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Jenny Smiechowski

3 surprisingly easy ways to fight the scientific cause of brain fog

Lots of people deal with mild to moderate brain fog that keeps them from functioning at their best. That’s because brain fog is a symptom of a wide variety of conditions, which makes you wonder… what’s really causing brain fog in all these situations? Now we know and what to do about it…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

The best diet for a disease-free body

You might focus specifically on your heart or brain when you think of your health. While there’s no doubt they’re important, we tend to ignore an organ that’s every bit as vital — one that plays a role in the health of every other part of your body, especially when it comes to stopping disease…

Jenny Smiechowski

What a bad diet does to your brain in just three days

You probably know what junk food does to your body… You develop a belly bulge. You can’t fit into your favorite jeans. It could lead to metabolic syndrome or diabetes. But long before any of these changes, a high-carb, high-fat diet is making serious, hard-to-reverse changes to your brain in record time.

Jenny Smiechowski

The fast way to douse disease-fueling inflammation

If I don’t eat lunch by 2:00 pm, I feel lightheaded. But I still haven’t written off the idea of fasting. How can I when I keep reading studies that show it’s an effective way to fight chronic inflammation… the stuff that puts you at risk for cancer, autoimmune diseases and pretty much every other health condition.

Jenny Smiechowski

The fried food cancer connection that doubles tumor growth

I know fried food isn’t healthy. But I let myself indulge in it more often than I probably should. Unfortunately, all fried food is equally unhealthy in one important sense — the oil. You may not know most oils are unstable and produce a chemical linked to cancer. It can also make tumors double in size…

Jenny Smiechowski

Fighting autoimmune fueled fatigue? Optimize your HDL for more energy

If you have an autoimmune disease, you know about fatigue. How it prevents you from working, going out with friends, keeping up with your housework and living a normal life — probably more so than any other autoimmune disease symptom. The question is… what (if anything) can you do about it?


Joyce Hollman

6+ super antioxidants that stop inflammation cold

As with many health problems, the good news is that our eating habits can reverse and control this process. Here are half a dozen of the foods and herbs you can include in your diet to help stop and even prevent chronic inflammation from taking hold.

Joyce Hollman

How inflammation in your body makes your brain impulsive

Inflammation is your body’s natural response to stress. When you sprain your ankle, it becomes inflamed in order to cushion and protect your joint from further damage. If you eat something too spicy, your intestine may become inflamed, protecting your digestive tract. But inflammation has its downsides, too…

Joyce Hollman

How common infections can trigger stroke

What do urinary tract infections and brain damage have to do with each other? As bizarre and frightening as it sounds, there’s a correlation between having a UTI or other infection and having a stroke. What’s more, it seems that having an infection can heighten your chances of brain damage from a stroke.

Jenny Smiechowski

Is your back pain a sign of Ankylosing Spondylitis?

Everyone deals with back pain from time to time. Sometimes it’s caused by too much sitting, too much standing or too much lifting. But what if your back pain is ankylosing spondylitis, a condition you may have seen in headlines and wondered, “what is that?”

Jenny Smiechowski

Why late-life bowel disease puts your life on the line

Since IBD doesn’t strike older adults as often as the young, there’s less research on how it affects older people. But we know older adults get hit harder by IBD in several ways… In fact, people diagnosed with IBD later in life are much more likely to die early. That makes detection and treatment critical…

Jenny Smiechowski

How yoga relieves rheumatoid arthritis symptoms and boosts remission

When your joints are painful, swollen and inflamed from a rheumatoid arthritis attack the last thing you feel like doing is putting pressure on them. But as counterintuitive as it sounds, there’s one activity that when you have RA, could be your ticket to symptom relief and even remission…