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Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Could you lose just 15 percent to reverse diabetes?

Type 2 diabetes is serious enough on its own, but long-term can lead to heart disease, kidney disease, vision loss, even Alzheimer’s. Doctors will suggest weight loss to their patients, but researchers have evidence weight loss should become THE central focus — that is if you want to not only reduce complications — but reverse it.

Carolyn Gretton

The urgent reason black women should check their vitamin D levels

Vitamin D is important for bone, muscle, brain and immune system health. But the vitamin’s cancer connections are also coming to light. Studies are looking at specific cancers on the rise, how the body produces vitamin D and how skin color comes into play in. The findings are something we can’t ignore…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

How COVID-19 tricks arteries into producing blood clots

Covid-19’s affinity for blood clots has perplexed doctors almost since day one. Because blood clots can contribute to worse outcomes for those infected, researchers have focused on finding their cause. Some have speculated that the virus infects the blood vessels themselves. But it’s much tricker than that.

Joyce Hollman

Half a dozen ways to avoid weight gain over the holidays

The holiday season isn’t kind to people who are trying to lose weight or even just trying to maintain a holding pattern. But don’t give up hope. I’ve got some strategies to avoiding tipping the scales before New Year’s Eve, and I’d like to share them with you. Especially if you’ve been a victim of the “COVID 15.”

Joyce Hollman

7 reasons to try a persimmon now

Persimmons are a small, sweet fruit that’s around from October to January. If you’ve never tried them, you’re missing out! They’re chock full of nutrients that lower your blood pressure, protect your eyesight and keep your brain young…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The superfood that battles depression, anxiety and more

There’s one food that has racked up an incredibly impressive array of health benefits backed by science. From improving blood sugar and fighting obesity to boosting immunity and reducing joint pain, mushrooms are truly magical. And now researchers say you can chalk one more big benefit up to fungi — better mental health.

Jenny Smiechowski

The 3 most dangerous daily sources of aluminum and the damage it does

Besides breast cancer, aluminum exposure can cause neurotoxicity — a form of damage to the central and/or peripheral nervous system. It’s even linked to Alzheimer’s. So, you want to stay on top of your aluminum exposure, especially since research shows we’re regularly exposed to far too much…

Joyce Hollman

6 fruits anyone with blood sugar problems should be eating

Anyone with blood sugar concerns should be eating plenty of these stone fruits and a few choice berries. Not only do they contain phenols that help your body use insulin, they’ve been found effective against obesity, metabolic syndrome and a bushel of other serious conditions…

Joyce Hollman

The Alzheimer’s-sleep connection: quantity vs quality

Most often, cognitive decline and dementia in adults is a result of Alzheimer’s disease. And poor sleep is a common Alzheimer’s symptom that actually makes the disease progress more quickly. But researchers dug into what makes the most difference: more sleep or deeper sleep?

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Bad flu season ahead: Are you ready?

To say the Covid pandemic has made much about the last couple of years difficult would be an understatement. But just as we are seeing some relief on that front, experts say there’s one more thing we might be able to lay at the feet of Covid… a bad flu season. Here’s why they think it could come back with a vengeance…

Joyce Hollman

Potential new strategy for treating UTIs kicks antibiotics to the curb

Experiencing a UTI is miserable. They cause stomach and pelvic pain, nausea, an almost constant feeling that you need to urinate, and a burning sensation when you do. But a new discovery has pointed the way to a potential non-antibiotic treatment based on the body’s response to the infection that might stop a UTI before it starts.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Tryptophan: The ‘Thanksgiving’ amino acid for healthy aging

Tryptophan is the amino acid that we all associate with that post-Thanksgiving meal slump. The truth, though, is that blame falls on the carbs. In fact, the maligned amino acid carries powerful benefits that can help us live happier and healthier, especially if you’re on the mature side…

Joyce Hollman

Can pomegranate juice really lower cholesterol?

Pomegranates have an extremely high antioxidant content. In fact, its juice has three times more antioxidants than either green tea or red wine! That’s just one of many reasons it’s considered a superfood. Another may be proof of what it did to particularly troublesome cholesterol numbers when it was put to the test…

Joyce Hollman

The cause of the most preventable disease shortening our lives

As a whole we may be approaching a “leveling off” point in terms of life expectancy. In other words, we likely won’t live any longer than we do now, but worse, our life expectancy may actually grow shorter. Why? Blame these four key symptoms tied to one in five deaths — all with one thing in common…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

Why going for an eye exam could save your life

If your vision just isn’t as sharp as it used to be, you might not think much of it. After all, many of us simply believe that failing eyesight is just a normal part of aging that’s nothing more than an inconvenience. But new research has found a suprising relationship between vision loss and risk of death….

