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Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Why sleep may be the strongest predictor and deterrent to Alzheimer’s

Have you ever wondered if you’re going to end up with Alzheimer’s and when? The truth is that while there is genetic testing for the disease, having or not having the gene won’t answer those questions. But there is another indicator that Alzheimer’s is likely in your future…. one that you can turn around.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The biggest risk factor for diabetes isn’t your genetics

Diabetes tends to run in families. In fact, your doctor will tell you that if your mom, dad or grandparents have blood sugar problems, you’re at higher risk. But, does that mean your fate is sealed? The answer is no. There’s a completely changeable factor that plays a much bigger role in whether or not you end up with diabetes.

Jenny Smiechowski

6 simple ways to keep kidney disease from striking you

Chronic kidney disease is surprisingly common. People living with the disease have damaged kidneys that are unable to filter out bodily wastes and fluids efficiently. This leaves harmful levels of wastes circulating in the body, which can damage other organs (like your heart and brain). So, how can you keep your kidneys safe and healthy? Follow these six lifestyle changes…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

How to keep pain and the thoughts that worsen it from cramping your style

When you’re living with chronic pain, it’s easy to find yourself giving up activities that you love. But that decrease in your get-up-and-go could actually be due less to the pain itself and more about how you think and feel about your pain. Here’s what you need to know about the pain catastrophizing trap and how to escape it…

Jenny Smiechowski

Why honeybee venom has potential in the fight against breast cancer

Have you ever heard of honeybee venom therapy? It’s the use of honeybee venom for medicinal purposes (either through injections or intentional bee stings). A lot of people think it’s just a new age health practice, but it’s been used for over 5,000 years to treat a variety of conditions ranging from gout to chronic pain to multiple sclerosis. Fighting breast cancer may soon be added to that list…

Joyce Hollman

Men should lose the ‘spare tire’ to lose risk for prostate cancer

Carrying excess fat around the midsection raises your risk of heart disease, diabetes, metabolic disturbances, dementia and, in women, breast cancer. Now, at least two recent studies have connected visceral fat with prostate cancer. Not just prostate cancer, but the advanced kind that normally proves fatal.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Foods that shorten your telomeres and trigger aging

While the term processed food is one most of us have heard, the concept of ultra-processed food is a litter trickier. These zero nutrition foods have been linked to everything from diabetes and high blood pressure to cancer. And a recent study has more bad news. they speed up your biological aging…

Jenny Smiechowski

Why a low-carb, high-fat diet could keep you safe from glaucoma

There are a lot of eye problems you can fall victim to as you get older. But perhaps the most concerning is glaucoma. It’s one of the few that can cause permanent and complete blindness. On the bright side, it’s possible to reduce your odds of ever developing the disease in the first place. One of the most effective ways is a popular diet…

Joyce Hollman

The other reason every cell in your body needs calcium that has nothing to do with your bones

Every move we make throughout the day causes our cells to stretch and deform. The problem is that these stretched and misshapen cells could lead to permanent DNA damage and even cancer. So how are we able to keep moving without destroying our cells? New research tells us that the answer lies with calcium…

Jenny Smiechowski

How day sleeping clogs your brain and increases risk for brain disorders

The human body was designed to sleep during the night and stay awake during the day. Mixing that up leads to problems. In fact, research shows there may be certain critical functions that your body will only perform during a nighttime sleep session… like clearing all the dementia-causing wastes out of your brain.

Coach Todd, MMT, MPA

Follow these 4 steps to banish neck pain and tension for good

Holding strange neck positions over and over again, only to find little to no lasting relief? We’ve all been there, but now, we finally know why… and what is not going to help, like stretching. If you really want to get the root of your neck problem, and experience lasting relief, give this a try…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Huge study review revealed the big fat lies about statins

Roughly 36 million people in the U.S. alone take cholesterol-lowering medications, also known as statin drugs. Yet, with the massive number of statin prescriptions doctors write, is there truly evidence that they save lives? New revelations are that inconsistencies and contradictory evidence has been swept under the rug…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

When spouses get on board, heart attack survivors do better at making healthy living changes

After surviving a heart attack, making lifestyle changes to prevent a second attack is vital. Yet, even with the motivation a heart attack provides, actually giving up bad habits and replacing them with new, healthy ones can be a challenge. Luckily, a new study has found a simple way to more than double your chances of success.

