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Joyce Hollman

Breast cancer: Why Black and Hispanic women need more vitamin D

Vitamin D has shown positive effects on autoimmune disease, diabetes, heart disease and even COVID-19. Now research shows that Black and Hispanic women, who are normally more susceptible to breast cancer, are safer from the disease if they have adequate levels of vitamin D in their blood.

Joyce Hollman

Genetic cancer risk? Your metabolic risk may weigh heavier

For a long time, cancer research has emphasized the genetic aspect of the disease, that is, the risk we inherit from our parents. Now, though, science is becoming more aware of the environmental and metabolic factors behind cancer that are under our control…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Why is heart attack mortality higher in the U.S.?

From imaging equipment to procedures like bypass or angioplasty to open a blocked artery as a heart attack happens, it would seem U.S. hospitals have all they need to provide the best care available to prevent the worst from happening. The truth may surprise you…

Jenny Smiechowski

The best nutrient to stress-proof against leaky gut

Your gut goes through some big changes when you’re under stress. In fact, stress impacts the bacteria in your microbiome, and it may even cause a serious gut issue called leaky gut syndrome. But don’t worry too much (it’ll only make your gut worse!). There’s a way to shield your gut from stress…

Carolyn Gretton

These are the reasons you should be drinking tea

There’s matcha tea, various herbal teas and flowery botanical teas, but none of them are as systematically studied as Camellia sinensis — true tea — with thousands of years of traditional use behind its growing global reputation as a beverage that promotes good health.

Joyce Hollman

Early signs of functional decline that lead to male ‘frailty’

Maybe it’s because some still hold strong to the adage that men are the stronger sex. Or maybe it’s because men themselves aren’t open about health problems they experience with age. That’s a problem because male frailty is real and two signs can indicate if you’re headed there early…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Repel dementia with this triple antioxidant combo

Someone develops dementia every three seconds. That means in the time it took you to read that sentence, another person became a victim. You’re not doomed, though, if you can increase levels of three powerful antioxidants you should be taking anyway…

Camille Johnson

6 simple principles to crack the wellness code

Living well is an art, not a science. It begins with your health and making choices that lower stress and create satisfaction. From the space you call home to the food you eat, these 6 prinicples can help you make a masterpiece of the art of living…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Don’t combine ibuprofen with these common hypertension drugs

If you take prescription blood pressure medication, you may know these drugs don’t come without risks, this time from a surprising source: If you’re used to popping ibuprofen for pain you need to know it’s a dangerous mix with certain classes of blood pressure drugs.

Joyce Hollman

When it comes to pros and cons, not all alcohol is equal

Alcohol has a reputation as a double-edged sword. But when it comes to health, not all alcoholic drinks are created equal. Research is teasing out some of those differences and one, in particular, may be why, depending on your poison, alcohol has both benefits and risks…

Carolyn Gretton

How a strange little mushroom fills the deep well of depression

Psilocybin is a psychedelic compound derived from mushrooms. Several studies indicate it significantly reduces depression and even puts some patients into remission. Now research shows how it literally can pull our brains from a deep well of depression…

Carolyn Gretton

The surprising truth about when your brain really slows down

Does your brain really start to slow down once you reach adulthood? For years it’s been the belief that we start to lose mental processing speed once we pass the age of 20. But we may actually have more decades of fast thinking ahead of us than previously thought…

Joyce Hollman

Is this the ‘longevity’ diet you can stick to?

A leading longevity expert has pulled together old and new research to offer us the perfect “longevity diet.” He hopes to meld the best of what has been shown to help stave off disease and promote longer lifespans while accepting the fact that research also shows we don’t like to change our eating habits.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Capsaicin capsules may be the next big cancer thing

Capsaicin gives peppers their spicy kick. And that heat’s been one of the hurdles keeping it from clinical use despite research that show its promise for pain relief, inflammation, heart health, stroke reduction, fat burning and now, cancer. But what if you could down it as an encapsulated time-release capsule?

