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Immune Health

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Joyce Hollman

Is it a chest cold or bronchitis and is pneumonia far behind?

What many people write off as just a “chest cold” is actually an inflammation of the lungs called bronchitis. Here’s how to know if you’ve got it, and how to treat it, keep yourself comfortable, and make sure it doesn’t become a more serious illness…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

How fiber now could help you fight off next year’s flu

Traditional methods for fighting the flu have some stiff competition. Previous studies have shown fiber fights inflammatory diseases, like asthma and allergies. So researchers wondered… could fiber help your body’s immune system work better at protecting you from flu?

Jenny Smiechowski

The high-carb weight loss food that burns calories

The low-carb diet craze has been going strong for decades. It started with Atkins, progressed to Paleo, and now it’s all about Keto. But low-carb eating isn’t for everyone. And, as shocking as it sounds, certain high-carb foods can even kick-start your weight loss.

Jenny Smiechowski

Doing this now could save you next flu season

This year’s horrible flu season is finally winding down… thank God! But if you were one of the unlucky ones who got the flu, you may be wondering how you can prevent yourself from reliving that awful experience again next year. You’re in luck…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

10 foods that sock it to your seasonal allergies

Soon the flowers will be blooming, birds will be singing, the grass will turn a vibrant green… and, your seasonal allergies will be back in full force. Don’t reach for those anti-histamines that can leave you feeling funky and drowsy and off your game just when you can get out and play. Eat, instead!

Virginia Tims-Lawson

Flu-fighting advice you won’t get from your doctor

You’re working hard. Getting less sleep than you should. And the stress is piling up. Surprised you’re sick again? If you’re not careful it could be flu that strikes. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention say the season is winding down, but the threat is not even close to being over yet…


Joyce Hollman

The dangerous way flu symptoms are disguised in older adults

Hospitalizations and deaths from flu this year have been higher than normal. But what if you don’t have symptoms… could you still have the flu? For older adults, this is a more frequent reality than most people realize, including doctors. And that’s even more scary…

Craig Cooper

How spirulina boosts men’s immune health

Numerous studies have shown that a freshwater blue-green algae called spirulina boosts men’s immune health. This superfood, and its cousin chlorella, can be enjoyed both in food and as a supplement.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The shocking thing increasing your flu risk

Flu season this year is a real doozy. So researchers set out to discover whether the flu was really only passed by exposure to droplets from an infected person’s coughs or sneezes or by touching contaminated surfaces. But what they found was not what they expected…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

And the best flu-fighting vitamin is…

Flu… we all dread it. Even if you get the flu vaccine, there’s no reason to put all your eggs in one basket, since every year scientists are battling different strains. But, what if I told you taking one simple thing each day could offer you big protection, maybe even as much as when you get stuck with that needle?

Virginia Tims-Lawson

If you can’t escape the flu, tame it

When breakthroughs on boosting immunity hit the web, you can bet I’m researching and putting them to use. Most recently, I learned how, even if you can’t escape the flu, there is a way to tame it. With a little preparation, you can be as ready as you can be to keep the flu’s effects at a minimum…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

5 Allergy-relieving secrets for every season

A runny nose, itchy, watery eyes, sneezing and a sore throat and cough… If you suffer from a constant onslaught of allergens, you’ll be glad to know there is hope. In fact, overcoming seasonal allergies could be as simple as adding a few extra foods to your diet…