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Carolyn Gretton

When other medications are to blame for your high blood pressure

People with high blood pressure are usually taking some action to bring it under control, including diet, exercise and medication. But what they don’t know is that they could be sabotaging their efforts simply by taking care of other health issues, especially with medication…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Hitting the stairs: Exercise after heart surgery

Exercise plays a vital role in heart health and is often recommended by experts as one of the best ways to avoid heart problems. But what if you’ve actually had to undergo heart surgery? Can you get the cardivascular and muscular benefits you need to reduce frailty without danger? You bet, especially if you take the stairs…

Joyce Hollman

No side effects from your COVID vaccine? Here’s what it means

Most vaccines have some side effects, and the COVID-19 vaccine is no different. That’s left a question mark for the many people who experience no side effects at all. If side effects are the immune system doing what it’s supposed to do, does a lack of side effects mean that the vaccine isn’t working?

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Reduce pain and stress and boost your brainpower with nature’s sounds

I can’t think of much that’s more relaxing than strolling through a park and listening to a bird song. It clears the mind, rejuvenates the spirit and inspires me more than almost any other experience. And I’m sure I’m not alone in appreciating these gifts that come from spending time outdoors, including how they impact our health…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Sleep: The secret to getting your sex life back

Sleep is soothing. But it’s also invigorating. You know what else is invigorating? Sex. If you’re a woman of a certain age feeling left out in that department, sleep may be the way to get it back, according to experts who understand what you’re going through.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

A little exercise can make a big difference against COVID-19

It’s no secret that exercise is good medicine and one of the keys to better health and longer life. In fact, physical activity has been shown to reduce risks for high blood pressure, heart disease, type 2 diabetes and dementia, to start. Now, we might add COVID-19 to that list…

Joyce Hollman

5 symptoms that could signal kidney disease

While kidney disease is not reversible, there’s a lot you can do to slow its progression and prevent serious disease or kidney failure. Here are some of the danger signs to watch for, and half a dozen things you can do now to protect your kidneys.

Carolyn Gretton

Bleeding gums? You could have a vitamin C deficiency

Have you noticed your gums bleeding after brushing your teeth? It could be an early sign of gum disease. But what if you take excellent care of your teeth and your gums still bleed? Then it may be time to explore other factors connected to this warning sign, like a shortage of this particular vitamin…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The vitamin that gets you on your feet following hip surgery

With age, the risk of falling rises dramatically, and with it the risk of suffering a hip fracture. In fact, in the U.S. alone, over 300,000 seniors are hospitalized for hip fracture each year, three-quarters of them women. Here’s how to avoid that trauma and boost your chances of walking away from it following hip surgery.

Carolyn Gretton

AFib signs women and their doctors miss that can lead to stroke

Atrial fibrillation symptoms can appear differently in women. And because these symptoms are less familiar, women often ignore them and doctors often misdiagnose or minimize them. That can be deadly since AFib carries higher stroke risk for women. Here’s what to know to protect yourself from this serious stroke threat.

Carolyn Gretton

The connection between darker skin and vitamin D that harms hearts

If you have dark skin and tend to spend a lot of unprotected time in the sun, you may think you’re safe from vitamin D deficiency. But research shows the opposite may be true. This is why researchers are recommending that people with dark skin add vitamin D to their diet to help protect their heart health…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

Meeting the brain’s energy needs connected to slower aging

The mitochondria found in our cells generate about 95 percent of the body’s energy. As we age, that energy declines. Research has found a connection between the brain’s ability to pull in glucose and the level of energy produced by mitochondria — one that could hold the link to living longer and healthier.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

How cocoa lessens the risk of fatty liver

A fatty liver increases risk for liver damage, liver cancer, liver failure and even death. But there may be a surprisingly pleasant way to halt the progression of fatty liver and improve the health of this vital organ.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Nutrient combo combats pain and symptoms of uterine fibroids

Uterine fibroids are non-cancerous tumors that develop from the muscle in the uterus, typically in women of child-bearing age. The condition usually stabilizes, and symptoms lessen or go away on their own once a woman goes through menopause when her hormones decline. But till then?

