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Heart Health

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Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The 4 most common triggers of irregular heartbeat

When you have this condition, the electrical impulses in the upper chambers of your heart are chaotic, causing the atrial walls to quiver, instead of contracting normally and moving blood to the lower chambers. This can cause blood clots to form. That’s why you need to know your triggers…

Margaret Cantwell

The broth that warms your bones and protects your heart

Soothing, healing broth is a natural health staple for helping people feel better from just about any ailment. But if you want to block the activity of enzymes known to lead to heart disease, not just any old broth will do. Let me tell you what the science says is so special about this one…

Dr. Elizabeth Klodas MD, FACC

The LDL ‘big picture’ and why you need to see it sooner than later

LDL plays a central role in the initiation and progression of plaque build-up. That’s why it’s the number you and your doctor are most concerned with. But plaque buildup is determined not only by LDL levels. That’s why we need to talk about cumulative LDL exposure and what it means for you…

Jenny Smiechowski

The drink that doubles stroke risk in post-menopausal women

There are a lot of great things about being a woman who is past menopause, but your stroke risk isn’t one of them. In the decade after menopause, your stroke risk doubles. That’s why it’s important to find ways to get it back down. Luckily, there’s a simple way to do just that…

Dr. Elizabeth Klodas MD, FACC

The heart disease triple-threat your doctor doesn’t routinely check for

Not all cholesterol risk is explained by LDL cholesterol levels. It turns out there’s another factor that impacts the significance of this “bad” cholesterol, tripling your heart disease risk. You read that right. Triple.

Virginia Tims-Lawson

The mineral deficiency that could be behind your high blood pressure

You eat right, exercise, take your vitamins, and manage your stress. In short, you do everything right, but you walk into your doctor’s office and, bam! Suddenly you’re diagnosed with high blood pressure. Your hypertension could be tied to a mineral deficiency…


Dr. Elizabeth Klodas MD, FACC

Could the right food lower your heart disease risk better than meds?

When treating or preventing heart disease, the emphasis has been heavy on medications. But this pill-centric approach often ignores the tremendous impact foods have. Take cholesterol, where the right foods can be one and a half times even MORE powerful than drugs…

Joyce Hollman

Cancer’s complicated relationship with blood pressure drugs

Many people are unaware of just how many drugs there are to control blood pressure. That’s because if the first line drugs don’t work for you, the system is set up to get you on the next one. And that can lead you to a different and scarier disease threat…

Joyce Hollman

Why setting your alarm clock can save your heart

Just a night of six hours of sleep or less can reduce the power of your cancer-fighting cells by as much as 70%. But, no one has really looked at the regularity of your sleep habits as a factor in preventing disease. You’ll want to know what it can do to your heart…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

Leveraging the French paradox for heart protection

You may have heard of the French paradox… which explains how the French consume a diet high in cholesterol and saturated fats, but have a lower incidence of heart disease. But if alcohol, even wine, is increasingly tied to risks, how can you make it work?

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Could this be the secret to meeting all your resolutions?

Approximately 45 percent of us make New Year’s resolutions to limprove our health. Unfortunately, 80 percent of us give up by February. After all, it’s not always easy. But there’s something that can boost your odds and help you stick with it…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The link between a nightcap and a future stroke

Atrial fibrillaiton is a potentially serious condition that makes you vulnerable to stroke. There are certain factors that can increase your risk including high blood pressure, excess weight and diabetes. But, there’s one more you need to account for…