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Virginia Tims-Lawson

How your gut affects how well vaccines work

There’s probably been no time in recent history that more people have been focused on vaccines. But, of course, vaccines are nothing new… the seasonal flu and pneumonia vaccines have been around for a while. What is new is finding that the key to how well they work is in your gut.

Joyce Hollman

Simple sleep tweak cuts depression by double digits

There are people who tend to thrive and do their best work late at night. But others are at their best earlier in the day. One drawback of being a night owl is a higher risk for depression. But one hour is all it takes to slash that risk by double digits — without giving up late night..

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Popular bleach alternative not so safe to disinfect your home

Chances are, during the pandemic, you got real serious about disinfecting your home. And you may be tempted to continue the habit since it helped lower your exposure not only to COVID-19 but possibly influenza too. But you could be trading the risk of catching any respiratory virus for the risk of serious respiratory damage.

Carolyn Gretton

Bad news for couch potatoes: Sitting less sustains weight loss

Let’s say you’ve reached your weight loss goal (congratulations!) and you’re looking forward to all the health benefits that brings. You probably worked very hard, but maintaining your new weight may not be so hard, as long as you don’t do this one thing that works against sustained weight loss.

Dr. Elizabeth Klodas MD, FACC

How to load up on heart-healthy nutrients at your farmer’s market

One of my favorite rites of spring is browsing aisles of beautiful asparagus, radishes, herbs and lettuces at farmer’s markets. It’s one of the most inspiring ways to cook more heart-healthy foods at home. My favorites contain lots of potassium, calcium and nitrates, which may help improve blood flow, and of course fiber!

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Lifestyle changes that reversed aging 3 years in just 8 weeks

Who wouldn’t want to roll back the clock and reverse aging to feel better and live longer? But is turning back your biological age even possible? And if so, is it something you can do yourself? Here’s how the study participants did it in just eight weeks…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Study proves you’re only as old as you feel

For some people, age is only a number. No matter the number of years that have passed, they stay active, strong, and yes — youthful. They seem to live and breathe the popular saying “you’re only as old as you feel.” And now science has proven there’s really something to it…

Carolyn Gretton

Anesthetic may release tau and spur Alzheimer’s development

Surgery is difficult at any age, but it carries specific complications for older adults, including long-term memory loss. Researchers have dug into this connection and may have narrowed it down to the way a specific type of anesthetic affects tau protein, a key player in Alzheimer’s development…

Joyce Hollman

7 foods that reduce colorectal cancer risk despite your genes

You might think having a genetic predisposition for cancer is a death sentence, or that there’s very little you can do to counteract heredity. Well, recent research has shown this to be untrue when it comes to colorectal cancer. In fact, lifestyle factors can do more for folks with the cancer gene than those without…

Joyce Hollman

A better variety of gut bacteria reduces age-related muscle loss

Sarcopenia can put a kink in your plans to enjoy retirement, whether you see yourself playing golf every day, going on cruises or hosting campouts in the backyard with your grandkids — and instead leave you frail and housebound. But your gut bacteria can help keep it from stealing your get-up-and-go.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Mildly elevated BP in middle-age doubles women’s heart attack risk

Traditionally, women start out with much lower blood pressure than men. But when we get into our 40s, things start to change. That’s why women are being urged to diligently check it. Turns out even a mild elevation in BP for middle-aged women can double the risk for heart attack.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

It takes fewer steps than you’d think to live longer

Walking is one of the safest and easiest ways to stay active. It’s also great for your heart health and can help you live longer, reducing your risk of death as much as 32 percent. Better news? Retire your Fitbit… it doesn’t take near as many steps as you’d think…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

The diet that boosts testosterone and burns calories

For men, obesity and low testosterone levels can go hand-in-hand and are often a “chicken and the egg” situation. Obesity kicks off testosterone decline and the resulting low-T leaves the body burning fewer calories and leads to more weight gain. But it’s a vicious cylce that can be broken so you can get your vim and vigor back.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Your gut may be the fast way to better blood pressure

Your gut or GI tract is home to a huge and diverse community of microorganism that makes up your gut microbiome. And more and more evidence is proving that much of your health — even your blood pressure levels — starts right here…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The cholesterol-lowering food supplement that tames anxiety

When you suffer from anxiety, that feeling of dread can take over. Unfortunately, the medications most doctors will prescribe carry a boatload of side effects. Some can even worsen your anxiety symptoms. But a plant compound found in some of our favorite foods was shown to wrangle anxiety… and cholesterol, too.

