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Men’s Health

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Virginia Tims-Lawson

The diet that increases testosterone deficiency up to 60%

Experts estimate that between 20 and 50 percent of men in the U.S. are living with low testosterone. That means decreased libido and energy and increased disease risk. But what if your diet was the thing zapping your testosterone? Would you do something about it?

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Foods that raise men’s colorectal cancer risk

It’s a no-brainer that eating anything that barely resembles real food and bears a list of unpronounceable ingredients could be remotely healthy. That’s why these foods contribute to dementia, weight gain and colon cancer. But why is the cancer risk so much higher for men?

Virginia Tims-Lawson

5 fake estrogens that ruin your sex drive and cause man boobs

There’s no reason to let your manhood be stolen out from under you, Let’s take a look at the most common dietary sources of fake estrogen men encounter in their everyday lives — and what to do about them…

Carolyn Gretton

Does low testosterone really increase COVID-19 severity?

There are a lot of factors that appear to increase the odds of developing severe COVID-19. Studies have found connections between the illness and age, heart disease, diabetes, and deficiencies in vitamin D and zinc. And low levels of certain hormones seem to play a role as well …

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The diet that fights erectile dysfunction

With every decade that passes, a man’s risk of ED goes up another 10 percent. That means men in their 50s have about a 50 percent chance of dealing with the frustrating and embarrassing problem. Instead of reaching for the little blue pill, there’s a diet found to get to the root of the problem by improving both testosterone levels and blood flow…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The diet that boosts men’s happiness hormone

Close to one in three men will experience depression in their lifetime. That not only affects mental health but also increases chronic disease risk. And men are less likely to seek help. But what’s that saying about the way to a man’s heart? It may be key to happiness too…


Craig Cooper

When low testosterone is actually a simple vitamin problem

Whether you want sustained strength in the gym, more brainpower in the boardroom, better performance in the bedroom, or other overall health benefits, you need to keep this vitamin at optimal levels, especially if you’re concerned about low T…

Joyce Hollman

How to slash genetic risk for prostate cancer

Prostate cancer is a leading cause of cancer death in American men, and the most heritable cancer. If your father had it, there’s a high chance you will, too. If you are at increased genetic risk, recent research spells out exactly what you can do to dramatically decrease the odds it will take your life.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The serious blood clot risk that comes with prostate cancer

People with cancer are known to have a higher risk of dangerous blood clots known as venous thromboembolism or VTE. These clots are a leading cause of death in people with cancer. Because prostate cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in men, this is a risk they need to be aware of…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The coffee brew method that raises cholesterol most for men

Coffee. Few of us can or want to start the day without it. And why not? The health benefits keep coming, or do they? That all depends on the brew method and your sex, especially if you’re watching your cholesterol…

Joyce Hollman

Early signs of functional decline that lead to male ‘frailty’

Maybe it’s because some still hold strong to the adage that men are the stronger sex. Or maybe it’s because men themselves aren’t open about health problems they experience with age. That’s a problem because male frailty is real and two signs can indicate if you’re headed there early…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

How to protect your heart during prostate hormone therapy

Even though testosterone is a natural male hormone, it can fuel certain prostate cancer cells, accelerating their growth. By starving them of this fuel, hormone therapy can help slow their growth or even cause cancer cell death. While there’s no doubt that this can help save your life, there is a downside…