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Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Live cold, die old: How temperature affects lifespan

We’ve all heard the saying, “Live fast, die young.” It’s one that’s stood the test of time since living a fast and risky life is often cut short. Now, there’s one more adage that will likely stand up to that time test, and may have you cranking up your AC: Live cold, die old…

Carolyn Gretton

The harmful brain legacy of leaded gasoline

You may think the only way to get exposed to lead is through drinking water or paint chips in older houses. But if you were born in the U.S. before 1996, you were very likely absorbing lead with every breath you took. And researchers say that could be affecting how your brain is aging today…

Joyce Hollman

What dentists get but doctors don’t about pH balance

Every time you eat or drink anything other than water, the pH level in your mouth drops (becomes more acidic). This causes minerals in your tooth enamel to seep out as your body tries to re-establish a balanced pH. Any guesses what happens in the rest of your body?

Carolyn Gretton

Protein: How to eat it to avoid high blood pressure

Nearly half of the American population has high blood pressure. But what’s really odd is that for most adults, there’s no identifiable cause of their hypertension. Lifestyle factors, like salt intake, get a lot of blame. But if you’re not eating your protein right, you’ll be surprised at what may happen…

Margaret Cantwell

The Alzheimer’s drug on the horizon that’s really a vitamin

Could an existing FDA-approved drug be that magic Alzheimer’s pill we’ve been waiting for? It reduced those signature brain plaques and improved memory deficits in mice. Better yet? The “drug” is a simple vitamin that’s already shown that people with the lowest intake are 80 percent more likely to develop the disease…

Jenny Smiechowski

Perfect pill melts fat, fights disease and keeps your body young

There’s an all-natural “pill” shown to help you lose weight. Sure, diet and exercise can help. But why not give yourself a break and take this pill every day? You’ll drop pounds and end up not only with a healthier body weight but a better gut, bones, skin and more!

Craig Cooper

6 reasons you shouldn’t get testosterone therapy

The biggest complaints men have that can often lead to considering testosterone therapy are weight gain, lack of energy, low libido, depression and lack of muscle tone. They’re often convinced that testosterone therapy will solve everything. But there’s another side to that coin…

Joyce Hollman

Our organs age at different rates and what it means

When you read about slowing aging or promoting a longer lifespan, it’s a safe bet you assumed your biological age applied to your whole body. Turns out, while our organs are busy doing different jobs, they’re also aging at different rates. What’s that mean for us?

Virginia Tims-Lawson

How to poop like a toddler (and why you should)

I warn you I’m going to be graphic when needed. I’m not going to be “politically correct” with my words — I’m going to give it to you straight. Because not going regularly leads to much more than just uncomfortable and embarrassing health problems…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Migraine may signal one of these four endocrine disorders

When is a migraine more than just a pain condition? When it’s a symptom. Having an endocrine-related condition is likely to increase your risk of migraine headaches. That means there could be a potentially serious condition behind those terrible headaches…

Carl Lowe

Survive the heat with a single supplement

Summer heat is a real hazzard. But you can help your body shrug off the dog days of summer with a simple vitamin. Sound crazy? Not when you understand how it keeps your blood moving, which cools your skin and reduces your risk for stroke…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

Scientists find 109 chemicals never reported in people before

Recently researchers detected 109 chemicals in the bodies of women. Among them were 55 which have never been reported in people before, plus 42 “mystery chemicals” whose sources and uses are a complete unknown. So how do you avoid becoming a walking pool of potentially harmful chemicals?

Easy Health Options Staff

Aphasia: The disorder that steals your ability to communicate

You may know that well-known actor Bruce Willis is stepping away from his 50+ year career for health reasons. His family made the announcement for him, which may indicate the progression of his illness: Aphasia. Here’s what you should know about the difficult disorder affecting millions few have heard of…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

3 household nasties that make asthma worse

Some experts say asthma has become an epidemic in our country. And once you’ve got it, its symptoms hit you again and again. Luckily, researchers have identified the three bigest asthma culprits lurking in your home that if you can tame, could help you get better control of your symptoms.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Why exercise is vital for Long COVID recovery

Long COVID can affect up to 80 percent of those who’ve been infected, resulting in a constellation of symptoms including diabetes and depression. While there’s currently no recognized treatment, experts recognize dousing inflammation is key to defeating its effects, and exercise can help…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

Low T and ED? Blame a high protein diet

Eating a high protein diet is a great way to keep your muscles strong so that you don’t lose them with age. But there are some downsides. For men, eating a diet with too much protein can lead to low levels of testosterone, low sperm count and ED. Here’s how to find balance…

Joyce Hollman

Flavorful flavonoids that help your brain flourish

Eating foods that benefit your health in a major way isn’t all about just eating the green stuff or more fiber. In fact some of the most colorful foods can have the most amazing effects, especially on your brain…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

What height has to do with colon cancer risk

Doctors have long noticed that taller people tend to develop colorectal cancer more frequently. Sounds odd, but the theory is height correlates to more real estate in organs too. Here are life-saving tips that can help bring those odds down….