Joyce Hollman

Unexplained swelling could signal a COVID-19 blood clot

What do varicose veins and COVID-19 have in common? They both put you at risk of developing deep vein thrombosis, a condition where a blood clot forms deep within a vein, usually in the legs, but sometimes in the arms. And swelling may be the only sign of the clot and the COVID-19 infection.

Carolyn Gretton

Food dyes found to trigger bowel disease

Dyes used in food are supposed to be safe for you to eat, but we’ve already seen evidence that’s not the case. Artificial food colorants have been linked with everything from hyperactivity in children, allergic reactions and worse — and now, there’s evidence they may impact your gastrointestinal health as well…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Coffee drinkers have better brain connectivity

For years, research has dug into the benefits of coffee. And, now, there’s more credibility pointing to our favorite elixir’s stimulating brain benefits. Coffee certainly lives up to its reputation to help us stay sharp, alert and focused, but should we drink more… or less for the best big brain benefits?

Joyce Hollman

Spiritual fitness: The missing link for brain health

Over the past twenty years, the emerging field of neurotheology has explored the relationship between spiritual practices and meditation and a person’s overall physical and mental health. But the idea that meditation is good for the brain, and may even prevent Alzheimer’s, isn’t new at all…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

What you should know about diet, tea and protein to avoid frailty

As we age, diet plays an important role in maintaining health and independence. But it’s a little more complex than you’d think. Research has revealed some recommendations, and some precautions, that can help you live life with vim and vigor no matter how many candles are on your birthday cake…

Joyce Hollman

Pancreatic cancer: Signs, tests and early detection

In the past twenty years, the survival rate for pancreatic cancer has skyrocketed, as long as the disease is caught at stage 1, from around four percent to almost forty percent. This makes greater awareness of the risk factors for the disease and the early warning signs of pancreatic cancer an important part of survival.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The sleep sweet spot that reduces heart attack and stroke risk

A good night’s sleep can do wonders for your mental and cognitive health. It helps keep us focused, alert and simply happier. But more than that, getting just the right amount of sleep can bring down your risk for stroke and heart attack.

Virginia Tims-Lawson

Fishing for better blood sugar? Try these tiny fish

Sardines. You either love them or you hate them. But if you were at a high-risk level for type 2 diabetes — meaning you’re prediabetic — and eating just a few a day could turn all that around for you, why not give it a try? Still need convincing? Check out these impressive results…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

People with high omega-3 levels live longer than people with less

When you were growing up, your mom never forgot to remind you to eat your vegetables. And while that’s still great advice, there might have been one recommendation she missed. Always eat your fish… your oily, fatty fish, that is! Because people with higher omega-3 blood levels live longer than those with lower levels.

Joyce Hollman

‘Sedating’ music helps seniors sleep without the risky pills

All of us have those nights when physical discomfort or a racing mind can make it difficult to sleep well. But when it happens night after night, it can be a real nightmare — one that affects up to 70 percent of older adults. Pop a pill? That’s dangerous the older you get. But new research says the right kind of music is the stuff dreams are made of…

Carolyn Gretton

Want to be less stressed? Eat your fruits and veggies

Between the chaos of the pandemic and the information overload that comes from being constantly online, stress is pretty much a constant presence in our lives. Luckily, evidence continues to mount that following a healthy diet with plenty of plant-based foods can help you manage your stress…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Reduce psoriasis skin symptoms with the 5:2 diet

Psoriasis is a difficult autoimmune disease to manage. Not only can it result in thick, red, itchy skin plaques that feel uncomfortable — but it can make someone suffering from the condition uncomfortable about showing their skin. It can also cause misery below the skin including inflamed joints and tendons. A type of diet shows promise in improving symptoms…

Joyce Hollman

Prediabetes: The ‘benign’ condition that does serious heart damage

Diabetes is well-known as a major risk factor for heart disease and stroke. But prediabetes? No big deal, right? Wrong. The notion that prediabetes is “blood sugar that’s high but not high enough to be diabetes” has lulled us into a false sense of security. It can lead to heart damage without ever progressing…

Carolyn Gretton

The other reason HDL protects against narrowing of the arteries

You already know that there’s “good” cholesterol and “bad” cholesterol and that the “good” type helps eliminate bad forms of cholesterol out of your system. But researchers have discovered another benefit to “good” cholesterol that could help predict your likelihood of developing a serious heart problem…

Joyce Hollman

One more reason for seniors to stay cool: Neurodegeneration

Heat stroke is a dangerous condition that can sneak up on you if you get overheated and don’t take the time to cool off. Now, we’re finding that being overheated for too long can lead to specific danger for seniors… it can actually lower your body’s ability to clean out damaged cells that could lead to diseases like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s.

