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Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Fasting’s inflammation-fighting trigger may work like aspirin

A unifying theory of disease strongly suggests that inflammation is the major contributing factor to disease and aging. Fortunately, scientists are fast on track to identifying what cools it down to support healthier aging…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Potentially deadly fungus on the rise: What you need to know

A potentially dangerous fungal infection is in the news again. Though cases have cropped up recently, they’ve actually been on the rise for a few years in the U.S. So what do you need to know about C. auris and how can you determine whether you or your family is at risk?

Joyce Hollman

The ancient herb that could reverse brain stroke damage

For thousands of years, Traditional Chinese Medicine has praised one herb for supporting circulation and brain health. Now research is stacking up that this ancient herb could be the difference between losing or keeping cognitive abilities after a stroke.

Carolyn Gretton

6 ways to keep from having another kidney stone

Why do some people produce kidney stones multiple times, while others may only once? Those unfortunate folks are “stone formers,” and there are a few reasons frequency is a problem for them. Good news? Six of them can be managed to drastically reduce anyone’s risk of this dread experience.

Carolyn Gretton

Stoking the body’s fat-burning furnace

White fat makes up more than 90 percent of the body’s fat and is right where we don’t want it: the abdomen, buttocks and thighs. But brown fat uses energy and heat to eliminate unwanted fat. Harnessing it for weight loss may be the next big thing…

Joyce Hollman

The one thing women should eat for healthy aging

On average, women outlive their male counterparts by 6 years. And when it comes to the truly long-lived, those who live to at least 100, women make up 85 percent of the centenarian club. The challenge is decreasing the chronic disease that happens in those extra years…

Dr. Elizabeth Klodas MD, FACC

Why winter raises cholesterol levels

Heart health is always in season. But during the winter season, there are a few reasons to pay it special attention. According to experts, just like the snow, some health-related factors can pile up to increase cardiovascular risks…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Did mild COVID zap your ability to exercise?

Long COVID has left some people with perplexing symptoms. But the most surprising may be how, in adults with only mild infections, it appears to steal their ability to keep fit, leaving them with extreme fatigue and pain even weeks after a single round of exercise…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

When eating a banana is a bad idea

Americans could really afford to increase our uptake of fruits, especially those containing flavanols that support brain, heart and blood vessel health. But the one fruit that surveys say is our favorite can undo all of that. Here’s when to avoid eating it…

Carolyn Gretton

The symptom that pushes metabolic syndrome over the edge

Metabolic syndrome is a cluster of five conditions that can add up to serious health threats. You only have to have three to get a diagnosis. But one surprising factor not previously connected to the syndrome has been found to act on the body to accelerate aging and damage to your health…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Why you should take fish oil with your antibiotic

A growing number of germs are becoming harder to treat with antibiotics, like those that cause drug-resistant pneumococcal pneumonia, staph or even MRSA. But scientists may have the answer: next time you’re prescribed antibiotics, you should supplement omega-3s, too…

Margaret Cantwell

What you should know about lead levels and high blood pressure

Exposure to heavy metals comes in many forms. But when it comes to threats we can’t see or put a finger on, it’s easy to put them out of mind. We can’t do that with lead, even at low levels, since researchers have seen how strongly it impacts blood pressure…

Joyce Hollman

12 reasons and conditions that make you cold all the time

Winter doesn’t agree with me anymore. When I’m indoors and warm, it’s OK. But you can’t stay inside all winter. For some people, though, feeling cold seems to be a year-round thing, no matter where they live. Here are some of the conditions that might be making you cold all of the time…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Tinnitus: Helping the brain learn to filter sound again

Less is known about what causes tinnitus than about the risk factors associated with it. That’s why people with the condition are often told nothing can be done about it. Luckily, researchers who understand how the brain filters sound haven’t given up…

Joyce Hollman

When that burning and tingling in your feet is a warning sign

When I read, I sit with one foot tucked under me. If I sit this way for too long, though, I end up with that “pins and needles” feeling in my foot. But when I start walking around the sensation goes away. But if pins and needles, or a burning sensation in your feet, is something you experience frequently without knowing why, that’s a whole other story…

