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Joyce Hollman

Using aspirin to lower the risk of colorectal cancer

You’ve probably heard about daily aspirin therapy as a preventative for heart attack and stroke. But have you heard of its effect on colorectal cancer? Turns out there’s compelling evidence for it, with one caveat…

Carolyn Gretton

The vitamin deficiency putting diabetics in danger from COVID-19

It’s smart to make sure you’re getting the right level of vitamins and minerals in your diet. But COVID-19 is making this more important than ever. Case in point: a study that shows a link between deficiency of a crucial vitamin and severe COVID-19, especially if you’re diabetic…

Dr. Mariza Snyder

What is estrogen dominance and how does it affect your body?

You’re in your 30’s and 40’s and suddenly you don’t even recognize yourself anymore. That’s because there’s a real change happening in your body. But meeting these hormone shifts head-on is the best way to get you back to your rockstar self as fast as possible.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

CBD found to destroy antibiotic-resistant bacteria

Germs that could once be knocked out within a few days of antibiotic therapy have grown resistant to what medicine has to offer. But a new and powerful option has been found in a source that’s been making the headlines for a while now, and it may lead the next generation of antibiotics.

Tracey G. Ingram, AuD

A link between surgery, Alzheimer’s and a vitamin that may help

Going under anesthesia and enduring surgery comes with complications. But cognitive decline may not be one you’d expect. For some of us, that risk may be heightened…

Dr. Elizabeth Klodas MD, FACC

What doctors aren’t trained to tell you about heart health

There’s an Ayurvedic proverb: When diet is wrong, medicine is of no use. When diet is correct, medicine is of no need. It sums up the problems most doctors have with treating the symptoms of disease with unnecessary medicines and invasive procedures instead of addressing the root cause…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Is more oleic acid in the diet the answer to MS?

MS is an autoimmune disease that attacks from within and wears down the protective coating around nerve fibers in the central nervous system, slowly stealing independence from its victims. But research has found they share a common deficiency in the form of an omega fatty acid that could combat the disease.

Joyce Hollman

The ‘infection’ allergy that may cause IBS and gluten intolerance

For too long, patients with irritable bowel syndrome and gluten sensitivity have been told it’s “all in their mind.” The reasons for their pain, cramping and other life-interrupting symptoms have been poorly understood. Now, scientists are uncovering a surprising cause that not only validates the suffering but could lead to better treatments.

Joyce Hollman

8 good reasons to get up out of your chair NOW

While many of us are stuck inside and working from home to avoid COVID-19, we’re being exposed to another serious threat: sitting too much. In fact, there are some overlapping threats between the virus and sitting too much that you should address sooner than later. Here are eight very real, research-based reasons to get up more often.

Tracey G. Ingram, AuD

The hidden side effects of air pollution on your heart

When you think of environmental issues, your mind most likely focuses on the planet. But have you stopped to consider how these factors harm you? Air pollution is now the most significant environmental risk for early death, linked to long-term health effects like heart disease. Here’s what you should know — and what you can do to protect yourself…

Joyce Hollman

Researchers sniff out a smelly cure for Alzheimer’s

Researchers have found that the “rotten egg” gas the body produces has an upside: It’s capable of preventing the formation of tau protein tangles, the main cause of the cognitive, motor and memory losses of Alzheimer’s.

Carolyn Gretton

Higher omega-3 levels may lower COVID-19 death risk

Combatting inflammation is important in treating COVID-19. But many of the anti-inflammatories tested by researchers either don’t help or can actually worsen the condition. One hopeful sign is a connection between reduced mortality risk from the virus and an essential nutrient that douses killer inflammation…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

4 serious but lesser-known dangers of high blood pressure

When you think of high blood pressure, what comes to mind? For most people, answers might include heart disease, stroke, heart attack, or maybe even an aneurysm. They would be right. But they’d also be missing something. That’s because not all of the dangers of out of control blood pressure are so well known.

Carolyn Gretton

How much are those french fries hurting your heart?

