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Virginia Tims-Lawson

The honey+ ancient seed combo that may speed COVID-19 recovery

My family and I were hit with what I still call “the COVID” early on in the pandemic. A lot has changed since then, for the better, but the potential for infection from SARS-CoV-2 or one of its variants is still a possibility But thanks to ground-breaking research there may be a natural way to dramatically speed recovery time…

Dr. Mariza Snyder

How estrogen dominance affects PMS during perimenopause

Whether you’ve had PMS throughout your life or it is just beginning in your 40s, perimenopause can take it to the next level. Let’s dive into how you can love your body through this transition and feel your best!

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Soy metabolite may prevent dementia damage to the brain

Do you love soy milk, edamame, miso or tofu stir-fry? Well, we’ve got good news: Those soy products you enjoy so much may do more than fill your tummy, they may offer significant protection from dementia.

Joyce Hollman

The diet that keeps a 2nd heart attack away

That feeling of an elephant on your chest is something a heart attack survivor never wants to feel again. But every year, 200,000 Americans suffer a second heart attack. If you don’t want to be one of them, researchers say one diet does everything right for your arteries to make it less likely.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Coffee lovers benefit from lower prostate cancer risk

For all you male coffee lovers worried about the possibility of prostate cancer in your future, listen up: Past studies have already linked coffee to a lower relative risk of liver, bowel, and breast cancers. Now you can add prostate cancer to the list.

Tracey G. Ingram, AuD

6+ benefits of whole-body vibration

Whole-body vibration is a form of passive exercise for improving neuromuscular performance. But from your bones to your hormones, there’s even more this long-used therapy can do fo you…

Joyce Hollman

Mood got you down? Get your fiber up

Dietary fiber binds with cholesterol, lowers blood sugar and speeds the removal of toxic waste from your body. It can also help you say goodbye to that funky blue mood.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The tea that helps you burn fat in your dreams

Most weight loss plans don’t work for one simple reason. They’re too restrictive. Yet, what if you could lose weight while you sleep by firing up your metabolism and having it run all night long?

Joyce Hollman

6 proven ways to quit smoking this year

Smoking is bad for you. No news there. But now we know that smoking also makes your lungs a target for the SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes COVID-19. Here are six proven stop-smoking methods you can use to make 2021 the year you quit.

Joyce Hollman

COVID-19’s effect on the brain looks like stroke damage

COVID-19 is primarily a respiratory disease. But it presents odd neurological symptoms like cognitive dysfunction and the loss of taste and smell. Researchers looking at the brains of those worst hit saw a big clue to why: brain areas that appeared stroke damaged.

Joyce Hollman

New test for earlier detection, earlier intervention for Alzheimer’s

Almost 14 million people age 65 and older will have Alzheimer’s dementia by the year 2050. But an early diagnosis could offer a better outlook, more years of independence, even the possibility of new treatments.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

What body shape can reveal about colon cancer risk

Most of us only think about our body shape when we look in the mirror or try to zip up a pair of jeans. But according to a new study, where we carry our weight could play a dangerous role in cancer risk. Whether you’re an apple or a pear, here’s what you should know, including how to lower the risk.

William Davis

Extra cardioprotective effects of omega-3s discovered

It’s no surprise omega-3s are your heart’s best friend. Studies have shown not only do they reduce risk of a heart attack — but if you do have one, higher blood levels of the essential fatty acid also point to better survival odds. Now, their protective effects have been found to lower risk of sudden […]

Tracey G. Ingram, AuD

The symptoms COVID-19 Long Haulers can’t get rid of

As more information has become available, scientists realize Covid is a multi-system disease that can potentially affect any organ. And the impact of that can linger for weeks and months. Here’s what you should know about the long haul symptoms…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

How to turn fat into a healthy advantage

What are your chances of having protective fat? Yes, there is such a thing, and it’s possible to convert bad fat to good fat. Here’s how brown fat works and how to get more…

Tracey G. Ingram, AuD

Microplastic seafood: Are your favorites on the list?

Seafood has a reputation for being nutritious and good for you. It offers a lean, high-quality protein source rich in omega-3s and anti-inflammatory properties. Sounds ideal, until you realize some of our favorites are considered the most plastic-filled seafood in the world… and there’s harm in it.

