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Carolyn Gretton

How heavy screen time is hurting us and how to cut down

We’ve been so concerned with avoiding COVID-19 the past few months that we’ve let another health danger sneak in… our screen time has skyrocketed. And it’s taking a toll. While spending some time on screens is impossible to avoid, we can take steps to keep it to a reasonable level — and avoid the worst offenders…

Joyce Hollman

The dried fruit that prevents and restores bone loss

Prunes have been associated with constipation for so long that they’ve almost become a joke. But if you’re concerned about osteoporosis, you can stop laughing right now. Even in the worst of circumstances, like the bone loss that happens with spinal cord injury, prunes have shown incredible bone-saving power…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Are you taking this cancer-packed diabetes drug?

The creators of pharmaceutical drugs want you to have total faith in the efficacy and safety of their drugs. But, oops they did it again! If you take this common drug for type 2 diabetes, there’s another recall you need to know about featuring a “cancer-causing contaminant.”

Joyce Hollman

Why weight around the middle shrinks the brain

Obesity is associated with a long list of adverse health effects including cardiovascular disease and diabetes. But research is showing that extra weight, especially around the middle, can not only shrink the brain but make recovery harder if you suffer a stroke or other brain injury.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Can exercise really help you live longer?

Saying that exercise is good for your health is nothing new. But saying and doing are totally different things… Considering that the stakes are pretty high — including a longer life span — a comparison of different forms of physical activity has discovered which one best holds up its end of the bargain…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

Could poop be the secret of eternal youth?

When you think about the fountain of youth, the first thing that comes to mind probably isn’t poop. But what if I told you, researchers now think it’s the key to halt age-related decline and preserve cognitive function? Ponce de León would roll over in his grave! Here’s how scientists are using it, why, and what you can do to get the benefits without the ick factor.

Joyce Hollman

10 science-based tips for keeping produce fresh longer

Do you often buy fresh veggies and fruits only to have them rot before you can eat them? The problem may be with some common mistakes most of us make when washing or storing them. Here are ten pointers on how to keep your produce fresh until you’re ready to eat it.

Joyce Hollman

Eating by the numbers: A simple way to make the best food choices

Did you ever paint by the numbers? When you have a guide to follow, anyone can be a Picasso, right? Did you ever wish eating better could be that simple? It can. You can put more nutritional value on your plate and fewer calories. Best part, no complicated diet plan to follow…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

One more reason to read product labels: Hormone interference

Endocrine disruptors are everywhere. In the clothes we wear, the furniture we sit on and the products we slather on our skin. They lurk, waiting to tip our hormones from a healthy balance and cause disease. Luckily, a brand-new study found a simple way to lower the levels of these disruptors in your body. ..

Carolyn Gretton

Calming the anxious mind through conscious movement

Generalized anxiety disorder is common, and in these difficult times, more of us are getting a taste of what it’s like. Cognitive behavioral therapy is one of the best treatments, but it can be difficult to access. And medication isn’t ideal for long-term use because of side effects. Luckily, there’s an easy way to relieve anxiety symptoms in the privacy and safety of your own home…

Joyce Hollman

Diet tips for dodging prostate cancer

One out of every nine American men will receive a diagnosis of prostate cancer during his lifetime. Prostate cancer is survivable, but once it spreads, survival rates plummet. That’s why avoiding prostate cancer in the first place is your best chance. And the best place to start is with what you eat and don’t eat…

Dr. Elizabeth Klodas MD, FACC

8 ways to raise your good HDL cholesterol

HDL, high-density lipoprotein, is the good cholesterol. This is the particle that’s moving cholesterol out of your body, so you want to keep it high. But it turns out there’s not much good news about it… Low baseline HDL numbers are a potent risk factor for developing early or more aggressive heart disease. So let’s talk about getting them up…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

This listeria danger (and possible cure) from fish

Everyone knows that eating fish is good for you. There’s the brain- and heart-healthy omega-3s, good fats and protein, not to mention the vitamins and nutrients many of us don’t get enough of, like iodine and vitamin D. But before you put fish on the table, there’s a growing risk you need to consider — and help from a surprising source…

Joyce Hollman

Breakfast first, or coffee? The wrong answer could lead to diabetes

If you’re someone who looks forward to that first cup of coffee in the morning, especially if you haven’t slept well, there’s good news. And there’s bad news. Plenty of research shows the potential of coffee to lower the risk of type 2 diabetes, but the caveat is “when” you drink it…

Carolyn Gretton

Olive oil comes to the rescue for heart condition that drugs failed

Heart failure is notoriously difficult to treat, which is why so many doctors focus on preventing it from developing in the first place. But if you suffer from a specific type of heart failure, there may be good news on the treatment front — and it may be as close as your kitchen pantry…

Carolyn Gretton

What women should know about the estrogen-atherosclerosis connection

Hormone replacement therapy can be helpful to many women for relieving the symptoms of menopause. However, it’s not without risk. But considering that the number one killer of women is heart disease, more women need to understand what the loss of estrogen does to their blood vessels and that they have natural options to both ease menopause and avoid heart disease.

