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Joyce Hollman

The connection between dementia and the shingles vaccine

Discussing vaccines can put people on opposites ends of the spectrum, but if you’re somewhere in the middle and you’ve been thinking about the shingles vaccine, a growing connection to dementia may be the deciding factor for you…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

4 reasons men’s cancer-related deaths are expected to double

It looks looks like cancer is here to stay, in spite of all the money going into research. In fact, for men, the numbers are expected to double. What can you do? Pay attention to these 4 factors fueling the rise…

Carolyn Gretton

What ‘hangry’ says about your cortisol and blood sugar

Many factors influence mood swings. Some are external, like a lost job or a disagreement. Others are internal, like an imbalance in hormones. Who would have thought blood sugar could have such an impact on one in particular…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The secret to better erectile function: Use it or lose it

Erections aren’t just about a healthy sex life. They’re important for a man’s health. An essential trigger for strong erections previously ignored, is in the spotlight: special cells that decline with age. But there’s a way you can generate a youthful number of these cells for, you guessed it, youthful erections…

Carolyn Gretton

How a dentist could save you from sleep apnea

Obstructive sleep apnea can increase seven cardiovascular complications that can skyrocket risks for heart trouble. Fortunately, getting diagnosed may be easier if you start with a dentist who recognizes the signs and gets to the root of the problem…

Joyce Hollman

The ED drug that brings long-term blood sugar down

Some interesting connections between health conditions have left us scratching our heads. The latest? A drug that helps get things “up” also takes down long-term blood sugar in type 2 diabetics. But if you know the “nature” of how it works, there’s no big surprise…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Painless prostate cancer test claims 90% accuracy

Prostate-specific antigen testing for prostate cancer is known for a high rate of false positives that can lead to routine biopsies that can do more harm than good. A new, simple and highly accurate test may put an end to all that…

Carolyn Gretton

The heart condition 3 times more common than thought

It’s hard to tell sometimes if health problems are on the rise or just underdiagnosed. Both could apply to atrial fibrillation, a condition that substantially increases risk of stroke. With such dangerous stakes, it a good thing researchers are taking a closer look…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

A growing connection: Cardiovascular disease and cell phones

Mobile phone usage is gaining a reputation for trouble. Two studies in as many years link it to cardiovascular diseases through disrupted circadian rhythm, endocrine and metabolic disruption, and increased inflammation. Here’s what you need to know about the data and your risk…

Joyce Hollman

Eat this now to avoid depression pitfall of aging

Depression in older adults is common, but contrary to popular belief, it’s not a normal part of aging. Illness, medication, loneliness and limited mobility can play a part. But the biggest contributor? Foods that you should be eating now to boost production of happiness hormones later…

Joyce Hollman

The mineral that works like ‘insurance’ against dementia

If you’re health conscious, you might focus on getting important nutrients like vitamins through diet or by supplementing. But how much mind do you pay to minerals? There’s one that half of us are deficient in. Considering it just might be the best insurance against dementia, that’s a problem…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The safe simple drug-free weight loss strategy that works

While GLP-1 drugs like Ozempic and Wegovy are having their moment, we’re learning they can lead to intestinal damage and the possibility of “life-long treatment” to keep weight from returning. Why risk it when researchers say another evidence-based strategy is safer and works?

Carolyn Gretton

10 hidden health problems your eyes can reveal

Shakespeare said that the eyes are the windows to the soul. But they can also offer a glimpse into what else is going on in the body, including hints about health ailments, and not just those affecting your eyes…

Joyce Hollman

Colorful carotenoids: Foods that fight aging inside and out

Carotenoids are pigments in brightly colored fruits and vegetables. They’re also powerful antioxidants with a serious capacity to scavenge free radicals and guard against cellular damage. But their anti-aging effects don’t stop there…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

How exercise improves belly fat even when you don’t see it

Do you spend several hours a week working out to lose weight? Maybe you’ve been at it for a while but aren’t seeing the results you hoped for in the mirror. You may even question if it’s worth it. These findings will leave no doubt in your mind about the benefits you’re reaping…

