Blood Pressure Health Supplements

Can zinc lower blood pressure?

The number one modifiable risk factor for heart disease and premature death is high blood pressure. That means if you can control it, you can greatly lower that risk. Maybe you’ve cut back on salt, started exercising and eating right. But what about your zinc levels?

Immune Health Immune System Respiratory Health

What really works for colds? Cold, hard science

Let’s face it; no one has time for a cold. In addition to making you feel miserable, colds destroy your schedule. Work, family, errands—they all have to wait while you get better. Or even worse, you have to carry on despite your achy muscles, headache, sore throat and more.

Health Supplements Immune Health Immune System Respiratory Health

Kick the common cold 3xs faster

Feed a cold, starve a fever… But, is sitting at home eating chicken noodle soup all you can do to get over the common cold? Actually, according to scientific research, there’s something else you can do to up your chances of getting well faster. In fact, you could triple your recovery time…

Anti-Aging Supplements Health Supplements Healthy Aging

The simple supplement that unleashes powerful antioxidant protection

By now you have probably read a lot about free radicals and how they are responsible for the disease and aging process. That’s because free radicals literally break down healthy cells — killing and mutating them. You fight them with antioxidants, but what if they’re outnumbered?

Health News Health Supplements Healthy Living Immune Health Respiratory Health

Experts agree: Dietary supplements can help in the fight against COVID-19

We know that, as of now, there’s no cure for COVID-19 infection. The best defenses have been social distancing and handwashing. But what about nutrition? Now an international team of physician-researchers is advising vitamins and minerals that support immunity in this battle…