Joyce Hollman

2 bad habits that can give you diabetes in 2 weeks

When it comes to reversing diabetes, there are just two things that make or break you. Worse, if you don’t turn them to the healthy side, you can say ‘hello’ to a type 2 diabetes diagnosis in as little as two weeks, because the damage becomes irreversible…

Jenny Smiechowski

Why taking vacation helps you live longer

The things you do to live a longer, healthier life aren’t usually fun… like exercising daily, cutting down on sweets and giving up alcohol. But healthy living isn’t always a bummer. In fact, this one way to lengthen your lifespan requires no “work” and loads of fun…

Jenny Smiechowski

Gassy, bloated and tired? You’ve got a leaky gut

In case you don’t know, leaky gut syndrome is where the barrier between your gut and the rest of your body gets weaker and becomes leaky. Literally, undigested food particles and bacteria leak into your blood stream. No wonder you feel so bad, right? But there’s a fix…

Holly Klamer

8 reasons every senior should have a pet

Pets provide a form of unconditional love and support that can be incredibly beneficial to seniors, particularly seniors who aren’t able to socialize as much as they’d like. That’s because the bond between a human and pet can be incredibly healthy…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Ticks, chiggers and meat: A recipe for anaphylaxis

You don’t have any problems when you eat meat so this doesn’t apply to you, right? Wrong. You could have eaten red meat all your life. But just one more bug bite could send you into anaphylaxis — where your airways close up and you can’t breathe. This is how it happens…

Joyce Hollman

Why protecting your hearing could prevent dementia

Many people confuse dementia with Alzheimer’s, when it’s really just one cause of dementia. Other causes include Parkinson’s and Huntington’s diseases, stroke and depression. But, research has uncovered a previously unrecognized cause you need to hear about…

Jenny Smiechowski

The wrinkles that indicate your heart disease risk

The lines in your face reveal a lot about your life — how much you smile, whether you’re a stomach or a side sleeper, how you feel about sunscreen. But what if they revealed major details about your future? Like how you might die…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The #1 way to reverse type 2 diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is most likely to strike after you’ve succumbed to the middle-age spread. But a new scientific study has proven beyond a shadow of a doubt how to reverse it. But there’s a catch: Your timing has to be right to completely reverse it and be diabetes free for life…

Joyce Hollman

Boswellia: Nature’s answer from inflammation to cancer

Boswellia serrata, a tree that is native to India, has long been used in traditional Indian and Chinese medicine to control arthritis and other inflammatory conditions. Lots of research has shown that it’s a safe, natural substitute for dangerous NSAIDs, but that’s not all…

Dr. Isaac Eliaz

How to use mushrooms for health conditions

There are more than 270 types of mushrooms with loads of health benefits. So how do you know where to get started using them to boost your health? You can’t go wrong with any of them, but here are some top recommendations and how they help…

Jenny Smiechowski

How a common gum infection and a vitamin deficiency adds up to diabetes

People with periodontitis, a common gum infection, face a diabetes risk that’s “greater than the sum of the individual effects” if they also have a certain vitamin deficiency. In other words, two conditions worked together to fan the flames of type 2 diabetes risk more than anyone could imagine…

Joyce Hollman

Tired of tinnitus? There’s an app that could help

For years, the best options for dealing with tinnitus have been antidepressants to help with sleep, treating any underlying causes like high blood pressure or changing medications that could be the problem. But an exciting new therapy you can do at home has been successful…

Dr. Michael Cutler

How to set your doctor straight on statins before it’s too late

Doctors feel secure prescribing any medicine that’s been shown to be effective. The statin drug manufacturers know this and successfully established their studies showing big benefits of statins to lower cholesterol and reduce cardiovascular disease risk. But what did they hide?