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The link between poor sleep, deep belly fat and your heart

Not sleeping well makes you feel bad, but probably a lot worse when you realize the domino effect it starts that’s been found to lead to dangerous visceral fat and cardiovascular disease. Here’s the research and what may work to help you avoid that dangerous trajectory…

Carolyn Gretton

Can’t get no satisfaction? Release more oxytocin

People whose brains release more oxytocin tend to be kinder and more satisfied with their lives. And unlike most beneficial chemcials in the body, oxytocin release increases with age. But if you’re not getting enough satisfaction, here’s how to get more…

Joyce Hollman

Increasing your HDL cholesterol may keep Alzheimer’s away

Understanding your cholesterol numbers can get confusing. LDL, you want low. HDL you want high. Then there are triglycerides. It all adds up to your total blood cholesterol level. But a first-ever study counted small HDL particles in your brain, and Alzheimer’s is the big reason why…

Carolyn Gretton

Famed heart health booster blasts fat and diabetes

Nitric oxide, a natural vasodilator your body produces with the right nutrition, supports normal blood pressure. But this clever little compound does so much more, Now researchers have discovered nitric oxide could be the next big thing to fight diabetes and obesity…

Easy Health Options Staff

6 Simple weight loss hacks you’ve never heard of (slideshow)

Instead of giving up on a fit, healthy body (or trying to starve yourself to lose weight,) these six simple weight loss hacks may be just what the doctor ordered to drop those unwanted pounds.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Dangerous drug-resistant pathogen coming to your fruit bowl

An apple a day keeps the doctor away. But times have changed. Most apples you’ll sink your teeth into today have been treated with a fungicide that’s turned them into the perfect vehicle for a drug-resistant pathogen to hitch a ride to your fruit bowl…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

COVID toes may be a sign on bodies the virus couldn’t infect

The COVID toe mystery still has experts scratching their heads. Looking back they’re asking what’s really behind the phenomenon. You may find this hard to believe, but a debate has arisen as to whether COVID is even the cause of these discolored, painful toes…

Margaret Cantwell

Feel like you’re gassier as you get older? Here’s why

When my mom was visiting she kept apologizing for her “old people farts.” After we had a good laugh, I helped her understand why she had these embarrassing episodes. The good news is it’s an easy fix, but ignoring it can steal your health…

Carolyn Gretton

Brisk walking, telomeres and how 60 may be the new 45

Walking is one of the healthiest habits to fall into. But when you pick up the pace, something amazing happens to your telomeres, little DNA caps that work like harbingers of aging: brisk walking walks back your biological age…

Joyce Hollman

5 factors for living more years without Alzheimer’s

The healthier you are, the longer you are likely to live. But, with every year that you’re alive, your risk of developing Alzheimer’s also goes up. That’s the double-edged sword of longevity! But there’s a way to get around it…

Joyce Hollman

Blinding condition on the rise post-COVID: What to watch for

COVID-19 was found to cause damage to multiple organs. And Long COVID causes long-lasting problems after the virus leaves the body. Now, it may have ties with a rare but devastating ophthalmic condition that often ends in blindness. These are the signs to watch for…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

How to protect your heart during prostate hormone therapy

Even though testosterone is a natural male hormone, it can fuel certain prostate cancer cells, accelerating their growth. By starving them of this fuel, hormone therapy can help slow their growth or even cause cancer cell death. While there’s no doubt that this can help save your life, there is a downside…

Joyce Hollman

Is your plant-based diet enough to beat diabetes?

Plant-based diets, where animal products are eaten much less, appear to keep type 2 diabetes at bay, though the exact mechanisms behind “why” has not been fully understood. Harvard researchers took a look, and the bottom line: they work, but the devil’s in the details…

Carolyn Gretton

The leading cause of death from fatty liver isn’t what you’d think

One in four adults worldwide have non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), and many of them don’t even know it. It’s well-known that NAFLD can raise your risk of cirrhosis, liver cancer and liver failure. So why is the leading cause of death in people with NAFLD heart disease?

Joyce Hollman

4 behaviors that put you in line for heart failure

Heart failure is an often misunderstood diagnosis. It doesn’t mean your heart stops working. But it can be deadly. Here’s a primer on risk factors, symptoms, behaviors you can change to lower your risk, and a few science-backed ways to make improvements if you’ve been diagnosed.

Joyce Hollman

The prostate cancer-fighting potential of licorice

The licorice plant is one of the world’s oldest herbal remedies. Its powerful compounds are linked to fighting diabetes, adrenal fatigue and even the herpes simplex virus. Prostate cancer may be next on that list. But before you run out to stockpile it, there are some things to know…

Jenny Smiechowski

Is too much screen time making you age faster?

Electronics are so ingrained in our day-to-day, it’s hard to imagine life without them. But people who remember a pre-digital world, often wonder if being so plugged-in is harmful. A new study shows that the blue light from electronics may damage brain cells. But that’s not all… it could make you age faster too…

Amanda Luft

The complicated connection between dairy and prostate cancer

Dairy marketing has long convinced many of us that drinking a lot of milk is the express lane to strong bones. We’ve told that “milk does a body good.” Turns out, that may not only be false, but a downright dangerous statement that’s luring thousands of men to their early deaths.

