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Eye Health

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Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Why your eyes are a window to your heart attack risk

You’ve heard the phrase, “Your eyes are the windows to your soul.” Well, according to research, they might also be the windows to your heart. In fact, what your eye doctor sees during your exam could reveal whether a heart attack or stroke is in your future so that you can take steps to save your life.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Are your blood sugar levels hurting your eyes and kidneys?

It’s no secret that blood sugar problems can lead to complications. And two of the most likely areas where secondary issues occur are the eyes and kidneys. A 36-year study offers advice on the optimal HbA1c level to avoid that damage…

Carolyn Gretton

Avoid the eye disease that follows diabetes and high blood pressure

One of the reasons glaucoma leads to vision loss is that it usually isn’t caught until the damage is done. Researchers hope to change that. After looking at every risk-raising factor, they’ve identified two that when they start early are a clear sign your eyes need help fast…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Why seniors are especially vulnerable to blue light

If you don’t think you’re being over-exposed to blue light, you’re kidding yourself. Think about how often you talk, text, check Facebook, send an email or order groceries on your smartphone, tablet or computer. Now, the news about blue light has gotten more worrisome…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

Supplements could save billions in health costs report shows

Plenty of critics claim supplements are a waste of money, but the research proves otherwise. The Council for Responsible Nutrition used that research to calculate how effective supplements are at preventing illness and the healthcare costs they can save. Now who’s throwing money down the toilet?

Joyce Hollman

Women live longer: Two antioxidants help them live better

Women tend to live longer than men, but usually spend their later years living with conditions that make life miserable. What if just two nutrients could lower those risks of age-related decline and make those golden years, well, golden?


Jedha Dening

Triple your disease protection with carotenoids

Carotenoids make fruits and vegetables colorful. But more than that, carotenoids are powerful antioxidants with a serious capacity to scavenge free radicals and protect your body’s cells and tissues from oxidative damage and these three major health threats…

Joyce Hollman

What the optometrist can ‘see’ about your stroke risk

Americans are not fans of eye exams. The American Academy of Ophthalmologists reports most of us won’t see an eye doctor even when problems develop. That’s a mistake: an exam could find signs you’re headed for stroke or heart attack even before your doctor can…

Carolyn Gretton

How your eyes can influence your longevity

So many of the body’s systems are interconnected and influence each other. For instance, the gut has been found to influence mood, immunity and dementia risk. Knowing this, researchers were still surprised by the connection they found between lifespan and our eyes…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The ‘new and improved’ treatment that slows AMD

Age-related macular degeneration is a disease that progressively steals vision. There’s no cure, but the main treatment slows progression to avoid severe vision loss. And as effective as it was, researchers have kicked it up several notches with two new sight-saving ingredients…

Carolyn Gretton

Vision loss as a dementia risk factor stacks up

None of us want to face dementia. So we do crosswords and brain teasers and hope we’ll maintain a sharp brain. But there’s actually a simple action that a lot of us aren’t taking that can make a big difference in our dementia risk…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Repel dementia with this triple antioxidant combo

Someone develops dementia every three seconds. That means in the time it took you to read that sentence, another person became a victim. You’re not doomed, though, if you can increase levels of three powerful antioxidants you should be taking anyway…