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Joyce Hollman

Eat more fish to lower risk of vascular brain disease, stroke and dementia

Vascular brain disease involves damage to blood vessels in the brain and is a risk factor for vascular dementia and stroke. Sounds quite scary and it is. But if you’re eating the right stuff — specifically the best brain food — you can greatly lower your risk for the disease and the dangers that come with it.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

A salty diet can starve your brain of oxygen

Remember those old commercials that warned us of what drugs could do to our brains by frying an egg in a skillet? Turns out that same demonstration is fitting when it comes to salt’s effects on the brain… including tissue damage from hypoxia.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

How COVID-19 tricks arteries into producing blood clots

Covid-19’s affinity for blood clots has perplexed doctors almost since day one. Because blood clots can contribute to worse outcomes for those infected, researchers have focused on finding their cause. Some have speculated that the virus infects the blood vessels themselves. But it’s much tricker than that.

Virginia Tims-Lawson

COVID’s long haul symptoms tied to ‘micro clots’

We’re all ready for COVID to just go away. And while new infection numbers are going down, the virus still found a way to hang on. Almost half of infected end up with Long Covid. Part of its strategy? Clots. But not just regular blood clots. Micro clots — or clots within clots. More proof it’s not just another viurs…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Blood clots linked to COVID’s long-haul symptoms

While most people recover within weeks, many are left with what’s been dubbed long-haul symptoms, lasting weeks to even months beyond the initial infection. The exact cause of the condition now known as long COVID syndrome has been a mystery, until evidence pointed to the dangerous role blood clots play in symptoms that won’t go away…

Carolyn Gretton

Walking significantly raises survival odds after a stroke

Walking is probably one of our favorite forms of exercise. But many hardcore fitness freaks might cast doubt on the benefits of waking a few hours a week. If they are ever unfortunate enough to experience stroke, they may change their minds. Reducing risk of death up to 80 percent is nothing to scoff at…


Carolyn Gretton

Foods that slow brain aging by boosting its blood supply

There are all kinds of tips for keeping your brain sharp as you age, from memory games to meditation to learning new subjects or taking up new hobbies. And we can’t forget sufficient exercise and sleep. But there’s an easier way to improve one of the biggest contributors of age-related cognitive decline… blood flow to the brain.

Virginia Tims-Lawson

Boosting blood oxygen levels may halt early sign of Alzheimer’s

Healthy, oxygenated blood flow is vital. That’s why during a stroke, seconds matter. But a catastrophic event isn’t the only concern when it comes to blood oxygen levels. Research has found that the brain is operating on the bare minimum, even on a good day. On a bad day, it can lead to Alzheimer’s earliest sign…

Easy Health Options Staff

Ischemic, hemorrhagic and mini-stroke: What to know

If there is a lack of blood flow to the brain, the brain is going to starve. That’s why there is ittle time to spare when stroke symptoms arise. Here are the differences between the two main types of stroke as well as TIA or mini-stroke…

Joyce Hollman

No time for heart-healthy exercise? Try a hot bath

Exercise. Either you love it, or you hate it. But it’s proven good preventive medicine. It’s been shown that regular exercise can prevent heart disease, diabetes and even cancer. The good news? There’s an indulgent activity that carries a lot of the same benefits.

Joyce Hollman

Unexplained swelling could signal a COVID-19 blood clot

What do varicose veins and COVID-19 have in common? They both put you at risk of developing deep vein thrombosis, a condition where a blood clot forms deep within a vein, usually in the legs, but sometimes in the arms. And swelling may be the only sign of the clot and the COVID-19 infection.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Cocoa: The drink that protects your heart when you’re stressed

When you’re anxious, your heart rate and blood pressure go up. The function of your arteries is also temporarily impaired. So, what can you do other than try to Zen out or medicate? Tantalize your taste buds with the drink that wards off stress-induced cardiovascular events.