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Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Got pain? Stop and count backwards to reduce it by half

Living with pain can make all aspects of your life more difficult… from the dread you feel just getting out of bed in the morning knowing the stiffness, aches and discomfort will be there… to having to give up the activities you love. Luckily, a new study might have the answer to reducing your pain, and it’s as easy as counting down.

Joyce Hollman

3 things loneliness does to your body that leads to disease

Feeling lonely and being alone are very different things. Loneliness is a strong predictor of the onset of type 2 diabetes. Loneliness also elevates blood pressure and blood sugar and puts us at greater risk of early death than either obesity or alcoholism. Loneliness isn’t a weakness, it’s a health warning to heed…

Carolyn Gretton

Cleansing toxic thirdhand smoke from your home and your body

With people spending more time at home than ever before during the pandemic, it’s important to have a clean, safe dwelling. But if you live with a smoker or in a home where smokers once lived, coronavirus isn’t your only concern. Thirdhand smoke and its carcinogens can become deeply embedded in carpets and drywall and later be released back into the air you breathe.

Joyce Hollman

How pure is your honey?

Raw honey is probably the sweetest health food out there. Unfortunately, even as a natural, unprocessed product, raw honey may still arrive on your store shelves with pesticides, herbicides and bacteria. But there are simple ways to make sure you’re eating “clean” honey and getting all of its health benefits.

Jenny Smiechowski

Get toasty to tame your osteoporosis risk

There are plenty of ways to reduce your risk of osteoporosis, a condition that thins and weakens your bones. You can eat calcium-rich foods, practice weight-bearing exercise or take a supplement to bulk up your supply of bone-supporting vitamin D. But there’s one way to take better care of your bones that’s kind of strange — turning up the heat…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Science discovers a key way to increase your happiness quota

We would all like to live happy, fulfilling lives. So, some scientists recently set out to discover how we could all grab a little more joy in our lives — pandemic or not — and where, with whom or in what our happiness lies. What they found is pretty eye-opening, and I hope you can put it to good use, especially during these trying times…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Taking a Z-pack with these medications could lead to heart attack

When you’re feeling sick and just want to find relief, you trust that the prescription your doctor sends you home with is not only going to help you feel better but that it’s also safe. But a word of caution… there is a common antibiotic you need to think twice about if you take other medications regularly, even if your doctor says you need it, or you could end up with a heart attack.

Carolyn Gretton

Want to better manage your diabetes? Go to bed early

If you have diabetes, you’ve probably wrestled with sleep issues from time to time. Diabetics often have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep and often do not get enough sleep as a result. But even people without diabetes often struggle to sleep well. So is it any worse of a problem for diabetics? Research shows being a night owl or an early bird certainly affects disease management…

Jenny Smiechowski

That laser pointer the cat loves to play with can permanently damage your eyes

I’ve never met a cat who doesn’t love playing with laser pointers. And the good news is, these popular pet toys give your cat plenty of exercise. But there’s also something you should be concerned about if you have one of these lying around the house… they could permanently blast away cells in your eyes in just a few seconds…

Dr. Elizabeth Klodas MD, FACC

Which is more important: Lose weight or eat better?

Does a normal weight protect you against adverse health outcomes even if you don’t eat particularly well? And what if you’re obese? Is your outcome equally poor regardless of what lands on your plate? A 17-year study may have finally helped us get the answer that most of us have been struggling with. And it may be the most freeing news you get all day…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The 3-egg-a-day diet that improved insulin, cholesterol and weight loss

Not all fat is created equal. In fact, some fat deposits, like the ones around your abdomen, can be far more dangerous to your health than the fat padding your hips and thighs. This abdomen fat skyrockets your risk of heart disease and diabetes. Now, new research has found a way to lose that fat in just eight weeks without starvation or exercise.

Joyce Hollman

The spice that soothes osteoarthritis pain better and safer than NSAIDs

Turmeric is a spice used in curry. It has long been used in Ayurvedic medicine to treat any number of conditions. Recent research confirms that it’s also a good substitute for dangerous NSAIDs if you suffer from the knee pain of osteoarthritis.