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Coffee and heart health: The suggested daily limit

Research has proven time and again that your morning cup of joe doesn’t just give you the jolt you need to wake up. It packs proven benefits. Yet, too much of even a good thing can quickly turn bad. So, how much is too much coffee for your heart?

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Common medications that make fighting any virus harder

Just because millions may take a specific type of medication daily, it doesn’t mean it’s risk-free. And what we’re learning in the aftermath of the pandemic has put some very common medications in the spotlight. It’s important information no matter what virus you may have to fight…

Carolyn Gretton

GERD: A surprising cause of chronic headache

If you suffer from chronic headaches, you’ve probably gone down every avenue trying to uncover the cause and find relief. But for millions, the answers remain elusive. But you may have been looking for relief from the wrong body part, now that researchers have found a trigger within the gastrointestinal system…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

Are you just tired, or is it Alzheimer’s?

Most of us wouldn’t think twice about napping a little during the day. After all, as we age, our nighttime sleep can become more disrupted, so why wouldn’t we catch up on it during the daytime hours? Surprisingly, it could be a sign of brain changes that need attention.

Joyce Hollman

How many steps to live longer? Which side of 60 are you on?

You’ve probably heard that 10,000 is the optimal number of steps per day to add years to your life. Truth is, there’s nothing to back that up. But a look at 15 studies has plenty of data to back up the amount that can give you real benefits. And it depends on what side of 60 you’re on.

Carolyn Gretton

The reason exercise gets harder the less you do

Even with the best of intentions, it’s easy to let exercise fall by the wayside. And it can be really tough to start up again. But it’s not just about willpower. There may be a biological reaction that makes it physically difficult to get back in the exercise groove again…

William Davis

Vitamin D: The secrets behind the lost cure

Numerous studies have confirmed head-to-toe benefits of vitamin D that go far beyond strong bones. But the disease connection to low levels of the vitamin is just the tip of the iceberg of what you should know to avoid the silent epidemic behind the rise in autoimmune disease, cancer, Alzheimer’s and more…

Carolyn Gretton

Having irregular periods could lead to liver disease

For the longest time, having long or irregular periods was dismissed as something women just had to put up with. But that’s changing. We now know a menstrual cycle gone awry can be a sign of serious illness — including liver disease. A few ways to rebalance your cycle can also protect your liver…

Dr. Elizabeth Klodas MD, FACC

Cholesterol absorber or cholesterol producer: Which are you?

LDL (bad) cholesterol levels in the blood are determined predominantly by two very different biochemical pathways. Depending upon which one is dominant for you, it’s possible to determine how well you’ll respond to medication versus simple diet changes to lower cholesterol.

Easy Health Options Staff

Blood pressure drug recalled for cancer-causing impurity

The pharmaceutical giant Pfizer has announced they are voluntarily recalling several lots of blood pressure medications due to the presence of a cancer-causing impurity known as nitrosamine. Find out if you’re affected and what to do…

Joyce Hollman

Severity of joint pain during menopause clue to deadly condition

Menopause is a natural part of a woman’s life. But because doctors expect to hear women come to them with complaints of fatigue, sleep problems, headaches and joint pain during this time, women are being left behind when it comes to a dangerous and potentially deadly condition…

Joyce Hollman

Study identifies how many years your brain ages per drink

What’s the harm in a daily drink? Despite what smaller studies have found, it turns out just one drink followed by just one more can exponentially age your brain by shrinking it. In fact, a shockingly small amount can steal a decade from your brain…

Jenny Smiechowski

Why you don’t need crazy exercise classes to live longer

You want to get in shape. So, you go to a boot camp exercise class in a nearby strip mall gym, and it kicks your butt. Sure, challenging exercise has its place. But people who struggle with moderate or intense exercise, shouldn’t get discouraged. Low-key exercise can pay off big time too…

Jenny Smiechowski

The fried food cancer connection that doubles tumor growth

I know fried food isn’t healthy. But I let myself indulge in it more often than I probably should. Unfortunately, all fried food is equally unhealthy in one important sense — the oil. You may not know most oils are unstable and produce a chemical linked to cancer. It can also make tumors double in size…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Are antibiotics causing rheumatoid arthritis?