Jenny Smiechowski

The real reason it’s so hard to quit junk food

To put it bluntly, eating junk food makes it harder to stop eating junk food. It sends you into a downward spiral of bad food and poor health that takes a will of steel to break free from. And research has proven just how it happens. It goes straight for the part of your brain that manages appetite control and wrestles it away from you. Here’s how to get it back…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

How oatmeal can ease some side effects of radiation treatment

For years, cancer survivors have been told one thing – eat less fiber. That’s because doctors believed that added fiber went hand in hand with the bloating and diarrhea that is so common after radiation. But guess what… According to a new study, they were dead wrong! Here’s why fiber and the humble oat could be the answer to radiation-induced gut inflammation.

Virginia Tims-Lawson

Supplement combo turns bad fat to good fat to help stave off obesity and diabetes

If there’s one thing everyone can agree on, it’s that obesity and diabetes go hand-in-hand. And the process all begins two types of fat in the human body. Now, a brand new study has found a way to turn the bad fat good and in the process burn more calories, curb obesity-related inflammation and even put a halt to blood sugar problems.

Jenny Smiechowski

The easiest way to send your insomnia into remission

As someone who’s suffered from insomnia, I know how difficult finding safe, satisfying sleep solutions is. That’s why research from Sweden recently caught my eye. It was about a natural insomnia remedy that can make a serious dent in insomnia in just a short time — maybe even send it into remission.

Carolyn Gretton

Is your immune system causing your depression?

When you hear the words “immune system,” you probably think immediately of your body’s defense against seasonal maladies like cold and flu. A strong immune system is definitely an asset in protecting you from these and other invaders. But it turns out the immune system does a lot more than protect against microbes and infection.

Carolyn Gretton

Got 10 minutes? Try these self-care hacks proven to destress and relax

We all know stress can ruin health and bring on disease. But who has the downtime to combat it? With a never-ending list of tasks to accomplish, scheduling time to relax seems like a distant dream. Lucky for us, researchers found it only takes 10 minutes to boost your body’s physiological engine of relaxation — and they’ve identified the most effective way to do it…

Jenny Smiechowski

Why the Pesco-Mediterranean diet is the ultimate heart-healthy diet

Humans are omnivores who can survive on a long list of foods… plants, meat, fish, dairy, fruit, grains, nuts and even whatever the heck is in those processed, packaged foods we eat. But which of these foods will help you not only survive — but thrive… especially when it comes to heart health? Loads of research points to this diet as the ideal for omnivores who want to keep their hearts ticking…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

A ‘runner’s high’ triggers brain receptors that could protect against Alzheimer’s

A “runner’s high” is a reference to a feeling of euphoria brought on following a strenuous run or even after engaging in other intense forms of exercise. It’s triggered when the brain releases endocannabinoids — fantastic molecules that research shows could be key to giving your memory a boost and even preventing Alzheimer’s.

Dr. Elizabeth Klodas MD, FACC

How to interpret your cholesterol test results

When you get a cholesterol test back, you’re typically given four numbers: The total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, LDL cholesterol and triglycerides. Your doctor is probably great about going over your results with you, but it can be confusing to remember all the details once you leave their office. Here’s what you need to know to interpret the results like a pro…

Jenny Smiechowski

Why your bone health may be a sign of stiffening arteries

Your bone health isn’t something to be taken lightly. A hip break can land you in the hospital, even shorten your life span. But it’s not a heart attack, right? Not so fast. The development of mineral deposits in your arteries, which can lead to arterial stiffness, and bone mineralization share many overlapping processes. That’s why weak bones may be a sign of serious heart trouble…

Jenny Smiechowski

Why diabetes leads to dirty, damaged kidneys

There’s no denying that diabetes is hard on the kidneys. In fact, diabetes is the leading cause of kidney disease. About one in four people with diabetes has it. And as a result, they often go on to develop kidney failure. Why exactly is diabetes so damaging to the kidneys? It turns out that diabetes prevents them from performing one of their most critical functions…

Joyce Hollman

7 delicious things to do with your microwave

Your microwave can be your best friend. Use it to make life easier, more flavorful, and more aromatic. Here are seven things your microwave can do that you may not have thought of, and here’s one good reason why: Mounting evidence shows that microwaving may help foods and beverages retain nutrients and beneficial compounds better than other heating methods.