A diet loaded with foods high in unhealthy fats can really hurt your heart health. And fried foods are one of the biggest culprits. Researchers are studying just how fried food affects heart disease risk, and so far what they’ve found is disturbing, including the damage a one-cup serving can do…

Carolyn Gretton

Resveratrol fights effects of a high-fat diet and Alzheimer’s

There appears to be a connection between a diet high in saturated fat and brain disorders such as Alzheimer’s. As researchers explore this link, they’ve discovered that a particular nutrient may help protect the brain in those consuming high-fat diets…

Dr. Mariza Snyder

The connection between declining hormones and depression

You may be asking yourself, “How did I get here? Why do I feel so bad?” If you’re between the ages of 35-50 then your hormones are most likely to blame. Your reproductive hormones are fluctuating, and ultimately beginning to or finishing their decline to menopause. It can be a difficult time. But it doesn’t have to be.

Joyce Hollman

The diet that can keep Parkinson’s away

About a million people in the United States are presently living with various stages of Parkinson’s disease. There is no cure for this progressive disease that slowly robs you of your physical and mental capabilities. But the right diet could keep it at bay for quite a long time.

Tracey G. Ingram, AuD

Tips to trigger your happy chemicals and boost your mood

For a minute, just close your eyes and think about what makes you happy. We often think about people in our lives, circumstances or possessions. In reality, however, happiness is largely a chemical experience. That means you can intentionally trigger your mood-boosting neurotransmitters.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Research proves age is no barrier for weight loss

As a society, we’re conditioned to see weight loss as something for the young. Even among medical professionals, there’s existed a strong misconception that weight loss isn’t safe for seniors. But not only can seniors lose weight, they may have the biggest benefits to gain.

Dr. Mariza Snyder

Top 3 ways to naturally increase low progesterone levels

If you find yourself with symptoms that your body isn’t functioning at its best, low levels of progesterone may be to blame. Learning as much as you can about progesterone might be just the key that you need to get your body back into balance in a healthy, natural manner!

Carolyn Gretton

PQQ: The ‘longevity’ nutrient with big heart benefits

We’re familiar with how the antioxidant pyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ) can benefit the mitochondria, the “power plants” of our cells. But it’s been less clear what specific disorders this longevity nutrient can impact. Researchers are beginning to identify those conditions — including a life-threatening heart disorder…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The 6-month diet that could put type 2 diabetes into remission

Ready to battle your blood sugar problems and win the war against diabetes for good? According to an analysis of research, your best weapon could be a simple diet you only need follow for six months to ditch diabetes, lose weight and even improve your triglyceride levels.

Carolyn Gretton

Does obesity increase your disease risk or not?

Bad health and obesity don’t always go hand in hand. Yes, there’s a connection with some health problems, including diabetes, stroke, heart disease and cancer. However, some obese people are considered healthy by most standards. Scientists believe they’ve pinned down what makes the difference…

Dr. Elizabeth Klodas MD, FACC

What I tell my patients about statins

Many patients come to see me because they want to avoid medications or get off of statins. There’s a lot to consider, including guidelines, but that’s not all considering the risk calculator is, in many ways, flawed. Here’s what I tell them…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

‘Banned’ chemical in everyday products fast-tracks fatty liver disease

In 2016, it was banned from soaps and body washes. But despite the evidence of the harm it does, the FDA has yet to force its removal from other types of household products. Not only can it absorb through your skin, it accelerates fatty liver disease. Here’s what you need to know…

Carolyn Gretton

New gluten-free ‘flour’ packed with nutrition and a dash of caffeine

It’s easier than ever to make the switch to a gluten-free diet with all the gluten-free flours and baked goods now available. However, those goods tend to lack the fiber and nutrients found in wheat. Now, there’s an alternative “flour” that can make up that shortfall…

Tracey G. Ingram, AuD

Bisphosphonates for bone health: Therapy or fracture risk?

The goal of oral bisphosphonate medications is to slow down the rate of bone thinning. But then again, they’ve been tied to fractures. That’s why researchers are trying to determine how helpful or effective they actually are…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

The honey+ ancient seed combo that may speed COVID-19 recovery

My family and I were hit with what I still call “the COVID” early on in the pandemic. A lot has changed since then, for the better, but the potential for infection from SARS-CoV-2 or one of its variants is still a possibility But thanks to ground-breaking research there may be a natural way to dramatically speed recovery time…

Dr. Mariza Snyder

How estrogen dominance affects PMS during perimenopause

Whether you’ve had PMS throughout your life or it is just beginning in your 40s, perimenopause can take it to the next level. Let’s dive into how you can love your body through this transition and feel your best!