Jenny Smiechowski

Why too much black licorice is bad for your blood pressure and heart

A 54-year-old man in Massachusetts died after his heart stopped suddenly. The cause? Eating too much black licorice over the course of a few weeks. How could overindulging in candy cause someone’s heart to stop? Well, it turns out black licorice contains a compound that can trigger high blood pressure, abnormal heart rhythms and put your life in serious jeopardy…

Carolyn Gretton

The Chinese herb in the fight against colorectal cancer

Having cancer is scary. But the word “chemotherapy” can be just as worrisome for different reasons, including dreadful side effects like nausea, vomiting, hair loss, weight loss, fatigue, anemia and infection. Perhaps the worst, though, is when cancer becomes resistant to chemo. What then? Well, research shows a Chinese herb is proving a potent helper in just this situation…

Jenny Smiechowski

This ‘sunshine spice’ could help you feel less depressed this winter

For many, seasonal affective disorder can soon hit hard. The fatigue, sadness, hopelessness and social withdrawal (compounded this year by COVID-19) can make a long winter feel even longer. But if you’re looking for a safe, scientifically-backed way to fend off depression, this fragrant herb can be a big help…

Joyce Hollman

How to sleep your way to better weight loss

Did you know that how you sleep can keep you from losing weight? Research shows that sleep directly impacts your appetite hormones and your ability to say no to fattening snacks. Fortunately, there are some things you can do to counteract this effect…

Jenny Smiechowski

Turning down the thermostat may be just as good for you as cutting calories

A calorie restricted diet isn’t easy. But they can lower blood pressure and inflammation, balance cholesterol, reduce insulin resistance and promote a longer lifespan. Why is cutting calories so good for you? That’s the million-dollar question, but it may not be the only way to get these benefit.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Diabetics face serious blood pressure risk if breaking the ‘one drink’ rule

If you’re living with diabetes, you already know how important it is to embrace a healthy lifestyle. From diet and weight loss to exercise, these interventions can help you better manage your glucose levels and prevent complications down the road. Now there’s one more lifestyle factor to pay close attention to if you want to avoid increasing the high blood pressure danger that comes with diabetes.

Virginia Tims-Lawson

The weird effect a popular over-the-counter pain reliever has on risk perception

You probably consider yourself to be level-headed, right? Sure, you like to be adventurous, but you draw the line at risky behavior because it’s the smart thing to do. But if you’re among the 1 in 4 who turns to a popular OTC pain reliever for minor aches and pains, you’re unknowingly putting something in your body that can muddy your perception of risk…

Carolyn Gretton

The good news thick thighs could reveal about your blood pressure

It’s been drilled into our heads for decades that fat is bad. With obesity comes a higher risk of all kinds of disorders, including heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes and certain types of cancers. But recent research has found that fat may not always be a harbinger of a health problem on the horizon. In fact, if you’ve got thick thighs, you may breathe a sigh of relief…

Joyce Hollman

How not to get breast cancer from your salad

In 1972, the United States banned the use of the pesticide DDT. But other endocrine-disrupting pesticides have taken its place and are still in use. Luckily, there are ways to protect yourself from exposure to these endocrine-disrupting chemicals that cause breast cancer.

Jenny Smiechowski

Why getting a cold could keep you from getting the flu

The common cold is far from dangerous, but it still makes you miserable by walloping you with a cough, a headache, congestion, a low-grade fever and that awful fatigued feeling you get when you’re sick. But the next time you’re laid up with a serious cold, you have a big bright side to think about… colds may be able to prevent the more dangerous flu virus from infecting your airways…

Joyce Hollman

Drugs that treat colds, bladder leaks, Parkinson’s and more increase Alzheimer’s risk

Anticholinergics, also called antispasmodics, treat everything from Parkinson’s to COPD and asthma to irritable bowel syndrome. Some are even found in over-the-counter allergy medications. But at least three recent studies point to a strong connection between anticholinergic use and cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Eat more blueberries to preserve and repair your muscles

Reduced muscle mass can lead to a lack of mobility, lower quality of life and even steal your independence. Now though, there’s a new weapon in your arsenal that could make all the difference — a simple and delicious way to kick your muscle strength into gear by stimulating the production of special cells in your body that boost muscle growth and repair…

Jenny Smiechowski

Steroids for asthma may lower inflammation but carry chronic side-effects

If you don’t have asthma, you probably know someone who does and know they keep an inhaler close by. Oral steroids can be part of asthma management, too, since inflammation is a troublesome component of the condition. But experts fear these medications are being overprescribed and are leading to some very serious side effects…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Authoritative evidence supports increasing omega-3s for cardio protection

For over a decade, experts have waffled about whether omega-3 intake can help you stay heart healthy. Now, the largest meta-analysis to date has found conclusive proof that whatever amount you might get through diet, you should consider supplementing for ample cardioprotection…

Joyce Hollman

What’s the danger in being a ‘social’ smoker?

If you’re a “social smoker,” you may think your health risk from lung cancer and other tobacco-related diseases is much smaller than if you smoke a pack a day. But is that true?