Virginia Tims-Lawson

How a nutritional deficiency can starve your heart following surgery

Heart surgery is a dangerous procedure. And the recovery is certainly no walk in the park. Even though your doctor may keep a close check on you, there’s one area that recent researchers have found a big gaping hole. Some people are developing malnutrition related to their surgery and that leads not only to complications but poor recovery.

Dr. Mariza Snyder

Busting the Top 5 menopause myths

There are so many unfounded misconceptions and myths about menopause despite the lack of evidence to support them. It’s time to annihilate this misinformation with cold, hard facts topped with research and medical experience, flip the myths and get real about your body and your health!

Carolyn Gretton

Ginger: The autoimmune super spice that may slow lupus

In autoimmune disease, the body’s immune system goes haywire, attacking its own healthy cells and tissues. Treatment is usually long term and can carry harmful side effects. That’s why researchers are looking to a plant-based compound that may be the answer…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Slow down your ribosomes, slow down your aging

Eat to live, don’t live to eat. It’s a motto that could keep you slim. And according to the results of a brand new study, it’s also a motto that could be the key to slowing down your aging. It all has to do with specific complex machines located inside your body’s cells called ribosomes. […]

Carolyn Gretton

COVID-19 vaccines and allergies: What you need to know

As the COVID-19 vaccines become available, there are questions about its safety, especially for people with certain allergies. After all there are people who can’t take the flu vaccine. So, allergy experts are taking a close look at this issue and, along with the CDC, have information that can help you know what to expect. […]

Dr. Elizabeth Klodas MD, FACC

What I tell my patients at their first cardiology visit

When I see a patient for the first time, I point out that my role is not to make a cholesterol or blood pressure number perfect. My role is to help them achieve a greater health goal: longevity. And the truth is, what I can do pales in comparison to what you can do yourself.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The exercise-hormone intersection that lowers prostate and breast cancer risks

If you’re a night owl, getting up with the birds to exercise probably isn’t on your to-do list. But new research shows hitting the gym or even just heading out for a morning walk could be one of the best things you could do to lower your risk of cancer by boosting a cancer-fighting hormone. […]

Joyce Hollman

Those sweet drinks you love? They’re aging you faster

Everyone knows that too much sugar is associated with obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease and premature death. And research has shown that low-calorie, artificially sweetened drinks aren’t any better. But for women, they hold another dreaded side effect: Besides sweet drinks making us sick and fat — the science shows they’re making us older […]

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Melatonin: The memory-saving molecule

Melatonin has been experiencing a renaissance, so to speak. If you thought it was just for sleep, think again. The Cleveland Clinic says it has potential as a COVID-19 treatment and research found it could help fight several cancers. Now the hormone may add another notch to its belt, this time for saving your memory. […]

Tracey G. Ingram, AuD

What you should know about a Thyroid Storm

The thyroid gland plays a significant role by controlling our metabolism and how our body uses energy. But still, some think thyroid conditions are just “hormone problems” and may not take them as seriously as they should. But there’s a serious condition that can erupt for people with hyperactive thyroid that’s a full-blown medical emergency.

Carolyn Gretton

Starving cancer through the cell’s ‘powerhouse’

Cancer can be tough to beat, which is why researchers continue to explore new avenues for fighting the deadly disease. One team has identified a new target that can potentially stop cancer cells from growing and spreading by targeting them from within — and starving them of the energy they need to do their dirty work.

Tracey G. Ingram, AuD

Vitamin D may halt diabetes in its tracks

Millions of U.S. adults have prediabetes and don’t know it because most are asymptomatic. In fact, prediabetes has become one of the most important health topics of preventative medicine in recent years. That’s because progression from prediabetes to type 2 diabetes isn’t inevitable. Lifestyle changes and one important vitamin may stop it in its tracks. […]

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The drink that drives down your fat-triggering hormone

Many of us have just made another resolution to lose the extra weight around our hips, thighs and belly. And more likely than not, we’ll give it up again in defeat. Not to sound glib, but if you want to really lose the weight, just drink more water — but not for reason you think. […]

William Davis

How a plant-based diet can do your metabolism good

Plant-based diets have grown in popularity over the last few years. Books like “Forks over Knives” and documentaries like “The Game Changers” have inspired people to give plant-based diets a second look. If you still need a little incentive, here’s this: Plant-based diets boost after-meal calorie burn and lead to serious weight loss.