Carolyn Gretton

An over-the-counter medication activates cancer-protective genes

There are upsides and downsides to daily medication. Take aspirin. It may help prevent a heart attack, but for some, the risk of bleeding or stroke goes up. But, with care, there’s one disease where daily aspirin’s possible side effects may pale compared to its prevention potential…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

How a car ride raises BP as much as a high-sodium diet

Long-term exposure to air pollution, like that caused by traffic, has been linked to dangerous health conditions, from heart disease to lung cancer. But what about in the short-term? You’ll be shocked at what a single car ride can do to your blood pressure…

Carolyn Gretton

The diet that takes diabetes down, except when it doesn’t

It can be tough to separate the good from the bad when choosing a diet plan. That’s why scientists are paying closer attention to the health impacts of certain ones. And when it comes to diabetes, they’ve discovered something interesting about plant-based diets…

Joyce Hollman

The one brain change that matters more than tau and plaque

Not long ago the amyloid hypothesis came into question. One reason: amyloid plaques are found in the brains of people with normal cognition. But did you know there’s an earlier sign of impending Alzheimer’s we may be able to do more about?

Joyce Hollman

The alternative fuel source that powers up your immune system

A metabolic by-product you can trick your body into producing more of appears to supercharge immune cells as they fight infection and disease, research is finding. There are a couple of ways to get them going…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Is this the hair-thinning solution we’ve been waiting for?

Have you looked in the mirror to realize your hair just doesn’t frame your face the way it used to? Is your forehead getting higher or your hair getting thinner? It’s likely the latter and happens to men and women. You might think it’s inevitable. You’d be wrong…

Carolyn Gretton

Omegas-3s may help slow pulmonary fibrosis

Pulmonary fibrosis is a lung disease that involves lung scarring and low blood oxygen levels. Current treatments can only help its symptoms so much. But researchers have discovered a link between improved lung function and a common nutrient found in fish and flaxseeds…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Obesity’s weird effect on when the body burns energy

Losing weight isn’t easy. That’s why so many of us have just made resolutions to give it another go. But now we have a clue as to why. New research reveals simply being obese actually changes when your body burns caloric energy…

Carolyn Gretton

The cancer 900 chemicals have in common

Chemicals are everywhere and we know they carry health dangers. But if you’re a woman, you may want to pay special attention to more than 900 chemicals in consumer products and our environment that carry cancer-causing traits for one kind in particular…

Joyce Hollman

How incontinence increases your odds of disability

If urine leaks when you sneeze or laugh, it’s embarrassing and inconvenient. But it may also be disabling. Research from major university health centers have linked urinary incontinence in women to an increased risk for disability, and have a clue why…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Decade-long study reveals what slows cognitive decline despite APOE gene

We’re told with age we can expect our memory to fail. But does aging really mean an inevitable journey of cognitive decline? Or can we stave off memory loss, even in the face of a genetic predisposition to it? 10 years of research shows how to do the latter…

Jenny Smiechowski

What centenarians and their children have in common

Researchers found that the offspring of centenarians and centenarians themselves have something in common helping them live longer than the rest of us. But joining their club is not out of your reach…

Joyce Hollman

How cold would you go to burn fat and cut diabetes risk?

There’s a large body of literature claiming that cold water immersion can do all sorts of things: end chronic pain, reduce symptoms of depression, boost the immune system, prevent diabetes and help you lose weight. Some of those have recently been shown to be true…

Joyce Hollman

The diet that improved heart health in just 8 weeks

Lots of studies say that restricting certain foods is heart-protective. But sometimes studies can be contradictory. But researchers really put the impact of food to the test using twins and say this diet can turn heart health around in just six weeks…

Carolyn Gretton

What half an avocado a day does to your blood pressure

Avocados have long been considered a superfood. Yes, they’re high in fat and calories but also contain some valuable nutrition. That’s what caught the attention of researchers looking to put the blood pressure-busting effects of avocados to the test…

