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Carolyn Gretton

The heartburn medication linked to a four-fold increase for COVID-19

Heartburn is common… and so are the medicines used to treat it. Proton pump inhibitors are especially popular, but there could be a surprising side effect associated with regular use that could land you in serious danger…

Joyce Hollman

Why you can ignore what the glycemic index says about potatoes

People with type 2 diabetes are often told to avoid potatoes because they’re high on the glycemic index and thought to raise blood sugar. But a new study shows potatoes may actually be the starch of choice…

Tracey G. Ingram, AuD

How exercise kicks the immune system into gear against cancer

Research has indicated exercise may improve the prognosis of cancer, but experts haven’t been able to pinpoint exactly why. One theory was that exercise activates the immune system to support the body’s ability to prevent and inhibit the growth of cancer. Now researchers know why it works, and not just in mice…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Sugar in the brain may initiate Alzheimer’s

We’ve seen plenty of research on brain plaques and tangles, the telltale signs of Alzheimer’s. But experts may have linked the disease’s beginnings to a surprising cause… one that bolsters a long suspected association with diabetes and increased risk for this mind-robber — sugar made in the brain.

Joyce Hollman

Choose fruits with flavanols to lower blood pressure

Flavanols are natural antioxidants found in certain fruits and vegetables as well as tea and cocoa. They have well-researched benefits that just keep piling up, like substantially lowering blood pressure to help support arteries and prevent strokes.

Carolyn Gretton

The common nutrient that could help fight obesity

There’s no question obesity is a serious disease that’s spreading among Americans. And scientists are working overtime to find ways to treat it beyond the usual diet and exercise. One group of researchers may have found an answer hidden in a common vitamin…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Why blue light blockers may be the easy fix for better sleep

Have you been spending more time on your laptop or smartphone or binge-watching your favorite shows since the COVID-19 lockdowns began? If so, you could be setting yourself up for a danger no one expected from a pandemic. Here’s how those screens are putting your health at risk, along with a simple solution for better sleep and sight.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Missing link between gum health and heart disease found

Brushing and flossing your teeth is about far more than just avoiding cavities. In fact, the health of your mouth is tied to serious conditions from diabetes to heart disease. But until now, the reason wasn’t clear. Now researchers know it’s tied to a particularly powerful immune cell that, when hyperactivated, can circulate through your body to do major damage…

Tracey G. Ingram, AuD

Why the connection between asthma and osteoporosis?

Asthma can be deadly. The symptoms include coughing, tightness in the chest and wheezing. Because there currently is no cure for asthma, management of the condition is the best our health care providers can offer. However, recent research is proving those treatments can come at a cost…

Joyce Hollman

Shockingly minuscule amount of exercise shown to boost health and longevity

Some recent research has made me feel a lot better about my pretty minimal exercise program. The research insists that even a little bit of physical activity every day can improve health — but I was shocked at just how little could help me avoid disease and live longer…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

Untangling the Alzheimer’s/sleep apnea connection

Doctors and scientists have long suspected a link between Alzheimer’s and sleep apnea. What they haven’t known is exactly how similarly these two conditions damage the brain. Now, researchers have untangled the puzzle and why, if you’re living with sleep apnea, you need to make brain health your top priority right now…

Joyce Hollman

Pterostilbene: The other powerful antioxidant for better blood pressure

Resveratrol may be great for your heart, but there’s another natural antioxidant that your body absorbs much more easily, and that does the same thing and more! Found in blueberries or supplements, it just may be the help your blood pressure is looking for…

Carolyn Gretton

Can mouthwash inactivate coronavirus? Here’s the research…

We’re all wearing masks and keeping distance to help reduce the spread of COVID-19. But continued research into coronaviruses is providing new ways to keep us safer. Since the virus significantly replicates in the throat and is expelled through the mouth, an unassuming product on your bathroom vanity may help lessen the spread…

Tracey G. Ingram, AuD

2 drinks anyone with type 2 diabetes should be drinking

When you have type 2 diabetes, managing your disease includes avoiding food that could cause your blood sugar to skyrocket. Going too low could also be a problem. But integrating dietary care into daily life could also be as simple as adding beverages shown to impact your health in a very positive way…

Dr. Elizabeth Klodas MD, FACC

How to lower triglyceride levels

Triglycerides are not all that important for heart disease risk on their own. Rather they’re more significant depending upon the company they keep and whether they’re very high. The combination of low HDL and high triglycerides is a particularly worrisome profile. For that reason, let’s talk about how to get them lower…

Tracey G. Ingram, AuD

Is cannabis a safer, effective answer to OCD?

