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Joyce Hollman

9 health and body changes that happen in your 70s

Your body doesn’t come with a user’s manual. So, as you age, some changes may take you by surprise, but you can be prepared. Here are some things you might expect and some advice to keep enjoying life no matter your age.

Carolyn Gretton

How breastfeeding makes women’s hearts healthier

Maybe you’re a soon-to-be new mom deciding whether to breastfeed or not, or a mom who breastfed years ago. In either case you may excited to learn mothers benefit just as much from breastfeeding as their babies do. It turns out breastfeeding may lower the risk of certain diseases over the long term for moms, including cardiovascular disease…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

How the gut may activate Alzheimer’s genes

One of the fastest-growing areas proving gut health is whole-body health is Alzheimer’s research. Study after study has linked the gut microbiome with either Alzheimer’s risk or protection. Now, a ground-breaking study has found that the genes that trigger Alzheimer’s may be turned on by the gut.

Joyce Hollman

Depression’s DNA links to accelerated aging

We’ve all had the blues. But major depressive disorder is something entirely different. People with MDD have higher rates of incidence and mortality from cardiovascular disease, diabetes and Alzheimers, but the medical community hasn’t understood why, until now.

Carolyn Gretton

Treating sleep apnea helps both your mind and body

A good night’s sleep is essential for optimal health. But there are disorders like sleep apnea that can make it difficult to get steady, restful sleep. That’s why it’s so important to treat sleep apnea — particularly when it comes to your cognitive health…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Is your back pain killing you?

Living with back pain can feel like torture. People who deal with pain day in and day out may even feel like it’s killing them. But can it? Past studies have made that connection. And the newest saw a correlation with premature death and back pain possibly involving a cardiovascular component.

Joyce Hollman

The vitamin that stands up to age-related muscle loss

Mitochondria are the “energy factories” of our cells. They process energy from the food we eat and make it available for our bodies to use. But even mighty mitochondria can’t provide your muscle with sufficient energy to avoid age-related muscle loss without this simple vitamin…

Joyce Hollman

The nutty reason a calorie isn’t always a calorie

In spite of all their health benefits, nuts like almonds still get “bad press.” You’ll often hear that snacking on them leads to weight gain, because of the calories that come from their fat content. What if we told you that when you eat that handful of almonds, you’re really not absorbing all those calories?

Carolyn Gretton

The link between ‘long COVID’ and your thyroid

While the majority of people who contract COVID-19 recover in a matter of days, many suffer from “long COVID,” a condition where symptoms linger for weeks or months. A possible reason? Thyroiditis, or thyroid inflammation, that’s been triggered by the virus.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Giving in to wanderlust may be what you need right now

After a year of lockdowns, things are finally loosening up. If you’ve been suppressing your wanderlust, now may be a good time to give in. Not just because it could be safer, but because of some measurable wellness benefits that could impact your well-being.

Carolyn Gretton

From hemorrhoids to heart trouble: Why you shouldn’t strain to ‘go’

We don’t like to talk about it, but the truth is, constipation is a common problem. When you’re constipated, you may have to strain to pass your stools. And if you strain too hard, it can lead to complications much more serious than hemorrhoids…

Joyce Hollman

Brain fog: How chronic sinus problems may change your brain

If you suffer from chronic sinusitis or rhinosinusitis, you know how it can interrupt your daily life. And it’s not even the runny nose or sinus pressure that’s the most disruptive. The inability to concentrate can make everyday tasks almost impossible for some. Now you can feel validated: Science shows sinus inflammation affects your brain’s connections.

Virginia Tims-Lawson

Enzymes: The safer, healthier choice for digestive upset

From gas and bloating to abdominal pain, heartburn and diarrhea, surveys show that 74 percent of Americans are living with digestive problems. If you’re one of them, you may have wondered about digestive enzymes and why you need them. Here are the answers to your questions, and the relief you need.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Who’s most likely to experience long-haul COVID-19 symptoms?

One of the most frightening issues with COVID-19 is that unlike other viruses we’e exposed to, such as the flu or the common cold, which are over when they’re over, COVID symptoms can linger for months. But everyone isn’t affected the same way. Here’s why you could be at higher risk for the long haul and what might help…

Joyce Hollman

7 ways to start ridding your life of brain-damaging BPA

We’ve long known that the chemicals BPA and BPS, found in many common plastic products, can cause damage to your liver, thyroid, heart and other organ systems. Now, a team of biologists has found that these chemicals may also cause permanent brain damage. Follow this advice to reduce you and your family’s risk.