Joyce Hollman

Harnessing the brain’s cleaning mechanism may reverse Alzheimer’s

Past research has shown the brain’s cellular cleaning mechanism can help take out the trash that leads to Alzheimer’s, and there are ways to naturally encourage the process. But what happens when, despite everything, this cleaning system breaks down? An experimental drug may have the answer to reversing it…

Carolyn Gretton

Sleepy in the daytime? It could affect this key marker of aging

Aging is directly connected to the shrinking of your telomeres, compounds that protect your chromosomes from damage. But there are several other factors that could shorten your telomeres and potentially accelerate the aging process — for instance, finding yourself constantly in need of an afternoon nap…

Carolyn Gretton

The veggies diabetics should be eating for kidney health

Diabetic nephropathy can strike one out of four people with diabetes, leading to loss of kidney function and the need for dialysis. While there is no cure yet for this condition, researchers are exploring options — and may have found one in a certain group of vegetables…

Joyce Hollman

The exercise sweet spot that keeps blood pressure in check

Three decades of research have further validated the role of exercise for healthy blood pressure. But it’s also shown that the “long game” matters. But if you haven’t stuck to your exercise routine, it’s not too late…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Air pollution: What you should know about this silent threat

Air pollution has not only been associated with asthma and lung diseases but also diabetes and heart attack. Research shows that in the U.S. alone 50,000 people will die this year due to one particular type of air pollution, a silent killer known as PM2.5. Here’s how to protect yourself…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Probiotics may keep respiratory infections away

As they say, prevention is the best medicine. And one of the most promising ways to avoid illness is to shore up your immune system by promoting a healthy and balanced gut microbiome.

Joyce Hollman

The once-a-day nutrient that eats away anxiety

When feelings of intense fear and dread become overwhelming and prevent us from doing everyday activities, an anxiety disorder may be the cause. Anxiety can be brought under control with medications, but at a cost. Don’t let it eat at you when you can eat it away…

Carolyn Gretton

Three times in life when your aging gets ramped up

Most of us perceive aging as a straight line on a steady decline. But the truth is our aging process is more like a straight line that’s interrupted by dips and bumps at certain points. And scientists have been able to identify three precise points in a person’s life when the most dramatic shifts in physiological aging occur.

Virginia Tims-Lawson

Black cumin: 7 modern benefits of an ancient seed oil

King Tut, Cleopatra, and Hippocrates relied on black cumin seed for an array of conditions, including malaise, weakness, coughing and skincare. When something is carried down over the years as a “remedy,” especially as long as black cumin seed, there’s got to be something to it. But when the research agrees, it’s even better.

Carolyn Gretton

10 essential ingredients for healthy, vibrant skin

Healthy skin isn’t just something you’re born with — it takes some work. And while fancy creams and serums may help keep your skin radiant, you need to go deeper than the products you put on the surface to help your skin stand the tests of time. That’s where skin nutrition comes into play…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Being active may help you hold onto your hearing

You’ve probably heard plenty about the dangers of not being active, including heart disease, stroke and various cancers. But are you aware of the auditory dangers of a sedentary lifestyle? It’s time to listen up and get up to save your hearing…

Joyce Hollman

Hungry all the time? It’s your blood sugar, not your appetite

Are you hungry all the time? Do you find yourself eating just an hour or two after a big meal? If you’ve had trouble with your weight as a result, stop beating yourself up over your lack of appetite control. You may be a big dipper. That means changes in your blood sugar levels affect how soon you feel hungry again.

Joyce Hollman

Not eating your greens? A greens powder could help

Less than ten percent of us eat enough leafy greens, and it’s making us sick. We either don’t like the taste, find them expensive and don’t like that they may cause gas and bloating. If you want to make healthier choices about what goes in your crisper — but have an easy option as well, here are the healthiest greens and what to look for in a greens powder.

Dr. Elizabeth Klodas MD, FACC

High blood pressure: What I tell my patients

High blood pressure is extremely common. What’s worse is that only about 1 in 4 adults with hypertension have it under control. That’s because there are many causes. Put too many straws on the camel’s back and it falls over. Take a few straws away, the camel can stand back up. You can bring your numbers down the same way.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

5 ways exercise helps battle breast cancer

Although it may seem like exercising would be a difficult task for anyone undergoing treatment for breast cancer, according to doctors at Johns Hopkins, it’s one of the best things to do. Not only does it lessen the side effects of treatment, research shows it has a direct impact on treatment outcomes.