Right now, costly therapy and questionable drugs are the approved treatments for OCD. But cannabis may hold potential for providing a break from the chronic cycle of obsessive-compulsive thoughts and behaviors those struggling with obsessive-compulsive disorder deal with on a daily basis…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The one ingredient that could turn around inflammatory bowel disease

Living with inflammatory bowel disease can make you feel like you’re on your own since the medical community hasn’t been able to agree on the cause or how to reduce your symptoms. Luckily, a new study has found the answer. It comes down to just one ingredient in a long list of foods to avoid.

Carolyn Gretton

The green light to cut your migraine days in half

One in four American households includes someone who suffers from migraines, and more than 90 percent of sufferers are unable to function normally during their attacks. Treatments have included drugs that don’t always help and advice on avoiding triggers. Thanks to research into the effect of light on migraine, there’s new hope…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Lip balm could help cut down on the spread of viruses

Simply talking generates droplets that can carry the coronavirus from an infected person. That’s why we’re all wearing masks. And, according to the CDC, flu spreads much the same way. Luckily, a simple drugstore item has been found to help make it four times less likely those droplets can spread…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

2 major reasons you need more CoQ10

CoQ10 is an essential nutrient that works like an antioxidant in your body promoting heart health, slowing down the effects of aging and powering trillions of your body’s cells. But a couple of factors are notorious for stealing it, including this list of common medications…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

What you should know about non-stick pans and their ‘best by’ date

The debate about whether non-stick pans are safe or not has been ongoing for two decades now. While manufacturers will tell us they pose no health risks, researchers have sounded warnings about serious toxins directly linked to disease. Here are several factors that could influence how much of those toxins are leaching from your pans to your food.

Jenny Smiechowski

Sleep may be the easiest way to handle life’s challenges

Not getting enough quality sleep is linked to some heavy-hitting health problems, including Alzheimer’s, heart disease and cancer. But there’s a more immediate benefit to getting good sleep than preventing future illness: It’s proven to make life less difficult and more enjoyable right now.

Joyce Hollman

10 ways to quiet your racing mind

These days, having a “bag of tricks” to help quiet your mind is indispensable. Not only that, but it can also help prevent all sorts of stress-related illnesses. Here are 10 things you can do when your mind is racing. See which work for you and keep them ready…

Carolyn Gretton

How treating acid reflux can bring on diabetes

The use of proton pump inhibitors to treat acid reflux over a long period of time has been shown to produce some serious side effects, including bone fractures and gut infections. Now there’s another ailment long-term users of PPIs have to watch out for — diabetes.

Tracey G. Ingram, AuD

Vitamin D, COVID-19 and the president’s treatment cocktail

Vitamin D is sharing the spotlight with COVID-19 once again, as it was recently revealed President Trump was supplementing it, along with a special treatment cocktail. But it’s not the first time the sunshine vitamin has been connected to patient outcomes during the pandemic. It’s no wonder, considering the importance of vitamin D to our overall health…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Klotho deficiency: The missing link between salt and hypertension

Have you ever wondered why salt can lead to or worsen high blood pressure? Even stranger, why are young people less sensitive to salt’s effect on blood pressure? Curious researchers have found it comes down to slowed production of an anti-aging factor known as the Klotho protein…

Jenny Smiechowski

The alarming connection between gut fungi, Alzheimer’s and the diet that can help

When you read about supporting a healthy gut microbiome, bacteria may be stealing too much of the spotlight. That’s because your gut contains a lot of fungi too. And the type and amount of fungi in your gut could have just as big an influence on disease risk as bacteria do. In fact, fungi could even play a big role in your Alzheimer’s risk…

Tracey G. Ingram, AuD

Exploring the benefits of green tea for your skin

We’ve all heard about the many benefits of drinking green tea. But did you know that the polyphenolic compounds present in green tea have anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and antioxidant properties that promote healthy skin? Not to mention catechins that have potent therapeutic effects on various skin conditions. Grab your tea bags and start the bathwater…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

How living with chronic pain damages your heart

Millions of Americans wake up every day to pain that won’t go away. From low back pain to arthritis, chronic pain engrains itself into the life of the sufferer. Now research has found that if you’re living with chronic pain, you might be facing something even worse, a dramatically higher risk of heart attack and stroke. Time to stop the pain…