Virginia Tims-Lawson

When blood thinners lead to stroke

I was shocked recently to read how dangerous those blood thinners they give stroke victims really are. In fact, according to new information, for a lot of people with specific health issues, they could just as easily cause stroke instead of preventing it…

Jenny Smiechowski

The connection between lighting and a better brain

Ever have a day when you just don’t feel like the brightest bulb in the bunch? We all do, but now science knows one reason why: Your lighting choices are much more important to your health than you ever realized, and could mess with your memory…

Joyce Hollman

The cold, flu, sinus-allergy tonic you can make at home

Did you know that you can use apple cider vinegar as the base for a high-powered drink that’s good for everything from the flu to indigestion? To take ACV’s health benefits to the next level, just add in these superfood all-stars for a homemade tonic that’ll ward off almost anything.

Jenny Smiechowski

Why grass-fed milk may be the ultimate health drink

Whether you’ve converted to nut milk or you’re still drinking conventional milk, you may want to consider drinking a glass of grass-fed milk daily. Researchers believe it may be an easy way for people of different ages and lifestyles to fight disease from cancer to heart disease…

Joyce Hollman

Know these early signs to head off Parkinson’s disease

People often ignore the early signs of Parkinson’s, since they often closely resemble signs of aging we’ve been groomed to accept as normal. This makes it even more important to reduce severity of symptoms and maintain quality of life…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Get a younger, brighter smile without damaging your teeth

A bright smile doesn’t just show the world how happy you are, it takes years off your face! No wonder we’re all so obsessed with whitening and brightening our teeth. But, leave the bleaching for the toilet. Get a brighter smile without harsh chemicals…

Dr. Mark Wiley

Get IBS under control in 4 steps

IBS is a painful and often life-altering syndrome. The good news is there are, indeed, natural and effective methods to control and greatly reduce your symptoms. With these 4 tips, you should be able to reduce its frequency, duration and level of discomfort…

Joyce Hollman

The ‘healthy’ dental habit that destroys your thyroid

A huge body of recent research has proven that preventing gum disease can also prevent cancer, diabetes and more. But be careful. There’s one thing you want to make sure your dentist never does to your mouth, since it is linked to yet another debilitating health problem…

Jenny Smiechowski

How to keep post-menopausal heart changes from becoming heart disease

It’s a huge relief once menopause is over. No more hot flashes, mood swings or sleepless nights. But there’s one post-menopause change that’s a bit harder to feel optimistic about… skyrocketing heart disease risk. But the simplest thing can protect you…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The proven pain relief of touch

I had a major surgery just a few months ago and something weird happened. I remember waking up in pain, but when my husband took my hand, I could tolerate the pain better. Now, the power of what my husband did for me has been scientifically proven…

Jenny Smiechowski

Avoid the enamel-stealing downside of these 2 health foods

There are several culprits that strip the enamel from your teeth. Sugary and starchy junk foods are the worst. But you should know that there are a few health foods that cause some major enamel loss too, and may be ruining your smile and your dental health…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Sanitizing your way to skin cancer?

Researchers at the University of California San Diego School of Medicine decided to take a look at what role the bacteria on your skin play in protecting you against cancer. It turns out that you might be washing away cancer protection right now…

Joyce Hollman

9 herbal teas to help tame your tummy, blood sugar, cholesterol and sleep problems

Most people know chamomile tea to be a good choice for a calming drink just before bed. And without it, I don’t think I would have survived losing an hour to the time change last weekend. But these 9 teas offer even more if you’re looking to boost your health naturally…

Dr. Michael Cutler

HGH: The decision to start

HGH supplementation has been shown to diminish wrinkles and age spots; make skin firmer, increase lean muscle mass, improve bone density, re-invigorate sex drive, improve mental sharpness and more. But there’s more to know before you start…