Jenny Smiechowski

How vitamin C can save your muscles from shrinking

Once you’re over 50, you lose about one percent of your muscle mass per year. Not only can it lead to frailty, but it’s also linked to a higher risk of physical disability and even type-2 diabetes. So how do you prevent your muscle mass from slipping away with age? The answer may be simpler than you’d think…

Joyce Hollman

The juice that keeps stomach cancer from sneaking up on you

People with stomach cancer (gastric cancer) often don’t show symptoms until the disease has reached advanced stages. The common bacterium H. pylori causes stomach cancer, but even if you carry this germ in your digestive tract, your diet can help keep you from falling victim, especially if you’re a fan of cranberry juice…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Why napping too long may be a definite drag on your heart

Napping can come with big benefits like helping you relax, improving your mood and keeping you alert when you need it most. But lying down for a snooze in the middle of the day isn’t necessarily harmless. If your naps go long they could actually have a negative impact on your heart…

Jenny Smiechowski

How to keep fructose from setting off a chain reaction that leads to liver disease

Eating a lot of sugar and refined grains is hard on your liver. But one type of sugar seems particularly harmful where your liver is concerned — fructose. It triggers a chain of events that leads to non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, which can then lead to liver damage, liver cancer or even liver failure.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The damage soda does to your teeth in a little as 10 minutes

The next time you get the urge to crack open your favorite soda, think again. These drinks can irreparably damage your teeth, and it’s not just the sugar. With every sip they’re interfering with an important protective mechanism in your mouth….

Joyce Hollman

6 vitamins and minerals for healthier aging

As we get older, some vitamins and minerals become especially important. We don’t process them as well and need to get more of them from our diet to protect ourselves from health complications that will make our golden years not so golden.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Is the ‘No White Food’ diet the simplest way to lose weight and get healthier?

Can we just agree that the number of diets has hit an all-time high? From paleo and keto to Mediterranean, DASH and Atkins, just keeping up with the rules seems impossible. Could there be a simpler choice… a diet that has only one rule and promises weight loss and better health? It’s called the ‘No White Food’ diet…

Jenny Smiechowski

What you should know about the alarmingly common heart complications from a flu infection

Researchers have known for a while that a case of the flu is hard on your heart. In fact, serious heart complications following recovery, even fatal heart attack, can occur. But until recently, they haven’t known exactly how prevalent the danger could be…

Jenny Smiechowski

What women with diabetes should know about their coronary calcium risk

Whether you’re a man or a woman, there’s one factor that automatically increases your heart disease risk — diabetes. People with diabetes are two to four times more likely to develop cardiovascular disease than people without it. And according to the latest research, if you’re a woman with diabetes, there’s one medical test you should get to gauge your risk of having a severe heart attack…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The prescription pain pills your body builds antibodies to

Low back pain is not only the leading cause of chronic pain and disability in adults, but it also tops the chart when it comes to opioid prescriptions. For many reasons, treatment with opioids is far from the best approach. Now there’s one more reason to find a better solution for pain management: opioid antibodies created by your own immune system.

Joyce Hollman

7+ lifestyle factors that protect your heart and your vision

New research shows that an overall heart-healthy lifestyle that includes seven specific behaviors can not only save your heart, but it can also prevent the eye diseases that can steal your vision. Simple changes to your diet and lifestyle can protect both your heart and your eyes.

Carolyn Gretton

Why colon cancer is on the rise in young people and how to curb it

Many were shocked when colon cancer claimed the life of 43-year-old Black Panther actor Chadwick Boseman after a four-year battle. It’s not completely clear why the rate of colon cancer is increasing in those under 50, but it is clear that the age for screening needs to be lowered. But until that happens, it’s important to be aware of factors that put you in a high-risk group…

Jenny Smiechowski

Antibiotics double your risk of inflammatory bowel disease

Research shows that about 1 in 10 people deal with negative effects after taking antibiotics. This could include anything from chronic diarrhea to the sudden appearance of allergies to issues with blood sugar. But of all the potential impacts antibiotics can have on your health, there’s one that’s starting to appear more common — and more serious — than all the others…

Joyce Hollman

Plaque similarities point to Alzheimer’s/diabetes connection

Diabetes and Alzheimer’s disease often go hand in hand. The evidence for this is becoming stronger. Recently, electron microscopy has enabled scientists to see that amyloid strands that appear in diabetics bear a strong resemblance to the ones that are hallmarks of Alzheimer’s disease.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

People who eat pasta have healthier diets and weight

If you’re a pasta lover, I’ve got good news! Despite the bad rap pasta dishes have gotten, new research is revealing that it can be part of a healthy diet and could also help you lose weight and keep your waist trim. But you don’t get the all-clear to slather it with thick, creamy Alfredo sauce…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

Cruciferous vegetables shown best at fighting calcium buildup

Did you know that most heart attacks and strokes don’t start with your heart but with a buildup of fat and calcium in your blood vessels? And while there are numerous ways to keep your blood vessels healthy, they often take willpower, hard work and dedication. But just eating the right vegetables can lower risks by 46 percent.