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Grab this grain proven to boost weight loss

The battle of the bulge isn’t just a challenging one, it can also be extremely confusing. There are so many questions… What diet will benefit me most? What foods should I not eat to lose weight — and what foods should I eat to lose weight? At least when it comes to grains, we have an answer: in a head-to-head weight loss battle, there’s one proven winner…

Cara McCarthy

Think yourself thin this holiday season

Thanksgiving is approaching and I am already full just thinking about how much I’ll eat that day. Then it’ll be December with Christmas parties. Come January 1, I’ll make the same New Year’s resolution I make every year—get skinny! But this year, I have an edge…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

How ‘normal’ blood pressure accelerates brain aging

Focusing only on your brain to avoid dementia may be a big fail. That’s because blood pressure has been found to quietly accelerate brain aging. That’s worrisome enough for any of us with high blood pressure, but anyone relying on the changing definitions of what constitutes normal blood pressure could be in for a big surprise.

Carolyn Gretton

Probiotics before exercise may be the secret to muscle growth

You may be one of the nearly 4 million Americans who take a daily probiotic to help support good health. If so, you’ll be happy to know that research shows caring for your gut microbiome can do more than keep your gut healthy — it may actually help you keep your muscles…

Joyce Hollman

Simple hack makes mindful breathing work for pain relief

Mindful breathing has been shown effective at reducing pain — but not for everyone. If you’ve tried it for chronic pain and been disappointed, there’s good news. The way that traditional mindful breathing “engages the brain” doesn’t work for everyone. This simple hack can turn all of that around…

Joyce Hollman

11 hidden sources of sodium that skyrocket blood pressure

Cutting back on sodium can improve your blood pressure readings. You’ll reduce your risk for heart and kidney problems, and can try out some delicious herbs and spices so you don’t cheat your taste buds. But don’t be fooled! If you’re eating any of these 11 foods, you’re probably eating a lot more sodium than you think.

Carolyn Gretton

How Alzheimer’s may start in the liver

A hallmark feature of Alzheimer’s disease is the progressive accumulation of toxic protein deposits within the brain called beta-amyloid. Though we’ve learned a lot about the disease, researchers haven’t been sure where the amyloid originated from, or why it deposited in the brain. New research indicates a surprising source…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

What your teeth can reveal about your dementia risk

You already know poor oral health can lead to heart disease. Well, there’s another concerning connection, especially if you’re already experiencing tooth loss. A large meta-analysis of scientific studies found that once you start losing teeth, dementia could be just down the road. That means the sooner you tackle the underlying cause, the better. These supplements can help…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

COVID’s long haul symptoms tied to ‘micro clots’

We’re all ready for COVID to just go away. And while new infection numbers are going down, the virus still found a way to hang on. Almost half of infected end up with Long Covid. Part of its strategy? Clots. But not just regular blood clots. Micro clots — or clots within clots. More proof it’s not just another viurs…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The surprising deficiency increasing new cases of heart disease

If you eat right and take a multi-vitamin, the thought of suffering a nutrient deficiency is the furthest thing from your mind. Besides, your doctor would let you know about it when he does your yearly blood work, right? But a silent deficiency is driving new cases of heart disease, partly because doctors could be unknowingly assessing a less accurate measure.

Carolyn Gretton

How nighttime workouts impact your sleep

When it comes to your health, there are few things exercise can’t improve. It’s great for your muscles, bones, heart, brain and weight. Exercise also can even help you sleep better — as long as you stick to this golden rule that’s entirely about the one time of day to avoid exercise…

Joyce Hollman

The drink that lowers stroke risk in 3 cups a day

Images of the hearts of heavy, moderate, and light coffee drinkers reveal that people who drank coffee daily had hearts that were of a healthier size, and that functioned more efficiently. But it was the association between habitual coffee intake and the incidence of heart attack, stroke, and death that really raised eyebrows…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Diet soda’s weird side effect that unfairly targets women

If you’re trying to maintain a certain weight or lose a few pounds, you may be relying on diet drinks to reduce the number of calories you consume. But in a sick twist of fate, those drinks may do the opposite, especially for women who seem to be the target of a newly discovered side effect of artificially sweetened drinks…

Joyce Hollman

10 heart symptoms you should never ignore

The image most people have of a heart attack comes from the movies. Suddenly and without warning, someone clutches their chest, moans, and falls to the ground, dead. But that cinematic version of a heart attack is misleading. Often there are signs that, if caught early enough, can turn that bad ending around.