Jenny Smiechowski

The bad food behind your bad back

There are a lot of causes behind back problems. Stress, poor posture, injuries, obesity, arthritis… all increase the odds of your back hurting. But what about diet? Could certain foods aggravate your back too? You’ll be shocked at how…

Joyce Hollman

When fish isn’t good for your heart

Recent research shows how mercury destroys the heart. That’s not surprising considering it’s “the most dangerous of all the heavy metals.” How can you reduce your exposure? Just as important, what about the mercury already in your body? This might sound fishy, but…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

How food can improve your asthma symptoms by half

Most asthma sufferers rely on daily medicine to control their symptoms, but new research is offering a better, more natural way to take control of asthma than those prescription drugs and their side effects… and the improvement is huge…

Margaret Cantwell

Researched ways to fight that infernal ringing in your ears

Tinnitus is a strange condition. Imagine suddenly hearing a ringing sound or hissing, clicking or roaring that seems to come from nowhere. It might last only a short time, or it may start and seem like it’s never going to stop. Most doctors will tell you to deal with it, but…

Jedha Dening

4 kitchen tricks to lower your triglycerides (slideshow)

It’s high total cholesterol, triglycerides and LDL that have long been associated with increased risk of heart disease. Fortunately, triglycerides and LDL are aspects of your health that can be influenced from your very own your kitchen, using the great powers of nutrient dense foods…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

How to work out for a brawny body and better brain

Okay, when you’re lifting those weights at the gym, you’re probably not thinking about how you’re helping your brain… But, maybe you should be. That’s because according to a new study, strong muscles lead to a stronger brain.

Virginia Tims-Lawson

The root juice that boosts the weakest hearts

Millions of americans are currently living with congestive heart failure (CHF) – leaving them with extreme fatigue, weakness, and shortness of breath. Despite treatment supposedly “improving,” the death rate has remained high. But, there is good news…

Craig Cooper

Don’t let germaphobia steal your fertility

Americans are way too obsessed with killing germs… Take Triclosan, for example, an antimicrobial substance commonly used in personal care items. It’s been shown to have a significant effect on numerous aspects of human health, especially male fertility…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Hear that? It’s the sound of powerful pain relief

While it’s no secret that the music you listen to can make you happy or sad, take you back to another time and evoke memories that you never want to forget, did you know that music could also be the secret to controlling your chronic pain?

Jenny Smiechowski

The mineral deficiency deactivating your vitamin D

When your vitamin D levels dip, your disease risk surges. But even if you’re doing your due diligence where vitamin D’s concerned, there could be one thing standing in the way of optimum vitamin D levels and better health…

Jenny Smiechowski

How bowel problems put your heart at high risk

It’s no secret that chronic bowel issues can eventually cause other health complications… Some of these connections are well-known. But people with serious bowel problems face another risk that comes totally out of left field: They have an insanely high heart attack risk.

Joyce Hollman

3+ surprising health benefits from drinking beer

More and more types of craft beer are appearing in stores and in pubs every day. For some, trying different new beers has become a hobby of sorts. What if I told you it’s a hobby that might improve your sleep and your cardiovascular health?

Dr. Mark Wiley

3 digestive woes that strike women and how to relieve them

A woman’s digestive tracts empty slower than a man’s, which makes it even more important and necessary for women to pay extra attention to their digestive health. If you’ve experienced mild to moderate digestive issues in your life, this is for you…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

5 better ways to soothe eczema

Itchy, uncomfortable red patches… Dry, flaky, peeling skin… A rash that burns… If you’re living with eczema your doctor may have told you to use their “tried and true” prescription for eczema – bleach baths. But, before you fill up the tub, you better read this…

Jenny Smiechowski

Why women’s heart attacks go unnoticed

Say you go to the doctor with chest pain. Your doctor checks you out, then tells you there’s nothing to worry about — you’re fine. But in actuality, you’ve had a heart attack. It sounds like a nightmare. But it’s a nightmare that’s all too real for many women.

Jenny Smiechowski

The sweet snack that slays high cholesterol

Trying to lower your cholesterol naturally so you can avoid the side effects of statins? You can exercise, lose weight, avoid trans-fats, eat more soluble fiber… you get the picture. Those methods are all effective. But they’re not as tasty as this one…