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Soy metabolite may prevent dementia damage to the brain

Do you love soy milk, edamame, miso or tofu stir-fry? Well, we’ve got good news: Those soy products you enjoy so much may do more than fill your tummy, they may offer significant protection from dementia.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

What coffee does for your liver and heart

I never start my day without a steaming cup of joe. That liquid energy in a mug gets me going and helps me stay alert through the usual mid-morning slump. Now, there is evidence that the java we crave so much could actually be the secret to a happy liver and heart…

Jenny Smiechowski

Eat this food to melt off the fat

A study found that people who followed low-carb and low-fat diets lost the same amount of weight. Is this a sign we’re approaching this whole weight loss thing wrong? Rather than avoiding any one type of food completely, maybe we should follow one simple habit instead…

Easy Health Options Staff

5 surprising things making your bones brittle (slideshow)

Truth be told, you don’t have to be an older woman to develop osteoporosis, a progressive disease where your bones become increasingly weak, thin and brittle. It can happen if you’re young and/or a man too. Some surprising things making your bones brittle include…

Jenny Smiechowski

3 toxic ingredients lurking in your protein powder

Protein powder. Talk about convenience… You just toss a scoop into a smoothie, and you’re giving your body the fuel it needs to repair cells, create muscle and perform other critical bodily functions. But that convenience comes with a dangerous price…

Joyce Hollman

3 things making us fat (and stealing your taste buds)

It’s a vicious cycle… Most of the weight-causing foods contribute to inflammation. That inflammation means fewer taste buds, which means fewer pleasure signals are released to the brain after eating that burger or candy bar. That’s not your fault…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

Not a milk-drinker? Your thyroid could be in trouble

I stopped drinking milk for a period of time about five years ago. Like a lot of people, I jumped on the “dairy is no good for you” bandwagon. Fortunately, for me, it was a short ride… because those non-dairy alternatives rob your thyroid of something it urgently needs.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

9 Tasty ways to ditch the calories in your coffee habit

I was addicted to the Starbucks. I’m not talking about a simple cup of black coffee. I’m talking about those creamy, sugary, calorie-laden specialty drinks that are just so darn tasty. Five pounds later, I’ve found a way to enjoy my coffee as much, but without damaging my waistline…

Jenny Smiechowski

Your height can predict the kind of heart problems you might get

Do you wish you had a crystal ball to see what your health will be like in the future? Because, if I knew I was going to have a heart attack in 20 years or get cancer in 30, I could make changes now that would shift my destiny. Turns out your height can tell you much about your heart’s future…

Joyce Hollman

Trigeminal neuralgia: A painful bully that can wreak havoc on your life

The textbooks describe the main symptom of Trigeminal neuralgia as “electric jolts of pain,” but this does not really do it justice. A friend described it best: it’s like getting a root canal with a cattle prod. The scariest thing about this condition is its unpredictability…

Joyce Hollman

Getting steamy can slash your heart attack risk

Concerned about your heart attack risk? At least five studies over the last decade or so have presented solid evidence that this habit can help reduce blood pressure, strengthen arteries and reduce the likelihood of that thing you’re worrying about…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

3 toxic reasons to ditch dryer sheets

If you’ve been using dryer sheets to ward off static cling and give your laundry that April fresh scent, I’m afraid that what you’re about to read here will be quite upsetting. Dryer sheets are capable of actually slowly harming you…

Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby

9 Antibiotic alternatives you need to have on hand

The issue of antibiotic resistance should worry every single human being on this planet. So if you believe finding effective antibiotic alternatives is only for those who live a 100% natural lifestyle (running marathons, growing their own food, and eating vegan) you’d be dangerously wrong…

Jenny Smiechowski

The high-carb weight loss food that burns calories

The low-carb diet craze has been going strong for decades. It started with Atkins, progressed to Paleo, and now it’s all about Keto. But low-carb eating isn’t for everyone. And, as shocking as it sounds, certain high-carb foods can even kick-start your weight loss.

Joyce Hollman

10 anti-aging vegetables you should eat regularly

It’s become evident that a diet based mainly on plants is a healthy one. That’s why many people have adopted a plant-based diet, consuming more vegetables than meat. But choose your vegetables well to avoid the insidious effects of protein deficiency than many people are not aware of…

Dr. Isaac Eliaz

9 ways turmeric tackles your health problems

For millennia, this bright yellow spice has been revered for its many uses. Today, researchers and medical professionals are rapidly exploring turmeric’s remarkable potential and demonstrating its powerful benefits for many key areas of health.