Margaret Cantwell

Why I’m glad I started supplementing my amino acids

I’d been hearing about amino acids for a while, mainly in the context of athletic performance. I’m not a triathlete or marathon runner, so I didn’t think they held any value for me. Boy was I wrong. Amino acids are the catalyst for nearly every physiological function that occurs in the body. Think energy, hormones, metabolism, sleep, cognition and more…. see what I mean?

Jenny Smiechowski

12 essential oils that attack Lyme disease bacteria

There’s a scientific reason why some people infected with the Lyme disease bacteria (Borrelia burgdorferi) get saddled with long-term symptoms… Persister cells. How can you prevent them from persisting and making you sick? There are several common herbs that put persisters in their place…

Joyce Hollman

The arthritis drug that makes your heart old and tired

It’s one of the most commonly prescribed drugs for arthritis. It belongs to a class of drugs known as NSAIDs, and as early as 2005, the FDA knew that taking NSAIDs significantly increases the risk of heart attack and stroke. Now they know it increases odds of another dangerous condition…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

The nutrient cocktail that kicks migraines to the curb

To get relief from a migraine, you may have tried everything. What if I told you that simply correcting a nutrient deficiency could give you everlasting relief? In fact, scientists have shown that there are three nutrients that migraine sufferers are deficient in…

Jenny Smiechowski

How your home contributes to your kids and grandkids toxic load

Even when you try your darnedest, you’re likely exposed to dangerous chemicals daily at your most vulnerable times… Like when you’re snuggled up on the couch reading a book. Or crouched on the floor playing with toy trucks with your grandson. Here’s why…

Joyce Hollman

2 more ways gum disease can kill you

At this moment, there’s a 50/50 chance that your mouth is killing you. No, I don’t mean it’s hurting. If you’re in the half of the adult population with some degree of gum disease, you should know research has linked gum disease to cancer and at least four other chronic and potentially fatal diseases.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Does pain relief exist without risk of addiction, overdose or death?

Approximately 20 percent of US adults live with chronic pain. That’s over 49 million Americans. You’d think with so many people suffering, the medical community would have a good way to reliably treat it. Nothing is further from the truth. That doesn’t mean you’re powerless, though…

Jenny Smiechowski

‘Holy herb’ halts inflammation in cells linked to Alzheimer’s

Used by Native Americans and Spanish settlers, the “Holy Herb” is best known for its ability to relieve respiratory issues like asthma, bronchitis, or seasonal allergies. It’s also used for headaches, fever, and sore muscles. But a new study shows it could be the answer to a bigger problem…

Dr. Elizabeth Klodas MD, FACC

How you can stop a stroke

Here’s a little bit of information that may help scare you straight: Nearly 800,000 people have a stroke every year putting it at the number 5 cause of death in the United States. What most of us don’t know is that it is also the leading cause of long-term disability. But 9 out of 10 are preventable…

Joyce Hollman

The toxin in beer and wine that could make teetotaling popular again

The nightmare called glyphosate is one we can’t seem to wake up from. That’s because the weed-killing toxin is capable of worming its way into every corner of your life… Even a recent test of 20 beer and wine samples shows it could be lurking in your favorite brand…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Slash liver cancer nearly 40 percent with the ‘right’ fiber

Liver cancer rates and deaths are on the rise. In fact, it’s the only cancer with rates expected to go up year after year in both women and men. But just by making a simple change, you can bring your risk of the most common form of liver cancer down by almost 40 percent.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

This proven weight loss habit takes less time than you think

Do you have a reason you want to lose weight? For me it’s just six extra pounds that will help me feel more comfortable when I hit the beach with my family this summer. But I’d be remiss if I didn’t admit health wasn’t a bigger and more important reason than feeling comfortable in my swimsuit…

Jenny Smiechowski

The breathing exercise that lowers blood pressure

What if you could improve your blood pressure just by working out for five minutes per day? What if this workout didn’t involve any running, jogging, jumping, weight-lifting or traditional exercise whatsoever? What if all it involved was breathing?

Joyce Hollman

When yoga can be bad for your bones

Meditation makes your heart healthier. So does yoga. But recent research has caught me up short. It warns that people with osteoporosis need to be careful. So do people like me — who have “pre-osteoporosis,” known as osteopenia. For us, there are certain yoga poses that will do more harm than good.

Dr. Michael Cutler

Progesterone benefits and management

In my previous article I explained some important details of estrogen dosing and monitoring. Let’s look now at how naturally-derived progesterone is safe and effective for short and long term, and how it is dosed and monitored.

