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Joyce Hollman

A glass a day beats immune-zapping inflammation

Orange juice is full of vitamin C which supports the immune system by increasing production of white blood cells that are on the front lines. But there’s more going on behind the scenes. Along with other nutrients, new research shows this old-fashioned remedy gets to the core of what leaves your body defenseless in the face of infection.

Jedha Dening

The herb that crushes metabolic syndrome

Do you have any of the following symptoms? Obesity, belly weight, high cholesterol, blood pressure or blood sugar? If the answer is yes to any of these, you have metabolic syndrome. When your metabolism is altered, it dramatically increases your risk for diabetes, heart disease and stroke.

Joyce Hollman

Simple diet changes that relieve skin and joint inflammation

Considering the risks of some medical treatments for psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis — topical steroids that raise blood pressure and expensive biologics — the possibility of living symptom-free with simple dietary changes is a game-changer. But that’s just what happened when scientists put the standard American diet to the test against foods that heal instead of harm…

Carolyn Gretton

Foods that slow brain aging by boosting its blood supply

There are all kinds of tips for keeping your brain sharp as you age, from memory games to meditation to learning new subjects or taking up new hobbies. And we can’t forget sufficient exercise and sleep. But there’s an easier way to improve one of the biggest contributors of age-related cognitive decline… blood flow to the brain.

Virginia Tims-Lawson

Could just one type of food disease-proof your body?

Decades of research have revealed that, while acute inflammation can help you heal from injuries and fight infection, chronic inflammation is a recognized component of some of our most threatening health problems. But one type of food can combat inflammation and help keep your body from becoming a disease magnet…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Long COVID: More common and longer than we thought

More than a year later most of us are breathing a sigh of relief. Yes, we’re still cautious but we’ve turned the corner. But what if you were infected? There’s a good chance you could be dealing with long Covid. Because healthcare workers and researchers are finding it’s much more common and may last even longer than anyone thought.


Carolyn Gretton

What your inflammation clock reveals about your immune health and aging

Aging is due in part to varying rates of immune system decline that trigger chronic inflammation. People with healthy immune systems are able to fight off this inflammation to some extent, but those whose aren’t as strong will age faster and be more prone to frailty and disease. Since inflammation is treatable, all we’ve needed was a way to measure it.

Joyce Hollman

The real reason fibromyalgia increases pain sensitivity

Imagine being in pain all over your body, feeling crushingly tired and weak, and being so foggy-brained that you can hardly accomplish simple, everyday tasks. Now imagine years of being misdiagnosed or told “it’s all in your head.” That’s been life for people with fibromyalgia, until now…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

How stress increases pain sensitivity and how to get relief

Have you noticed that when you’re stressed, pain from your bad knee or a headache kicks in? And it’s the last thing you need, right? The fact is, stress can make everything in your life worse, including pain levels. This inescapable truth starts with immune cells and that one abomination that contributes to everything “unwell.”

Virginia Tims-Lawson

The nutrients that lower depression up to 70 percent

Omega-3 fatty acids are essential for reasons other than your body not producing them on its own. From improved heart health and cognition to longer life, omega-3s have long been identified as important nutrients to avoid numerous health problems. Add relieving depression to the mix, but there’s one caveat…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Is your tinnitus worse since COVID? Here’s why

The list of lingering effects of COVID-19 keeps growing. We’ve learned that the virus can steal your sense of taste and smell, cause respiratory distress and long-haul symptoms like joint pain, palpitations, fatigue, brain fog and more. Now we can add hearing and balance problems to the mix. But they may have the same remedy…

Carolyn Gretton

Sore throat? OTC cold remedies won’t help and may harm

Catching a cold is a drag and little is worse than a sore throat. Every swallow reminds us of the misery, which is why we turn to over-the-counter cold remedies to ease the discomfort. But not only have they been shown to do little good, they harm upper respiratory cells…