Dr. Michael Cutler

Testing for hormone imbalances

Your hormonal system is like a symphony orchestra. When everything is in harmony your health and vitality are great. When they’re off, so are you. From stress hormones to sex horrmones, men and women alike can suffer. But the more you know, the better your chances of getting back on track…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The weird connection between macular degeneration and calcified plaque

Calcified plaque deposits are a real problem when it comes to heart and brain health. But this harbinger of circulation problems doesn’t stop there. New researchs show how it steals your vision and the plan to beat it…

Carolyn Gretton

Paxlovid mouth: The unpalatable truth about the COVID-19 antiviral

One of the most common treatments for COVID-19 is the antiviral Paxlovid. While it’s reported to be effective at shortening the severity and duration of the virus, it has its drawbacks — among them a nasty side effect known as “Paxlovid mouth” you’ll need this advice about…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Significant sign of cellular aging linked to Alzheimer’s

It’s a given that short telomeres accelerate aging. But after decades of research into plaques and tangles as hallmarks of Alzheimer’s, new insights show those tiny caps at the end of our DNA strands also affect brain structure, and why we need to keep them longer as long as possible…

Carolyn Gretton

Peripheral artery disease: How sleep contributes to the pain in your legs

The most noticeable symptom of peripheral artery disease is pain and cramping caused by poor blood flow to the muscles in the legs. It occurs most often when walking, but you may be surprised how much sleep has to do with it…

Joyce Hollman

Brain imaging shows common supplement’s impact on depression

The gut plays a major role in the production of neurotransmitters and chemicals that influence the immune system, metabolic functions and even the brain. And by looking at brain changes, researchers know just how important the gut is in helping to fight symptoms of depression.

Joyce Hollman

7 medications that make your bladder work overtime

About half of all adult women deal with some level of incontinence. Many men do too. A surprising cause is often medication that’s taken for other conditions. Here are seven classes of medications linked with urinary incontinence, and some natural ways to take back control of your bladder.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Gut problems since COVID? You and 6 million others

Most of us are lucky enough to have experienced only a mild bout with COVID-19. But if you’ve noticed GI symptoms since, COVID may be to blame. Six million new cases prove what some experts are saying: The GI tract serves as a reservoir for the virus.

Craig Cooper

I took metformin for a week and this happened

Metformin, the leading prescribed “wonder” drug for type 2 diabetes, is reported to be anti-aging, anti-cancer and even helpful with weight issues. So, truth be told, I wasn’t looking at metformin as a drug — I was looking at it more as a “superfood.”

Dr. Mark Wiley

Simply press these points for headache relief

Headaches don’t have to ache. Before your head starts hurting again, check out this quick and easy guide to the acupressure points that can head off headache pain before the suffering intensifies. You may be amazed at how well and fast these points quell pain.

Carolyn Gretton

Why experts say this is the prostate cancer prevention diet

Prostate cancer is one of the most common and fatal cancers in men. For men with low blood levels of lycopene and selenium, there’s an increased risk not just for the cancer, but the damaging effects of the radiation used to treat it. There’s a diet that can help that and more…

Carolyn Gretton

‘First of its kind’ study: Restricting calories slows pace of aging

By far, the most convincing evidence for slowing aging has come from calorie restriction. For years, studies involving fruit flies, worms and even mice have shown it can extend lifespan and delay onset of age-related disorders. Finally we know what it can do for us too…

Joyce Hollman

The ‘invisible’ chemical increasing Parkinson’s diagnoses

Trichloroethylene is a chemical used in manufacturing as a solvent and degreaser. Up until the 1970s, it was used to decaffeinate coffee, of all things. Now, there’s a strong possibility it’s increasing cases of Parkinson’s disease…

Joyce Hollman

The one factor that outweighs obesity-related cancers

Obesity has been synonymous with poor health, especially cancer, for decades. But does the label hold? After a review of 40 years of data, the picture of health might change. There’s more than weight behind these cancers…

