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Carolyn Gretton

How effective is garlic for osteoarthritis knee pain?

It’s no secret that obesity can put you at risk of a number of chronic illnesses. It can also increase your risk for osteoarthritis and make you a tough candidate to find relief from osteoarthritis knee pain. You may have heard that garlic can help. But how effective is it really?

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Is your back pain killing you?

Living with back pain can feel like torture. People who deal with pain day in and day out may even feel like it’s killing them. But can it? Past studies have made that connection. And the newest saw a correlation with premature death and back pain possibly involving a cardiovascular component.

Joyce Hollman

The real ‘fat factor’ driving osteoarthritis

Many people believe osteoarthritis (OA) is an unavoidable result of aging, as the cartilage in joints wears away, leaving them stiff and painful. Carrying extra weight is thought to worsen it. But new research has revealed that it’s a different kind of fat factor driving OA.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The daily habit that eases migraine, depression, anxiety and sleep loss

Migraines, depression, sleep loss and anxiety can fast become an endless cycle that seems to have no end. Medications may work for some, but especially when it comes to migraines, the side-effects can rival the pain. But there’s one daily habit that might provide the relief you need…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Imaging shows COVID-19 leads to long-term joint and muscle pain

Blood clots, loss of smell, Covid-toes and now, long-haul symptoms. COVID-19 packs a punch that keeps on giving. The latest: radiological proof it causes the body to attack itself, leaving many with joint and muscle pain for the long term.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Pandemic pain: Why your chronic pain has worsened

If you’ve noticed you have a harder time dealing with pain lately, you’re not alone. Like most things in the past year, research shows that for victims of chronic pain, the likelihood that you’re feeling worse than ever is off the charts. Here’s why your pain is worse and what can help…


Carolyn Gretton

Brain anomaly discovered that could be responsible for migraine

Once thought to be caused by blood vessels in the head, researchers now believe migraine is a neurological disorder involving nerve pathways and brain chemicals. Whatever the cause, effective treatment would be a huge relief for many. One research team has zeroed in on a particular brain chemical that could be involved in migraine onset… […]

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Living with muscle pain? Look at what you’re eating

You pull yourself out of bed in the morning and your back aches. You head into the kitchen to get breakfast and notice that your neck and shoulders are tense and your hamstrings tight and painful. Every movement hurts. And you think, “Today, I’ve got to stretch.” But you may be surprised to learn that what you’re eating could be causing your muscle pain.

Margaret Cantwell

How I’m beating the migraine trigger I didn’t know I had

Light is connected to migraine in more ways than one. Anyone who suffers from them knows that during an attack light is like salt on a wound. Light hurts and makes a migraine worse. But light can also be a trigger. When I changed the light in my life, I also changed how migraine affected my life.

Joyce Hollman

The biological reason most drugs don’t relieve pain in women

Functional pain refers to pain that occurs without injury. Migraines and fibromyalgia fall into this category. Turns out more women suffer this kind of pain and now we know why. For starters, a female hormone acts on sensory pain receptors and may ramp up that stimuli. To make matters worse, certain pain treatments can kick it into high gear.

Carolyn Gretton

Relieving the symptoms of shingles naturally

Shingles can strike anyone who’s had chickenpox, although older adults tend to be more susceptible. This painful, burning, itching rash takes time to heal. But you can relieve its symptoms through a number of natural means while waiting for it to disappear…

Carolyn Gretton

The green light to cut your migraine days in half

One in four American households includes someone who suffers from migraines, and more than 90 percent of sufferers are unable to function normally during their attacks. Treatments have included drugs that don’t always help and advice on avoiding triggers. Thanks to research into the effect of light on migraine, there’s new hope…