Carolyn Gretton

One ‘must-have’ for a healthy liver and healthy living

Poor diet and lack of activity can lead to a lot of health problems, including non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. The traditional way to treat fatty liver has been through significant weight loss. But researchers are finding that you may not need to lose as much weight to keep your liver healthy if you do this…

Jenny Smiechowski

Update on the newest deadly tick danger

Ticks suck… in every sense of the word. First, they literally suck your blood (which is gross enough on it’s own). Then they have the nerve to inject you with bacteria and viruses that can make you extremely ill or even kill you. So, beware the new tick on the block…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Is this brain supplement the beta cell fix diabetics have been waiting for?

While there have been many natural things that type 2 diabetics have been able to do to control their blood sugar and stave off those risks, so far patients living with type 1 have been left out in the cold. But, a new scientific study may have changed that for good…

Jenny Smiechowski

The vitamin that undoes the heart damage air pollution does

Air pollution increases your risk of heart attack, stroke, arrhythmias and heart failure. These risks are especially high when you’re exposed to seriously polluted air. Or when you’re already at risk for heart problems due to age or poor health. But here’s the scary thing…

Jenny Smiechowski

Proof curing type 2 diabetes is simpler than you thought

The traditional take on type 2 diabetes is that once your beta cells (those important cells in your pancreas responsible for creating, storing and releasing insulin) stop producing enough insulin, they’ll never return to normal. Well, that’s been blown out of the water…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

4 serious risks from prescription bladder control medication

Bladder problems? No big deal, right. Just get a script from the doctor. Before you take another pill, there are four major health risks that come with taking that prescription bladder control medication that you need to know about…

Joyce Hollman

The invisible surgical risk your doctor isn’t talking about

There’s no doubt that surgery can be a life-changing event. In fact, the time leading up to surgery, as well as time spent recuperating can be a very stress-filled time. But normally your doctor prepares you for what to expect, right? Not necessarily…

Dr. Michael Cutler

Why research ‘gold standards’ aren’t all that

The mainstream loves to disregard therapies that have not been“ proven by randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled clinical trials.” Does this mean safe and effective therapies that lack clinical trial are not valid and should not be recommended?

Jenny Smiechowski

How to stop osteoporosis before your next bone density checkup

Did you know that one in three adults over the age of 50 who fractures a hip dies within 12 months? It’s scary but true. 50 isn’t even very old. So, how can you keep dangerous fractures out of your future? With this diet, in less than a year’s time…

Joyce Hollman

12 signs you could have prediabetes

If you’re diagnosed with prediabetes, you have higher-than-normal blood sugar levels. Without treatment, it can set the stage for full-blown type 2 diabetes and all the complications that go with it. Despite all these warning signs, most people don’t know til it’s too late…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Too much or too little and your risk of dementia spikes

Your risks of dementia may go up as you age but it’s not inevitable. There are ways to significantly reduce the chances of ending up with the disease and protect your brain health and memories starting today. But, when it comes to alcohol, it gets tricky…

Margaret Cantwell

5 medicines that can increase your fall risk

When you fall, your brain has a hard time wrapping itself around what your body is doing. In that moment, all your faculties are in an utter state of confusion. Until you find yourself on the floor, hopefully uninjured. But for many, a fall can be deadly…

Holly Klamer

The 10 best supplements for seniors (slideshow)

Supplements are an easy way for seniors to get beneficial nutrients they might not get in their everyday meals. There are so many different supplements on the market, however, that narrowing down what you need can be difficult. Here are the 10 best diet supplements most seniors should be taking…

Jenny Smiechowski

The edible insect that improves gut health in two weeks

I don’t know where you fall on the insect-eating spectrum. But if you can tolerate the idea at all, there are some fabulous health reasons to give it a shot… particularly crickets (think chocolate-covered). And better gut health is one of them…

Joyce Hollman

The cancer-fighting veggie that guards against macular degeneration

A natural chemical that’s a powerful cancer-fighting agent (it inhibits the growth of cancer stem cells and can reverse gene alterations associated with cancer growth!) has now been found to help regenerate retinal cells. That means it can help save your sight…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

A batty way to lose weight without dieting

Your body has two kinds of fat. One helps you use up the calories you eat each day (slim people have more of this fat), while the other is nothing but a repository for more fat (white fat). But you can convert calorie-storing white fat to calorie-burning brown fat to lose weight this way…

