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Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

How household dust may contribute to breast cancer

Chemicals have been developed to make our lives easier and safer. But is that always the case? More and more studies are finding it’s not. In fact, something as innocuous as the dust in your home can pose a cancer threat, thanks to chemicals that disrupt the endocrine system.

Carolyn Gretton

Do you have to choose between meat and heart health? Maybe not

If you’re at risk for heart disease, you may be avoiding meat, especially red meat, and eating more vegetables, per doctor’s orders. While more of the green stuff is always a good idea, a 10-year study has found some good news for meat lovers: All meat isn’t off the board — just this group found to significantly raise the danger risk for your heart.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Cocoa: The drink that protects your heart when you’re stressed

When you’re anxious, your heart rate and blood pressure go up. The function of your arteries is also temporarily impaired. So, what can you do other than try to Zen out or medicate? Tantalize your taste buds with the drink that wards off stress-induced cardiovascular events.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The diet that wins for weight loss, cholesterol and insulin sensitivity

There are a number of reasons people diet, but if you had to narrow them down, they’d probably all fit in two categories: to lose weight and to improve a health condition. What if you want it all?

Joyce Hollman

Why your weight can increase your Alzheimer’s risk

Most people don’t know that obesity doesn’t just place a strain on your body, but on your brain as well that can set you up for Alzheimer’s. Maintaining a healthy weight can lessen the risk, and it may be a little easier with the one nutrient that feeds your brain and helps you lose weight.

Carolyn Gretton

Bleeding gums? Check your blood pressure

Keeping your teeth and gums clean can go a long way toward protecting the health of your whole body, including your heart, lungs, kidneys and brain. In fact, good oral health has been linked with an important measure of heart health: your blood pressure…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

The juice that promoted healthier aging in just 10 days

Things change with age. But you don’t have to settle for poor blood vessel health, high blood pressure, and senior moments just because a few extra years have passed — not when you know how to kick up production of an important compound that can get things going in the right direction in as little as 10 days.

Joyce Hollman

The pre-diet step for lasting lower blood pressure and weight loss

If you’ve been discouraged with results after dieting, the problem could be your gut bacteria. Researchers identified a pre-diet step that boosts the benefits of
a healthy diet and helped participants lose weight, get control of their blood pressure and even cut down or eliminate BP medication.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Are you taking one of these medications that increase fall risk?

Chances are, if you’re 65 years of age or older, you’re currently taking at least one prescription drug that could cause a dangerous fall, a hip fracture, head trauma and worse. Coinciding with the rise in medication is the rate of death from falls. Here’s a list of the worst offenders…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

3 deficiencies leading to weak bones for vegans

While research shows going vegan could help you lose more weight, ward off type 2 diabetes, and even protect against certain cancers, the news isn’t all roses. If you go vegan and aren’t careful, your bones can suffer. Research shows three nutritional deficiencies leading to trouble…

Joyce Hollman

The sleepy solution to less menopausal belly fat

Have you been told that belly fat is just part of menopause? It took a female doctor to realize that only about half of women are plagued with weight gain at this time in their lives. So she dug in and found out what else was contributing to that extra weight…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Can heart failure really be turned around with exercise?

One of the complications that comes with heart failure is a “reduced ability to exercise.” After all, it makes sense that if your heart isn’t pumping as well as it should, it would be harder to go for a run. But a growing body of research is showing that exercise may be exactly what’s needed.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Studying CBD’s effect on immune response and the spread of COVID-19

Numerous studies have presented information on how we might battle the virus that causes COVID-19. Many have looked at nutritional solutions since health experts were finding little help in the way of existing medications. But perhaps the non-pharmaceutical most in the spotlight has been CBD.

Joyce Hollman

While you walk, your liver makes your brain younger

Exercise can help you “keep on keeping on” so you can enjoy your favorite activities into your golden years. But recently, researchers found out it can also spur your liver into producing a protein that could help preserve your cognitive abilities as you age.

Carolyn Gretton

The one piece of furniture making your home toxic

Your home can be even more polluted than the air outdoors, given the chemicals lurking in household objects like furniture, rugs, window coverings and even scented candles. Living without all of these things may seem impossible, but a good start would be to switch out the one biggest contributor to toxic air and dust in your home.