Jenny Smiechowski

Cinnamon and turmeric’s brain-boosting clout keeps stacking up

Despite the fact that cognitive decline is considered a normal part of aging, you’re not doomed to a future filled with “senior” moments. There are ways to slow (or even reverse) the impact aging has on your brain. In fact, science says potent doses of two spices could keep your cognitive skills sharp as a cactus needle…

Dr. Mark Wiley

4 ways to strengthen your legs and your independence

Do you find yourself sitting more and more and moving less and less? Well, if you do, I hope this will be a wake-up call… According to experts, the single best predictor of whether or not you will end up in a nursing home is your leg strength. If you stop moving, the weakness sets in…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

6 ways to beat the habit that ages you 8 years

A few hours of T.V. time in the evenings, a little computer time here and there, or maybe going to see a movie or dinner with family or friends. These are all things you probably enjoy, but they have one dangerous thing in common…

Jenny Smiechowski

The secret to a bigger brain is on the dance floor

Aerobic exercise not only prevents the brain shrinkage and cognitive decline associated with aging, it reverses it. But there’s one aerobic activity that has bonus brain benefits: It’s time to overcome any hesitations you have about dancing and head to the dance floor…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Caffeine’s role as pain-reliever moves to the operating room

Do you have a surgery coming up? Are you dreading the pain that goes along with it and feeling anxious about how you will deal with it? While your doctor will most likely send you home with a narcotic pain medication, you might want to try an old-fashioned cup of coffee…

Craig Cooper

9 blood sugar strategies I like better than metformin

I took metformin for a week — and felt like I’d been pummeled with a sledgehammer. The research I did indicated that metformin could truly be a wonder drug that could impact my disease risk and signs of aging. So I gave it a go. But I found something better…

Jedha Dening

3 reasons to eat ‘red’ for a healthy heart

There’s something about the color red that fires up the belly. But more than stimulating your appetite, the red happens to have several potent heart-healthy benefits. And it’s all due to the pigment that gives pink and red-colored fruits and veggies their irresistible hue…

Dr. Mark Wiley

Disease-free eating made easy

The single biggest factor that impacts your health is what you put in your body… High blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart disease, type II diabetes and chronic disease and pain are all associated with a poor diet. All you have to do is focus on “eating clean.” But what does that really mean…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

How stress flips your body’s disease switch

In our modern world, we treat living with stress as a normal phenomenon. But stress can lead to everything from digestive issues to heart problems. New research is once again demonstrating that living with chronic stress kills you… if you let it.

Jedha Dening

Is your anticancer antioxidant all it’s chalked-up to be?

When your antioxidant defenses are low, your body can’t repair the cellular damage caused by free radicals. And if not corrected, normal healthy cells can switch to cancer cells. Antioxidant supplements to help combat these effects…

Dr. Isaac Eliaz

The citrus pith-PSA connection to your prostate

Elevated PSA, in addition to indicating possible prostate cancer, can also result from chronic inflammation and infection. But a compound extracted from the pith of citrus fruit peels show promise for these conditions and for people who are interested in strategies for healthy aging…

Jenny Smiechowski

This secret to stronger willpower is just nuts

Eating healthy is hard, especially when you’re dealing with constant cravings for chips, cookies, cheeseburgers or whatever your particular vice is. Luckily, there’s an easy hack that can help you handle incessant hunger and unhealthy food cravings with willpower and grace…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

6 foods (plus supplements) that bring your thyroid back to life

More than 60 percent of adults with suboptimal thyroid function don’t have symptoms, at least not ones that they recognize, and testing is leaving them in the dark. So, what are the symptoms of low thyroid levels? In addition to unexplained weight gain, you can experience dry skin, thinning hair, anxiety, depression and even brain fog. If that sounds like you, it’s time to bring your thyroid back to life.

Jedha Dening

Is your gluten-free diet destroying your health?