Jenny Smiechowski

How a few daily cups of coffee could impact colorectal cancer survival

Coffee has received recognition as a serious superfood in recent years for boosting energy and metabolism and enhancing mental and physical performance. It’s also been shown to reduce the risk for diseases like Parkinson’s, type 2 diabetes and dementia, not to mention reducing colorectal cancer by 26 percent. But coffee may do even more than just help prevent colorectal cancer… it may help people survive it.

Joyce Hollman

8 ways to guard against the hearing loss-memory loss connection

Since I entered my 60s, my hearing isn’t what it used to be. I find myself asking people to repeat things. They don’t seem to mind and neither do I. After all my hearing is not that bad. But what does bother me is this: Research establishes a firm connection between age-related hearing loss and memory problems, possibly even Alzheimer’s. This is what we can do to combat that threat…

Jenny Smiechowski

The biggest factor driving depression

When you’re deeply depressed, overcoming it seems impossible. That terrible depressed feeling consumes you, making it harder to imagine feeling better. But there’s a simple change you can make today that will put you on the path to a more peaceful, happier mind…

Margaret Cantwell

The nutrient deficiency that leads to bone-hard arteries

Plaque buildup and blockages within the arteries, known as atherosclerosis, is a condition where the arteries narrow and become hard because of what’s on the inside clogging them and building blood pressure. But new and shocking research shows a deficiency may actually turn your arteries to bone.

Easy Health Options Staff

5+ reasons to enjoy more pumpkin spice [slideshow]

What most pumpkin spice lovers don’t know is this: As long as you don’t overdo the sugar, pumpkin spice can make you feel pretty darn healthy — and here’s why: The antioxidant, disease-fighting properties of these spices are through the roof…

Dr. Mark Wiley

3 simple partner shoulder stretches

There are many things that could cause shoulder pain, but repetitive actions take the cake. These actions cause our shoulders to rotate inward, our heads to lean forward and our chest muscles to tighten. In response, our shoulder and neck muscles contract. Get some relief this way…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

2 things you can control to live longer

A number of factors determine how long you will live — from a genetic predisposition, to cholesterol problems, to whether or not you have diabetes. But most importantly, researchers have found two factors that can help you live longer that are completely within your control…

Jedha Dening

Ginseng: Best all-around herb

Ginseng has been used in traditional medicine for centuries. And being that it’s known as the “all-healing” herb, it has remained popular in modern medicine. In fact, approximately six million Americans ingest ginseng on a regular basis, mostly to combat conditions due to…

Joyce Hollman

Rheumatoid arthritis trigger found in surprising body part

Rheumatoid arthritis afflicts at least 1.5 million Americans. Even while new drugs are developed that carry more and more risky or unpleasant side effects, study after study confirms that your “second brain,” holds the key to treating and preventing this painful disease.

Jenny Smiechowski

The food that may give you an antibiotic-resistant UTI

You probably know that you have to be extra careful when handling raw chicken because of dangerous bacteria. But even if you think you’re cooking your chicken enough and don’t end up with food poisoning, these dangerous bacteria could find their way into your body and cause uncomfortable health problems…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

4 ways this sweetener beats back metabolic syndrome

Metabolic syndrome is a group of risk factors that can set you up for serious disease. But relief is coming from a surprising source… a calorie-free sugar alternative that has been shown to have anti-obesity, anti-hyperglycemic, antihypertensive, and anti-hyperlipidemic effects.

Jenny Smiechowski

5 ways to help your brain drain disease-causing waste

Your body is a lean, mean waste-removing machine. Every day, you’re excreting waste through your kidneys, your colon, your lungs and your skin. But when your body’s waste removal doesn’t happen according to plan, it spells trouble for your health, especially your brain…

Dr. Mark Wiley

The TV habit that shortens your lifespan

You’ve probably already heard that a sedentary lifestyle is linked to higher risk of cardiovascular disease and a shorter lifespan. But did you know your TV habit contributes? Every additional hour of TV you watch per day increases that risk…

Jedha Dening

Get your D this way to reduce weight, body fat and insulin resistance

Vitamin D deficiency is a growing phenomenon in the entire population, especially among diabetics… But before you reach for a vitamin D supplement, new research revealed something remarkable about eggs and vitamin D. These are perks you won’t want to miss…

Joyce Hollman

Are you investing in a heart attack?

Finances may not be the first thing that comes to mind when you think about preventing a heart attack. But keeping your heart healthy can have positive consequences on your bottom line. The argument I hear over and over is that being healthy is expensive. Would you rather pay for your sickness or invest in your health?

Dr. Isaac Eliaz

Is this heavy metal slowing and shortening your life?

