserable, not to mention the unmentionables…UTIs, dryness and a vanishing libido. But some women have it a lot worse, and now we know why…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The seed that offers protection against Parkinson’s disease

With no definitive causes and or gold-standard treatments, living with Parkinson’s encompasses medications that help manage symptoms but hold little hope for disease progression. As far as Parkinson’s prevention, we’ve been left out in the cold. Until now…

Carolyn Gretton

The artery assault that happens when you go to bed late

Sleep is just as important as diet and fitness to your health and well-being. Still, a few nights a week, most of us burn the candle a little past bedtime. The harm? A shocking attack on your blood vessels linked to inflammation, dysfunction and serious heart trouble…

Margaret Cantwell

Molecule ‘switch’ programs cancer cells to self-destruct

As long as research into treating cancer has gone on, there are still just a handful of therapies oncologists rely on. Even when used together, cells can become resistant and the treatment can cause significant harm. But switching on cancer’s self-destruct switch is closer than you think…

Carolyn Gretton

Blood work differences reveal why some live to 100

There’s been much speculation as to why some people live to 100 and beyond. But why wonder when you can compare the blood work of centenarians against their shorter-lived counterparts and see the specific biomarkers linked to exceptional longevity…

Joyce Hollman

Insulin resistance: Early signs and ditching the diabetes danger

Insulin resistance isn’t a disease state. It is an early warning, though, that if things don’t change, that’s exactly where you body’s headed. But if you’re only focusing on food and weight loss, you missing some very important pieces of the puzzle…

Carolyn Gretton

Neighborhoods that decrease cancer risk have a common thread

Obesity carries some dangerous health risks, including obesity-related cancers. While stats show a small decrease in most cancers, those associated with weight are on the rise. Weight loss could help, but there’s another common thread among the cancer-free: their neighborhoods.

Margaret Cantwell

Why going meatless isn’t always a good idea

What happens when you exclude all meat and animal products from your diet? For starters, that makes you a vegan. And there’s nothing wrong with that. But if it’s about health, you should know that much of the research warning us off meat is being called into question…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

Breakthrough: Scientists cause aging cells to self-destruct

Anyone over the age of 50 can agree: getting older isn’t for the faint of heart. Thankfully research into slowing the effects of aging is at a fever pitch. The latest? Breakthrough research that shows aging cells can be made to self destruct before causing age-associated ailments…