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Joyce Hollman

How inflammation in your body makes your brain impulsive

Inflammation is your body’s natural response to stress. When you sprain your ankle, it becomes inflamed in order to cushion and protect your joint from further damage. If you eat something too spicy, your intestine may become inflamed, protecting your digestive tract. But inflammation has its downsides, too…

Joyce Hollman

How common infections can trigger stroke

What do urinary tract infections and brain damage have to do with each other? As bizarre and frightening as it sounds, there’s a correlation between having a UTI or other infection and having a stroke. What’s more, it seems that having an infection can heighten your chances of brain damage from a stroke.

Jenny Smiechowski

Is your back pain a sign of Ankylosing Spondylitis?

Everyone deals with back pain from time to time. Sometimes it’s caused by too much sitting, too much standing or too much lifting. But what if your back pain is ankylosing spondylitis, a condition you may have seen in headlines and wondered, “what is that?”

Jenny Smiechowski

Why late-life bowel disease puts your life on the line

Since IBD doesn’t strike older adults as often as the young, there’s less research on how it affects older people. But we know older adults get hit harder by IBD in several ways… In fact, people diagnosed with IBD later in life are much more likely to die early. That makes detection and treatment critical…

Jenny Smiechowski

How yoga relieves rheumatoid arthritis symptoms and boosts remission

When your joints are painful, swollen and inflamed from a rheumatoid arthritis attack the last thing you feel like doing is putting pressure on them. But as counterintuitive as it sounds, there’s one activity that when you have RA, could be your ticket to symptom relief and even remission…

Jenny Smiechowski

Is chronic inflammation killing your motivation and happiness?

Do you ever go through periods where you feel kind of “blah”? Everything’s a chore. You keep up with work, family and social commitments… but just barely. Some might call this mild depression. But the truth is, low-grade chronic inflammation has been found to kill motivation and steal happiness…


Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Stressed? Why science says you should get ‘dirty’

Inflammation and stress seem to be two of the most dangerous and rampant issues of our time. Inflammation is at the root of numerous medical conditions including those that affect the brain. But the key to solving inflammation and stress might be one and the same. And, it’s been found in a very surprising place…

Joyce Hollman

The common (and controllable) symptom that links disease and depression

It stands to reason that having heart disease, suffering a stroke, or having cancer could lead to feelings of depression. But it works the other way too… people with depression are more likely to also suffer certain physical disorders. It boils down to this common denominator…

Dr. Michael Cutler

The amazing healing power of fiber

Had I known that high fiber foods heal intestinal diseases, like ulcerative colitis, I might have been spared a complete proctocolectomy, the complete removal of my large intestine. My experience served as a catalyst to investigate healing through fiber… something I didn’t learn in med school and am glad to share…

Jenny Smiechowski

3 steps to more energy, better sleep and a stronger immune system

There are things about your body that feel like they’re out of your control… Like how fast your heart beats or how cold you feel when you jump into an icy lake. But amazing individuals have demonstrated that you can control bodily processes that appear to operate on autopilot. Case in point?

Jenny Smiechowski

The fruit that rivals prescription anti-inflammatory drugs

Diseases are like dominoes. You get one disease, and it triggers a chain reaction that causes others. Just think about it for a second… If you have an autoimmune disease, you’re more likely to get cancer. If you have diabetes, you’re more likely to get heart disease. If you have heart disease, you’re more likely to get dementia. The list goes on and on. Why are chronic diseases connected?

Jenny Smiechowski

Why moisturizing your skin could help prevent chronic disease

If you want to slow the signs of aging, you slather on moisturizer daily to keep your skin looking soft, supple and young. But what if the benefits of moisturizer went more than skin deep? What if moisturizer could fight body-wide inflammation that leads to disease? That sounds outlandish, but research says…