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Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Blood work of super-agers reveals what keeps a brain young

Some people’s brains seem to stay young, while for others the clock speeds by, leaving cognitive decline and brain shrinkage in its wake. Do these super-agers possess some sort of superpower? Almost. A specific nutritional profile keeps their brains young…

Joyce Hollman

How to clean your feet to avoid infection, fungus and warts

When you shower do you wash your feet? I mean seriously and intently. Or do you hope the soap trickles down to do the job? I’m guilty, too, but not properly washing our feet can lead to problems from ugly feet to warts and infection and the threat of fungus that’s rampant in summer…

Carolyn Gretton

13 tips to keep you from fretting about wetting

It can be embarrassing and uncomfortable to discuss bladder problems. But it shouldn’t be since it’s something that affects us all, men and women, at different times in our lives and for different reasons. So instead of fretting about wetting, give these bladder tips a try!

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

What happens in your mouth could damage your lungs

When living with COPD, what happens in your mouth could not only worsen your symptoms but also speed progression of the disease. Here’s why you should talk to your dentist to keep mouth problems from fueling the fires of inflammation in your lungs…

Margaret Cantwell

Friend or Foe: Casting doubt on fish oil’s heart health role

Omega-3s are essential fatty acids the body can’t make but are vital for heart, brain, blood vessel and endocrine health. But you may be confused by headlines casting doubt on fish oil’s important role in supplementing this important nutrient. Don’t throw your bottle out yet…

Joyce Hollman

A bodybuilding supplement may halt Alzheimer’s progression

Exercise is great for the brain. And if your exercise game includes bodybuilding, you may have an edge over the rest of us: halting the progression of Alzheimer’s. But if weight training is off the table for you, there’s an easier way…

Joyce Hollman

Over 60? 15 minutes can make or break your senior years

If you’re over 60 and hoping your quality of life doesn’t diminish with the years, pay attention: A long-term study has shown what you do with as little as 15 minutes of your day can cut your quality of life in half, increase hospitalizations and even lead to an early grave…

Joyce Hollman

Blood proteins signal cancer 7 years before diagnosis

Despite years of research, the best medicine has to offer is the potential to put some cancers into remission. But if we’ve learned anything about cancer, it’s that the earlier you know, the better. Could seven years be enough to change things for the better?

Carolyn Gretton

What cranberries can do for heart disease, stroke, diabetes and more

When you hear cranberries mentioned in a health conversation, you probably immediately think of urinary tract infections. But then we heard about their effect on cholesterol. Turns out that was just the tip of the iceberg for these little berries…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Why a fracture can be more deadly than cancer

It’s no secret that with age, the risk of an accidental fall increases. Most of us don’t give it a second thought, or the potential for injury — like a fracture. But considering that stats show we have a better chance of surviving cancer, it’s something we can’t afford to ignore..

Joyce Hollman

The medicine cabinet ointment that fights respiratory viruses

Researchers have sought an easier way to reduce the number of viral respiratory infections, from the common cold to flu, that hit us year after year. They say the nose is the best place to start, and that an ointment in your medicine cabinet could do the trick…

Joyce Hollman

What catching up on exercise before 60 can do for your 70s

Women who reach midlife without being physically active may think they’ve missed the boat on avoiding frailty and the diseases of aging that can make senior life miserable. But research says you can turn back the clock on years of inactivity if you hurry up and get busy now…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Melanoma carries higher genetic risk than previously thought

Under threat of skin cancer, we’ve been warned to avoid the sun or slather up in sunscreen. And unlike other cancers. the idea of genetic risk has been far removed from the likes of melanoma, the most dangerous of the skin cancers. New findings indicate just how wrong medical experts have been.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The link between mitochondria, Alzheimer’s and pomegranates

If you’ve heard anything about Alzheimer’s, you’ve heard plenty about the amyloid and tau protein signatures that harm the brain. But these aren’t the only proteins that clump, and research says that secret links mitochondria and the potential to reverse a variety of age-related ailments.

