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Jenny Smiechowski

The black nut that fights inflammation, obesity and more

If you’re a true health-nut (or even a part-time health nut), there’s one food you should always have on hand — nuts. Especially one that contains several essential fatty acids, antioxidants, minerals like magnesium and potassium and a bona fide disease buster…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

What really works for tennis elbow pain

In over 10 years in chiropractic practice, one of the most common complaints from patients was tennis elbow. Some doctors have tried everything from medications, to botox injections, to ultrasounds. Turns out what I was recommending has been proven to work best.

Dr. Michael Cutler

Helicobacter pylori: More your doctor hasn’t told you

Testing for and treating H. pylori for gastroesophageal disease is now mainstream. That’s because it’s commonly accepted that it’s the culprit behind gastritis, peptic ulcers and gastric cancer. However, study results show two sides of H. pylori: it may be both protective and harmful…

Jenny Smiechowski

Common infections that increase your stroke and heart attack risk

When you get over an infection, you’re relieved that the worst is behind you… The discomfort. The pain. The worry that it will progress into something more serious. But you’re not completely in the clear yet. There’s a post-infection pitfall to be aware of. And a pretty serious one, at that…

Dr. Michael Cutler

The culprit behind gastritis, peptic ulcers and gastric cancer?

It is probably the most widely studied and treated bacterium residing in half the population. It’s associated with gastritis, peptic ulcers and gastric cancer. But doctors commonly rule it out when a patient has stomach pain. So is H. pylori really an infection?

Jenny Smiechowski

The best nutrient to fight inflammation-fueled memory loss

Do you know why your memory starts to slip as you get older? Immune cells in the brain known as microglia become inflamed and release chemicals that interfere with cognitive and motor function. This leads to cognitive decline. But there’s a simple way to cool this brain-harming inflammation…


Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

How age-related leaky gut makes you sick and old

Leaky gut is exactly what it sounds like. It’s a condition in which the lining of your gut becomes too permeable, allowing particles that should remain in your digestive tract to cross into your other tissues. But besides making you sick, it’s making you old. Here’s how to stop it…

Joyce Hollman

How to keep bursitis from making every movement a pain

Many people confuse bursitis with arthritis, where bone-on-bone friction occurs. Both are inflammatory conditions, but are caused by injury or wear to different parts of the joint. If you’re not sure what’s causing you pain, here’s how to tell and what to do about this painful condition…

Joyce Hollman

8 benefits of ginkgo biloba

The Ginkgo tree is a species that dates back over 270 million years. Considering its longevity and hardiness, numerous researched healing “superpowers” are attributed to these living fossils. Ginkgo biloba, the extract collected from the dried leaves of the tree, has been a staple of Traditional Chinese Medicine for centuries. Here are eight reasons for its healthy reputation…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The strange symptom that makes this mood disorder harder to treat

NAC is a derivative of the amino acid L-cysteine and has been shown to significantly decrease bipolar depression. Good news for sufferers, since the drug treatment is successful in only 40 to 50 percent of patients. But if you’ve tried NAC without success, this one symptom could be holding you back…

Jenny Smiechowski

How TV can make you as sick as the patients on those hospital dramas

If you love settling into the couch and binge-watching your favorite show every evening, it’s time to rethink how you relax. Watching too much TV is terrible for your health. How terrible? Depending on how many hours a day you watch, you could increase your risk by more than 54 percent…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Is baking soda the key to managing autoimmune conditions?

Inflammation causes severe health problems and destroys your quality of life when you’re living with an autoimmune disease. And, finding a way to stop the inflammation could give you back your life. Could it really be this simple?