If you have celiac disease, it’s a given that you have to eat a gluten-free diet. Or, it may be that you’ve flicked the gluten-free switch with the goal of increasing weight loss or improving your health. Regardless, it’s a common assumption that a gluten-free diet is healthy, but…

Jenny Smiechowski

Why some foods cause cancer and some don’t

By now, you know that your diet influences your cancer risk. In fact, scientists believe that 30 percent of all cancers could be prevented through proper nutrition. The question is, what naughty nutritional habits are putting you in peril?

Jenny Smiechowski

The fruity way to fight inflammatory bowel disease

Inflammatory bowel diseases are more than just uncomfortable. They’re downright dangerous. But what if you could knock out your symptoms and one of the scariest complications of these diseases simply and simultaneously? Well, you can…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

3 Steps to fix your frozen shoulder naturally

Do you have pain and stiffness in your shoulder joint that makes it hard or impossible to exercise, keeps you awake at night and stops you from enjoying your normal day-to-day activities? If so, you could be one of the many Americans who suffer from frozen shoulder or adhesive capsulitis.

Margaret Cantwell

The worst drug side effect of all

Painful chronic conditions that become more common with age, such as arthritis, cancers and neurological diseases to name a few, are among the top reasons your doctor may prescribe a certain medication that just might carry the worst of side effects…

Jenny Smiechowski

3 reasons your arthritis risk is higher than grandma’s was [slideshow]

People today are more than twice as likely to develop osteoarthritis than people before World War II. That means something in our modern lifestyle is making us more arthritic. You may guess it’s because people are living longer. You’d be wrong…

Jenny Smiechowski

Could a few drinks lower your diabetes risk?

You may have read that evidence is stacking up against that supposedly “healthy” glass of wine with dinner. But that’s not the final word when it comes to drinking to your health. There’s been another twist in the alcohol-health debate…

Jedha Dening

Do you really need drugs to save your bones?

Women in their mid-50s, with osteopenia, only face a one percent chance of fracturing a hip in the next 10 years, but their doctors have already scared them into osteoporosis. That’s 10 years that could be spent shoring up a major deficiency…

Jenny Smiechowski

Stretches that can do your muscles more harm than good

Stretching can give you flexible joints and help your body move more efficiently. And it should increase your range of motion, so you’re less likely to exceed it and injure yourself. But only if you do it the right way…

Dr. Mark Wiley

Why weight loss for seniors takes a special approach

Aging can be difficult enough, especially if you’re facing thinning bones. But if you want to make it harder on yourself, there’s one surefire way… And that’s carrying around too much extra weight. But losing the weight is not so easy — or safe — for obese seniors, and here’s why…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

4 supplements to prevent hearing loss

Losing your hearing doesn’t just make you feel old before your time, it can take away your independence and risk your safety. If you’re starting to notice your hearing diminishing and your saying, “What?” more often, making your friends and family repeat themselves, try these…

Jedha Dening

6 common medications that harm your kidneys

It’s common practice these days to take medications for our ailments. And while medications may be designed to assist your body in some way, they also have to take a trip to the kidneys for filtering. And if you think your kidneys are “safe” from the effects of those drugs, think again…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

7 simple ways to get sciatica relief

Do you have horrible back pain that runs down through your buttocks and upper thighs to spread pain into the backs of your legs? Have you tried everything and are still in pain? You could be suffering from sciatica.

Dr. Isaac Eliaz

My favorite brain power nutrients

Did your mother always tell you to eat your vegetables while you were growing up? While green leafy vegetables can help you stay physically fit, recent data shows they can keep you cognitively fit by feeding and protecting your brain.

Jenny Smiechowski

3 ways to conquer cancer-causing cadmium

If you’re a woman, there’s a certain carcinogen you need to be extra careful about… the heavy metal cadmium. Cadmium mimics estrogen. And, it’s been tied to hormone-related cancers. Breast cancer is one of them. And now, it seems, it may fuel endometrial cancer too…

Jedha Dening

Ancient berry wards off cancer, stroke and heart disease

Kale, chia, spirulina, blueberries — they’ve all been hailed as superfoods. And like many, you may have jumped on the superfood bandwagon. But when a new superfood is discovered every other day, sometimes we forget about the tried and true ones. So let me help you rediscover…

Dr. Mark Wiley

Why you should bathe in the forest

The practice of being in nature and “taking in the forest atmosphere” has been researched quite a bit by Japanese and South Korean researchers, and they’re trying to spread the word on its amazing health benefits…

Dr. Michael Cutler

How to treat those deep smile lines

We’ve learned a lot over the last few decades about foods, nutrients, exercise, and how these basics play an important role in helping us live a long and disease-free life. So it makes sense that more people want to project the youthful vitality they feel inside…