Carolyn Gretton

Tick bite? Take this first step to avoid disease transmission

In spite of taking all the precautions, you’ve found a tick has invaded your personal space. And you know that blood-fattened bug could be one of three known for transmitting serious disease, from Lyme to Rocky Mountain spotted fever. Here’s your first step to reduce your chances of getting sick…

Carolyn Gretton

The heart attack that happens when coronary arteries are clear

For women, heart attack symptoms differ from men. But the differences don’t end there. A heart attack is usually caused by a blockage in one of the main coronary arteries. But a type of heart attack can occur when those arteries are crystal clear, and it’s becoming more common in women…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The tea that takes down gum disease-causing bacteria

If there’s one thing you should know about gum disease it’s this: it’s not just a “mouth” problem. It’s linked to weight gain, heart problems, brain shrinkage and even loss of longevity. Avoiding it may be just a few cups away with the right tea…

Margaret Cantwell

The best nutrients to fight the #1 source of premature aging

The sun is responsible for about 90 percent of skin aging by damaging key proteins responsible for keeping it firm and smooth: collagen and elastin. You can fight back from the inside out with nutrients research says add a second layer of protection against photoaging.

Joyce Hollman

Keto: From metabolic disorders to mental health

The keto diet is very restrictive. But for people with serious metabolic disorders, it can turn health around. The key is changing the fuel your body uses to energize itself. And research is showing that fuel may have special benefits for the body’s most energy-hungry organ, the brain.

Carolyn Gretton

The urine test that could save more men from a prostate biopsy

Cancer screenings can help catch disease in its earliest stages. For men though, it’s a process fraught with anxiety. PSA screenings are often inaccurate and lead to unnecessary biopsies that can cause harm. With metastatic cases on the rise, men can finally breath a sigh of relief…

Carolyn Gretton

3 factors that age your brain’s weak spot the fastest

Our brains have a “weak spot.” It begins to show degeneration earlier than other areas of the brain. In other words, it ages faster. The good news is research narrowed a long list of factors that affect this weak spot down to three that age it the fastest so you can avoid them…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Blood pressure drugs tied to surprising fracture risk

As our age goes up, so can our risk for fractures. And it’s a risk not to be taken lightly: Fractures have been linked to early death for both men and women, especially in those of us over 65. Not long ago we shared the threat long-term use of blood pressure drugs can pose to our kidneys. Now I need to share another…

Carolyn Gretton

Dementia-free longevity in half a tablespoon a day

Olive oil is an elixir for life. Studies show it decreases risks for numerous ailments that make for an early grave, like heart problems. But research reveals its greatest gift may be helping us avoid this common scourge of aging…

Joyce Hollman

The Japanese secret to avoid brain shrinkage

One factor related to cognitive decline is brain shrinkage, also known as brain atrophy. As brain size decreases, connections between brains cells are lost and that leads to problems with thinking skills, memory and even performing daily activities, But a Japanese diet may keep your brain plump and sharp…

Joyce Hollman

Don’t let ‘fear of flying’ anxiety ruin your summer

Fear of flying can ruin a vacation you’ve planned for ages, or make you a wreck if you fly for business. It doesn’t have to be that way — not if you try these tried-and-true techniques, tips, apps and supplements that can help you fly away from your feelings of anxiety…

Carolyn Gretton

Get a whiff of this to put a stop to cognitive decline

There’s an interesting connection between some neurodegenerative ailments, like Alzheimer’s and Parkison’s: the loss of smell. Knowing scent-detecting nerves trigger certain brain responses, research tested a whiff of a scent that may halt cognitive decline…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The surprising risk from reusable water bottles

Reusable water bottles are much more than a fad. They help us keep up with hydration efforts and that convenience promotes a healthy lifestyle. But if we’re not careful about how we use them, they can lead to sickness instead of wellness real fast…

Carolyn Gretton

The diet that crosses the blood-brain barrier

One diet keeps coming to the top of every list. It’s loaded with nutrients so powerful they’re studied for their potential to fight disease. Now there’s undeniable proof they cross the blood-brain barrier to feed your brain exactly what it needs to guard against decline…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

The dangerous side of Low T: Serious heart health risks

While low T is often thought of as a bedroom problem, the truth is men who live with low levels of the male hormone, testosterone, face much more serious risks. In fact, a review of 11 studies indicates Low T is associated with higher risk of cardiovascular disease that can end a man’s life…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