Craig Cooper

12 health benefits of coconut oil

Coconut oil is one of the richest sources of saturated fat, a fat long considered to be unhealthy. Yet coconut oil has been credited with a wide range of health benefits. What’s wrong with that picture? Here are 12 ways the research shows coconut oil can impact your health and wellness….

Virginia Tims-Lawson

The glitch in the French paradox

Since the early research on the French paradox, a lot of naysayers have come out of the woodwork to cast doubt on its validity. And they’re partly right: There was a glitch in the research concerning the correlations with red wine. But dismissing the French paradox completely would be a big mistake…

Easy Health Options Staff

Fighting Stigmas: Common disorders and why we should talk about them

Millions of Americans are so affected by health disorders that are so stigmatizing, they’re too afraid to get help. Many feel alone in their experience, so they don’t seek the treatments they need. Here are a few of the most commonly stigmatized health issues and tips on how to get help…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

At-home test measures risk of dying from heart disease or cancer

There are two things they say are 100 percent certain in life… death and taxes. And according to the CDC, in the U.S. you’re most likely to die from either heart disease or cancer. I can’t help you with your taxes, but there’s a way to measure your heart disease and cancer risk at home and do something about it…

Joyce Hollman

Why you may want a billing advocate on your side after a hospital stay

Being sick or in the hospital is hard enough, without having to figure out the bills that soon follow. Are you being overcharged? Did the doctor or hospital submit the charge to your insurance company? Is the insurance company paying what it should? Having someone in your corner makes a big difference.

Jenny Smiechowski

What the sugar you ate decades ago could be doing to you today

Ahhh… childhood… Cartoons. Games. Candy. Sugary cereals. It was a blast, wasn’t it? Well, that was then, and this is now: All of that stuff is still weighing down your (and my) health today. In fact, our childhood diets play a bigger role in our major health issues as adults than most of us ever realized…

Joyce Hollman

Heavy purse syndrome: How your favorite accessory is hurting you

Using your purse as a back-up plan, a place to throw things “just in case” they’re needed during the day, is a recipe for muscle and nerve damage. You’ve probably not thought about what that sort of load is doing to your body. Here are 8+ pains that it causes and how to avoid them…

Dr. Elizabeth Klodas MD, FACC

Slow medicine and how it can improve your level of healthcare

Fast medicine is impersonal and cold. Patients are now just bits of standardized data. But the biggest casualty of fast medicine is the forgotten concept that if we remove the obstacles, the body can heal itself. That’s called slow medicine. Together, both ways of healing could optimize your health…

Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby

The cool (and beneficial) concept of chrononutrition and what it can do for you

The human body has a complex network of thousands or millions of clocks all over the body, all doing their own thing and all of which have to talk to each other and synchronize with each other. When that happens, health is good. A way to make all this work for you is called chrononutrition… and it’s easier than you’d think…

Jenny Smiechowski

The invisible factor that ages your memory an extra 10 years

You may have already hatched a plan to protect your memory as much as you can in these critical years. Mediterranean diet? Check. Daily power walks? Check. Sudoku book on your nightstand? Check. But there’s another factor influencing your memory, one you probably don’t realize you need to protect yourself against…

Joyce Hollman

What we’ve learned about coffee in the last 20 years

There’s a lot of research claiming to prove the health benefits of coffee. Some of those health claims have a good deal of solid research behind them, while others warrant further investigation. But after more than 20 years of research into coffee, there is one thing we know for sure that can keep you drinking, worry-free…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

8 cancers that underscore the importance of healthy BMI before midlife

We all know that being overweight or obese is associated with an increased risk of developing numerous diseases. But did you know your weight and your risk of cancer are inextricably linked? Not only that, but over 40 you’re at higher risk for certain cancers. The secret’s in your BMI. Here’s how to check your risk and lower it…

Joyce Hollman

When your bladder works overtime

Despite what many people think, an overactive bladder is not a natural or inevitable part of aging. It is a diagnosable condition that, while more likely with age, can occur at any age. If an overactive bladder is affecting your quality of life, check out your options — from botox to bladder training and more…

Jenny Smiechowski

Why these 3 herbs battle high blood pressure

Plants make potent medicine. Our ancient ancestors knew it. And modern scientists know it (why do you think most medications have their roots in plants?). Still, many folk remedies get written off as hogwash. That’s why it’s especially exciting when research can pinpoint the mechanism behind a plant’s medicinal power…

Dr. Michael Cutler

Metformin: Prescription against age and disease?