When most of us think of arthritis, we probably think of the classic stiff, achy joints of the most common type of the disease, osteoarthritis. But, there’s another type of arthritis that’s a whole different animal, an autoimmune disease that attacks your joints, leaving them painful, swollen and even disfigured.

Dr. Elizabeth Klodas MD, FACC

What you should know about your hardworking heart valve

If I opened and closed the front door of my house 60 times a minute, it would probably fly off its hinges in a month! But that’s exactly what your heart valves do. There are no medications for treating valve problems. The only way to fix a severely malfunctioning valve is to replace it. But there are a few things you can do to keep your heart valves in tip-top shape…

Joyce Hollman

For ‘mature’ folks, this could be the king of all workouts

Kickboxing is a form of martial arts that combines karate with boxing. But don’t be fooled into thinking that you’re too old to engage in such a strenuous activity. For older adults, the benefits in terms of weight loss, stress relief, better balance and improved concentration are hard to beat!

Joyce Hollman

When bread isn’t what it says (and shares an ingredient with your yoga mat!)

Whole wheat. Sprouted wheat. Gluten-free. And that’s just the beginning. Are you confused about bread these days? I know I was. Until I did a little research. When you understand what some of the words you see on bread labels REALLY mean, it becomes easier to decide which one is right for you.

Jenny Smiechowski

Fighting autoimmune fueled fatigue? Optimize your HDL for more energy

If you have an autoimmune disease, you know about fatigue. How it prevents you from working, going out with friends, keeping up with your housework and living a normal life — probably more so than any other autoimmune disease symptom. The question is… what (if anything) can you do about it?

Joyce Hollman

5 huge improvements you get from a digital detox

You’ve heard us talk here about the health benefits of a periodic detox to cleanse and rejuvenate the health of the body. But, have you ever considered a “digital detox”?

Dr. Michael Cutler

Stem cell science available at your doctor’s office

Stem cell therapy has moved from the laboratory to your doctor’s office. You may be pleasantly surprised at how stem cells — from your own body — can transform, improve and remedy problems in just about any part of your body. Here’s more on stem cell therapies and the real-world applications available to you…

Dr. Geo Espinosa

7 food additives to always avoid

If you’ve been suffering from unexplained headaches, bowel troubles or allergy-like symptoms, it may be time to look at your diet and eliminate some of the ingredients in processed foods. Here’s a closer look at each type of additive and the health problems associated with it.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The depression symptom on your brain that could be Alzheimer’s

With age, most of us may be on the lookout for warning signs of Alzheimer’s… things like forgetfulness, difficulty following simple instructions, personality changes and problems communicating. But there’s one sign you might not know about… Depression. And its link to Alzheimer’s shows on the brain.

Jenny Smiechowski

Why cannabis is a better pain reliever than aspirin

Whatever you think about cannabis, there’s no denying it’s a promising pain reliever — especially in a world where our only options are OTC pain relievers that increase the odds of internal bleeding and insanely-addictive opioids. So why are more people popping aspirin or opioids than cannabis products for their pain?

Virginia Tims-Lawson

The plant compound that blasts fat and type 2 diabetes

Did you know that not all types of fat are created equal? And, I’m not talking about the types of fat you eat, but the types of fat you have on your body. Yup, there is such a thing as good fat that you actually want to have more of, especially if you’d like to win the battle with obesity and diabetes…

Joyce Hollman

That ‘gut feeling’ is big clue about where anxiety starts and how to stop it

Have you ever noticed how many expressions that describe anxiety include the word “gut”? “I could feel it in my gut.” “I had a gut feeling that something was wrong.” Turns out that this association between our innards and our feelings of anxiety may have crept into our language by way of actual, biological fact.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The best way to slim up a dangerously fatty heart

Fat around your heart is a dangerous thing. It’s linked to cardiovascular disease and the possibility of early death. But can you slim your heart down the same way you do your body? Research found the best ways to knock off up to 30 percent of two types of dangerous heart fat…

Gena Hymowech

The meat that cuts your breast cancer risk

Meat gets quite the bad rap these days. Most experts tell us we need to eat less — if any at all — to avoid some of the scarier diseases… like heart disease and cancer. They also tell us that those who follow a vegetarian or vegan diet live much longer and healthier lives than meat eaters. Now, I swore off red meat a while back. It made me feel “off.” But chicken… that’s my weakness.