Carolyn Gretton

The antioxidants that could lower HPV infection risk

Cervical cancer can be one of the more deadly cancers women face. Human papillomavirus causes the vast majority of cervical cancer and in recent years a vaccine was developed for both women and men. But many older adults have never received the vaccine. Luckily, researchers are examining other ways to reduce this threat.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Is bacon worth a 44 percent increase in dementia risk?

Dementia is a disease that’s not only on the rise, it seems to be taking the world by storm. While there are currently approximately 50 million cases of dementia globally, every year another 10 million are diagnosed. You could avoid being one of them if you cut out this kind of meat…

Joyce Hollman

The real ‘fat factor’ driving osteoarthritis

Many people believe osteoarthritis (OA) is an unavoidable result of aging, as the cartilage in joints wears away, leaving them stiff and painful. Carrying extra weight is thought to worsen it. But new research has revealed that it’s a different kind of fat factor driving OA.

Carolyn Gretton

2 types of stress putting women at high risk for heart disease

Coronary heart disease (CHD) is more prevalent in men than in women, but that doesn’t mean women are safe from it. Mature women are at especially high risk of developing CHD, partly because of low estrogen, and partly because of the weight of two specific types of psychological stress…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

What your brain pH can tell you about your health

The measure of pH reveals how acidic or alkaline the body is. Too much, either way, can contribute to illness. Researchers have been able to see the effect of pH on brain chemistry and there are significant impacts…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Dopamine: The link between exercise and cognitive health

For decades, aerobic exercise has been linked to improved cognitive function. But the “why” hasn’t been clear. New research connects it to a feel-good neurotransmitter that may not only help your brain but help you with the motivation you need to get fit.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Mix up your daily activities to boost your well-being

The pandemic didn’t make dealing with depression or anxiety easy. In fact, by curtailing social and recreational activities and movement, your well-being may have taken an even bigger hit. Though this was a social experiment none of us volunteered for, here’s what research learned about how our daiy activities impact our well-being and how to get the most from them.

Joyce Hollman

7 reasons to get your omega-3s from krill oil

If you want to support your heart and brain health, your doctor may have recommended that you eat at least two servings of fish a week to get your omega-3s. Fish oil supplements have become popular for this reason — but they’re not your only choice and there’s some evidence they may not be the best choice.

Virginia Tims-Lawson

What processed foods are doing to your kidneys

When we think about poor food choices affecting our health, we think of heart disease and diabetes. But microvascular diseases, ones that affect your small arteries and blood vessles to cause big problems, like kidney disease, are on the rise. Here’s why and how to protect your kidneys.

Carolyn Gretton

Want a better brain? Start with your heart

It’s no secret that the health of your brain depends a lot on your heart health. And the American Heart Association recently issued guidelines that reiterated the importance of this link, as well as the steps you can take to strengthen both your heart and your brain health…

Joyce Hollman

The mineral secret to living longer lighter

To help control weight and promote a longer healthspan (a longer healthier lifespan) many people are turning to restrictive diets, like the vegan diet, known for its health and longevity benefits. But thanks to the mineral found in Brazil nuts you may not have to…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Drink this 30 minutes before exercise to burn more fat

Many supplements claim to enhance sports performance and even muscle gain. But what if you want to maximize your fat burn without mazimizing your workout? If that’s the case, there’s household machine you should crank up before your next workout.

Joyce Hollman

Simple hack boosts effectiveness of anti-aging supplements

It’s no secret that nutritious food, exercise and a low-stress lifestyle can add up to a longer, healthier life. But is that enough? It doesn’t have to be, when research has uncovered a treasure trove of nutrients that can help. And now they’ve found you can boost their effectiveness by taking them at the right time.

Carolyn Gretton

Can stress really make your hair fall out?

A little hair loss is natural — we lose about 50 to 100 hairs from our heads every day as part of the normal hair growth and turnover cycle. If you’re losing far more than that, there could be a number of reasons. Could stress be one of them? Here’s what a Harvard study found…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The saturated fat link to heart disease may be melting away

If you’ve given up the guilty pleasures of a perfectly cooked steak, dripping rich juices, butter melted just perfectly onto your biscuits… or your favorite cheeses, hold up. Research has revealed that not only is the evidence against saturated fats weak at best, those fats may even be vital to our health.

