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Joyce Hollman

Boswellia: Nature’s answer from inflammation to cancer

Boswellia serrata, a tree that is native to India, has long been used in traditional Indian and Chinese medicine to control arthritis and other inflammatory conditions. Lots of research has shown that it’s a safe, natural substitute for dangerous NSAIDs, but that’s not all…

Joyce Hollman

What seniors need to know about rose hips

Fall is the time to leave peaches and melons behind, and start enjoying those crisp, juicy apples. But did you know there’s a tiny ‘cousin’ to the apple that you can harvest at the end of summer? It has more vitamin C than an orange and that’s just the start of its benefits…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Why your own immune system could be stealing your eyesight

You’ve probably heard the term autoimmune disease before. Up to this point though, glaucoma has never been included in that list despite the fact that it affects nearly 70 million people worldwide. That could be changing, as well as advice on avoiding it…

Dr. Michael Cutler

Is inflammation sending your health up in flames?

I believe that quelling inflammation can help you live healthier longer. So, the earlier you find out if inflammation is burning up your health, the better. That’s why it’s important to have these seven blood markers of inflammation, as well as intestinal markers, checked out…

Dr. Michael Cutler

Tests that reveal disease-causing inflammation is making you sick

Acute inflammation, the kind you experience when you have an injury, is the pathway to healing. The swelling and redness is your immune response repairing the damage. Chronic inflammation, however, sets your body up for disease. How can you tell if it’s making your sick?

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

How your gut can fight MS, Parkinson’s, ALS, Alzheimer’s and more

There may be little your doctor can do for you if you’re living with a chronic neurological disease. But with the help of your gut, you could improve your symptoms, possibly halt the damage and get your life back — just by activating a little-known pathway…


Virginia Tims-Lawson

4 serious ways inflammation makes you sick

Most of us think of joint problems when we hear the word inflammation. But, inflammation is behind a number of serious health problems that could be waiting in the wings, ready to attack and rob you of your well-being. Here are the top four health risks caused by inflammation and what to do to stop it…

Joyce Hollman

The painful condition that increases your heart, stroke and kidney risks

Henry VIII and Alexander the Great endured this disease, but it’s definitely not limited to royalty. Today, more than 8.3 million Americans are suffering the pain and bodily damage of this condition — and worse, its serious consequences that are life-threatening…

Joyce Hollman

Why sugar today could mean Alzheimer’s tomorrow

Science has long established the fact that inflammation is a problem behind all the diseases and conditions that scare us… cancer, diabetes, even stroke and heart disease. Now, scientists have established inflammation’s role in the development and severity of Alzheimer’s disease.

Jenny Smiechowski

4 reasons to try America’s forgotten inflammation-fighting tea

Do you start your morning with a cup of Guatemalan coffee? A cup of Chinese green tea? Or Peruvian yerba mate? Most of us get our daily dose of caffeine from halfway across the world. But there was a time when Americans got their caffeine fix from a source closer to home…

Jenny Smiechowski

The high-carb weight loss food that burns calories

The low-carb diet craze has been going strong for decades. It started with Atkins, progressed to Paleo, and now it’s all about Keto. But low-carb eating isn’t for everyone. And, as shocking as it sounds, certain high-carb foods can even kick-start your weight loss.

Joyce Hollman

9 herbal teas to help tame your tummy, blood sugar, cholesterol and sleep problems

Most people know chamomile tea to be a good choice for a calming drink just before bed. And without it, I don’t think I would have survived losing an hour to the time change last weekend. But these 9 teas offer even more if you’re looking to boost your health naturally…