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Prescription Drugs

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Margaret Cantwell

The painful truth and questionable use of off-label pain pills

As soon as my friend handed me the list of potential side effects the pharmacist had provided him, printed on a sheet of “caution tape” yellow paper, I could see why he wanted to talk. He asked me if I thought it was worth it, trading the pain for these dangerous risks. I had to say no. And here’s why…

Joyce Hollman

Clinical trials: Deception, greed and danger

Clinical trials are conducted to determine whether a drug works, whether it is safe, and what possible side effects it carries. But who is deciding what “safe” is? Who’s really controlling whether we suffer devastating side effects, or take ineffective medications at high cost?

Jenny Smiechowski

Are antidepressants starving your vital organs?

Mainstream doctors aren’t equipped to deal with depression. Many will send you home with a prescription for SSRIs, but we know this medication is only about as effective as a placebo pill. Worse, your heart, kidneys, lungs and liver need the serotonin these drugs are blocking…

Jedha Dening

Your prescriptions may mask this deadly condition

One incredibly fascinating thing about the human body is its resilience. We can treat it poorly and still it will continue to do its best to maintain balance so we can get on with life. Of course, its ability to go on with being treated poorly eventually lands us in trouble…

Jedha Dening

6 common medications that harm your kidneys

It’s common practice these days to take medications for our ailments. And while medications may be designed to assist your body in some way, they also have to take a trip to the kidneys for filtering. And if you think your kidneys are “safe” from the effects of those drugs, think again…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Are you taking one of these deadly stomach pain medicines?

Heartburn, reflux, ulcers and indigestion… If you’re taking prescription or over-the-counter medication to treat any of these common health complaints, you could be taking a chance with your life.


Jedha Dening

3 common meds that increase your stroke risk

A stroke hits when either oxygen or nutrients carried to the brain are blocked. While most people know that stroke is a serious issue, what is less known is that some commonly prescribed medications can increase your risk of stroke anywhere from 25 percent on up to almost 80 percent.

Easy Health Options Staff

Medications that make you gain weight [slideshow]

We all know that the most common cause for abnormal weight gain is the unhealthy foods we put into our mouth (in addition to genetic predisposition). But what many don’t know is there is a host of medications that also cause weight gain.

Easy Health Options Staff

7 things you need to know before taking antibiotics (slideshow)

The problem with antibiotics is that they represent too much of a good thing. Like any drug, it’s good to steer clear of overuse to optimize a drug’s effectiveness. Here are the top reasons to avoid antibiotics and how to take them safely when you must…

Jenny Smiechowski

The scary short-term steroid sepsis connection

You’ve probably been prescribed short-term steroids for an illness that won’t kill you, like back pain, allergies or respiratory tract infections. But the complications of this medication can increase your risk for three dangerous conditions, and two can kill you.

Craig Cooper

How does Xtandi treat advanced prostate cancer?

In up to 40 percent of men who are diagnosed with prostate cancer and undergo therapy, the disease spreads (metastasizes) and develops into advanced prostate cancer. How does Xtandi treat advanced prostate cancer?

Jenny Smiechowski

Some acid reflux drugs increase stroke risk 94%

Sometimes the cure is worse than the disease, like when you take PPIs to treat your acid reflux. People taking the lowest doses of these drugs had a slightly increased risk of stroke, while people taking the highest doses were in grave danger of stroke.