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Easy Health Options Staff

How loneliness activates chronic disease and shortens life

Humans are emotional creatures. Some more so than others. We have our ups and downs, and expect to feel the spectrum of emotions as a normal part of life. But just because these emotions may be normal for most of us, that doesn’t mean they’re harmless…

Dr. Brad Cutler

18+ ways your spice rack is a medicine cabinet

Besides creating flavor, spices have been researched for their powerful curative effects. Many common herbs and spices have been shown to help protect against the most devastating chronic conditions including cancer, diabetes and heart disease.

Jenny Smiechowski

Forget gluten: There’s another reason to skip wheat

A lot of people avoid wheat because it contains gluten, a protein that can be difficult for the body to digest. But it turns out gluten isn’t the only problem with wheat that can make you miserable and take a toll on your health…

Beverly Burmeier

Don’t take the arthritis meds that lead to heart attack

Arthritis. Maybe you know first-hand the crippling pain that makes the simplest of tasks difficult. But if you have heart problems or high blood pressure, as more than half of arthritis sufferers do, you may find it’s even harder to get safe relief from your doctor.

Beverly Burmeier

The not-so-gingerly spice that attacks cancer-causing inflammation

Maybe you’ve used ginger to relieve symptoms of motion sickness in a tummy-soothing tea. Well, you’re taking good medicine according to research… Ginger is a great choice to diminish the pain of inflammatory bowel disease, but better yet, scientists have shown its benefits extend to reducing the risk of cancers associated with colitis.

Dr. Brad Cutler

Eat this, not that, to live pain-free

Pain. You feel it in your joints, muscles, tendons… and you’re starting to notice it more and more… after prolonged sitting and even when you step out of bed first thing in the morning.


Easy Health Options Staff

Inflammation danger is a double whammy if you have this skin condition

To eliminate chronic inflammation, we must reduce the underlying factors contributing to it, and support the body’s natural anti-inflammatory mechanisms. The best way to do that is through food and supplements.

Jenny Smiechowski

6 ways you’re ‘cooking up’ diabetes

All these years spent worrying about what to eat to prevent diabetes — but who knew the actual cooking method had so much to do with disease risk? Fortunately, it’s not too late to make a change.

Jenny Smiechowski

Nuts are disease’s kryptonite

Nuts are the one food that drastically reduces your risk of inflammation, chronic disease and an early death. And in my book, that’s a “prescription” that’s easy to stomach. But whatever nut you pick, just make sure…

Jenny Smiechowski

Cutting calories may be cancer ‘cure-all’

Would you give up one snack a day if it meant you could live a disease-free life? Because that could be all that’s standing between you and the ticking cancer-causing time bomb in your body…

Craig Cooper

The fitness trend that might kill you

Want to run a marathon so you can cross it off your bucket list, as I did? Go for it. But before you decide to make a regular habit of it, there are some things you need to know about all that running…

Jenny Smiechowski

For a disease-proof body, take two parasites and call me in the morning

There’s a surprising way to halt the progression of a very serious autoimmune disease — and possibly even cancer. But there’s a catch. The solution is one that will likely make your stomach turn…