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Jedha Dening

The dairy that drops diabetes risk 70%

Diabetes is a HUGE problem. And it looks like part of the reason it is could be attributed to wrong-headed nutritional advice we’ve been following for years that’s been hurting instead of helping.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Why weight watchers have better blood sugar

Are you worried about developing diabetes? Are you carrying around extra weight that leaves you at high risk for the disease? If so, you may have already talked to your doctor about it and been told to go on a diet, eat healthier and exercise more.

Jedha Dening

Bitter melon for better blood sugar

Bitter melon is also known by several other names — bitter squash, bitter gourd, bitter apple, and it’s botanical name momordica charantia. And with more than 32 known beneficial phytochemicals, this unusual-looking fruit is now becoming increasingly popular to help balance blood sugar…

Dr. Mark Wiley

4 factors to fight blood sugar woes

Managing type 2 diabetes is vital to keep your health from spiraling out of control, and it can be overwhelming. But if you can focus on just these four factors, you might reduce your symptoms — or better yet, avoid it in the first place…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

Natural ways to fight diabetic vision loss

Retinopathy is the most common cause of vision loss and blindness in people with type 2 diabetes. The most important step you can take is to keep your blood sugar levels within healthy goal ranges. But beyond that, research shows there are a few things that may provide further protection…

Jedha Dening

The secret symptom that signals diabetes

When you think of type 2 diabetes, insulin and blood sugar come to mind. But before type 2 diabetes develops, there’s an increased production of inflammatory molecules throughout the whole body. And by the time you’re diagnosed…


Craig Cooper

9 blood sugar strategies I like better than metformin

I took metformin for a week — and felt like I’d been pummeled with a sledgehammer. The research I did indicated that metformin could truly be a wonder drug that could impact my disease risk and signs of aging. So I gave it a go. But I found something better…

Jenny Smiechowski

Could a few drinks lower your diabetes risk?

You may have read that evidence is stacking up against that supposedly “healthy” glass of wine with dinner. But that’s not the final word when it comes to drinking to your health. There’s been another twist in the alcohol-health debate…

Jedha Dening

Are carbs making your hair fall out?

Most of your adult life, you’ve been warned to keep the carbohydrates to a minimum. Most of the time, the reasoning behind those warnings centered on weight loss issues. But there’s another very important reason you’ve probably never heard of…

Jedha Dening

7 kitchen ingredients to improve blood sugar control

If you’re diabetic already, or prediabetic, maintaining tight blood sugar control is extremely important. That’s why you should take advantage of the most effective blood sugar control tools at your disposal. All you have to do is look to simple ingredients you may already have in your kitchen…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The fast answer to beating type 2 diabetes

Most people with prediabetes will develop type 2 diabetes within five years without major lifestyle changes, including diet changes and exercise. But there is a simple dietary trick that most doctors completely neglect in helping patients avoid diabetes…

Margaret Cantwell

The diabetes setup

The average American gets conflicting messaging about how to eat to avoid the insulin resistance that leads to type 2 diabetes. Very few items represented as health foods, actually are… and certain industries try awfully hard to lead us astray from other…