Jenny Smiechowski

Why a thyroid problem could be fueling your anxiety

A lot of anxiety sufferers find ways to improve their symptoms, but they never quite slay their inner anxiety demon completely. If you can relate to this struggle, you need to know that the root of all those sleepless nights, panic attacks and anxious sweats may be your thyroid.

Jenny Smiechowski

The most important number on your vitamin D test

Based on all the latest research, your vitamin D levels may be a window into your future. They can determine your risk for conditions like heart disease, multiple sclerosis, cancer, osteoporosis and diabetes. The free, circulating vitamin D levels in your blood may be the best indicator of whether your vitamin D levels are in the danger zone.

Jenny Smiechowski

The best therapy for reducing disease-causing inflammation

Everyone is trying to curb chronic inflammation nowadays. That’s because science has clearly identified it as a major contributor to disease and pain. Popular approaches to dousing it include anti-inflammatory diets and drugs. But a kind of mental therapy can significantly slash your levels — no diet changes or drugs needed!

Jedha Dening

This sneaky hormone helps your body store fat

Weight gain is defined by an accumulation of body fat. But what’s less understood is how fat accumulates. We’ve been led to believe it’s because we eat too much. And while that’s one factor, there’s more to it. And seeing the bigger picture can make it much easier to beat the bulge…

Jedha Dening

The coconut’s other brain-saving secret

The onset of Alzheimer’s is thought to begin 17 to 20 years before signs appear. That means it’s never too early to try and prevent it. Risk factors can include age, genetics, environment and metabolic diseases, and one very modifiable thing you do daily…

Jenny Smiechowski

Slash your MS risk 40% with a vitamin

Women are more at risk for autoimmune diseases, like lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, and psoriasis. In fact, 78 percent of all autoimmune disease sufferers are women. But, when it comes to one of the most devastating, there may be a simple way to lower your risk…

Dr. Mark Wiley

Can this paper exercise make you thinner, fitter, happier?

Just about anything worth achieving requires a plan. So, why then, do our best laid plans — like a weight loss or fitness goal — often blow up, leaving us disappointed and wondering what happened? Sometimes we have to look deeper, and an open mind helps…

Jenny Smiechowski

5 healing uses of Manuka honey

Honey is really healthy… It’s antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and contains antioxidants. But there’s one particular kind of honey that stands out from the pack when it comes to health benefits…

Dr. Isaac Eliaz

Natural compounds team up for winning prostate

Throughout the past decades, a substantial body of research has continued to demonstrate the potential therapeutic effects of bioactive phytochemicals found in plants. Recently published research has identified several natural compounds found in food as key ingredients that could support prostate health…

Jedha Dening

3 trace elements to boost your metabolism and where to find them

Though you likely think of metabolism in terms of weight loss, it’s actually much more than that. It’s your body’s ability to effectively carry out a range of complex chemical reactions that allow you to sustain your best health.

Dr. Mark Wiley

How to burn fat while you sleep

The reason diets fail is because they are based on restriction. Almost no one I know has enough willpower to maintain anything based on restriction over time. But what if you could simply burn fat more efficiently and really, really keep it off…

Dr. Michael Cutler

Beating the system to be well

Your doctor could be the best person to guide you into better health… if our healthcare system didn’t get in the way. Doctors are trained to diagnose and then prescribe medications. This fails to influence real change for patients. So what can you do?

Easy Health Options Staff

4 tips to boost collagen for beautiful, healthy skin [slideshow]

We typically begin to notice the earliest signs of aging in our skin — a few fine lines here and there — as we approach our mid 30s. Fortunately there are quite a few ways to help your body naturally produce more collagen and improve the look and health of your skin.

Virginia Tims-Lawson

Why sperm count matters for men of all ages

A healthy sperm count is not only important for better health and enjoyment of life, but a low sperm count increases your risk of death from all causes and puts you at higher risk of testicular cancer. But whether you’re in your 30s, 50s, 60s or 70s, you should know: your sperm are under attack…

Dr. Mark Wiley

3 exercises to help your mind kick your body into gear

Your mind is a powerful tool. When you are able to master it, not only can you experience deeper levels of awareness, but also healing of the body. Get started by integrating your mind and body with exercises that also strengthen and improve balance.

Jenny Smiechowski

How to find your healthy fats ‘sweet spot’

Low-fat diets are less effective at helping you lose weight and are linked to diseases, like Parkinson’s. But you shouldn’t overdo fat either. Here’s how to find the ideal amount of fat that improves your chances of making it to your 100th birthday in great shape…

Craig Cooper

Why men should drink green tea

Men sipping tea is not something you see a lot of… if you think it’s just not macho enough for you, think again. It’s important for men to consider green tea for prostate health — and their overall health in general.