Joyce Hollman

9 vaccines older adults should consider

Everyone has an opinion on vaccinations. But a sore arm might be better than some of the diseases these vaccinations prevent. Based on your health history, the work you do and even the year you were born, here are 10 you should probably check on and consider…

Jenny Smiechowski

The creepy reason food poisoning may become a bigger threat

Campylobacter bacteria are one of the leading causes of food poisoning. The most common sources of this unpleasant bug are raw and undercooked poultry and unpasteurized milk. But researchers say there’s another way to get this bad bacteria…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

One more way to ward off one of the deadliest cancers in the U.S.

When we talk about death from cancers, there’s probably one big one that comes to mind — lung cancer. That’s not surprising, since it kills more people than any other form of cancer. But, there’s one that runs a close second that many of us try to ignore, and that’s colon cancer.

Margaret Cantwell

The berry that could save you from insulin injections

So many Americans are walking a thin line between life and death. That may sound a little dramatic, but if you’re prediabetic, my friend, that’s where you are. Crossing the line to a full-fledged type 2 diabetes diagnosis is not just inconvenient — but it sets you up for…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

5 must-have essential oils (slideshow)

Long before the pharmaceutical industry was ever even thought of, essential oils were being used to prevent illnesses, ease pain and stress and promote healthy living. For anyone looking to live better, healthier and more naturally, there are 5 must-have essential oils to always keep on hand…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Signs you’re the 1 in 3 Americans with a protein deficiency

Protein has never been more popular as evidenced by the grocery shelves packed with everything from protein powders and drinks to Greek yogurt and protein-packed bars and cereals. But about a third of us are still missing the mark when it comes to protein and that’s a problem…

Joyce Hollman

Gluten sensitive? It might be something else

We’ve all known the feeling of eating something that just doesn’t agree with us. What you may not realize is that feeling really tired after a meal, getting a headache or even feeling kind of depressed could also be signs of a food intolerance. But finding the cause isn’t so easy…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

What calculating your true age can reveal about your health and longevity

You’re birth date tells you how old you are, but it’s your body’s true age that matters more. That’s because it’s your physiological age that can reveal if it’s in the cards for you to live to a ripe old age or suffer risk factors that could lead to premature death…

Jenny Smiechowski

6 menopause symptoms you can treat with acupuncture

There’s evidence HRT increases your risk for breast cancer, blood clots and stroke. It’s hard to justify those risks. So, many women tough menopause out. You don’t have to. There’s another way to relieve symptoms that’s not so high-stakes. In fact, researchers believe this may be the best option…

Dr. Elizabeth Klodas MD, FACC

How to recognize labeling tricks that make foods seem healthier than they are

Can you trust the ingredient panel on food packaging? I’m a doctor and I don’t. Deceptive labeling is one of the major factors behind the epidemic of chronic disease in the U.S. If you’re trying to make the right choices, here’s how to decipher their clever marketing tricks…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The 4 most common triggers of irregular heartbeat

When you have this condition, the electrical impulses in the upper chambers of your heart are chaotic, causing the atrial walls to quiver, instead of contracting normally and moving blood to the lower chambers. This can cause blood clots to form. That’s why you need to know your triggers…

Joyce Hollman

The double standard keeping the pain relief of cannabis out of your hands

Cannabis has proven benefits… yet, it’s grouped with drugs that kill. Why? There’s a double standard allowing the government a stranglehold on producer’s of CBD oil while allowing pharmaceuticals to produce drugs made from marijuana. Does that sound fair to you?

Jenny Smiechowski

The food that could replace blood pressure meds

Blood pressure medications are rife with side effects. In fact, blood pressure pills are being pulled from pharmacy shelves because of cancer-causing impurities. So, how do you avoid that conversation with your doctor about high blood pressure meds you really don’t want to take?

Joyce Hollman

3 reasons your dental care needs extra attention after 50

Maybe your whole life you’ve had strong teeth and a healthy mouth. But when you enter your 50s, you’ll experience changes that need special attention. Here are some proactive steps you can take to keep your mouth healthy as you get older…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The exercise scientifically proven to help you lose more weight

What if time is not on your side and you have no desire to become a slave to exercise to slim down? A new study has found that you can throw out the old guidelines that require lots and lots of exercise for a much faster and more effective way to lose weight…

Jenny Smiechowski

Young-onset colon cancer is on the rise and this habit’s to blame

Even though a recent study identified six different cancers on the rise in younger adults, for several years, we’ve heard about one particular cancer that’s popping up in the under 50 set more often than ever — colorectal cancer. Because it’s more aggressive, you need to be just as aggressive at avoiding it.