Carolyn Gretton

9 physical signs you could have depression

Depression causes feelings of sadness, hopelessness, anger and more. But depression isn’t confined to the mind. It can manifest in physical symptoms that can make it hard to understand what’s going on and interfere with getting the right kind of help…

Joyce Hollman

Potential Parkinson’s prevention found in seaweed antioxidant

There’s no cure for Parkinson’s, but research provides insight into steps we can take to reduce our risk. The most compelling is the free radical assault that puts Parkinson’s into motion and strong evidence the right antioxidant can prevent it…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

Researchers conclude: Gluten’s harm goes way beyond Celiac  

Autoimmune conditions have been on the rise. And after years of denying its role in anything but celiac, science admits: Gluten induces oxidation, cellular stress, gut dysfunction and inflammation linked to multiple autoimmune, metabolic and neurodegenerative disorders…

Dr. Elizabeth Klodas MD, FACC

Study links spirituality to healthier blood pressure

As a preventive cardiologist, one of the most common conditions I treat is hypertension. Nearly half of adults have it. Medications help, but lifestyle avenues interest my patients most. Now research has opened another avenue to lower their readings, with impressive results…

Margaret Cantwell

The bladder exercise better than confounding Kegels

If you’re dealing with a leaky, overactive bladder, you’re not alone. But you may think your choices are limited to adult diapers, questionable drugs that impact the brain or “practically impossible to master” Kegel exercises. You’d be wrong. Here’s a new easier way to cut the restroom leash…

Carolyn Gretton

Ignore your body clock at peril, especially if overweight

Most people’s natural circadian rhythm signals bedtime between 10 p.m. and midnight. Those who ignore it in favor of late-night TV or scrolling, can see it add up to higher levels of body fat, triglycerides and glucose in the blood, increasing risk for metabolic syndrome…

Carolyn Gretton

 The sweet truth about yogurt, honey and your gut

Separately, yogurt and honey both have excellent health properties, including the ability to protect the gut. But what about together? Researchers decided to see if two are better than one when it comes to probiotic survival in your gut and the benefits that follow…

Joyce Hollman

The prostate cancer ‘testosterone paradox’ solved

Oncologists know testosterone injections slow tumors and prolong lives in men with late-stage prostate cancer. But in early cancer stages, testosterone must be blocked to halt tumor growth. This paradox has kept a life-saving treatment from going mainstream, until now, hopefully…

Joyce Hollman

This supplement reduced genetic Alzheimer’s risk even in older adults

Many people are walking around with an inherited “time bomb” just waiting to go off. The APOE4 gene dramatically increases risk of Alzheimer’s. But a common supplement can slash that risk in as little as a year, even in older adults.

Craig Cooper

Why blood pressure testing is mostly wrong

Hypertension is a significant risk factor for cardiovascular disease and the second greatest health threat. Getting an accurate measurement of blood pressure is critical. But are we? Some experts say change is needed…

Carolyn Gretton

‘Ignored biomarkers’ predict 30-year heart disease risk

Cholesterol is just one contributor to heart problems. Two biomarkers strikingly absent from regular testing, when taken into account with cholesterol, can better predict risk of major heart trouble over the next three decades. We’ve sounded the alarm about one of them for more than a decade…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The vitamin-bacteria combo that beats IBD fatigue

Inflammatory bowel disease can be unpleasant and painful. But in addition to digestive problems, it causes crushing fatigue. A simple vitamin provided relief for many, but not all. Now experts discovered the secret to turning thiamine into an energy-generating machine everyone can benefit from…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Anti-inflammatory diet slashed dementia 31% in high-risk group

Inflammation can lead to problems in specific areas, like the brain. That’s why people with a cardiometabolic disease have higher odds of dementia. But research proved the power of diet to not only take down inflammation but substantially reduce dementia risk.

Joyce Hollman

Is ‘dead butt syndrome’ behind your low back and knee pain?