Jedha Dening

Unusual energy drink ingredient zaps cancer cells

If you’ve ever reached for an energy drink to help boost your stamina, you may have noticed one unusual ingredient in the list… It’s a plant from the Amazon that’s been consumed for thousands of years for it’s energizing properties. Turns out, it has therapeutic advantages for cancer.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

4 ways to avoid disability as you age

While your doctor might tell you this is all a normal part of aging, scientists are now revealing the four lifestyle factors that determine not only the number of years a person can live — but also the number of able-bodied years they can have, free of disability.

Jenny Smiechowski

You’ll want to sit for this: Too much standing is doubly dangerous

You’ve heard that too much sitting is bad for you. But anyone who’s worked in retail can tell you that standing for eight (or more) hours a day is exhausting and painful. But it also strains your body in specific ways that, when combined, create a deadly trifecta for heart-disease…

Dr. Mark Wiley

Why turn to Traditional Chinese Medicine

At its foundation, traditional Chinese medicine offers the promise of balanced wellness. TCM examinations employ visual, olfactory, and physical touch steeped in thousands of years of theories, to identify the specific imbalances in your body that are allowing the poor health symptoms to exist.

Jedha Dening

Edible acid annihilates Alzheimer’s, cancer and diabetes

Chronic diseases are ones that hang around for the long haul. Maybe you’re battling one right now and you feel you’ve made all the right lifestyle adjustments and are taking all the right nutrients — but you just can’t get on top of it. Well, this one goes after the most hard-to-treat conditions out there…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

A novel way to boost your magnesium

Magnesium has been called the most important mineral in the human body. There was a time when eating magnesium-rich food was the best way to get it. But modern farming and food processing have caused the levels of magnesium to decline by about 21 percent since 1940. How can you avoid a dangerous deficiency?

Jenny Smiechowski

How much vitamin C to slay your sniffles?

Vitamin C is best known for its ability to fight viruses — especially the common cold. Of course, some people will tell you vitamin C’s cold-fighting abilities are a myth. But, the truth is, its cold-fighting reputation is warranted, as long as you take the right amount to get the job done…

Dr. Isaac Eliaz

Are you taking a prostate drug with serious side effects?

When talking with your health care provider about this medication for BPH, some good questions to ask include: Why do you specifically need this medication? What are the alternative medicines available and what is the current research on their safety and effectiveness? It matters more than you know…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Weird but effective habit relieves asthma symptoms

Are you living with asthma, suffering from chest pain and tightness and feeling like you can’t catch your breath? There could possibly be a simpler, more natural way to reduce your asthma symptoms. One your doctor may have missed. It’s a little weird, but…

Jedha Dening

The painful sign your stroke risk is growing

If you have a family history of heart disease, you’re no doubt aware of the factors that can lower your risk of a heart attack and stroke. However, even if you have no history of heart troubles, there is another factor that can greatly increase your risk…

Jenny Smiechowski

The ‘less work’ workout for a healthier heart and longer life

If you want to get more fit with less work, I’ve got a workout for you… People who do it have better blood pressure and cholesterol, along with less arterial stiffness, all of which are risk factors for heart disease. Joint problems? Not a problem…

Margaret Cantwell

Healthy at 100, could this be the secret?

Anti-aging is now an area of research that goes much deeper than the skin’s surface. Who wants to live to 100 if you’re frail, sick and can’t enjoy it? That’s what makes this compound so amazing. But the best part? You don’t have to wait for a pill…

Jenny Smiechowski

Here’s why your energy is tanking

Good hygiene is essential to good health… That’s why you shower, brush your teeth, wash your clothes and keep your house clean. You’re getting rid of bacteria that have the potential to harm you. Unfortunately, your energy and your health are going down the drain with them…

Dr. Mark Wiley

Sit too much? Exercise from your chair

If you’ve heard it once, you’ve heard it a million times: sitting kills. But for us working stiffs, there’s little we can do to avoid it. That is unless you take advantage of these stretches you can do from your chair…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

Natural ways to fight diabetic vision loss

Retinopathy is the most common cause of vision loss and blindness in people with type 2 diabetes. The most important step you can take is to keep your blood sugar levels within healthy goal ranges. But beyond that, research shows there are a few things that may provide further protection…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The traditional Chinese herb that saves your bones

Taking calcium and vitamin D3 and exercising can help keep bones strong, but even that may not be enough when it comes to treating osteoporosis. Especially, if you are postmenopausal. But, there’s good news from the realm of Traditional Chinese Medicine…