Margaret Cantwell

7 ways to beat stiffness and thrive

No one ever died from morning stiffness, at least not quickly. But losing mobility is one of the things that seniors fear most. And if you let stiffness turn you into a couch potato, stop you from moving and grooving and doing ‘life,’ now, there is where the danger lies…

Jenny Smiechowski

5 yoga poses for better bladder control (slideshow)

Research shows that about 50 percent of adult women deal with urinary incontinence. That means, when you head out to dinner with your girlfriends, half of the women at the table are worried about their bladder control too.

Joyce Hollman

For prostate protection without side effects, try flaxseed

Are flaxseeds the safer alternative to prostate drugs? Study after study shows it’s not only rich in minerals, but prostate benefits too. If you want to avoid these six scary side effects of prostate drugs, including painful erections, here’s how to use flaxseed and get relief…

Jenny Smiechowski

3 Upsides and downsides of medical marijuana from seniors who tried it

Maybe you’re a senior considering medical marijuana yourself. Maybe you’ve even used it before years ago. But can marijuana actually help you feel better now? Well, there’s no better way to find out than to ask seniors who’ve tried it…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

How a sight-saving nutrient can make your brain younger (and bigger)

Hopefully you already know that lutein is an essential nutrient for eye health that your body can’t make on its own. But here’s something you may not know… lutein accumulates in your brain tissue, and it could be the miracle that saves your aging, shrinking brain…

Joyce Hollman

The household carcinogen chemical companies hope you don’t sniff out

It’s an industrial chemical used in products commonly found throughout your household. It’s a carcinogen, and it damages your eyes, skin, respiratory and nervous systems. So why are the industries that rely on this toxic substance being protected… and not you?

Craig Cooper

Six alternative sleep therapies you probably haven’t heard of

Above everything else I do to stay healthy and fit at 55, sleep is the foundation of my overall wellness program. Without a good night’s sleep, everything else falls apart. So I’ve been experimenting with alternative methods and some tried and true. Here’s what I’ve found…

Jenny Smiechowski

The fruit that fights macular degeneration

Nowadays, there’s a lot of buzz about exotic super fruits that pack a powerful nutritional punch and serious disease-fighting benefits. But what about those ordinary old fruits we’ve been eating all our lives? Turns out one of those can save your eyesight…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The paleo-vegan hybrid diet that ends hangry

It’s a meeting of the minds between two diets you’ve probably heard of — the paleo diet and the vegan diet. That probably sounds really strange since they’re pretty much at opposite ends of the diet world spectrum. But here’s why it may be the best of both worlds…

Jenny Smiechowski

How to protect yourself from diabetes-causing air pollution

Research shows that environmental factors like chemicals and toxins in your food, water and environment can contribute to a disease like diabetes. In fact, there’s one environmental factor that could almost make type 2 diabetes an air-borne disease…

Joyce Hollman

5 Ways pomegranates heal your body

There’s a good reason the pomegranate has been revered for so long: It holds more healing power than any other fruit out there. Here are five reasons you should be eating more of them, starting with your blood pressure…

Jenny Smiechowski

Can an aspirin a day make Alzheimer’s plaque go away?

There really is a pill that has the potential to prevent the trifecta of age-related diseases — heart disease, cancer and Alzheimer’s. And it’s something you probably have in your medicine chest right now — aspirin. But is it worth the risk?

Dr. Michael Cutler

Tests that reveal disease-causing inflammation is making you sick

Acute inflammation, the kind you experience when you have an injury, is the pathway to healing. The swelling and redness is your immune response repairing the damage. Chronic inflammation, however, sets your body up for disease. How can you tell if it’s making your sick?

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Are you cooking up cancer on the stove top?

Old habits die hard. That’s why a lot of people are still using non-stick pans. But it’s time to set the record straight. Not only are you cooking up cancer but cholesterol, liver inflammation and thyroid problems, too!

