Health Conditions Health News Health Supplements Healthy Living Immune Health Immune System

How a multivitamin could help you through our most challenging cold and flu season yet

The COVID-19 pandemic combined with our usual cold and flu season is going to make this autumn one of the most challenging ones we’ve ever faced. We need all the help we can get, especially those of us on the mature side, since the immune system naturally weakens with age. Luckily, a new study shows that taking a multivitamin could offer some critical protection…

Fitness & Exercise Immune Health Respiratory Health

One more risk of too little exercise: Pneumonia

Winter is here, and you know what that means: Your chances of getting sick and ending up with pneumonia are higher than at any other time of the year. And if you still haven’t gotten the message about the harms of a couch potato lifestyle, you’re missing out on the easiest intervention that works across all age groups.

Health News Healthy Diet

Anti-nutrients: The hidden danger of meat substitutes

Mountains of research and our doctors tell us a meat-heavy diet is a fast track to early death. But if you’ve embraced meatless burgers and other mock meat substitutes, you’re cheating your body of vital nutrition. It starts with ‘deception’ on the ingredient label…

Health News Healthy Living Immune System

The little gland that’s key to a lifetime of good health

You probably know more about your thyroid and adrenals than an odd little gland nestled in the chest called the thymus. Considering research believes it could be key to a lifetime of good health, here’s a much-needed introduction to what it does and why it needs your attention…

Health Supplements Immune Health Immune System Respiratory Health

Supplements that keep you from a cough, cold, runny nose and more

Food should be your starting point for ensuring a strong and effective immune system. But for extra protection against the viral and bacterial assaults waiting outside your door, you should consider shoring it up with powerful immune-supporting supplements as well.