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When eating a banana is a bad idea

When eating a banana is a bad idea

Americans could really afford to increase our uptake of fruits, especially those containing flavanols that support brain, heart and blood vessel health. But the one fruit that surveys say is our favorite can undo all of that. Here’s when to avoid eating it…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst


Over 60? 15 minutes can make or break your senior years

Over 60? 15 minutes can make or break your senior years

If you’re over 60 and hoping your quality of life doesn’t diminish with the years, pay attention: A long-term study has shown what you do with as little as 15 minutes of your day can cut your quality of life in half, increase hospitalizations and even lead to an early grave…

Joyce Hollman


A bodybuilding supplement may halt Alzheimer’s progression

A bodybuilding supplement may halt Alzheimer’s progression

Exercise is great for the brain. And if your exercise game includes bodybuilding, you may have an edge over the rest of us: halting the progression of Alzheimer’s. But if weight training is off the table for you, there’s an easier way…

Joyce Hollman


How to clean your feet to avoid infection, fungus and warts

How to clean your feet to avoid infection, fungus and warts

When you shower do you wash your feet? I mean seriously and intently. Or do you hope the soap trickles down to do the job? I’m guilty, too, but not properly washing our feet can lead to problems from ugly feet to warts and infection and the threat of fungus that’s rampant in summer…

Joyce Hollman


Study confirms an IBS treatment better than medicine

Study confirms an IBS treatment better than medicine

Traditional medications for IBS can produce side effects including heartburn, diarrhea, gas and abdominal pain — the very symptoms they’re meant to eliminate. Research has confirmed a treatment that works better with none of those side effects…

Joyce Hollman


Tick bite? Take this first step to avoid disease transmission

Tick bite? Take this first step to avoid disease transmission

In spite of taking all the precautions, you’ve found a tick has invaded your personal space. And you know that blood-fattened bug could be one of three known for transmitting serious disease, from Lyme to Rocky Mountain spotted fever. Here’s your first step to reduce your chances of getting sick…

Carolyn Gretton


The drink that encourages bone growth and blocks bone loss

The drink that encourages bone growth and blocks bone loss

A Chinese medicinal herb has been shown to not only block bone loss, but encourage bone growth. That’s great news for anyone with osteoporosis. Even better, the active compound responsible for that phenomenal bone support is also found in coffee beans…

Joyce Hollman


The heart attack that happens when coronary arteries are clear

The heart attack that happens when coronary arteries are clear

For women, heart attack symptoms differ from men. But the differences don’t end there. A heart attack is usually caused by a blockage in one of the main coronary arteries. But there’s a type of heart attack that occurs when those arteries are crystal clear, and it’s becoming more common in women…

Carolyn Gretton


The link between mitochondria, Alzheimer’s and pomegranates

The link between mitochondria, Alzheimer’s and pomegranates

If you’ve heard anything about Alzheimer’s, you’ve heard plenty about the amyloid and tau protein signatures that harm the brain. But these aren’t the only proteins that clump, and research says that secret links mitochondria and the potential to reverse a variety of age-related ailments.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst


Blood proteins signal cancer 7 years before diagnosis

Blood proteins signal cancer 7 years before diagnosis

Despite years of research, the best medicine has to offer is the potential to put some cancers into remission. But if we’ve learned anything about cancer, it’s that the earlier you know, the better. Could seven years be enough to change things for the better?

Joyce Hollman


What cranberries can do for heart disease, stroke, diabetes and more

What cranberries can do for heart disease, stroke, diabetes and more

When you hear cranberries mentioned in a health conversation, you probably immediately think of urinary tract infections. But then we heard about their effect on cholesterol. Turns out that was just the tip of the iceberg for what these little berries do…

Carolyn Gretton


Hashimoto’s: An often misdiagnosed thyroid disorder

Hashimoto’s: An often misdiagnosed thyroid disorder

An underactive thyroid can make you tired, achy, overweight and lead to mysterious symptoms including anxiety. That’s why it’s important to know if your thyroid is working as it should. If not, it could be due to an increasingly common and misdiagnosed autoimmune disorder…

Carolyn Gretton


The Amazonian fruit ‘prescription’ that tames blood sugar

The Amazonian fruit ‘prescription’ that tames blood sugar

Insulin resistance is considered a driver for the cluster of conditions that make up metabolic syndrome. When blood sugar spikes often, the pancreas produces too much insulin and the body stops responding to it. Once the door’s open, it’s hard to keep the other conditions out…

Virginia Tims-Lawson