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Carolyn Gretton

How effective is garlic for osteoarthritis knee pain?

It’s no secret that obesity can put you at risk of a number of chronic illnesses. It can also increase your risk for osteoarthritis and make you a tough candidate to find relief from osteoarthritis knee pain. You may have heard that garlic can help. But how effective is it really?

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The foods that decreased frontline workers’ COVID risks by 73 percent

There’s more proof that food choices matter, and it comes from the front lines: Data from doctors and nurses with extensive exposure to SARS-CO-v2, found that depending on whether you choose high protein, low carbs, more plant foods or fish — risks from COVID-19 could be lowered as much as 73 percent.

Carolyn Gretton

The other reason HDL protects against narrowing of the arteries

You already know that there’s “good” cholesterol and “bad” cholesterol and that the “good” type helps eliminate bad forms of cholesterol out of your system. But researchers have discovered another benefit to “good” cholesterol that could help predict your likelihood of developing a serious heart problem…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

Black cumin: 7 modern benefits of an ancient seed oil

King Tut, Cleopatra, and Hippocrates relied on black cumin seed for an array of conditions, including malaise, weakness, coughing and skincare. When something is carried down over the years as a “remedy,” especially as long as black cumin seed, there’s got to be something to it. But when the research agrees, it’s even better.

Carolyn Gretton

The link between ‘long COVID’ and your thyroid

While the majority of people who contract COVID-19 recover in a matter of days, many suffer from “long COVID,” a condition where symptoms linger for weeks or months. A possible reason? Thyroiditis, or thyroid inflammation, that’s been triggered by the virus.

Joyce Hollman

Brain fog: How chronic sinus problems may change your brain

If you suffer from chronic sinusitis or rhinosinusitis, you know how it can interrupt your daily life. And it’s not even the runny nose or sinus pressure that’s the most disruptive. The inability to concentrate can make everyday tasks almost impossible for some. Now you can feel validated: Science shows sinus inflammation affects your brain’s connections.


Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The harm in not brushing your teeth for just one day

Brush and floss at least twice a day. It’s advice you’ve heard all of your life. But sometimes things get in the way of caring for your mouth the way you should. But if you let your dental hygiene slip, as many habits have during the pandemic, the risk goes beyond gum disease.

Virginia Tims-Lawson

Spirulina may reduce severity of a COVID-19 infection

We owe a debt of gratitude to all the frontline workers who’ve taken care of the sick, and to the scientists developing vaccines so we can begin returning to some sense of normalcy. But during this crisis, it’s also been great to see research come out proving the power of nutrition.

Carolyn Gretton

The juice/supplement combo that eases rheumatoid arthritis symptoms

If you have rheumatoid arthritis, chances are you’ve experienced side effects from your medication, so you may be aware of alternatives that relieve your symptoms. One such alternative, fish oil, has shown the ability to ease RA symptoms. You can ramp us those effects by taking it with the right juice…

Joyce Hollman

What is lifestyle medicine and what can it do for you?

What if lifestyle interventions were looked on as legitimate, bona fide treatments, just as medications are? The growing discipline of lifestyle medicine is making this “what if” a reality, and instead of medicalizing disease, provides an easier pill to swallow.

Virginia Tims-Lawson

The natural way to reduce inflammation

Inflammation seems like such a benign and common symptom. But as the saying goes, “give it an inch and it’ll take a mile.” Once it takes hold — which is easy because it’s fueled by stress, sleep-loss, sugar, pollution and countless other modern-day threats — it can completely wreck your health.

Carolyn Gretton

Higher omega-3 levels may lower COVID-19 death risk

Combatting inflammation is important in treating COVID-19. But many of the anti-inflammatories tested by researchers either don’t help or can actually worsen the condition. One hopeful sign is a connection between reduced mortality risk from the virus and an essential nutrient that douses killer inflammation…