Dr. Elizabeth Klodas MD, FACC

How to lower LDL cholesterol

LDL cholesterol is the cholesterol that’s parking in your arteries and causing blockages to build up. It is also the cholesterol that’s toxic to the lining of your arteries (the endothelium), increasing the risk of a heart attack or stroke. Obviously it’s nasty stuff, so let’s talk about how to get less of it, and dispel some myths while we’re at it…

Jenny Smiechowski

What 21 minutes does to your heart, muscles and blood sugar

So, sitting is bad for your health. There’s no doubt about that. Where there the confusion lies is how much sitting is safe from a health perspective and how much physical activity is necessary to counteract the negative consequences of sitting.

Joyce Hollman

Things you probably don’t know about your flu shot

If you’re one of the many people who make it a point to get their flu shot each year, you should be aware of some potential risks that your doctor and pharmacist are probably not telling you about.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Best sweeteners to beat blood sugar spikes

If you suffer from diabetes, you know the daily struggle of balancing the foods you want to eat with the effect they will have on your blood sugar. You may have even turned to artificial sweeteners and diet drinks. But, these bring a whole host of health concerns. In fact…

Jenny Smiechowski

6 foods that clean out gut inflammation and disease

Your body’s cleaning process, called autophagy, occurs when your cells breakdown toxins and damaged cell material. But when this isn’t happening efficiently enough your tissues become inflamed, which puts you at risk for diseases… especially in the gut. Kick it into gear this way…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

What can you do about those aching knees?

If you’re all too familiar with the swelling and stiffness, popping and crunching, weakness and instability that leaves you unable to do the activities you love — or even just walk up the stairs in your own home pain free, don’t give up. There’s hope for your aching knees, yet…

Dr. Michael Cutler

The best of the heart healing supplements

Your body requires specific nutrients for a healthy functioning heart, and you might begin supplementing them sooner than later. There’s no reason to wait until disease manifests with something as serious as a heart attack, which is how most people discover there’s a problem…

Dr. Mark Wiley

Using essential oils to breathe easy

When the weather is changing, many of us suffer with sinus congestion, headaches, congested chests and colds. And viruses and allergens are spreading, too. Essential oils can help relieve symptoms of congestion and sinus pressure so you can breathe better…

Joyce Hollman

8 ways to avoid nerve gas in your produce

Fruits and vegetables are good for us. We should eat lots of them. Good thing we’ve got the Environmental Protection Agency watching out for us and keeping deadly chemicals off our produce … right? Not so fast. Unfortunately…

Margaret Cantwell

It’s time doctors stop managing heart disease like plumbers

Sometimes medical therapies are warranted. But one that’s been hanging by a thread for a while now may have finally come to the end of its rope — because managing your heart health the way a plumber manages a clog doesn’t work… especially when the science is flawed…

Jedha Dening

Do this one thing to beat 5 disease signs

Physicians treat symptoms. If you have high cholesterol, they’ll likely prescribe you statins. If you have high blood pressure, they’ll prescribe you antihypertensive drugs. Then, before you know it, you’re taking a daily drug cocktail when all you needed was this one thing…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

Stop letting your genes age you

She chalked it up to her genes. But your skin faces damage every day… from pollution, to chemical-laden face soaps, to ultraviolet rays. And the secret to aging better lies in reversing that damage. There’s one nutrient that could have more ability to do that than any other…

Dr. Mark Wiley

Stretch your spine to decrease back pain

Often times, back pain occurs from muscles that become too tight and restrict range of motion while also compressing or irritating nerves. Stretching the muscles and opening up the space between the spinal vertebrae is a great way to feel better…

Craig Cooper

How plant-based should you go to lower prostate cancer risk?

Meat consumption can contribute to cancer risk and progression in several ways. And studies indicate that a plant-based diet can lower that risk. But, based on the findings, just how “plant-based” should you go — vegan or vegetarian — to lower your risk the most?