Dead butt syndrome is no joke. It happens when your butt muscles suffer from gluteal amnesia. In other words, they forget how to function and researchers say this modern-day dilemma is a contributor to chronic pain. Here’s what you need to know…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Blood pressure-lowering vegetables that take down stroke risk

One of the biggest risk factors for heart disease, heart attack and stroke is high blood pressure. It’s also a risk factor food can take down. We’ve created a short list for you of the best veggies research says can lower each of these risks…

Joyce Hollman

Stopping ‘recurring loop of infection’ can end chronic UTI

Want to make a woman cringe? Just mention urinary tract infection. For the really unfortunate, UTIs can become a chronic problem, recurring over and over. Finally, they’ve figured out why that happens: Doctors have only been treating one body part responsible for harboring the virulent bacteria…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Olive oil: The easy antidote for a high-fat diet

We all know that eating greasy, high fat foods, like burgers with fries and a milk shake, aren’t good for us and can lead to health problems, like fatty liver disease. But, what if you could enjoy these foods and still remain healthy?

Carolyn Gretton

7-decade study reveals lifetime of diet on dementia risk

Cognitive performance can keep improving well into middle age, but typically begins to decline after the age of 65. And severe conditions such as dementia can develop alongside these aging-related declines. 70 years says there’s one sure fire way to avoid them…

Carolyn Gretton

Explained: How a high-fat diet fuels anxiety

If you tend to eat when you’re anxious, you probably go straight for your favorite junk foods hoping to feel better. But in reality, you’re fueling a vicious cycle of anxiety that starts in your gut and travels a superhighway to your brain…

Joyce Hollman

The changes that happen when you eat less red and processed meat

So, you’ve gotten the message loud and clear, and are ready to reduce the amount of meat you eat. What changes could you expect to see? How would your health improve? And just how much do you have to give up? If you need those answers to take the dive, read on…

Carolyn Gretton

The supplement that could prevent age-related macular degeneration

For years, scientists have been trying to stop age-related macular degeneration. And while there still is no drug cure, supplements like the AREDS formulations can slow progression — but they can’t prevent the onset. That’s where melatonin comes in…

Easy Health Options Staff

Another spice-related recall for lead contamination

Cinnamon is in the news again as yet another recall for a lead-contaminated brand has recently affected a few states. Here are the details you need to keep safe, and news you need to know about spices as a growing heavy metal health threat…

Joyce Hollman

The weird connection between mouthwash, gum disease and diabetes

There’s an especially complex relationship between gum disease and type 2 diabetes. It’s a loop where one condition exacerbates the other, and vice versa. But research says it may be possible to gargle away both problems. Let’s look at the facts…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Carbs aren’t the only macronutrient with an impact on blood sugar

If you’ve been ditching the bread, pasta and grains in order to keep your insulin in check, you might be missing some important information. It turns out two other macronutirents impact blood sugar in ways never before characterized by science…

Joyce Hollman

Are these foods behind your chronic insomnia?

Stress, pain, bathroom trips, frequent screen time and irregular sleep habits can add up to occassional sleeplessness. Chronic insomnia, where sleep is elusive night after night can be maddening. But a growing connection means a simple solution may be in reach…

Carolyn Gretton

Grow an indoor garden and watch your immune system flourish

Research has shown that gardening is good for your joints, longevity and stress levels. And those benefits come from the dirt. But there’s more… getting your hands dirty is tied to the healthy functioning of your immune system thanks to beneficial microbes.

Joyce Hollman

The viral heart risk that’s greatest for boomers

Liver problems are often serious. But some chronic liver conditions often go under the radar. That doesn’t mean they’re not doing damage, and not only to your liver. Even though they can affect anyone, if you’re a boomer like me, this is urgent for you…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Soak up the sun to ramp up your calorie-burning metabolism

Spending time in the sun isn’t just fun and recreational. It’s a great way to power up your health with the sunshine vitamin. But as if you needed one more reason, it turns out catching some rays has quite an advantageous effect on burning fat and calories…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

How this sneaky protein triggers leaky gut syndrome

With the incidence of leaky gut and celiac disease on the rise, people are left suffering as doctors struggle to get to the root of the problem. Luckily, researchers are shining a light on how leaks form in the gut lining, providing hope for treatments that work…