Joyce Hollman

The “hot” condiment with 10x the cancer-fighting bang of broccoli

Move over, mustard! There’s a new condiment in town. This root vegetable is first cousin to broccoli. Astonishingly, though, it has ten times the cancer fighting power of its superfood cousin. As if killing cancer cells weren’t enough, I have six more benefits for you…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

An inventive solution to cure motion sickness

For many who live with it, the fear of getting motion sickness can make you dread travel. But, an answer to the problem is on the horizon. And, it’s been developed not by a doctor or a big drug company but by a company whose end users may just need the solution most of all…

Jenny Smiechowski

The fastest way to reverse type 2 diabetes

Last year, I wrote about a study that showed how to reverse type 2 diabetes in eight weeks by changing your diet. But the extreme low-calorie diet wasn’t sustainable for most people. Luckily, there may be an easier, more realistic way to get the same result…

Jenny Smiechowski

The diet that slays stubborn psoriasis symptoms

It’s hard to know what to eat… especially when you’re trying to improve a specific disease. Luckily, a new study from French researchers has an answer for you. This study found that the closer psoriasis sufferers followed one particular diet, the less psoriasis symptoms they had…

Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby

Why you need the benefits of healthy fats

When you mention the benefits of healthy fats, those in the mainstream medical communities gasp in shock: Fats are terrible for you… Fat causes heart disease… Low-fat and fat-free are the only option… This stance has killed in record numbers over the past fifty years. 

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

How your cell phone can zap your memory

For years we’ve heard about the electromagnetic field radiation emitted by cell phones. In fact, it’s been a hotly debated subject. Some say it’s slowly killing us while others say there’s no danger at all. A new study reveals another threat…

Dr. Isaac Eliaz

Can supplements help conventional prostate cancer therapies?

A critical strategy in conventional cancer care is preventing treatment resistance. That means finding ways to stay ahead of the disease to keep cancer cells from becoming immune to the anti-cancer actions of chemotherapy drugs, radiation, hormonal therapies and others.

Jenny Smiechowski

The foods that really take a bite out of breast cancer

Researchers found that eating certain foods was especially associated with a lower risk of aggressive breast tumors, including ER-negative, HER2-enriched and basal-like tumors. These breast cancers are more dangerous and difficult to treat. So, this is great news…

Joyce Hollman

When urgent care gives you the wrong medicine

As much as 50 percent of the antibiotics prescribed by doctors’ offices and hospitals are unnecessary, and it’s a big problem that leads to antibiotic resistance. But there’s one place doling out antibiotics at almost triple the rate of other healthcare providers…

Jenny Smiechowski

The other high blood pressure brain danger besides stroke

Looking for a safe and easy way to lower your blood pressure and protect your brain? Then I’ve got important info for you… Because people with high blood pressure are more likely to have lesions on their brain and brain tangles associated with Alzheimer’s disease.

Joyce Hollman

7 things that make quitting smoking easier

Smoking causes nearly half a million deaths a year. That means that about one in every five deaths can be attributed to the dangerous habit. You know you need to quit. You know you want to. So here are some things to help you along…

Dr. Michael Cutler

Could cannabis make opioids more effective and less addictive?

Many medical conditions have qualified for treatment with cannabis: Chronic pain of any type; migraines, persistent muscle spasm, cancer, and many more illnesses. But it could keep your doctor from prescribing you other needed medications. Is this right?

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The enzyme that gives you a ‘taste’ for weight loss

If you’ve ever tried to lose weight, you know what a struggle it can be. That’s because it’s just so easy to fall right back into your old eating habits. But, what if you had a “taste” for curbing your appetite and making better food choices?

Easy Health Options Staff

5 herbs to tackle type 2 diabetes

Many herbal preparations have been used to stabilize blood sugar levels. In fact, approximately 400 different herbs have been used as effective medications to control diabetes. Here are the 5 most effective herbs that can help regulate blood sugar naturally…

Jenny Smiechowski

What cannabis and fish oil can do to cancer

You probably know that cannabis contains cannabinoids like THC and CBD. But what is remotely similar about cannabis and fish oil? The potential to impact diseases ranging from asthma to Alzheimer’s. And then of course, there’s cancer…