What works to keep fatty liver inflammation from progressing

Fatty liver has become far too common a health risk, and it’s one that keeps on giving because it can progress to liver cancer with just a few steps in between. The key is stamping out the inflammation before that happens…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The little-known drug danger people with obesity face

Over the years, we’ve learned that obesity carries higher levels of health risks. But a shocking and little-known obesity-related danger comes from a surprising source: medication that’s rendered ineffective or unsafe by increased body fat…

Joyce Hollman

6 ways to bake heart-healthy holiday sweets

Holiday baking is going into full swing. That means lots of butter and sugar, right? If you’ve been reading here for a while, you know that it isn’t the butter that will kill you. It’s the sugar. Here are seven ways to enjoy holiday sweets without heart attack danger…

Easy Health Options Staff

Halloween horror diet scares away calories

Sitting through a horror movie can make you scream and sweat. Even better, it activates metabolic activity that can burn calories from dipping into the bowl of candy you got for the trick-or-treaters! Here are the top 10 calorie-burning horror movies…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

The weird connection between constipation and blood pressure

Having constipation can be uncomfortable. But its effects on the body don’t just impact the gut. Constipatiion and hypertension are two conditions where the conditions and their treatments can team up to make matters much worse…

Carolyn Gretton

Ignoring these bathroom symptoms can cut your life short

If you’re a man in your 50s or older, you may have experienced frequent urination and problems emptying your bladder. You may think it’s just a part of aging you have to put up with. But research shows the consequences of ignoring lower urinary tract symptoms can be dire…

Jenny Smiechowski

Tis the season for high risk heart trouble on Christmas Eve

You’re just about to tackle the last of the of unwrapped presents when you feel tightness in your chest. A heart attack? On Christmas Eve? It’s more common than you think. So if you experience pent-up emotions this time of year, or plain old stress, time to manage them…

Joyce Hollman

Mistletoe: From Christmas tradition to cancer treatment

Hanging mistletoe is a popular holiday tradition. But mistletoe extract has gotten the attention of researchers as a potent anticancer agent. It’s already shown promise in treatment resistance cancer, so what’s next?

Carolyn Gretton

Blood pressure: The one thing you should take lying down

You may think your high blood pressure is managed well. Better yet, your readings may indicate you’re in the clear. But did you try measuring your blood pressure lying down? It’s taken 25 years to get the data, but this is going to change the way we monitor our blood pressure, for good reason.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Mitochondrial damage: COVID’s impact on the heart

Looking back, researchers have been able to see the effects of a COVID-19 infection on the heart, and how it strikes at the very power source of cells that are responsible for helping the heart keep ticking. Here’s what they’ve learned…

Joyce Hollman

What giving up fats and carbs does to your life expectancy

Which is more important: a perfect body or a long and healthy life? That’s the kind of question that can make you go hmmm, because we think they’re one and the same. Healthy weight, healthy body, healthy life, right? Not if you’re going to extremes to get there.

Joyce Hollman

Why glaucoma may be the sneakiest sight stealer

You probably get a yearly checkup. But when was the last time you had your eyes examined? As we age, several conditions can degrade our eyesight. Glaucoma is one of them. And new research has found you could be suffering that damage right now — without any obvious telltale signs.

Carolyn Gretton

The natural ingredient that resists fatty liver disease

Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease can be a setup for severe liver disease, diabetes and heart disease. There’s no treatment, so exercise and diet changes are recommended. But it just got a lot easier to resist a fatty liver and improve metabolism…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Women and the long-term effects of chronic fatigue syndrome

Certain diseases affect women disproportionately, like chronic fatigue syndrome. Though the medical establishment recognizes the condition, they can offer little help. But the world’s largest study of the disease reveals why it’s important to try to manage your symptoms better now than later…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

6 odd signs of heart disease

We’re conditioned to think of high blood pressure, elevated cholesterol and even shortness of breath when it comes to heart disease. But, there are outward signs, too. Here are the six signs you should look for…

Carolyn Gretton

How your smartwatch or fitness tracker can make you sick

These days, a lot of folks are wearing smartwatches and fitness trackers to get healthy. These electronics monitor heart rate and blood pressure or help us meet step goals. But, surprisingly, there’s a dark side about them that can actually make you sick…