Jenny Smiechowski

How smoking fuels dangerously infectious bacteria

Cigarette smoke is bad for you… whether you’re the one smoking or the one caught in the aftermath. Asthma, ear infections, respiratory infections and, yes, even cancer are all on the table if you inhale enough of it. But there’s another surprising effect of cigarette smoke that can hurt us all, either way…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Microneedling may be the best treatment for acne scars

One of my longtime friends is absolutely gorgeous but never thought so herself. That’s because despite all of her natural beauty, she had acne scarring from the time she was in her teens. And, every single time she looked in a mirror, those scars were all she could see.

Jenny Smiechowski

The anti-cancer potential of Keto

People go keto for a lot of reasons. To fit into that one pair of jeans… to balance blood sugar to prevent (or even reverse) conditions like prediabetes and diabetes… to replace brain fog and mid-afternoon slumps with keto euphoria and a clear mind. But there’s one benefit that’s not on most keto dieters’ radar — at least not yet…

Joyce Hollman

3 personal care products you’d be better off making yourself

Would you knowingly wash your hair with a chemical that could give you osteoporosis? Would you get in the shower every morning and lather up with something that would irreparably damage your kidneys or lungs? Or that could cause cancer? I thought not.

Dr. Elizabeth Klodas MD, FACC

How one restaurant meal can blow your nutrition for 3 days

One of the casualties of modern-day life is home cooking. Not surprisingly, 90 percent of us don’t like to do it. No wonder more and more people eat out. But it’s getting even harder to differentiate the restaurant foods that might not be so bad from the ones that are a heart attack waiting to happen…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

5+ ways to smell better post workout

I’m one of those weird people who actually likes going to the gym. To me, working out, while necessary, is also fun. In fact, I drive my oldest daughter crazy since she absolutely hates to run and I’m always trying to encourage her to do a mile or two with me. But, one thing I don’t like about the gym is how I smell by the time I leave.

Jenny Smiechowski

Why there’s a very good chance your blood pressure reading is wrong

Blood pressure is one of the most important predictors of complications like heart disease, stroke, and heart attack. But we’re learning that getting an accurate BP reading is a slippery slope… even when your blood pressure is taken by professionals. If you rely on a few readings a year during doctor visits to feel safe, this information is urgent for you…

Joyce Hollman

The best juice for pain relief, better sleep and sharper thinking

Nothing says summer to me like a handful of dark, sweet cherries. You just can’t get them any other time of year as good as they are in the summer months. But the cherries I’m going to tell you about are bright red, not dark purple. And they’re anything but sweet. But year-round they may be your best cure-all…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Use your smartphone to train your brain

A team from the Behavioral and Clinical Neuroscience Institute at the University of Cambridge decided to address problems related to forgetfulness. And guess what? They may have found an antidote to the daily distractions that we face in this busy world… and you can get it in a brain training game.

Joyce Hollman

The science behind a warm bath at bedtime

There is one thing that many folks have long used to help them relax, unwind mind and body, and prepare for restful sleep. And it works like a charm, for most people, but not for the reasons they think it does. Now science reveals the secret to why a warm bath can help you get your best sleep ever…

Jenny Smiechowski

Why prescription fish oil may be the next cholesterol wonder ‘drug’

Statins are the most popular cholesterol-lowering drug around. But you may have heard a few things about statins that concern you. It sure would be simpler if your doctor pulled out the prescription pad and gave you something safer to manage your cholesterol. Something without side effects, like fish oil…

Dr. Michael Cutler

Using your own fat for plumper cheeks, lips and more

Many women are taking advantage of dermal fillers to fight the effects of gravity. Most of the time, these cosmetic procedures go off without a hitch… but occasionally one of the top listed risks is an allergic reaction at the injection site that can affect the whole body. But when you use your own fat…

Gena Hymowech

7 easy, drug-free ways to live life better with lupus

If you have lupus, you know it can flare up and settle down. It can also leave you at higher risk of having cancer or an infection. Natural strategies, such as incorporating or avoiding certain foods and supplements, and changing your lifestyle, will not cure lupus — nothing will — but they could help.

Jenny Smiechowski

Can electromagnetic fields fight cancer rather than fuel it?

We’re all part of one big EMF experiment. We can take steps to reduce our EMF exposure, like buying those little shields for your cell phone. But for the most part, we have to accept we’re surrounded by these unseen energy fields that could be harming us in some way. That’s the bad news. Here’s the good news…