Metformin is a drug for treating diabetes. Like rapamycin that I wrote about last week, metformin has humble beginnings. It is derived from a kind of French lilac, reputedly used to treat diabetes-like conditions in medieval Europe.

Craig Cooper

Foods that help prevent Alzheimer’s

Alzheimer’s disease has no cure at this point. Does that mean you should sit back and only hope it doesn’t happen to you? That’s a big fat NO. There’s enough research on how to avoid the mind robber, starting with foods you should eat, those you shouldn’t and other helpful tips to live dementia-free…

Jenny Smiechowski

High doses of certain vitamins may put you at risk for hip fractures

A hip fracture is especially serious as you get older. It can mean a loss of mobility and even loss of life. People over 50 who fracture a hip have a much higher risk of death within ten years of their injury. Unfortunately, one certain B supplement can be problematic, especially for women…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The number of teeth in your mouth may be measure of disease in your heart

You’ve probably heard the warnings before: take care of your oral health or you could end up with heart problems. New research shows the harm to your heart may actually be measured by the number of teeth you have. Even if you only lose a few, your odds for heart trouble increase…

Joyce Hollman

How important is the expiration date on your vitamins?

Do you have a cabinet full of multi-vitamins and other supplements in your kitchen? If you’re like many of us, the answer is YES. And, if you’re like many people, you haven’t paid too much attention to the expiration dates on those bottles. Here’s why you should — and why you shouldn’t keep them in the kitchen…

Jenny Smiechowski

The secret to multitasking like a 30-something well into your 70s

You expect a lot from your brain… afterall you’re constantly connected, so it’s easy — and hard — to do everything at once. As we age, it doesn’t get any easier. In fact, you may eventually find it difficult to keep up with it all. But there is a way to master multitasking well into your 70s and 80s…

Jenny Smiechowski

Avoid the sugar that leads to fatty liver disease, cancer and heart disease

Eating too much sugar causes weight gain and increases risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease and cancer. But before I get all worked up about sugar, it’s worth noting that not all sugar is created equal. One type of sugar sets you up for dangerous health conditions… and another type helps protect you…

Joyce Hollman

Going gluten free? Necessity for some, risky for others

Have you jumped on the gluten-free bandwagon yet? It seems everywhere you turn these days, people, including some big-name celebrities, are going gluten-free, claiming it’s helped them with weight loss, energy and their health in general. But there are a few things you should be aware of before jumping on board.

Dr. Elizabeth Klodas MD, FACC

The common food preservative linked to diabetes development

More than 400 million people worldwide suffer from diabetes, and the rate at which people are developing this disease is accelerating. The surging rates of diabetes and obesity in the last 50 years strongly link environmental and dietary factors. But one of the culprits may be a common food additive…

Jenny Smiechowski

How to send type 2 diabetes into remission

It’s been shown type 2 diabetes can be reversed on extreme low-calorie diets. But slashing your daily intake to 700 calories when most of us eat more than that in one meal seems impossible. That’s why I have some exciting news… You don’t have to go super low-cal to send your type 2 diabetes into remission…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Is this drug-resistant bacteria lurking in your laundry room?

While most people probably wouldn’t think doing the laundry could put them on the path to wellness — or sickness, for that matter — new research is showing just how important it is to put the heat on germs when you’re doing the wash… Especially the multidrug-resistant kind living in your washer…

Amanda Luft

Two of the simplest ways to lower blood pressure

Chronic hypertension increases the risk of having a heart attack or stroke. It can also lead to dementia, vision loss and kidney disease. That’s why it’s so important to take steps to lower high blood pressure and keep it in a healthy range. Medication can help, but you’d be surprised how well these simple hacks work…

Amanda Luft

The one thing you haven’t given up that sabotages healthier eating habits

It’s important to eat healthy to be healthy, right? That means eating more fruits and veggies and leaning towards whole foods in general while steering clear of overly processed foods — especially if you want to manage your weight and avoid conditions like heart disease. But this habit throws a kink in your best efforts…

Jenny Smiechowski

The cardiovascular risk vegetarians and vegans face

Eating more plant-based protein is tied to a 60 percent lower risk of developing arterial plaque. That may be why people who follow a plant-based diet are less likely to end up with a cardiovascular disease. But a new study throws a curveball at all those who gave up meat to curb this major health risk…