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Immune Health

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Margaret Cantwell

How to prep to survive flu season

The CDC recommends flu shots by the end of October. But for the last five years of available data, vaccine efficacy hasn’t breached 40 percent, and if you’re over 50, it was even less. Hopes are higher this year, but surviving flu season is best approached from multiple angles…

Margaret Cantwell

Black cumin seed and diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is considered preventable. That doesn’t mean it’s easy. Other conditions can make it harder to reverse, including obesity, hypertension and metabolic syndrome. But there is quite a bit of published research that indicates an ancient seed could help…

Joyce Hollman

Toilet seat or pillowcase: Which holds more infectious germs?

What do you think is the dirtiest place in your house? The bathroom or the bedroom? Both have their issues, but if you guessed bathroom, you’ll be shocked to learn a germ-filled slumber can expose you to an exponentially higher risk of dangerous bacteria…

Joyce Hollman

Taurine: The anti-aging amino acid

Imagine turning up the switch on a natural substance your body produces to avoid the ailments of aging. Wishful thinking? Not with this amino acid’s potential to suppress weight gain, increase bone mass, muscle strength and endurance, reduce depression, insulin resistance, DNA damage and more…

Joyce Hollman

Half a million medical records link viruses to neurodegeneration

For years now, researchers have noticed curious links between a handful of viruses and Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. A new look into a staggering number of health records indicates even though the link may not be causal, it warrants serious attention…

Carolyn Gretton

Relief for long COVID fatigue: Resetting the vagus nerve

Long-COVID is no joke. Almost half who suffer from it experience crushing fatigue they say impacts their quality of life. Researchers hot on the trail of why it happens and how to relieve it may have hit a nerve… one that has a history of dysfunction related to other viral infections.


Jenny Smiechowski

3 serious conditions most likely to be misdiagnosed

Over 100,000 Americans die or are permanently disabled each year because of diagnostic errors. How do you prevent a nightmare like this from happening? It’s helpful to know which conditions are most likely to be misdiagnosed in the first place. And lucky for you, a new study just revealed the top three…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The link between artificial sweeteners, infection and multi-organ failure

You wouldn’t sit down in a restaurant and grab a little pink packet of bacteria to stir into your tea or coffee, would you? Or drink down a can of diet soda that has it already mixed in, right? Considering how artificial sweeteners ramp up and enable dangerous bacteria in your gut, you may as well…

Joyce Hollman

Feed a cold, starve a fever (or leave it be for faster recovery)

A fever is the body’s reaction to infection. Turning the heat up improves the performance of immune cells and stresses the pathogen behind the illness. So is it any wonder that the practice of medicating fever is coming into question or that skipping it could clear infection in half the time?

Carolyn Gretton

For infection prevention, hit the sheets

A lot of us don’t spend enough time in the bedroom. Then again, some of us could be spending a little too much time there. Why does it matter? Your time between the sheets has been linked to how well you can fight off infection.

Carolyn Gretton

Why skipping breakfast means getting sick more often

There are many proven reasons breakfast has earned the title of “most important meal of the day.” And the popular practice of fasting is proving yet another reason why: a chain reaction set off by inflammation that can make you sick easily and more often and set you up for heart problems…

Carolyn Gretton

Conclusive: Vitamin D’s viral ‘protective effect’

During the pandemic, there was a lot of research into how nutrition might give us an edge, and one vitamin stood out. Now that the worst appears to be behind us, you may be wondering what was ultimately decided. Does vitamin D have exceptional clout or not?