Joyce Hollman

Why poor balance is a sure sign of a shorter life

If you don’t use it, you lose it as you age, specifically muscle strength and flexibility. But balance may not be something you give much thought to, at least not its impact on how long you live or how early you die. Here’s a test than can answer that for you…

Joyce Hollman

Memory problems: Validating Alzheimer’s first hint

Senior moments are the butt of jokes and over-50 birthday cards. But all joking aside, it’s time to get serious if you notice the first hints of a memory problem. It’s called subjective cognitive decline and could be key to slowing changes to your brain…

Carolyn Gretton

12 conditions signaled by the way you walk

Walking comes naturally easy to us as adults. But the way we walk tends to vary from person to person. That’s no big deal unless it’s a difference that signals one of these 12 hidden health problems tipped off by how you walk…

Carolyn Gretton

When weight loss is a sign to get checked for these cancers

Losing weight without trying may seem like the Holy Grail for anyone struggling to shed some excess pounds. However, unintentional weight loss may be an early sign of one of these developing cancers…

Joyce Hollman

Hidden food allergies and the link to heart damage

What if you had a food allergy to a common allergen, like milk, peanuts or shellfish, but it was mild enough that you had none of the typical symptoms? New findings say continuing to eat an offending food could cause heart damage that could shorten your life…

Joyce Hollman

For a happy liver and digestion, balance your bile

Bile produced by the liver helps digest fats and vitamins. But too much bile can be toxic to the liver and other organs. Here’s the run-down on what happens when there’s too much bile, and how you can keep things flowing smoothly.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The strawberry solution to heart disease and diabetes

Strawberries are the sweetest thing about summer, pun intended. What’s even sweeter is news that eating them isn’t just enjoyable: adding strawberries to your daily diet means better blood sugar and a significantly lower risk of heart disease…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Neck inflammation: an undeniable link to headache pain

I have a special insight when it comes to headaches. Not only have I suffered them all my life, I’m also a chiropractor. And there’s one thing I can tell you without a doubt… if you want to defeat them, you’ve got to address the inflammation in your neck.

Carolyn Gretton

OTC supplement improves walking for people with PAD

Peripheral artery disease is painful and can restrict the ability to walk, due to fatigue and poor blood flow in the legs. But researchers uncovered a vitamin that could counter these symptoms and get people with PAD on the move again…

Carolyn Gretton

The alarming truth about ‘forever chemicals’ and your skin

Our skin protects us from the outside world. But there are some things it can’t defend against. Known to enter the body through air, food or water, sneaky “forever chemicals” lurking in personal care products, furniture and more also have an open door through your skin.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

What arm fat can tell you about your bone density

Osteoporosis and the risks for hip or spine fractures go way up with age, especially for women. That’s why we succumb to bone scans and try to build up our bones. But you may be surprised what your arms can reveal about your bones (and a disease trigger deep in your belly)…

Joyce Hollman

A complex relationship: women, weight and high stroke risk

There’s been a lot of conflicting information on weight and health status. But most experts agree: maintaining a healthy weight improves many areas of health. For women though, depending on when weight struggles started, the risk of stroke is much greater.…

Joyce Hollman

Eczema flare-up? Cut back on the salt

Salt. It’s tied to hypertension and heart health, and now, would you believe skin? It makes sense how it gets in your bloodstream to impact arteries, but how it affects your skin will leave you scratching your head, and maybe your eczema flare-up…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

3 health conditions that steal your testosterone

Studies show that testosterone levels in men have been declining for decades. If you’re a man between 45 and 65, odds are your T levels don’t measure up to your dad’s. But why? Well, as three specific health conditions rose, T levels tanked, and there’s a definite connection…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

7 sneaky medications that cause constipation

Constipation can be caused by many things, though most people never suspect their medications. But, it turns out at least 7 sneaky medications you could be taking right now that may be making your restroom trips more troublesome than they should be.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The at-home test that determines heart attack risk in minutes

Someone has a heart attack every 40 seconds in the U.S. We know what the risks are. But how do your personal risks add up? You see your doctor once a year, but is that enough to avoid the number one killer of men and women in this country?