Joyce Hollman

Help getting back in the saddle again following heart attack

Following a heart attack, there’s a lot of fear. No one wants to risk going through that experience again. But movement is essential to improving qualtity of life after a heart attack. A simple technique with loads of other proven health benefits is also proving to help survivors get back in the saddle again.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Breakfast timing can make all the difference in blood sugar levels

Intermittent fasting is linked to everything from weight loss to reduced inflammation and the improvement of conditions associated with diabetes, like insulin resistance and A1C levels. But starving yourself for hours may be unnecessary if you get your breakfast timing right…

Carolyn Gretton

Measuring pH could make it easier to identify cancer cells

Identifying cancer can be a difficult, time-consuming and expensive process requiring different tests, exams and scans. Researchers are looking to make the process more efficient by using artificial intelligence to help identify cancer cells by their altered pH levels…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The harm in not brushing your teeth for just one day

Brush and floss at least twice a day. It’s advice you’ve heard all of your life. But sometimes things get in the way of caring for your mouth the way you should. But if you let your dental hygiene slip, the risk goes beyond gum disease.

Carolyn Gretton

The foods that lower your stroke risk even more

Going keto or carnivore may be trendy these days and have benefits for certain conditions, even though they leave out a lot of healthy foods. But what about lowering your stroke risk? Researchers are finding those healthy foods may give you the most protection against stroke…

Joyce Hollman

Caring for your heart lowers your cancer risk

More American adults die of heart disease each year than from any other cause, with cancer a close second. It seems like a lot of work to try to avoid both. But is it? Research shows just trying to avoid one of these killers can protect you from both.

Tracey G. Ingram, AuD

What every woman should know about bladder leaks

Bladder leaks are embarrassing and can really cramp your lifestyle. But as common as the problem is, it’s not easy to talk about. Worse, some women accept urinary incontinence as something they just have to tolerate. That doesn’t have to be the case…

Tracey G. Ingram, AuD

The brain danger for men with nighttime hypertension

Normally, blood pressure follows a daily rhythm. It rises higher during the day and falls at night when we sleep. But what does it mean if you consistently have higher blood pressure at night than during the day? You could suffer from reverse dipping and face a higher risk of Alzheimer’s.

Joyce Hollman

Sneaky added sugars double your liver’s fat production

Trying to avoid fat in your diet isn’t easy. But avoiding hidden sugars is next to impossible. Here’s some incentive: A surprisingly small amount of sugar daily can cause your body to go into fat production overdrive and steer you into diabetes or fatty liver disease.

Carolyn Gretton

The tea that tames metabolic syndrome

Not only are hibiscus flowers beautiful, but they are also very good for your health. Loaded with more antioxidants than even green tea, hibiscus can help attack the inflammation that’s the root cause of many diseases. In fact, researchers are exploring its use in the group of conditions known as metabolic syndrome…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The pesticides that steal sleep and give you diabetes

When you eat foods that are not organic, not only are you being cheated of more healthful nutrition that should fight disease, you may get a dose of a toxin that’s stealing your sleep hormone and increasing your risk for metabolic disorders, like diabetes.

Joyce Hollman

6 ways to reduce senior loneliness

People in their 60s and older are the most vulnerable to the very real health consequences of loneliness and isolation. It’s not a new problem, but one that has been compounded over the past year. Here are ways to feel less alone during the pandemic and beyond that don’t require Zoom…

Joyce Hollman

Heart disease? Eat fish twice a week to save your life

A diagnosis of heart disease is a serious wake-up call. Some people heed that call, while others wonder if the diagnosis is the beginning of a downward spiral they have little control over. Well, a very large study has proven it doesn’t have to be, as long as fish is part of your diet…

Carolyn Gretton

The stress ‘vital exhaustion’ can place on your heart

Vital exhaustion, or burnout syndrome, is usually characterized by persistent stress, excessive fatigue, feelings of demoralization and sleep problems. This syndrome is linked to a number of health issues, including Alzheimer’s disease and type 2 diabetes, but its biggest impact appears to be on the heart…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The daily habit that eases migraine, depression, anxiety and sleep loss

Migraines, depression, sleep loss and anxiety can fast become an endless cycle that seems to have no end. Medications may work for some, but especially when it comes to migraines, the side-effects can rival the pain. But there’s one daily habit that might provide the relief you need…

Joyce Hollman

5 essential oils that put Minoxidil to the test

The mostly widely used drug for hair regrowth has a long list of side effects. Why use a chemical that may cause chest pain, swelling and high blood pressure when you can opt for natural oils that smell great, work wonders on your hair and carry extra benefits?