Easy Health Options Staff

Alert: Blood thinner recalled for cancer-causing impurity

Another drug recall is in effect due to high levels of the cancer-causing impurity nitrosamine. This follows on the footsteps of two similar recalls over the past two years. This time, it is the blood thinner Dabigatran. Here’s what you need to know…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Reading: The guilty pleasure that could save your memory

There’s nothing better than getting lost in a book. Whether it’s a steamy romance novel or a seat-of-your-pants mystery that keeps you turning those pages late into the night, never feel your “guilty pleasure” is a waste of time. The truth is, it just might save your memory…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Using microbes to shrink your waist and cardio risks

Live microbes, and not just probiotics, from food have finally gotten the credit they deserve: the first real-world evidence that consuming more of them could be the easiest way to not only shrink your waist and BMI, but take down a whole host of health complications with them…

Carl Lowe

To make vitamin D work better, eat this superfruit

Vitamin D offers serious health benefits, from heart disease to autoimmune problems and lots in between. But there’s a superfruit you should eat to make its head to toe benefits even more powerful…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The sneaky gland causing cholesterol problems

If statin side effects weren’t bad enough, there’s the fact you may not even need those drugs in the first place. Your high cholesterol could actually be the result of a completely different health problem.

Carolyn Gretton

For infection prevention, hit the sheets

A lot of us don’t spend enough time in the bedroom. Then again, some of us could be spending a little too much time there. Why does it matter? Your time between the sheets has been linked to how well you can fight off infection.

Joyce Hollman

From postnasal drip to infection: Tips for a lingering cough

There are few things more annoying than a persistent cough, one that lasts for days or weeks and just won’t go away. Here’s what we know about chronic coughing, what it means, when you should be concerned and the treatments that work…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

Is your thyroid causing your cholesterol trouble?

From muscle pain to kidney problems and double the dementia risk, it’s no wonder people are wary of statins. Besides those concerns, targeting high levels with statins, might not get to the root of your problem. That’s because cholesterol problems can start in a tiny, butterfly-shaped gland that produces some of the body’s most important hormones instead of your blood vessels.

Joyce Hollman

Is this trace mineral behind your blood sugar problems?

Type 2 diabetes is a major health issue that’s reached epidemic proportions. Exercise and diet are your main weapons against diabetes, but there’s a little-known mineral that could help in a big way…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The stroke risk linked to depression

Depression is considered a serious mood disorder. But there’s a big difference between having a blue mood occasionally and being depressed. It’s not usually something you can just push through, and that’s just one reason to seek help. Another is the increased risk for stroke…

Carolyn Gretton

Mediterranean diet improves cancer treatment for melanoma

Polyphenols are a subset of phytonutrients that are especially “bioactive.” They’re known for drug-like effects in human health. Considering the plethora of nutrition in the Mediterranean diet, finding it’s helpful in cancer treatment is no surprise…

Joyce Hollman

12 conditions that throw you off balance

As we get older, our sense of balance can weaken somewhat. But if you’ve seen your balance worsen in a way that’s not gradual, something else could be going on. Here are twelve health issues that can make you less steady on your feet…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

Breaking the link between air pollution and osteoporosis

Is it any wonder that 80 percent of Americans living with osteoporosis are women? By nature, the odds are against us. And now we’re learning with every breath, it gets worse. Air pollution is eating away at our bones, but we’re not as helpless about it as it might seem…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The green fruit that keeps deep belly fat away

When we think about weight loss, we think about dropping body fat. But when you lose “deep” fat, you drop risks for high cholesterol, high blood pressure, heart disease and stroke. Problem is, it’s a lot harder to get rid of than regular fat, unless you eat this green fruit daily…

Carolyn Gretton

Is 11 minutes a day enough to keep early death at bay?

If you think you don’t have time to exercise, you’re far from alone. The recommended amount of 150 minutes a week often stops people cold. What if, in the amount of time it takes to drink a cup of coffee, you could reduce several risks that often lead to an early grave?

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

What any man can do to ‘last longer’

It’s no secret that having a good sex life can make your whole life feel better, your relationships run more smoothly and boost your confidence. But problems can sneak into the bedroom that create more frustration than joy. Here’s a secret every man should know…