Brain Health Sleep

The Alzheimer’s-sleep connection: quantity vs quality

Most often, cognitive decline and dementia in adults is a result of Alzheimer’s disease. And poor sleep is a common Alzheimer’s symptom that actually makes the disease progress more quickly. But researchers dug into what makes the most difference: more sleep or deeper sleep?

Healthy Diet

3+ ways the golden spice is your golden ticket to great health

Of all the spices in your cabinet, there’s one that is arguably head and shoulders above the rest in terms of disease-fighting properties. But it’s time to give you an update: Studies have explored even more benefits of this spice that’s been prized for thousands of years, both for its flavor and its healing properties…

Alternative Medicine Digestive Health Health News

The spice that works like medicine for acid reflux

If you haven’t heard, proton pump inhibitors come with some alarming side effects. If only there were a risk-free natural remedy that could provide the relief you desperately need. You’re in luck! Researchers tested one they say is just as effective for acid reflux…

Liver Health

Curcumin: The spice that wards off liver damage

Curcumin, a compound found in the spice turmeric, is well-known as a powerful anti-inflammatory that’s shown promise in relieving several diseases, including cancers of the stomach, blood and lungs. As if these benefits weren’t enough, the spice may also help protect the health of another vital organ.