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

6 medications that could make you depressed

While your doctor may feel like they have your best interests at heart when they write out a prescription, the truth is some drugs cause as much (if not more) harm. If not careful, you could trade in relief for a physical ailment for a bad case of depression…

Jenny Smiechowski

Why anxiety is bad for your bones

Chronic anxiety makes you miserable. And it messes with your health too. It puts you at higher risk for heart problems, stomach problems and respiratory problems. But there’s one anxiety-related health risk that even researchers didn’t know about until now… bone loss.

Dr. Isaac Eliaz

The surprising tool that boosts your willpower

The right foods can detoxify and heal our bodies, increase vitality and add years to our life. But, the wrong foods are more like illicit drugs: highly addictive and dangerous. So why can’t stop eating them, knowing the harm they can do? It’s like we have no willpower left…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Supplement combo could reverse your biological age

Does the date on your birth certificate really have so much influence on your health? Or, is there something you can do today that could reverse your biological age… and help you live healthier longer? That answer is leaning strongly towards yes.

Dr. Michael Cutler

Seeking sciatica pain relief

Sciatica pain is unfortunately too common. If you don’t suffer it, try to make changes to avoid it now. Buttock and posterior thigh pain from sciatic nerve irritation can be persistent and debilitating. Let’s look at causes and also the best ways to treat this condition. 

Jenny Smiechowski

2 secrets to staying healthy when you sit too much

Staying sedentary is bad for you. It puts you at risk for heart disease, cancer, stroke, depression and more. But what if you’re stuck being sedentary because of work? You can still be healthy, as long as you have two things…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Is any amount of tanning actually safe?

Each year before our beach vacation, I look at my pale Irish skin and wish for a beautiful tan. A friend suggested I start on my “base tan” so I wouldn’t burn and would tan better. But is any amount of tanning really safe? This is what I found…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The secret to happiness found in these 5 clichés

Inspirational quotes. While they may make you want to roll your eyes at times, you just might find the secret to happiness by following the advice of some classic clichés. Here’s how to put a few into action to smile more and stress less…

Joyce Hollman

Is your city medicating you without your consent?

No matter your stance on the fluoride debate, chances are you live in a city or town that doesn’t care what you think. That’s why your water contains this questionable chemical with a laundry list of health hazards backed by research. But tides are changing…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

How to choose a safe sunscreen (and which ones to avoid)

Before you grab just any sunscreen, you should know not all of them are safe. In fact, there are a number of toxic ingredients lurking in many of the brands for sale today. To top it off, a recent analysis found that a whopping 67 percent of them don’t even work!

Jenny Smiechowski

The one anti-aging trick proven to work

You can pile on all the anti-aging creams and serums, but if you’re filling your body with foods that speed up the biological aging process, it’s going to show. And it’s not just what, but how much you eat. More and more studies show the secret to eternal youth is…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Why the liver makes it hard to lose body fat

Your liver is nature’s perfect detoxifier when it’s working on all cylinders. But if you find that you’re having a really hard time losing weight, look at your liver before tackling the fat. It’s just one indication that your liver isn’t working like it’s supposed to…

Joyce Hollman

7 ways peppermint oil can get you through summer

Candy canes, hot chocolate… we often think of peppermint as a wintertime flavor. But when it comes to enjoying the outdoors this summer, the essential oil of the peppermint leaf can’t be beat for keeping you energized, comfortable and healthy…

Joyce Hollman

When there’s nothing natural about ‘natural’ flavors

The term ‘natural’ flavorings often refers to flavors that they were produced through so-called ‘natural’ processes like fermentation or evaporation, rather than manufactured in a chemical laboratory. But there’s nothing wholesome or nutritious about them. Watch out for these…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