Have you ever thought about how fast or how slow you walk? The next time you go check your mailbox or visit the mall, take note. Why? Because research shows that the slower you walk, the shorter your lifespan might be. There may be a few reasons, but this sneaky cause may surprise you…

Jenny Smiechowski

For health’s sake, stop scrimping on the salad dressing

Have you ever felt guilty about covering a healthy salad with a fatty, delicious dressing? Maybe you thought you were counteracting all the health benefits of those fresh veggies with something fat-filled and tasty. Well, you weren’t. In fact, you were cheating yourself…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Cancer: The best weight loss incentive

Forty percent of all cancers in the United States are now linked to excess weight. In fact, being overweight is associated with increased risk for 13 types of cancer, including breast, ovarian, thyroid and even liver cancer — the second deadliest form of cancer. Got your attention?

Jenny Smiechowski

How to trim fat and make muscle in minutes

How can you get the most from exercise? That’s a question a lot of people ask, especially since we’re all so strapped for time. Is running the best? Strength training? Yoga? What will really help you shed fat, build muscle, lower your blood sugar and live your best life? Well, the truth is…

Jedha Dening

A deadly mistake about an innocent nutrient

There’s actually very little evidence in what we’ve been told to eat for the past 50 years, and, in actual fact, the type of foods the dietary guidelines suggest may be promoting your early death. I know, it sounds dramatic and even shocking. But, it’s absolutely true. Let me show you…

Margaret Cantwell

The weight-reducing, heart-guarding food you’re not eating

What if I told you that simply eating differently two nights a week could be the catalyst you need to lose the weight you’ve wanted to, while simultaneously fixing your cholesterol numbers? Nothing complicated, just switching your typical entrée for a package of nutrients that really don’t exist anywhere else…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

5+ ways colorful foods fight disease [slideshow]

If you’re not already eating all of the colors of the rainbow each day, you’ll want to start after reading this. Carotenoids may just be some of the most powerful compounds for promoting better health and longevity found in nature.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

6 safe ways to sleep better

If you have a harder time sleeping the older you get, you can thank changes to your “sleep architecture” for that, which means you spend more time in the lighter sleep phases than the deeper ones, take longer to fall asleep and wake up a lot during the night. Let’s fix that…

Dr. Mark Wiley

3 massaging exercises to relieve your stiff body

Stiffness can make getting up from a chair seem difficult. Even basic yoga can be difficult, though it’s one of the best ways to stretch your body and keep it functioning well. Until you feel like you’re able, try these simple exercises that almost anyone should be able to do…

Jenny Smiechowski

Are antidepressants starving your vital organs?

Mainstream doctors aren’t equipped to deal with depression. Many will send you home with a prescription for SSRIs, but we know this medication is only about as effective as a placebo pill. Worse, your heart, kidneys, lungs and liver need the serotonin these drugs are blocking…

Joyce Hollman

8+ ways to relieve your liver’s detox load

Your liver performs over 400 jobs. It regulates glucose and iron for energy. It produces hormones that make proteins. It regulates blood clotting. Oh, and it single-handedly gets rid of the poisons in your body. Your liver is a super-organ, but it can’t do it alone. Like most heroes, it needs some backup…

Dr. Mark Wiley

Is your clean home giving you COPD?

Do you keep a squeaky clean home? If you do, and especially if you use a particularly popular household cleaner, listen up… you could be doing some serious damage to your lungs.

Craig Cooper

Erectile dysfunction and early death: What’s the link?

For all men who think ED stands for erectile dysfunction, let’s introduce another possible meaning: early death. The relationship between ED and early death has a common factor: vascular disease, or more precisely, coronary artery disease, especially for men who…

Dr. Mark Wiley

Improve focus and concentration through meditation

The practice of meditation is thousands of years old and there are many ways to do it. In the U.S. the methods of mindfulness meditation and transcendental meditation are most popular. But, if you’re new to meditation, you might find this method particularly helpful, especially if you need focus…

Jedha Dening

How leaky gut makes you sick and how to stop it

Do you generally just feel “off your game?” Or worse, have you been hit recently with an illness you doctor can’t quite put his finger on? Because, what you can’t see when you eat, is that the lining of your intestines may be leaking food particles back into your bloodstream…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Slow down your stomach to speed up weight loss

Plump, stout, large, chubby, portly, flabby, paunchy, heavyset… If you’d like to lose these adjectives and a few pounds, listen up: While it can seem like you couldn’t even blast the extra weight off with dynamite, there is a simple way to drop those extra pounds without resorting to dangerous options…

Jenny Smiechowski

The secret to energizing your cells for a long, healthy life

Who doesn’t want to live healthier longer? All of us, of course. That’s why you’ll see lots of products on the market now, promising to turn back time by prolonging the life of your cells based on what we’ve learned from research. But I’ll let you in on a secret: you can power up your mitochondria all on your own…