Joyce Hollman

7 habits proven to reduce breast cancer recurrence

For a breast cancer survivor, the emotional repercussions are twofold: on the one hand, there’s relief. On the other hand, there’s the fear it can reappear at any time and without warning. These 7 habits can put your mind at ease…

Joyce Hollman

Blue legs syndrome: The latest long COVID symptom

Long-haulers are people previously infected with COVID-19 who continue to live with symptoms like fatigue, headaches, brain fog and shortness of breath. But COVID isn’t the only virus that can affect the body in strange ways, and blue legs don’t get much stranger…

Carolyn Gretton

How naked mole rats may help us live longer and cancer-free

Nake mole rats live nearly 10 times longer than other rodents of similar size and have shown resistance to age-related diseases including cancer, neurodegeneration, cardiovascular disease and arthritis. And their secret may help us do the same…

Joyce Hollman

Flavanols: Heart health support that’s ‘official’

Guidelines have long been established for vitamins to help us avoid deficiencies. But bioactive compounds, nutrients that go beyond basic nutrition and are studied for their potential to prevent disease, are different. And flavanols have just become official…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The diabetes drug that blocks prostate cancer progression

Prostate cancer is ofen considered manageable and slow growing. But that’s not always the case. When it metastasizes, a deadly battle can ensue. But a common denominator between cancer growth and glucose metabolism means a common drug may stop it…

Joyce Hollman

In the dark: The scary truth about drug approvals

When a major university looked into the FDA’s challenge of balancing speed and safety for drug approvals, they discovered the scary truth about how little your doctor or you may ever know about the safety and efficacy of the medicine you take.

Carolyn Gretton

The link between your mouth, strep and coronary artery disease

No one likes the idea of gum disease. Unfortunately, half the world suffers from this affliction and it poses a serious threat to heart health. Unraveling this mysterious connection may have a lot to do with specific bacteria strains in the mouth…

Carolyn Gretton

How vitamin D powers up a cancer-fighting gene

Does vitamin D supplementation help protect against or fight cancer? So far, the connection has been promising enough that scientists continue to explore and strive to understand it. The latest? Its effect on a gene that can keep cells from becoming malignant…

Joyce Hollman

The weird way weight affects women’s longevity after 60

Are you a woman in her 60s? Want to live to be 90, 100, or more? It’s more under your control than you think. Here’s a hint: Throw out all you’ve been told about weight loss. You’ll be surprised to hear what research says…

Carolyn Gretton

The treatment study that pitted vitamin D against COVID-19

COVID-19 doesn’t strike the fear it once did, at least not for most of us. Still, no one wants to suffer through it for 10 days. During the pandemic, one vitamin kept coming to the forefront for its virus-fighting potential. Now it’s been put to the test with impressive results…

Joyce Hollman

Long-term use of popular fake sugar increases belly fat

Do you know someone who diets, thinks they’re doing all the right things, but just can’t get rid of the belly fat? Most of us have been there. But what’s maddening is one of the strategies you may have used is the very reason that spare tire won’t go away…

Carolyn Gretton

Lifestyle factors to improve by 60 to avoid the nursing home

Focusing on healthy aging is something you might put off until you feel, well, older. But research has shown how you take care of yourself, and the habits you form, won’t only impact your health, but also your risk of ending up in a nursing home. Pay attention to these before you near 60…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

3+ signs you’re headed for an early heart attack

You wouldn’t knowingly store up health problems that will come back to bite you later in life, right? But that’s what we do when, just because we “feel” well, we ignore a handful of signs that could mean heart attack or stroke at an earlier age than others.

Jenny Smiechowski

4 common drugs that help bad bacteria thrive in your gut

Do you know what your medications are doing to your body? You may know the reason you take it, but you probably don’t know that plenty of drugs, including these commonly used medications, increase the amount of dangerous bacteria in your gut…

Carolyn Gretton

The pros and cons of water fasting

With reported benefits like weight loss and better blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar, a water fast is something to think about. But is it all hype? See what these researchers found when they reviewed eight studies on water fasting and spelled out the pros and cons…