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Marijuana’s cousin stops ovarian cancer in its tracks

Many people think of hemp and marijuana as being the same thing, but they’re not. The big difference being that hemp, unlike marijuana, doesn’t contain THC (the psychoactive compound that makes you high). But they both contain cancer-fighting cannabinoids…

Joyce Hollman

What seniors need to know about rose hips

Fall is the time to leave peaches and melons behind, and start enjoying those crisp, juicy apples. But did you know there’s a tiny ‘cousin’ to the apple that you can harvest at the end of summer? It has more vitamin C than an orange and that’s just the start of its benefits…

Jenny Smiechowski

The supplement that prevents weight gain even when you’re overeating

The only surefire way to lose weight is to give up the greasy fries, sugary milkshakes and fast food burgers. But what if you slip up? This extract of an Amazonian fruit could speed up your metabolism even when you go on a regrettable junk food binge…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

7 natural ways to reduce the look of spider veins

Spider veins are caused by enlarged blood vessels and are similar to varicose veins which often occur on the legs but are much bigger, bulging and can be painful. Spider veins may not be imminently dangerous, but they are unsightly. Here’s how to reduce their appearance…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

How to save your brain in 2 minutes

When you sit, your heart doesn’t beat fast and your blood doesn’t pump as quickly. This adds up to less oxygen and nutrients flowing to your brain to help you stay sharp, focused and to preserve your memory and cognitive function as you age. You can fix that in just 2 minutes…

Joyce Hollman

What do Parkinson’s, diabetes and heart disease have in common?

Here’s a surprise for you: At least three studies have shown very clearly that there’s an intimate link between the symptoms of metabolic syndrome and a disease we’ve always thought to be neurologically based. What does it have to do with heart disease and diabetes? A lot…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The happiness secret to living longer

We would probably all like to live to a healthy ripe old age. Yet, even though most of us are taking more control of our health than ever before, there’s one thing that we’ve been missing… and it has a huge impact on how long you live. Here are 5 ways to get it…

Jenny Smiechowski

The surprising benefit that makes alcohol healthier than you thought

I’m sure you’ve heard the bad news: Drinking alcohol is terrible for your health. But before you commit to life as a teetotaler, there’s a hidden benefit to drinking that plenty of people don’t think of… Alcohol makes you social, and that comes with some serious health perks…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Lose just this much weight to lose your disease risk (seriously, that’s all!)

We all know that being overweight can cause major health problems and has been linked to everything from heart disease and diabetes, to Alzheimer’s and even cancer. But how much weight loss is enough to lower these risk? Surprisingly, much lower than you think…

Joyce Hollman

Watch out for this kind of ‘invisible’ heart attack

The symptoms of a silent heart attack can be similar to those you’re familiar with. But blood tests will show no signs of heart damage. There will be no signs of arterial blockage, and an EKG will look nothing like it does in a traditional heart attack. Until…

Jenny Smiechowski

The antioxidant-packed tea that kills cancer stem cells

At some point in your life, you’ve probably been told to “treat your body like a temple.” And that’s good advice. You only have one body, after all. And it has to last you for a while. But, if you’ve been a little rough on it, no worries. One special drink could turn things around for you…

Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby

Two proven (and free) ‘antibiotics’ to put to use today

There are two powerful antibiotics that can’t be patented. They’re free, plentiful, and you can access them anywhere, except perhaps the darkest polar nights. But for their introduction into early modern medicine, we owe a forward-thinking nurse a debt of gratitude…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

How to get coffee’s secret fat-burning compound

I’m thrilled to have valid, healthy reasons to drink a few cups of coffee every day — guilt-free! But the really great thing about coffee is this: The less we do to it, the more it gives up its gold. That’s because it contains a special fat-burning compound you don’t want to roast away…

Jenny Smiechowski

What cannabis can do for Crohn’s and colitis

I know someone who has Crohn’s, and once he got a medical marijuana card, it changed his life. He was able to manage his pain without dangerous opioids. He stopped taking the steroids that were giving him osteoporosis. And his symptoms improved. But here’s the thing…

Joyce Hollman

The superspice that could save us from superbugs

More and more disease-causing bacteria are immune to the drugs used to treat them. That’s why research into one healing spice is so exciting. It could be the answer that saves us from succumbing to “superbug” infections that are killing thousands of people each year…

Dr. Michael Cutler

Why that Harvard professor is wrong about coconut oil

You may have heard about the recent YouTube video in which a Harvard Professor called coconut oil “pure poison” and “one of the worst foods you can eat.” Like I did with the American Heart Association, let me set the record straight about this highly nutritious food…

Joyce Hollman

4 powerful reasons to pop some pistachios now (slideshow)

The Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that when healthy adults with high LDL levels ate one serving of pistachios daily, their LDL cholesterol levels dropped by nine percent. Those who ate two servings per day saw a 12 percent drop in LDL. That’s just for starters…