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Carolyn Gretton

‘Altered metabolites’ could be causing your migraines

Researchers have identified a connection between a genetic link and altered metabolites that appears to increase susceptibility to migraine. Good news is, to correct these metabolites and hopefully cut down on the painful condition, they’re looking at diet and a particular supplement that’s already shown major promise…

Joyce Hollman

Simple hack makes mindful breathing work for pain relief

Mindful breathing has been shown effective at reducing pain — but not for everyone. If you’ve tried it for chronic pain and been disappointed, there’s good news. The way that traditional mindful breathing “engages the brain” doesn’t work for everyone. This simple hack can turn all of that around…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The CBD solution to painful mouth ulcers

Random mouth ulcers are just plain painful. Over-the-counter topicals or prescription mouthwashes may reduce the pain, but they don’t help heal those canker sores so much. So a group of scientists decided to put CBD to the test. It’s been shown to do so much, why not?

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The vitamin deficiency found to fuel addiction

Some blame Big Pharma for pushing the drugs in the first place. Others lay the problem at the feet of doctors who continue to prescribe the medications, despite alternatives. But there’s something the experts may be missing about the opioid crisis: a vitamin deficiency that makes the body more sensitive to the drug’s effects…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Got migraine? Be wary of the cannabis ‘cure-all’

Cannabis has been approved for medical uses including epilepsy, and research is ongoing into how it can help cancer patients and people with Alzheimer’s, multiple sclerosis, chronic pain and more. But how does it stack up against other kinds of proven natural relief for difficult-to-treat migraine pain?

Carolyn Gretton

CBD may be better than opioids for fibromyalgia pain

With more and more people developing chronic pain conditions, efforts are being made to find better pain management tools. This is especially important in managing fibromyalgia pain since many existing pain medications offer little relief. Luckily, this natural supplement is proving quite effective in treating the pain associated with fibromyalgia…


Virginia Tims-Lawson

How vegetable oil could trigger your migraine pain

Migraine is one of the most common causes of chronic pain. If you live with these extreme headaches, you know there’s no easy answer to finding relief. If you’ve tried the medications and they don’t work for you, take a close look at the oils in your diet. One type has been found to trigger them, and another may help reduce them…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

A chiropractor’s tips to avoid back and neck pain when working from home

Working from home has its perks: no more rush hour commute and who doesn’t love taking Zoom meetings in pajama bottoms? But it also comes with some downsides — like back and neck pain if your home office setup isn’t supporting you properly. From your neck down, here are seven tips straight from your resident chiropractor.

Carolyn Gretton

Chronic pain? It could be what you’re eating

Chronic pain affects people around the world, making it difficult for them to work or carry out day-to-day tasks. And current treatments for pain have many shortcomings. That’s why scientists are looking to more holistic ways to relieve pain. And they’re finding that the answer could be as simple as eating more…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

How stress increases pain sensitivity and how to get relief

Have you noticed that when you’re stressed, pain from your bad knee or a headache kicks in? And it’s the last thing you need, right? The fact is, stress can make everything in your life worse, including pain levels. This inescapable truth starts with immune cells and that one abomination that contributes to everything “unwell.”

Joyce Hollman

10 natural pain relievers and what the science says

No one wants to live with chronic pain. In fact, if given a choice, no one wants to live with pain even for a short time. But standard methods of pain relief can be risky, including acetaminophen, ibuprofen and opioids. Here are 10 alternatives that all fight the root cause of most pain…

Carolyn Gretton

How effective is garlic for osteoarthritis knee pain?

It’s no secret that obesity can put you at risk of a number of chronic illnesses. It can also increase your risk for osteoarthritis and make you a tough candidate to find relief from osteoarthritis knee pain. You may have heard that garlic can help. But how effective is it really?