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Liver Health

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Jedha Dening

6 teas that boost metabolism, tame appetite and fight fat

Did you know habitual tea drinkers have lower BMI and waist-to-hip ratios, and less body fat than non-tea drinkers? In addition, teas offer protection against many of the health risks associated with being overweight. Here are six that top the list…

Joyce Hollman

6 ways to lessen your risk for gallstones

Gallstones are tiny, hard “pebbles” made of cholesterol. They’re usually very small but can grow to several centimeters, causing pain and sometimes, medical emergencies. Here are some tips to make it less likely you’ll get them…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Fast food and fatty liver: How much is too much

Fast food, offering tasty and effective transport of unhealthy fat, is horrible on the liver. And the heart. We’d be kidding ourselves to think we could give it all up completely and forever. But knowing where the point of no return is would be really helpful.

Virginia Tims-Lawson

The silent liver disease that’s worse on your heart

There’s a one in four chance, unbeknownst to you, you’re living with a common liver condition, and it’s damaging your heart right now. Researchers are so concerned, they say we can’t view the heart and the liver as completely separate functioning organs any longer…

Joyce Hollman

Common chemical found to drive heart disease and early death

Chemicals are an invasive part of our lives that we have a hard time avoiding. Many of them can make our lives easier, but that luxury demands a high price. In fact, we’re paying with our lives… 100,000 a year to be exact, lost to heart disease and early death. But you may be more shocked to learn how you’re exposed to this killer chemical…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

It’s not your diet: Why breathing is making us fat

Nothing is more frustrating than seeing numbers on a scale tipping in the wrong direction, no matter how much calorie counting you’ve done. Is it your diet? Hormones? Or the air you breathe? It’s not high in calories, but it’s high in something else science says packs on the pounds…


Jenny Smiechowski

The ancient Greek gum that’s good for your teeth, liver and more

Studies show a plant-based gum can reduce the amount of cavity-causing bacteria in your mouth, lower plaque levels, reduce gum inflammation and neutralize mouth odor. That’s probably why chewing it has been a popular dental hygiene practice in Greece for centuries. But its medicinal benefits don’t stop in your mouth…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

The single nutrient that raises good cholesterol and supports liver health

HDL is the good cholesterol we all want more of. Easier said than done, right? Actually, it just got easier. And that’s a doubly good thing because not only is HDL good for the heart, research has found it’s also liver-protective. So time to get on board with improving your HDL with the single nutrient that can help you meet all these needs…

Joyce Hollman

Milk thistle: Liver support for better cholesterol, blood sugar and weight

For centuries, milk thistle has been used as a natural, herbal remedy to help support the liver, your body’s main detoxifying organ that protects you from pesticides and other environmental toxins. But if you thought that was all it could do, think again. There’s research that your blood sugar, cholesterol and weight could benefit, too.

Joyce Hollman

The liver disease that stalks night owls

Being a night owl may be your thing. After all, a nap or two the next day and you feel good as new, right? While that may be, something sinister may be undermining your health. Find out why this liver disease goes after people like you…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

How a fatty liver can exponentially raise dementia risk

Fatty liver affects 1 in 4. The inflammation and damage may eventually lead to cirrhosis or worse. But if you’re one of 30 million with another common condition plus fatty liver, your risk for dementia skyrockets to insane levels. Trim your liver and your risks today…

Joyce Hollman

The ‘one a day’ that skyrockets women’s liver cancer risk

Most cases of liver cancer are traceable to clear risk factors such as diabetes, cirrhosis or non-alcoholic fatty liver diseases, among others. But for 40 percent the cause isn’t so clear. Until research came across the ‘one a day’ that raises liver cancer risk by 73 percent…