Jenny Smiechowski

What hot flashes predict about sleep apnea

Obstructive sleep apnea is more than just exhausting. It can even be deadly, since it increases your chance of sudden cardiac death. Unlike most men who snore with OSA, women’s symptoms can be much more subtle, and there’s more to the story if you’re menopausal…

Joyce Hollman

3 ways to reap rosemary’s impressive health benefits

What versatile herb can improve your stuffing, fruits, sauces, salads… and brain function? Yes, that’s right, this aromatic herb waiting in your local produce aisle has amazing potential to improve your health, your looks, and your power to fight disease…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Feed a cold, starve breast cancer

You’ve heard that old saying – feed a cold, starve a fever… But, the secret may actually be to starve cancer cells. By reducing the number of calories you consume each day, you could not only stop cancer spread but possibly even prevent cancer growth in the first place.

Joyce Hollman

Clinical trials: Deception, greed and danger

Clinical trials are conducted to determine whether a drug works, whether it is safe, and what possible side effects it carries. But who is deciding what “safe” is? Who’s really controlling whether we suffer devastating side effects, or take ineffective medications at high cost?

Jenny Smiechowski

This diabetes-brain damage danger leads to dementia

Diabetes can lead to a complication called diabetic encephalopathy, which can alter your mental state, cause seizures and tremors and even lead to dementia. There’s a simple way to protect your brain, and even reduce some of your other diabetes symptoms while you’re at it…

Dr. Mark Wiley

Yoga is strong medicine for depression

Depression is a dark cloud in the lives of millions of people. Yoga is a group of ancient Indian practices that includes physical posture, mantra recitation, specific breathing techniques and discipline to effect changes in the body and mind. So what’s the connection?

Dr. Isaac Eliaz

Better metabolism and blood sugar control with herbs

The word Ayurveda consists of the words ayus, meaning “longevity,” and veda, meaning “science,” together meaning the “science of life.” Certain Ayurvedic herbs have been shown to be beneficial in promoting healthy metabolic function by addressing blood sugar imbalances and more…

Joyce Hollman

The deadly truth about pollution and disease

In 2015, diseases caused by various forms of pollution were responsible for about 9 million premature deaths, including heart attacks and kidney disease. But the last thing you need to do is feel powerless about the growing pollution-disease connection…

Jenny Smiechowski

Are greasy, bacterial bugs clogging your arteries?

This connection between bacteria and your health is pretty well established. But when it comes to bacteria’s role in heart disease there’s been an unexpected twist. And what they discovered will turn everything you thought you knew about fat, cholesterol and heart health on its head…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

What cutting calories does to your skin and hair

Do some people just naturally age better than others, or is there a secret to looking younger, longer? New research may just hold the answer. So, hold off on those chemical-laden anti-aging creams and skip the painful injections of Botox and fillers and try this instead…

Jedha Dening

The satisfying super-snack to eat more of

Between-meal snacks can do some damage to your health, your weight and your willpower. But we do enjoy our snacks. They make up a fair proportion of our daily calorie intake at almost 400 calories! But there is a good way to turn all this snacking to your advantage…

Jenny Smiechowski

The #1 nutrient for your disease-fighting gut

We’ve learned that having good bacteria in your gut lowers your risk of Alzheimer’s, cardiovascular disease, inflammatory bowel disease, diabetes and cancer. They even play an important role in regulating your weight! The question is — how do you encourage these disease-fighting gut bacteria to grow and thrive?

Dr. Michael Cutler

The heavy metal-heart therapy connection

It’s like fighting an uphill battle to get the mainstream to admit its ability to flush heavy metals from the bloodstream can have a positive effect on avoiding heart problems. So today, I wanted to talk a little more about chelation and how it works…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

How to get a 30% stronger brain

If you discovered an exercise that could increase your muscle strength 30 percent in just a month, I bet you’d be pretty excited. If so, it’s time to train your brain. You can keep your memory sharp for life just by giving it this effective workout…

Margaret Cantwell

Why you should be more worried about blood pressure than breast cancer

Breast cancer is a dreaded disease. But there is something else dangerous about breast cancer — and other female-related diseases… And that’s a doctor’s inability to warn us about the high and unique risks that women face from diseases they feel are outside of our sex.

Dr. Isaac Eliaz

6 steps to slam stress and re-energize [slideshow]

Some conventional and alternative treatments for stress and anxiety may leave you feeling drowsy or fatigued. So if you’d rather stay focused and energized all day, while beating back the stress, give these a try…

Jenny Smiechowski

Get an attractive, healthy glow without setting foot in the sun

There are a million worthwhile reasons to eat fruits and vegetables. But it doesn’t hurt that making you more attractive is one of them: the healthy glow from a veggie-filled diet makes you even MORE attractive than tanning… without frying your skin.