Jenny Smiechowski

Doing this now could save you next flu season

This year’s horrible flu season is finally winding down… thank God! But if you were one of the unlucky ones who got the flu, you may be wondering how you can prevent yourself from reliving that awful experience again next year. You’re in luck…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Yoga basics for a bigger mind, a better body and inner peace

Before I began my yoga practice, I was exhausted, stressed, stiff, achy and unhappy. But it really changed my life. If you don’t currently practice yoga on a regular basis, you’re missing out. Here’s how to get started at home as a beginning yogi…

Jenny Smiechowski

How nourishing the brain could heal mental illness

People who take antipsychotics, anti-anxiety medications and antidepressants often do worse in the long-term than people with the same mental illnesses who don’t take these medications. But there’s a very promising long-term solution…

Dr. Michael Cutler

A better test for heart disease and stroke risk (it’s not cholesterol)

You might wonder why so much focus has been on measuring serum cholesterol to predict heart attack and stroke, when the science has been sketchy. All I can say is that doctors are slow to let certain practices go by the wayside. But, now there’s good reason to…

Joyce Hollman

Which processed food puts you at highest risk for cancer?

Chances are you’re already familiar with the health risks of eating too much processed food. Processed foods loaded with fats and sugar are a surefire way to develop hypertension, diabetes and heart disease. But these can give you cancer…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Why meditation could keep you out of the nursing home

New research clearly shows that meditation is about more than just relaxation. It can actually keep you clear and focused as you age. Maybe as my friend’s grandmother says, it can even keep you out of the nursing home. Here’s how to get started…

Jenny Smiechowski

5 vitamin D thieves and how to protect yourself (slideshow)

You’d assume if you eat vitamin D-rich foods, spend enough time in the sun and take a vitamin D supplement, your vitamin D levels would be pretty solid. But unfortunately, that’s not necessarily true. These thieves are stealing your vitamin D and your health…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Tree bark for less stress and more sleep (but not under your pillow)

Anxiety does awful things to a person. It messes with your sleep, your stress levels and is often tied to depression. If you’re battling anxiety, you could take medication prescribed by your doctor. But will you stick with it?

Jenny Smiechowski

4 non-antibiotic drugs wrecking your gut

Antibiotics are the enemy of gut health, because they indiscriminately kill the bacteria in your gut. That means even the good guys… the bacteria strains that support your immune system, help you absorb nutrients, aid digestion and help you get rid of toxins.

Virginia Tims-Lawson

Surprising dementia link found in your liver and kidneys

Most people would agree that Alzheimer’s is the cruelest disease. What makes it even worse is that no real treatment advancements have been made. But a study appears to point to how to prevent Alzheimer’s from developing in the first place…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Promote thicker, healthy hair with a ‘scalp facial’

A scalp facial? It sounds strange, but the results will make you a believer. The secret to healthier, thicker, more lustrous hair, like you had when you were younger, starts at your crown. Yet, your scalp may be the most neglected part of your body.

Joyce Hollman

5 Common types of food poisoning and how to avoid them

If you’ve ever had food poisoning, you know the misery. In some cases, though, the consequences can be more serious than stomach cramps. For this reason, it’s crucial to know more about the bacteria that can contaminate your food, and how to avoid them.

Craig Cooper

This ED drug may reduce colorectal cancer risk

One in 22 men is likely to develop colorectal cancer over a lifespan. So what if taking the ED drug Viagra (sildenafil) could significantly reduce that risk? At least one group of scientists say this is a possibility, according to results of a study…

Jenny Smiechowski

How to slow brain aging by more than a decade

Cognitive decline is considered a “normal” part of aging. Even people who don’t end up with dementia experience a decrease in brain power as they get older. But you can help your brain age slower by as much as 11 years…

Jenny Smiechowski

How antibiotics affect your heart attack risk

Maybe you’ve heard that taking antibiotics is like setting off an atomic bomb in your microbiome. It doesn’t just wipe out bad bacteria, it wipes out everything, including the bacteria that keeps you healthy. But have you heard what antibiotics do to your heart?