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Joint Health

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Joyce Hollman

Thinking about injections for knee pain? Read this first

The pain of knee osteoarthritis affects more than 14 million Americans who often seek relief from their well-meaning doctors. But one remedy that’s proven quite lucrative for pharmaceuticals is proving nothing but ineffective and risky for patients…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

8 great supplements for calming rheumatoid arthritis

Living with RA can get a little easier when you use supplements to naturally reduce inflammation and swelling, relieve pain, improve your overall health and combat the side effects of those prescription drugs. Here are the great eight…

Joyce Hollman

The real ‘fat factor’ driving osteoarthritis

Many people believe osteoarthritis (OA) is an unavoidable result of aging, as the cartilage in joints wears away, leaving them stiff and painful. Carrying extra weight is thought to worsen it. But new research has revealed that it’s a different kind of fat factor driving OA.

Carolyn Gretton

The juice/supplement combo that eases rheumatoid arthritis symptoms

If you have rheumatoid arthritis, chances are you’ve experienced side effects from your medication, so you may be aware of alternatives that relieve your symptoms. One such alternative, fish oil, has shown the ability to ease RA symptoms. You can ramp us those effects by taking it with the right juice…

Joyce Hollman

How curcumin prevents muscle damage and soreness

Why reach for dangerous NSAIDs when you can reach into your spice cabinet for something that relieves muscle aches without the side effects? Research shows that curcumin supplements are a safe, effective way to prevent muscle damage, pain and inflammation whether you’re exercising, working, gardening or getting your game on.

Joyce Hollman

Your doctor’s treatment for hip and knee pain may cause more harm

The knee and hip joints are the two joints you hear about most in connection with osteoarthritic pain and joint replacement. Treatments are available that ease the pain of OA, including cortisone injections. But recent research has revealed that these injections are more dangerous than we’ve been led to believe…


Joyce Hollman

4 reasons your hips may hurt and how to help

Hip pain doesn’t stop at your hips. It can cause debilitating pain in the lower back and knees because your hips simply cannot bear their share of the weight. If you are living with hip pain, even if it seems minor, it’s good to know the cause. Here are four possible reasons for hip pain, and the signs of each…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Are antibiotics causing rheumatoid arthritis?

When most of us think of arthritis, we probably think of the classic stiff, achy joints of the most common type of the disease, osteoarthritis. But, there’s another type of arthritis that’s a whole different animal, an autoimmune disease that attacks your joints, leaving them painful, swollen and even disfigured.

Craig Cooper

7 foods that reduce joint pain

Regardless of your level of activity, joint pain can affect your performance and your enjoyment. You can tackle this challenge by selecting from a wide variety of anti-inflammatory and pain medications, or signing up for physical therapy. You also can choose these 7 foods that help reduce joint pain.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Joint replacement surgery on your horizon? Do this NOW

The majority of joint replacement surgeries occur in people over the age of 65. If you’re getting ready to undergo a knee or hip replacement, there something very important you should start doing now to lower your risk of a complication that could put you back in the hospital…

Jenny Smiechowski

Is your arthritis chronic Lyme in disguise?

If you develop joint pain and stiffness as you get older, it’s easy to assume you have osteoarthritis, a common condition. But before you write off a sudden case of stiff, achy joints as a sign you’re not the spring chicken you once were, ask yourself a question — What’s my tick exposure like?

Jenny Smiechowski

How yoga relieves rheumatoid arthritis symptoms and boosts remission

When your joints are painful, swollen and inflamed from a rheumatoid arthritis attack the last thing you feel like doing is putting pressure on them. But as counterintuitive as it sounds, there’s one activity that when you have RA, could be your ticket to symptom relief and even remission…