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Dr. Mark Wiley

The workout that’s easy on joints and hard on blood sugar and lipids

If time and pain keep you from fitness, consider rebounding. There are so many built-in benefits, but three new studies help to showcase this exercise form’s vast benefits to health and wellness beyond a shadow of doubt…

Joyce Hollman

How mouthwash makes you 50 percent more likely to get diabetes

Nobody wants to have foul-smelling breath. But gargling with mouthwash may not be such a great idea. In fact, in doing so you could greatly increase your risk for diabetes and do some cardiovascular harm as well. That’s because your mouth is home to a beneficial health-boosting compound you’re sending down the drain…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Too much of this ‘meaty’ nutrient could lead to diabetes

You probably know at least one person with diabetes… You might even be diabetic yourself. In fact, the incidence of diabetes in the U.S. is growing rapidly, with the disease effecting more than 30 million Americans. But, why is the number of people with blood sugar problems so high now?

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The bacteria that could give you diabetes

Overweight, sedentary, a family history, age… These factors all add up to an increased risk of type 2 diabetes. But that list is missing a very important item. You see, there is another risk factor that was previously unknown that could cause you to develop blood sugar problems right this very minute…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Coffee and chocolate: Recipe for diabetes prevention

According to two new studies the key to quashing the risk of developing type 2 diabetes could lie in two things you probably already enjoy anyway – coffee and chocolate. Doing a double-take about now?

Dr. Michael Cutler

Dr. Cutler’s best tips for reversing diabetes naturally

To many, the claim that diabetes can be reversed through nutrition alone may sound like wishful thinking. The mainstream medicine belief is that “once a diabetic, always a diabetic.” But we now know otherwise, and I’ve personally witnessed that success with my patients. Here’s how…


Dr. Michael Cutler

The treatment that reversed type 2 diabetes

Are you ready for this? A new study in the prestigious medical journal, The Lancet, reveals that a huge number of people with type 2 diabetes should be able to completely reverse their disease and remain diabetes-free, just by doing one thing…

Jenny Smiechowski

The forgotten factor driving diabetes

The protein, FKBP51, helps regulate stress in your body and has a known connection to anxiety and depression. But it’s also a messenger between your stress control center and your metabolic processes. Block its production, and you could block diabetes…

Jenny Smiechowski

The ideal dose of antioxidants to ward off diabetes

The latest research shows that cutting calories is an effective way to prevent and even reverse type 2 diabetes. But if you want to prevent type 2 diabetes (or improve an existing case), you don’t have to cut back on all food. There’s one type of food you want to get more of…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Best sweeteners to beat blood sugar spikes

If you suffer from diabetes, you know the daily struggle of balancing the foods you want to eat with the effect they will have on your blood sugar. You may have even turned to artificial sweeteners and diet drinks. But, these bring a whole host of health concerns. In fact…

Jedha Dening

Do this one thing to beat 5 disease signs

Physicians treat symptoms. If you have high cholesterol, they’ll likely prescribe you statins. If you have high blood pressure, they’ll prescribe you antihypertensive drugs. Then, before you know it, you’re taking a daily drug cocktail when all you needed was this one thing…

Jenny Smiechowski

This diabetes-brain damage danger leads to dementia

Diabetes can lead to a complication called diabetic encephalopathy, which can alter your mental state, cause seizures and tremors and even lead to dementia. There’s a simple way to protect your brain, and even reduce some of your other diabetes symptoms while you’re at it…