What to do when your sleep fluctuates as much as your hormones

A lot of changes come with perimenopause and menopause, but giving up your sleep doesn’t have to be one of them. Use the tips here to help overcome the hot flashes that keep you awake, manage your hormones and reset your body’s internal clock for a better night’s rest…

Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby

The ‘scientific’ reason cardiologists don’t talk about chelation therapy

Medical science was once a groundbreaking way to discover how to keep us healthier and living longer. This was how chelation was first discovered. But big pharma and the medical community have a serious financial conflict of interest when it comes to this treatment for heart disease…

Jenny Smiechowski

4 simple ways to feel better if you have painful osteoarthritis

The toll osteoarthritis takes on the people who have it is very serious. This type of “wear and tear” arthritis can become unbearably painful. Well, there’s a supplement that could help curb pain for osteoarthritis sufferers everywhere. You should give it a try, along with these other tips to live with less pain.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

How omega-3s can rock your workout

Anyone can boost performance and enhance exercise… you just need the right supplement. The omega-3 fatty acids found in krill oil boost anti-inflammatory action and strengthen immune function following workouts.

Jenny Smiechowski

It’s unanimous: Eggs lower cholesterol, heart disease and stroke risk

Remember the days when eating whole, natural, delicious eggs was a no-no? You got stuck eating bland egg-white omelets, dry toast and artificially-flavored low-fat yogurt for breakfast. Yuck. Thankfully, those days are long gone. A new study shows that eating eggs actually reduces your risk of heart disease.

Joyce Hollman

5 Japanese secrets for a long, disease-free life

In Japan, living to 80 is no big deal. But there’s an island off the country’s coast where islanders live even longer. And, they’re three times more likely to reach 100 than their North American counterparts, with much less risk of cardio disease, breast or prostate cancer or dementia…

Jenny Smiechowski

3 habits to ditch to make weight loss a piece of cake

It’s completely possible to retrain your brain for better eating habits. And the consensus is that it takes about 66 days for a new behavior to feel automatic. Now, you shouldn’t tackle too many at once. So, let’s go after the 3 proven worst at packing on the pounds…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The key to staying flexible, energetic and happy found in one fun activity

I don’t consider myself old but I’m not a spring chicken either. My back has gotten stiffer, my shoulders have gotten rounder and my toes seem further away than ever before. If you’re in the same boat, here’s one FUN way to improve all of these problems and more…

Joyce Hollman

9 ‘no-brainer’ steps for vitality at every age

A long-term study found that 70 percent of physical aging and about 50 percent of mental aging is determined by choices we make every day. With that in mind, I’d like to offer you 9 simple choices you can make at any age to keep thriving for decades to come!

Margaret Cantwell

Can these 4 nutrients help us avoid and treat mental illness?

Kate Spade. Anthony Bourdain. Two successful people, in the prime of their lives, took their own lives this week. And we are all asking that question… Why? But another question we need answers to is how to stop the mental illness epidemic. A new approach holds promise…

Easy Health Options Staff

5 ‘health foods’ that can backfire

In our enthusiasm for quick results, some of us go overboard when we try to eat healthy. Don’t let it backfire. Here are 5 ‘health’ foods that you should know more about before chomping down on them…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The top 6 vitamins and minerals all women over 40 should take

There are so many supplements that can benefit your body in different ways that it can feel impossible to narrow it down to which ones you really need. No worries! Here are the top six vitamins and minerals all women over 40 should take for their best health…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

If you have an apple body shape, here’s why and what to do

Fat can have scars. And because of where this fat “sticks,” most people with scarred fat have an apple body shape. So, if your fat cells become scarred as you gain weight, what can you do to finally slim down and avoid the health threats your body shape seems prone to?

Joyce Hollman

Dehydration may be the reason for your aches, foggy brain and premature aging

Dehydration is a real threat that many people don’t take seriously. They think it only happens to someone trekking through the desert, or to marathon runners or other athletes. But it could be the reason for your aches and pains, foggy brain and faster aging…

Jenny Smiechowski

AFIB and heart failure protection you can snack on

When it comes to heart disease, diet makes a big difference. But there’s one food that stands out from the pack if you want to keep your heart healthy. This food may even be able to help prevent two serious diseases at once…