Joyce Hollman

7 ways dog owners are healthier and live longer

Most people fall into two major camps when it comes to pet ownership: cat people or dog people. But dogs inspire a dynamic that carries with it very real perks for both physical and mental health. Here are 7 proven ways that having a dog can make life better…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

The missing nutrient (and mind trick) that tackles tinnitus

Nutrient deficiencies plague us as we age. And, coincidentally, the majority of people who suffer with tinnitus are — you guessed it — older. In fact, tinnitus peaks around the ages of 60 to 69. All you need is a nutrient boost and this little trick to feel better…

Joyce Hollman

8 nutrients that can stop cancer in its tracks

Research has repeatedly shown that a diet centered around a variety of fruits and vegetables has the power to both prevent many types of cancer and to slow or stop the process of metastasis once cancer is present. Get started with these powerful nutrients…

Jenny Smiechowski

Not for the squeamish: Superbugs found in 80% of supermarket meat

The Environmental Working Group, revealed that most meat on supermarket shelves has a hidden ingredient that can seriously harm your health — antibiotic resistant superbugs. Take these steps to protect yourself…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

7 foods that could be behind your mystery pain

Instead of eating nutritious, home-cooked meals, I’ve been ordering out more due to my busy summer schedule. And, I can feel it! That’s because the food you eat can literally make you hurt. If you’re having some unexplained pain, here are seven foods that could be at fault…

Joyce Hollman

The ONE thing that helps beat a family history of heart disease

Every year, about 735,000 Americans have a heart attack. Some seem to come out of the blue, with no warning or risk factors. Others, though, are like time bombs just waiting to blow, especially if your genes increase your risk of cardiovascular disease. But you can beat it…

Joyce Hollman

Keep your kitchen germ-free without destroying the planet or your health

Anyone concerned with the environment uses cloth dish towels, not paper. There’s just one problem: dish towels are hotbeds of disease-causing germs. So, how do you keep your kitchen sanitary without contributing to the destruction of the planet — and your health?

Joyce Hollman

Silicon: What is it and 6 things it does to your body

What the heck is silicon? Most of us only know it as material used to make computer chips (think silicon valley), or the element in makeup that makes it go on smoothly. Let’s take a look at this overlooked trace mineral and its vital role in your health….

Dr. Isaac Eliaz

Who should you believe in the vitamin debate?

Recent reports trying to discredit supplements cause confusion among consumers by ignoring the more robust clinical data in this field – data that demonstrates the protective benefits of high quality vitamin supplements. Who can you believe?

Jenny Smiechowski

The best drink for balanced cholesterol

HDL cholesterol in your bloodstream gradually declines with age. And less HDL cholesterol is tied to frailty, worse muscle strength and poor physical performance as you age. So, you want more HDL around to age better. Here’s an easy way to get it…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The hidden hazards of a dirty mouth your toothpaste won’t fix

Heart disease you knew, but erectile dysfunction, too? If you’re living with poor oral health, it’s only a matter of time before your health suffers something catastrophic. Is that toothpaste from your local drugstore the answer? Only to make matters worse…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

5 ways to get rid of low back pain without drugs or surgery

Most people looking for relief from back pain believe they only have two options: surgery and addictive pain medication. At least that’s all their doctor offers. Low back pain can bring you to your knees but you don’t have to crawl in for surgery or pop that pain pill. Natural pain relief can be found…

Joyce Hollman

Are you taking an ‘approved’ drug that could kill you?

How is it that the FDA approves virtually untested drugs, while at the same time does everything in its power to block you from taking advantage of safe, natural alternatives? It’s a double standard that resulted in hundreds of deaths from this one drug…

Jenny Smiechowski

Try this walking hack to boost longevity by 50 percent

When you’re getting your daily walk in, do other people beat you by laps around the track or the block? No big deal, right? As long as you’re walking and getting exercise, it doesn’t matter how fast you go. Not quite. It make a huge difference…

Jenny Smiechowski

6 nootropics that make your brain limitless

Nootropics — also known as “smart drugs” — are natural and synthetic substances people take to improve their cognitive abilities. Here are a few proven nootropics that could boost your brain power and make you feel limitless (or close to it.)

Virginia Tims-Lawson

7 ways to support healthy blood pressure naturally

Heart problems run in my family and high blood pressure is just the beginning. So today I’d like to share with you a simple program I follow that has helped me naturally keep my blood pressure numbers where they should be…